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4 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

that depends on how you save/convert them, i use gimp and have the export setting set to "quality 100%"

AFAIK JPEG is always lossy, so even if you set the quality to 100, you are losing information each and every time you save the file. Of course setting it to 100 will cause the quality loss to be (practically) invisible to the human eye (IIRC that was actually the point of the compression algorithm it uses?), so it should still be far from verging into "nEeDs MoRe JpEg" territory unless you save it a bazillion times in a row.


That being said, the size reduction JPEG has when compared to uncompressed BMPs or lossless-compressed PNGs is very significant, so chances are it will be worth it most of the time.

1 hour ago, GoldSword-09 said:

This race is really cool! Will there be a patch with Immersive College though? I like having a real magic school, but I would love to see your npc addon for the College as well with it.

The "NPC addon for the College" is basically just taking a room that is unused in the vanilla College and adding some furniture and stuff to relocate Ko'Maru there, there are no NPC tweaks or additions outside of changing Ko'Maru's default sandboxing spot. There's also a bedroll that's supposed to be used by Mizuno on his occasional visits to Ko'Maru as per ingame material/dialogue, but that behaviour/schedule hasn't been implemented yet so it's mostly just for show.


So you aren't missing on much, and IIRC Immersive College already takes up all rooms in both Halls so it would be hard to find a room for Ko'Maru. That being said, if there's some other incompatibility or bug between the NPC plugin and ICOW, let me know and I'll look into it.

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8 hours ago, Blaze69 said:

That's quite some blood she has on her. Is it all from slaughterfish and other critters, or did she gulp down some poor bandit's face as well? :classic_blink:


Also, where did you get the mouth blood overlay? Fits surprisingly well for something that has not been made specifically to fit Selachii.


For future reference about screenshots, as MadMansGun said, they can't be uploaded as BMPs because the forum software doesn't support that format; you need to use either JPG (if you want files to be small/don't care about some quality loss) or PNG (if you want maximum quality and don't mind files being somewhat big). Also, if you are interested in taking and posting more screenshots, I would check out the screenshotting guide from Tesgeneral; while FPS-crippling overkill ENBs do help a lot in taking good pics (because, let's face it, vanilla graphics suck), an image can still be pretty good even if taken with vanilla graphics if it's done right.


As a small TL;DR of the guide, the most relevant console commands for screenshotting are tm (toggle menus, removes UI/HUDs), tfc (free fly camera, add a "1" after it to pause the game while the FFC is enabled) and fov # (sets field of view to #, can be used to zoom in or similar effects).

I tend to value performance over graphics.  I have a setup ready to go for amazing graphics but just don't use it because I focus more on gameplay mods.  So things tend to stay pretty close to vanilla graphics for me with only a few tweaks to reduce shadow stripping or make characters look better.  I don't do screen shots often, but I felt this particular case turned out pretty good.  Someday I might make more of an effort regarding graphics.


As for the blood overlay, it was slave tats.  Technically speaking it was the facial semen overlay for slave tats but I adjusted the color to be red.  It worked very well.  I also added the cuts overlay and the scars overlay, but I ultimately reduced the scars a lot because it looked too unnatural.  I think I also used a red colored dirt overlay for the "blood spray" effect.  And of course the solid black eyes brought it all together.  I wouldn't have bothered if I didn't notice that option was added.

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1 hour ago, Crazed-Panda-King said:

Can somebody help me, please? I just installed this mod and went to try it in game, but now all male characters wont take off their underpants during animations and all the regular SOS options are gone.

Just to make it clear, I only downloaded the main file and the CBBE patch file.

Figured out the problem, got the issue fixed, and now enjoying the mod.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Decided to play around with the character creater some. Since, in canon, Selachii are strangely fluid in various part of their biology (and because of all the new and improved morphs) I decided to try making a more human-like appearance. It...actually turned out better than expected, I think. The eyes are a little weird, but that could be due to SSE.


To set the scene: Fresh off a ship at the Solitude docks, wistful and anxious about a new life, our herm heroine(Citation Needed) looks out to the sea.








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1 hour ago, Ramare said:

Decided to play around with the character creater some. Since, in canon, Selachii are strangely fluid in various part of their biology (and because of all the new and improved morphs) I decided to try making a more human-like appearance. It...actually turned out better than expected, I think.

