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Sorry if this has already been asked, but do you plan on adding a quest where you in one way or another anger the master and get demoted down to a lower ranked slave and have to re-work you way to the top? I would really love to see the implemented, again I apologise if it's already been asked.

P.S: Great mod, keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing more in the next update.

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Sorry if this has already been asked, but do you plan on adding a quest where you in one way or another anger the master and get demoted down to a lower ranked slave and have to re-work you way to the top? I would really love to see the implemented, again I apologise if it's already been asked.


Yes, it has been asked. But I couldn't find it with the search function either - and I knew what to look for. So I can't really blame you for asking. The answer is: I do not plan to do that. Reasons in short are:

  • Being a rubber slave is a privilege that the other slaves work years for. The Mistress already gave you a special chance by allowing you to be one right from the start. And you blew it. She took a risk with you and was disappointed. Why would she ever give you a second chance when there are so many other hard working slaves who deserve their first one?
  • One of the main design goals for my mod was to provide content for both subs and doms, in more or less equal parts. The fact that you are a rubber slave is the perfect vehicle to transport that into the story. You're in middle management. You can treat the people below you like crap (dom) and still have to kiss ass upwards (sub). If I demote you, I loose that first element. It would just be sub content. And then I'd have to come up with some exclusive dom content as counter measure. That's basically just a "it's a lot of work" argument but it still factors in.
  • Another design goal was the rubber fetish. That's why I wanted to make this mod in the first place. Because there was nothing out there that catered to my specific perversion. Normal slaves do not get to wear rubber. So the moment the Mistress demotes you, she will take away the rubber suit and then it won't be a rubber fetish mod anymore. It'll be a generic BDSM mod. Which wouldn't be the end of the world but also not what I intended to do.

I'm not saying that it'll never ever happen. But right now, I have no plans for that. There are a lot of other, more pressing concerns on my agenda. ;)

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Sorry if this has already been asked, but do you plan on adding a quest where you in one way or another anger the master and get demoted down to a lower ranked slave and have to re-work you way to the top? I would really love to see the implemented, again I apologise if it's already been asked.


Yes, it has been asked. But I couldn't find it with the search function either - and I knew what to look for. So I can't really blame you for asking. The answer is: I do not plan to do that. Reasons in short are:

  • Being a rubber slave is a privilege that the other slaves work years for. The Mistress already gave you a special chance by allowing you to be one right from the start. And you blew it. She took a risk with you and was disappointed. Why would she ever give you a second chance when there are so many other hard working slaves who deserve their first one?
  • One of the main design goals for my mod was to provide content for both subs and doms, in more or less equal parts. The fact that you are a rubber slave is the perfect vehicle to transport that into the story. You're in middle management. You can treat the people below you like crap (dom) and still have to kiss ass upwards (sub). If I demote you, I loose that first element. It would just be sub content. And then I'd have to come up with some exclusive dom content as counter measure. That's basically just a "it's a lot of work" argument but it still factors in.
  • Another design goal was the rubber fetish. That's why I wanted to make this mod in the first place. Because there was nothing out there that catered to my specific perversion. Normal slaves do not get to wear rubber. So the moment the Mistress demotes you, she will take away the rubber suit and then it won't be a rubber fetish mod anymore. It'll be a generic BDSM mod. Which wouldn't be the end of the world but also not what I intended to do.

I'm not saying that it'll never ever happen. But right now, I have no plans for that. There are a lot of other, more pressing concerns on my agenda. ;)



I totally understand your reasoning and I whole heartily agree with you, the reason I ask is down to personal reasons (not that I don't personally like rubber or anything) but hey you never get anywhere unless you ask. ;)


But I also have to thank you for the descriptive explanation, it gave me a better view on how I personally should be viewing this mod and the path its going to take.


Anyway, all that I really have left to say is that you have managed to create an outstanding mod and that I'm looking forward to the next expansion so that I can enjoy it some more, I wish you the best of luck on whatever you do and thank you for taking the time to respond. :)  

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First I want to begin by thanking you for an amazing mod. Not only was the play-through enjoyable, but the plot twists and incorporation of the rubber fetish were spot on. You've made a lot of individuals (myself included) quite happy with this adventure, in a climate that doesn't see as much latex content as I'm sure we would all enjoy! I went into this mod a little hesitant about the use of Gasmasks since they never appealed to me in the past, but found a new appreciation of the forced nature in which you portray them. After playing through your mod, a few suggestions occurred to me and I would be delighted if any of them inspire you in your content development.



-I recognize that throughout this Topic many people bring up the option for you to be trapped in rubber boots (or socks) and gloves to compliment the suit and mask that can't be removed conventionally. I also applaud your hesitancy to conflict with other mods that lock devices on you. Perhaps an angle that you didn't consider though, is simply requiring the equipping of non-locking boots and gloves from the original slave in order to progress in the quest line. Similarly, The Mistress could force these on you if aren't wearing them in her presence. From an immersion standpoint, it felt a little weird for my character to have the option to choose my footwear and gloves while the other Rubber Slaves didn't seem to have that choice.


-Building off of my first idea, I noticed that you have a system in place where The Mistress will remove any Devious Devices locked on the player if they ask Her nicely. Could this be implemented as a means to put locking gear on the player without fear of a negative interaction between mods, or am I missing something major? I know that in the case of Deviously Cursed Loot and Cursed Chests, you receive a dialogue "Cannot equip multiple X's" when you are already wearing a device of a certain nature, and the triggered event tries to put a similar one on. Maybe making use of this fact could prevent accidental unequipping of gear from other mod events.


-If my first or second idea are plausible, I think it would be entertaining to have The Mistress utilize either the Simple Rubber Boots for favorable answers to her dialogue, or Ballet Boots if the player is feeling rebellious. The same idea could be applied to removable Rubber Gloves, or a locking version (such as in Devious Extras).


-In the spirit of immersion, one thought that occurred to me was what if the enchantment on the original Rubber Suit incurred some penalties on the player? If I was a humble shop owner in Whiterun and a glossy suited female with a strange thing on her head strode in, I'm not sure I could take her seriously. Perhaps she would suffer a reduced Speech bonus, based on speaking through a Gasmask, and looking like some strange alien. At the same time, would the bright colors and the squeaking of the latex alert others of my presence while trying to sneak by them or pick their pockets? I think other such cases of penalization can readily come to mind, without making the game ridiculously hard.


-Which brings me to my next idea. I like my gameplay to be ridiculously hard, haha. But when I'm playing on Legendary Mode and a Bear can bite me in half while wearing the Rubber Suit, it makes me a sad panda. For those of us that like the challenge of a difficult game, and to build upon your quest, perhaps the player can prove to The Mistress their worthiness to become a Rubber Guard. This new rank could provide a locking catsuit without debuffs, and also provide protective wards to show dem dragons what for! I read your opinion on being demoted in the previous post, and think my idea still plays into fulfilling both a Dominant and submissive role in service of The Mistress. This would also provide an incentive for the player to WANT to wear the Suit while adventuring throughout Skyrim. To earn The Lady's favor, the player could embark on "recruiting" new Rubber Slaves in preparation of the Thalmor attack, or to fill Her spacious residence. These new slaves could be any non-essential npcs that the player hopes to see eventually adorned in Rubber.


-Another thing that I noticed playing through the mod was that there were a lot of Rubber Slaves running about in the party room, but not a significant amount of them located elsewhere. Granted the mod isn't complete and we haven't seen the upper rooms of The Tower (I want to soo bad), but I think it would be awesome noticing other rubber clad females out and about. Not just in The Tower, but perhaps roaming the towns and roads of Skyrim. I think this would do justice to the seeming power that you bestowed upon The Mistress, and Her far-reaching web of allies that you hint at. Furthermore, if these Rubberized females notice you prancing around in Skyrim without being properly attired, perhaps they will drag you back to feel the wrath of The Mistress, or in some cases sympathize with your cause and let you free with a friendly warning.


-As a different way to keep players involved with The Tower, wearing Rubber could cause minor health or stamina reductions as the notifications regarding the level of heat and sweat intensify. These reductions could be cured by removal of the Rubber Suit or bathing in the basement pools.


-On an earlier page, one of the individuals who posted to this Topic suggested a Gasmask HUD for first person play that limits the peripherals of the player. I really like how the Devious Devices blindfold darkens your vision to make you part of your character's plight, and think a similar concept has a lot of potential in our situation.


-Finally, the last suggestion that I have is to make the conclusion of your mod open-ended. I know you don't want to succumb to repetitious events, but making it necessary to return to The Tower would be a great way to involve the player after the mod's main quest is complete. I know that a lot of us enjoy mods we can continue to revisit after completion, and that don't fade away or can be uninstalled with no immersive gameplay changes. Obviously for those that want to move on, they should be able, but for those of us that enjoy paying The Mistress a visit, it would feel fitting to be compelled routine returns to Her.