Interestingly enough, that's close to what I pictured young Selachii to look like if we were ever to add children NPCs. Big eyes with a stubby/short snout is what Bad Dog went for to create the children races from YA, and it worked out well all things considered, so I though it would make sense for Selachii pups to be similar; that way instead of needing to create another new or heavily edited head, I could try using the current female heads and simply play with the eye shape and snout length morphs (plus trying to soften the facial features using the other chargen sliders). Not that I actively plan to add children anytime soon, but the idea was there in case it happened at some point.


Did you achieve that only with sliders, or did you also use any manual sculpting/tweaking in RaceMenu? Also, was there any facial expression applied on those pics? Looks like she could be using one of the "surprised" or "sad" moods/expressions, but if there were no morphs applied, it could also be due to the chargen morphs not being perfect for the values you used.


The eyes are a little weird, but that could be due to SSE.

If you ran the meshes through the SSE Nif Optimizer with the Head Parts setting enabled, there's no reason for the eyes to have any issues AFAIK. At least none caused by SE and/or the porting process themselves.


Otherwise, have you come across any issues with the mod in SE? I've only done some minimum testing myself, and as I said there's no reason for anything to not work fine as long as it's properly ported, but it's always good to have some feedback from people actually playing with the mod in SE just to be sure.

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5 hours ago, Blaze69 said:

Interestingly enough, that's close to what I pictured young Selachii to look like if we were ever to add children NPCs. Big eyes with a stubby/short snout is what Bad Dog went for to create the children races from YA, and it worked out well all things considered, so I though it would make sense for Selachii pups to be similar; that way instead of needing to create another new or heavily edited head, I could try using the current female heads and simply play with the eye shape and snout length morphs (plus trying to soften the facial features using the other chargen sliders). Not that I actively plan to add children anytime soon, but the idea was there in case it happened at some point.


Did you achieve that only with sliders, or did you also use any manual sculpting/tweaking in RaceMenu? Also, was there any facial expression applied on those pics? Looks like she could be using one of the "surprised" or "sad" moods/expressions, but if there were no morphs applied, it could also be due to the chargen morphs not being perfect for the values you used.

If you ran the meshes through the SSE Nif Optimizer with the Head Parts setting enabled, there's no reason for the eyes to have any issues AFAIK. At least none caused by SE and/or the porting process themselves.


Otherwise, have you come across any issues with the mod in SE? I've only done some minimum testing myself, and as I said there's no reason for anything to not work fine as long as it's properly ported, but it's always good to have some feedback from people actually playing with the mod in SE just to be sure.

I was just futzing with the sliders, no racemenu sculpting. That tab scares me. And also may still currently be broken in SSE, as far as I know. Shorter snout, thinner jaw/cheeks, eyes set really close together and down on the face, that sort of thing. And yes, I did setav mood 4 for Sad because emotions. *cough*


I haven't noticed any problems outside character creation, no. I could try re-doing all the head parts just to make sure I did it right, but at the moment the eyes seem to be anchored to the eyelids/sockets strangely. It's especially obvious with minimum eye depth, the eyeballs will extrude forward out of their sockets instead of the sockets moving with them and it looks bad. Then there's broken hair and potential crash issues with the HDT-enabled hair due to no HDT-PE. I didn't want to attempt and decipher HDT-SMP, so I just went with CBPC. While that's absolutely fantastic (compared to the old PE, at least; I've never seen SMP in action) for all the jiggly fleshy bits, it doesn't touch clothes or hairs or any of that fun stuff. I fixed that myself by just copying and pasting matching non-HDT meshes from the Selachii folder (and the the original KS hairs, where necessary), though.


However, it'll take me a little while before I report back on if my Selachii conversion was simply improper. I just found my first hagraven since installing YA5 and found her to be a half-complete (due to no Creature Features-compatible nude mesh) furry (feathery?) critter in the shape of a hagraven, so I figured I might as well finally go and properly install Bad Dog's birds and your accompanying mod for proper hagraven ravenhags and, uh, that's probably going to be a whole involved process. Yay?


Edit: Well, I got the birds installed correctly as far as I can tell. I made a personal edit to the body textures because I was unhappy with the "titties" patch. Using the awesome body textures from the Selachii, I cut six circles of slightly increasing (or would that be decreasing?) size out of them and pasted them onto the bird body textures with increasing opacity, causing a blending effect that I think looks really good. The end result is that the birds are now much more similar to the furries; instead of having weird patches missing their breasts are still covered in fluff but have tits poking out. I'll probably make that available to the public when I wake up tomorrow because, while I don't imagine either you or Bad Dog care about harmless edits to assets like that, I'll still give you time to object out of courtesy.