Phew, sorry for the mouthful! I hope that you don't take my suggestions as anything but that, and can perhaps find something in them that resonates with you and the mod. Realize that you have 26 pages worth of supporters that eagerly await the fruit of your labor! On mine and their behalves, thank you!



~While I don't understand coding, I would be happy to help you in any way I can. I have two willing female voice actors that could assist if you wish to make this mod voiced. One can be more authoritative as well as sultry in her speech (possibly The Mistress or the Purple Rubber Guard), while the other is soft and timid (dare I say befitting a slave?). Contact me if you so desire!



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I have a big problem with this mod, install it and start the game, but it remains only the emblem of skyrim with black background and I do not appear on the menu that makes me choose the game to load or if you want to go out. At this point I have to force quit with Alt + F4. Do you have any advice for me ???

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I have a big problem with this mod, install it and start the game, but it remains only the emblem of skyrim with black background and I do not appear on the menu that makes me choose the game to load or if you want to go out. At this point I have to force quit with Alt + F4. Do you have any advice for me ???


That does happen with me too. It will eventually load the menu, but it does take a couple of minutes to load.

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[War and Peace]

Ok, that was a lot to read. Let me try and go through it one by one.

  • Quest requirements for rubber boots and gloves are actually already used in (currently) one quest in the expansion. So I'm with you there. I plan on using it in at least one other quest, but as it seems you actually read the entire thread (kudos for that), you probably realised that I'm a bit reluctant to promise stuff I haven't done yet. Because in the end, I don't know if it'll work as I hoped. And I don't want to make false promises.
  • I'm not exactly sure what you're asking there but the removal code is basically intended for situations where it makes no sense to let the mod continue with you wearing DD gear. This may be because the Mistress put the stuff on you herself as a punishment and that punishment is over. Or because you equipped the stuff yourself for fun and now want to continue playing. It can probably also be used if another mod force-equipped the gear onto you but depending on how that mod is programmed, it might break. There is no great compatibility magic involved there.
  • The thing about the ballet boots is that they involve a negative effect. I think it would make no sense for the Mistress to send you on a mission she wants done and then hobble you on purpose. They might be equipped for a punishment session but would have to be removed later. Well, at least, that's my current state of mind.
  • What I totally agree with you on: There should be consequences to wearing rubber. As many as possible. In a way, there already are some. It just happens on the story layer (the text messages about sweating and stuff). I'm not sure if I want to affect gameplay (e.g. a stat penalty). I'd rather keep it on the story level. I already thought about adding more NPC reactions. Like, you walk through Whiterun and hear people making all types of comments about you ("What a pervert!", "What is she wearing?", "What a strange outfit!", "My, that looks... interesting" etc. etc.) I think something like that would add much more to immersion than some faceless stat damage. So that would be cool. If I could get it done. It's somewhere on my imaginary todo list for after the story expansion is finished.
  • The idea with the second level rubber suit/slave status is... well, I honestly don't know. I'm not really a combat fan and I hate having to balance stuff because I never know how to do it right. I actually think that there is no right way, just different viewpoints. Let me think about it.
  • The number of rubber slaves is intentionally low. I agree that it might be cool to have more of them. But on the other hand, it might diminish the value of each one if there are 200 others. The Mistress' vast network consists mostly of "normal" spies and allies. The rubber slaves are her special enforcers. If one of them shows up, you know there's trouble. Because she doesn't usually dispatch them for milk runs.

    Also, from a story point of view, the rubber slaves are, like I said, the middle management. It would not be plausible if there were about as many rubber slaves as normal ones (or even more). For each rubber slave I add, I have to add something like a dozen normal slaves. That, in turn, would require an expansion of the slave pens.

    And from a practical viewpoint: I want to make each rubber slave unique. They all have their own personality which the player should recognise. I want you to say: "Oh, here's the pink one. She's the bitch who doesn't like me because I haven't worked my way up like her!" or "Why is the purple one so down today? She's normally so easy-going!"

    Problem is: How do you identify someone in a TE suit? The only option I have is the suit color. Which limits the amount of rubber slaves I can add to the amount of clearly distinguishable colors. It could be solved by writing numbers on the suits somewhere or stuff like that. But I'm not good enough at texturing for that.

  • Stat damage by suit is currently not planned. Right now, I don't give bonuses and I don't give penalties. People should enjoy rubber without having to worry about stats! ;)

    Also, as I wrote before: If the suits are actually diminishing your capabilities, there's always the conflict to the story layer where the Mistress sends you on missions. If she wants you to succeed, why would she have you wear a suit that decreases your odds? Logically, she'd have to remove it. And where would be the fun in playing that?

  • Open ending: Well, I don't plan on burning bridges. So even after the main story of the mod is finished, there will always be points where you could continue the story or start a new story (whether that'll actually happen is another question). As for the repetitive... uhm... repeatable quests: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now, I'm focussed on the story expansion. Everything else has to wait until that is done. And what happens then is something I don't burden myself with right now. ;)
I hope this answers all your questions and/or suggestions. For which I thank you, btw.
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Arg, my post got deleted a few words away from being done.


Anyway, glad to see you're back! 


I'm rephrasing a question I asked a page or two back which you might have missed.  I was wondering if there might be a scenario in which the player character can leave the tower without rubber--(hear me out!)--but conditionally.  Practically, this would be for the purpose of letting your mod mesh better with other mods and quests which might require stripping, like the captured dreams shop. 


Quests tend to take a couple days, tops. 


So, if the player has a good relationship with the mistress, maybe she would let them out on a sort of mission.  Perhaps related to your overarching story with the thalmor, delivering a message subtly in disguise, picking one up... or maybe you have to return with some sort of ingredient.  Where does she GET the rubber, anyway?  Either way--you're let out without rubber.  And in this time you could maybe do a quest or two on the side.


BUT.  Conditions. This is where I see it being a fun opportunity, and not just an emersion-breaking change that violates the whole "trapped in rubber" theme: Maybe, if you're not back within the allowed time, someone (like the enforcers, or lesser) comes to find you.  Ostensibly to learn the outcome of your quest for mistress, but also with a suit to dress you back up, or worse haul you back by force, getting in you trouble, etc etc.


This would allow you to scurry around from time to time to do a random quest here or there, but ultimately you're still going to get dragged back to the tower... and perhaps if you do poorly with returning on your own, it gets progressively more difficult to get permission to leave for any reason without rubber.

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I have a big problem with this mod, install it and start the game, but it remains only the emblem of skyrim with black background and I do not appear on the menu that makes me choose the game to load or if you want to go out. At this point I have to force quit with Alt + F4. Do you have any advice for me ???


That does happen with me too. It will eventually load the menu, but it does take a couple of minutes to load.


thanks for the reply,
I waited a long time but it does not load the menu. Do you have any other suggestions?
thanks again
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I have a big problem with this mod, install it and start the game, but it remains only the emblem of skyrim with black background and I do not appear on the menu that makes me choose the game to load or if you want to go out. At this point I have to force quit with Alt + F4. Do you have any advice for me ???

That does happen with me too. It will eventually load the menu, but it does take a couple of minutes to load.

thanks for the reply,

I waited a long time but it does not load the menu. Do you have any other suggestions?

thanks again

Sounds like you might be missing a file somewhere, so basics first: run any skyprocs you have (duel sheath redux, et al), fnis, and loot. If no errors are thrown and you still have this problem, run Tes5Edit and have it load all mods. It will tell you if something is missing

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Arg, my post got deleted a few words away from being done.

And here I thought I got lucky. :P


Anyway, glad to see you're back! 


I'm rephrasing a question I asked a page or two back which you might have missed.  I was wondering if there might be a scenario in which the player character can leave the tower without rubber--(hear me out!)--but conditionally. 


Well, basically it would be possible to do that, yes. The thing is: It would be a lot of work. I'd have to come up with conditions, with script code to check them and with consequences if you do not adhere to those conditions. The game you have to play in your head with such questions is: "What if..."


Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the Mistress gives you a 10 day leave without rubber. So you'll have to be back in 10 days. What should happen on the 11th day? Other rubber enforcers hunting you down? What if you kill them? Would the Mistress just overlook that? Probably not. You'd probably be a persona non grata for life at the Tower. And what if you don't get the chance to fight them and they just take you? What if you're in the middle of some important quest for another mod or the main game? Where taking you away right then and there would break that quest?