I got thrown by the NPC plugin for a bit because I didn't know that when I was running it through the Kit I needed to temporarily convert the ESP masters into ESMs because otherwise it would lose them as masters and break because The Creation Kit Is Absolutely Flawlesstm. Having re-done the Selachii headparts, I think it might look a bit better in general but that may just be confirmation bias. What I do know for sure is that it didn't actually fix the problem.







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On 5/2/2019 at 1:27 PM, Ramare said:

dit: Well, I got the birds installed correctly as far as I can tell. I made a personal edit to the body textures because I was unhappy with the "titties" patch. Using the awesome body textures from the Selachii, I cut six circles of slightly increasing (or would that be decreasing?) size out of them and pasted them onto the bird body textures with increasing opacity, causing a blending effect that I think looks really good. The end result is that the birds are now much more similar to the furries; instead of having weird patches missing their breasts are still covered in fluff but have tits poking out. I'll probably make that available to the public when I wake up tomorrow because, while I don't imagine either you or Bad Dog care about harmless edits to assets like that, I'll still give you time to object out of courtesy.

It does look good, so by all means do post it. I wasn't too happy with the "Bird tits" patch either, but since I'm not using the bird races at the moment, I hadn't looked into making a replacement yet (I only saw what they looked like by opening the texture files themselves). That should save me some time, lol.


Also yeah, no objection whatsoever from my end, I'm cool with my assets being used for stuff like this. Pretty sure Bad Dog would say the same.

On 5/2/2019 at 1:27 PM, Ramare said:

I got thrown by the NPC plugin for a bit because I didn't know that when I was running it through the Kit I needed to temporarily convert the ESP masters into ESMs because otherwise it would lose them as masters and break because The Creation Kit Is Absolutely Flawlesstm.

Have you tried using SSE CreationKit Fixes? It's supposed to fix a ton of bugs and issues with the SE CK, including the lack of support for ESPs as masters for other files (so you would skip that annoying ESMification step). Haven't used it myself but it sure does sound good, probably a must-have for anyone doing any amount of SE modding whatsoever, seeing how broken the CK is. :classic_dodgy:

On 5/2/2019 at 1:27 PM, Ramare said:

Having re-done the Selachii headparts, I think it might look a bit better in general but that may just be confirmation bias. What I do know for sure is that it didn't actually fix the problem.

I see what you meant now, but I've never seen anything like that on my testing, neither in SE nor in LE, and I don't know what could cause it. I don't have SE installed at the moment, but I could try to get it set up sometime soon and give a try at porting it myself to see what happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update for the thread, as far as the content I'm working on.


-Plans for a new Inn close to Windhelm, "Sailor's Rest", run by a Selachii. 

More information is in the blog's Planned Locations entry, but the gist of it is located near the Windhelm docks, in the almost empty space where one can see the Palace of the Kings(images will be added to the blog entry). 

-Rozette, a character mentioned in the journal of the bandit leader(possibly to be named Connor at some point) on the Wreck of the Winter War, will have a quest, alongside a journal that details her backstory as a child(close to finished, possibly).

-Fume will have a journal as well, which will only be given to the player near the closure of her quest, and at that point, the player will learn of her real name, along with a lot more about her. The player may have a lot of dialog that allows you to ask her about the included story in her journal.


Blog Entries:


Terms - Once posted, this entry might not ever be finished, though at some point it may be. However, it will be a listing of terms as they apply to the Selachii.


Content Notes - Outlines some possible content for the mod, mostly in the vein of load screen meshes, or main menu replacers. 

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2 hours ago, Taven said:

Gah..one thing I forgot to mention..because I forgot myself. >< The leg plates of the armor, will they be a separated from the armor come next update?

The thigh pieces are already separate at this point, and the leg pieces for the light armor version are actually boots, though they are only leg plates for the Selachii race only. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, TheLastKhajiit said:

I know throwing weapons aren't really a thing in Skyrim, but have you given any thought to a harpoon type weapon for the Selachii?

Like you said, throwing weapons are not a thing in Skyrim, and the few examples of it I've seen were sub-par and had plenty of scripting, so I never really thought about it and honestly I don't think I will.