I'm not saying it can't be done. But it's not that easy. There would be a lot of stuff to work out. And I already have a solution that's less work: The hidden exit. You can basically come and go whenever you want without rubber. Sure, you can stay away for one in-game year and come back and it'll seem as if nobody noticed your absence. Could be considered an immersion problem. Then again, it is something at the players discretion.


And it's a quick way out. You mention that failing to come back on time could make it more difficult to get permission next time. But when do players want to leave? I think the most likely scenario is that they had enough of my mod for now and want to do something else (like play the CD shop or rape Alduin or whatever). Would it be wise to try and keep a player who wants to leave? To force him to play something he doesn't want to play anymore? I'm not sure about this.

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Arg, my post got deleted a few words away from being done.

And here I thought I got lucky. :P


Anyway, glad to see you're back! 


I'm rephrasing a question I asked a page or two back which you might have missed.  I was wondering if there might be a scenario in which the player character can leave the tower without rubber--(hear me out!)--but conditionally. 


Well, basically it would be possible to do that, yes. The thing is: It would be a lot of work. I'd have to come up with conditions, with script code to check them and with consequences if you do not adhere to those conditions. The game you have to play in your head with such questions is: "What if..."


Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the Mistress gives you a 10 day leave without rubber. So you'll have to be back in 10 days. What should happen on the 11th day? Other rubber enforcers hunting you down? What if you kill them? Would the Mistress just overlook that? Probably not. You'd probably be a persona non grata for life at the Tower. And what if you don't get the chance to fight them and they just take you? What if you're in the middle of some important quest for another mod or the main game? Where taking you away right then and there would break that quest?


I'm not saying it can't be done. But it's not that easy. There would be a lot of stuff to work out. And I already have a solution that's less work: The hidden exit. You can basically come and go whenever you want without rubber. Sure, you can stay away for one in-game year and come back and it'll seem as if nobody noticed your absence. Could be considered an immersion problem. Then again, it is something at the players discretion.


And it's a quick way out. You mention that failing to come back on time could make it more difficult to get permission next time. But when do players want to leave? I think the most likely scenario is that they had enough of my mod for now and want to do something else (like play the CD shop or rape Alduin or whatever). Would it be wise to try and keep a player who wants to leave? To force him to play something he doesn't want to play anymore? I'm not sure about this.


why not just make a separation? two version of the same mod on with such features enabled and one without. then there would be everything for everyone. which also gives me the idea of expanding upon that feature with a so called struggle gameplay aspect. for example there is a way to escape the life of rubber but suddenly they hunt you down. so  you can never really escape out of the deal. or the suit becomes part of your body if you don't take it of in time.(reason for that event:a new curse whatever etc) there could be so many things implemented in this to the insane. ps sorry if my english seem rubish. i am japanese truth be told

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Arg, my post got deleted a few words away from being done.

And here I thought I got lucky. :P


Anyway, glad to see you're back!


I'm rephrasing a question I asked a page or two back which you might have missed. I was wondering if there might be a scenario in which the player character can leave the tower without rubber--(hear me out!)--but conditionally.


Well, basically it would be possible to do that, yes. The thing is: It would be a lot of work. I'd have to come up with conditions, with script code to check them and with consequences if you do not adhere to those conditions. The game you have to play in your head with such questions is: "What if..."


Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the Mistress gives you a 10 day leave without rubber. So you'll have to be back in 10 days. What should happen on the 11th day? Other rubber enforcers hunting you down? What if you kill them? Would the Mistress just overlook that? Probably not. You'd probably be a persona non grata for life at the Tower. And what if you don't get the chance to fight them and they just take you? What if you're in the middle of some important quest for another mod or the main game? Where taking you away right then and there would break that quest?


I'm not saying it can't be done. But it's not that easy. There would be a lot of stuff to work out. And I already have a solution that's less work: The hidden exit. You can basically come and go whenever you want without rubber. Sure, you can stay away for one in-game year and come back and it'll seem as if nobody noticed your absence. Could be considered an immersion problem. Then again, it is something at the players discretion.


And it's a quick way out. You mention that failing to come back on time could make it more difficult to get permission next time. But when do players want to leave? I think the most likely scenario is that they had enough of my mod for now and want to do something else (like play the CD shop or rape Alduin or whatever). Would it be wise to try and keep a player who wants to leave? To force him to play something he doesn't want to play anymore? I'm not sure about this.

why not just make a separation? two version of the same mod on with such features enabled and one without. then there would be everything for everyone. which also gives me the idea of expanding upon that feature with a so called struggle gameplay aspect. for example there is a way to escape the life of rubber but suddenly they hunt you down. so you can never really escape out of the deal. or the suit becomes part of your body if you don't take it of in time.(reason for that event:a new curse whatever etc) there could be so many things implemented in this to the insane. ps sorry if my english seem rubish. i am japanese truth be told

I can answer that one. Making two versions of a mod is ridiculously painful work. You have to go in and make the exact same changes to both of them. Totally not worth the trouble. I speak from experience.

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so you can never really escape out of the deal

I can answer that one. Making two versions of a mod is ridiculously painful work. You have to go in and make the exact same changes to both of them. Totally not worth the trouble. I speak from experience.


Exactly. Also, if you do not want to be able to escape: Just let yourself get caught without suit by the Mistress. That will close the sewer exit and voila, you're trapped without escape. ;)



Yes, there is a lot of cool stuff that could be done. And in an ideal world, I would be able to do it all. In this one, however, both my time and my skill are limited. I am forced to set very concise priorities to get the job done.


Once I'm a billionaire and don't have to worry about getting food on the table and can hire whoever I want to help me, I can probably come up with a much better version of my mod. Until then, we all will have to make do. Oh, and don't hold your breath on that billionaire thing. Might take me a few more reincarnation cycles.

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so you can never really escape out of the deal

I can answer that one. Making two versions of a mod is ridiculously painful work. You have to go in and make the exact same changes to both of them. Totally not worth the trouble. I speak from experience.


Exactly. Also, if you do not want to be able to escape: Just let yourself get caught without suit by the Mistress. That will close the sewer exit and voila, you're trapped without escape. ;)



Yes, there is a lot of cool stuff that could be done. And in an ideal world, I would be able to do it all. In this one, however, both my time and my skill are limited. I am forced to set very concise priorities to get the job done.


Once I'm a billionaire and don't have to worry about getting food on the table and can hire whoever I want to help me, I can probably come up with a much better version of my mod. Until then, we all will have to make do. Oh, and don't hold your breath on that billionaire thing. Might take me a few more reincarnation cycles.



Reincarnation cycles, or regeneration cycles? Are you a Time Lord? XD!


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I'm done, and BTW thanks for the spoilers.

It seems (This is my first try) the quests should repeat endlessly, just like life sucking endlessly til you DIE.

(ahem) I mean, a slave could keep escaping, weekly parties, and there's always the mail.


One incident I wondered about, when I was escorting the slave back to the boat.

Some giant spiders chased her at warp speed, and when I finally killed them, the slave had disappeared.

This seemed logical, I mean why make her hang around. But I just restarted.


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(ahem) I mean, a slave could keep escaping, weekly parties, and there's always the mail.

I'm not sure about that. I mean: How many slaves could escape before the Mistress realised she has a problem and starts fixing it? Increasing guards or whatever. One or two escaped slaves may be plausible. 10 or more probably not.


The mail quest is actually repeatable but it is also repetitive. You just go to different locations and activate a container. Who wants to repeat that indefinitely?


One incident I wondered about, when I was escorting the slave back to the boat.

Some giant spiders chased her at warp speed, and when I finally killed them, the slave had disappeared.

This seemed logical, I mean why make her hang around. But I just restarted.

There are failsafes in place for such a case. If you enter a new cell, the slave will be teleported back to you. So you can just start walking in a straight line and eventually, she should reappear (think: you found her).

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just wondering but it has been a while , do you plan on updating this content with anything more questish?

You could say that. The next update will mostly consist of a major story expansion (assuming everything works out like I planned). That update will therefore include a lot of different new quests which chain together to build that story.


However, there will be no repeatable, radiant-type quests. At least not with this update.

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just wondering but it has been a while , do you plan on updating this content with anything more questish?

You could say that. The next update will mostly consist of a major story expansion (assuming everything works out like I planned). That update will therefore include a lot of different new quests which chain together to build that story.


However, there will be no repeatable, radiant-type quests. At least not with this update.



i don't like the repeatable quests anyway , any plans on wich month you will be releasing or you just waiting till you finish and then release it



nice new avatar btw

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any plans on wich month you will be releasing or you just waiting till you finish and then release it

Right now, I plan to complete the main story before releasing it (cliff-hangers are evil). No idea when that'll be. Depends on how much free time I will have in the coming months. The release is not going to happen any day now. It needs more time. So if you want to play some other mods or games, go ahead.

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