Maybe as a non-throwing standard weapon using that one spear animation set... But we don't have any assets for such hypothetical weapons yet so nothing can be done for now anyway.


Funny how Fallout games (y'know, the ones whose combat is based on guns) have throwing knives, hatchets and even spears while Skyrim has none of those.

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Back again after a bit of an absence with a question for y'all. Anyone still got a copy of the 3.20 version lying around? As great as the new beast feet are, I'd like to go back to the legacy feet for them. I just think they fit better, in my opinion. No disrespect to Bad Dog, of course -- I just think they look odd as plantigrade, personally!


@Blaze69 I know you said you have a Mega with all the older versions on it, but I'm not seeing a link to it in the downloads thing. Is there any way you could add that back? Thanks in advance.~

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11 hours ago, Azala said:

I know you said you have a Mega with all the older versions on it, but I'm not seeing a link to it in the downloads thing. Is there any way you could add that back? Thanks in advance.~

Actually, I should remove that from the description at some point. The only version uploaded to Mega was the old pre-3.x version that still used the old cartoony heads; I uploaded it there for anyone that still wanted the old version for some reason. I eventually took it down and forgot about it, but someone else asked about it and posted it elsewhere in LL (Shark Race Legacy Version (2.75)).


Still, since you seem to be looking for the previous 3.2 version for the humanoid beast feet, I guess it won't be of much use to you. Let me go through my backup drive and see if I can find the version archive and dig up the file for you. Otherwise, if you still want to use the 3.22 version but with the older feet, I can post only the relevant meshes and textures instead but you will have to play around with the files to get them to work.

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Ahh, alright, I must have misread it then. Thanks for clearing that up! But yes, it isn't going to be much use to me, sadly.


That sounds great. I should be able to work something out, and if I can't, well, that's fine, too. Thank you so much!

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3 hours ago, Azala said:

That sounds great. I should be able to work something out, and if I can't, well, that's fine, too.

Okay, here you go:

Shark Race - Humanoid Beast Feet Assets.7z


Included are the male and female feet meshes and the male feet textures (female feet use the current body texture so no need to include those, just replace the femalefeet textures with the body ones or edit the feet AA in the plugin to use the body texture set instead).

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What? What? I've kept too much hidden in PMs? HAHAHA. What about this? 


The Owner and Bartender of Sailor's Rest, a tavern outside of Windhelm, we have...




Somewhat reserved, but she can be equally outgoing as any other Selachii. Most are unsure as to what went on to get her the clout to buy the old, unused manor house outside Windhelm's walls, but some believe it to be her charm towards one or more of the Noble families in the city. Though it is common knowledge that, the amount she borrowed as paid back with interest, and the bushiness she runs is profitable, with the amounts being more than enough to cover taxes being paid to the Jarl, and they have always been paid on time. Otherwise, she welcomes everyone, so long as they act with some level of decency. Given what is on offer, it isn't considered a problem if you have some rather deviant fantasy you wish to satisfy - but there is always room to cross a line. Once pain or degradation is involved, no matter the source, one might find themselves answering to her, or worse.




"You may be feeling cold, but the Rest is a place of warmth for all."










A bit more outgoing in some senses, usually her antics tend to push customers to return, no matter how many times they have visited the Rest before. Most know, or eventually find out that she is Mariko's daughter, but her work is not something her mother forces. Instead, she does various things for the business to keep it running - tending the bar during the day, keeping track of the books, hosting occasional parties, etc. Other than Mariko, no one really knows her background, though it is clear that  - Raizo, a Selachii Mage offering various services having to do with magic, along with guarding the rest in his own way, and Daizo, a somewhat heavy-set, muscular Selachii who is friendly towards guests, until they cross a line - are not related to her or Mariko in any way. 



"What? You think it is all parties and drinks? Someone has to keep the books, you know."




"Alright, any one of you willing to drink a bottle of mead from this tankard, without taking the handle off my cock, you get this second bottle free...


...Oh, and you ensure a free round...FOR ALL PATRONS OF THE REST!"


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I'm away for over two years due to having my laptop's motherboard fry. I come back with a gaming computer, and find out my favorite shark race now has a cute pair of digitigrade feet to walk on? *happiness noise*


Is there a mod that makes it where boots don't show up so their feet are always showing, but the boots still take effect? Because I want to see the feet, but I don't want to stop using Frostfall, but I don't want my shark girl to suffer from frostbite.

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