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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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1) Jerks (the life and this site will be 10,000,000.00 times better if they will just don't exist. And I think rule #2 is the most ignored one.)



Yes, definitely these people. I don't know how Ā these people can exist; they must have had some bad upbringing or influences.


I was at a park once and there was this guy on a road bike who reminded a group of cyclists to keep to their left to make way for joggers and other people and all he got was a middle finger and a, "Fuck you" from them.

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1) Jerks (the life and this site will be 10,000,000.00 times better if they will just don't exist. And I think rule #2 is the most ignored one.)



Yes, definitely these people. I don't know how Ā these people can exist; they must have had some bad upbringing or influences.


I was at a park once and there was this guy on a road bike who reminded a group of cyclists to keep to their left to make way for joggers and other people and all he got was a middle finger and a, "Fuck you" from them.



That's not too surprising. Cyclists tend to be dick hats in general (I'm not saying that all cyclists are like that but there does seem to be a fair few), which is why I get a pretty good laugh when I hear about the ones that get hit by cars while disobeying the rules of the road, or not using good sense.


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Gf got the Pokemon GO fever, and while we were out all day, whenever she was physically doing shit, I had to catch her Pokemon... I never cared about Pokemon, why do I have to learn to play a game I don't give 2 shits about???


Also, termites invaded our home while we were away... An informal deceleration of war was made. There were no survivors.

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Today we have:


SJWs claiming trans-people such as myself don't count if we don't support their bullshit


My inability to make money


My unwillingness to go through any kind of school, service, or program for any reason whatsoever


Can't tell that one guy that one thing that girls tend to tell guys they like because I don't think I count enough and he probably doesn't either


Not being a fit and sexy Nord woman


Procrastinating instead of getting things done


I hate a lot of things daily.


This leads to my own "Vent"..Ā  Thank you SteamPoweredLain:

SJW's are shit-eating, donkey-f'ing jack-wagons...Ā  I hate anyone who tries to PC (politically correct) shit, and using their self-made, self-important ideology and ramming it down my throat...Ā 


I don't care if you are transgender, trans-whatever, Lesbian, Gay, both... it doesn't F'ng matter...Ā  But, it also doesn't make you SPECIAL.Ā  You are human and should be treated as such.Ā 


Too much political correctness, too many Social Justice Warriors... too much bullshit... and too much self-imposed racial categories.


You are my countryman, woman... that makes you my brother/sister...Ā 


You are NOT African-American, NOT Asian-American, NOT Dutch/Italian/German/Russian/....WHATEVER (Slash) American.


If you were born in America or immigrated and became a citizen...Ā  You are American.Ā Ā 

That's it.Ā Ā 

That's what makes you my brother/sister.Ā Ā 

That's what keeps us strong and makes us One nation, regardless of what deity or lack there of you wish...


Gay, Lesbian, Transgender.... you all are the same as the rest of us...

I hate SJWs making you out to be 'special' and if you don't follow them as a "Good Little Democrat" then you aren't "ONE of them".


I'm sick and tired of their shit, of being told I have to be this or that and being told to 'listen and believe the news'Ā  <-- Worst Liars ever.


SO, thank you for listening to (err.. reading) my rant.Ā Ā 


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Horribly timed doorbells. Nobody comes to your door, not once all week long. It's piping hot outside 32 centigrades (90 F*) and up, you already smell kind of ripe again by lunchtime, so you take a quick cold shower and then decide since your curtains are closed to keep the heat out anyway, you're fine sticking to your birthday sit. You sit down to play a game, doodle some sketches, eat your lunch, whatever and "RRRRRINGGG" there's someone at the door. Not even once during the week, except of all days today, of all possible moments right now. So you run swearing and cursing to your bedroom, put on a robe, long shirt, or atleast something to hurriedly wrap your waist within the next 15 seconds and bloody hell, they're already gone again. If fortune really isn't going your way, they try again atleast an hour later.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose to upgrade my computer yesterday. I ordered components via On line web shop. Got the confirmation that all components are waiting to be picked up. When left there, they said that my order was cancelled. I didn't get any mail about cancelling my order. Nobody knows why and who did it.

I hate when this things happened. This is the second time I have this experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Generally, self-righteous people trigger me. When a "friend" found out i was christian, he wasted no time telling me that it was all a bunch of bullshit, and he didn't let up. I finally had to tell him "I don't mind that you're atheist. I mind that you're a condescending, self-righteous little shitbird about it."Ā  Don't get me wrong, though. Christians with the same attitude piss me off just as much. Actually, even more so.

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  • 1 month later...

Being invited over for dinner only to be kicked out of her house because I apparently lie, then spending 3 hours driving a route that normally takes 45 minutes because of really bad weather, like so bad you are driving 10mph(16kph) in a 65mph(105kph) zone with your four ways on. That is what pisses me off.

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What really pisses you off?


What happend in Germany.. These group of people are really begginning to work on my nerve. Killing innocent people during christmas pagent. That is so low.


Ah...another "cultural enrichment", eh? I'm sick of this as well... Just when will german people wake up and get rid of that Merkel bitch?

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"Superiors" who don't know shit about their own job let alone yours but still feel the need to tell you what you're doing is wrong because DUUUUUUURRRRR

Furthermore, bosses who actively interfere with your work. You'd think it would be in their interests to stop annoying their workers and let them do their godamn jobs, but nope.

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"Superiors" who don't know shit about their own job let alone yours but still feel the need to tell you what you're doing is wrong because DUUUUUUURRRRR

Furthermore, bosses who actively interfere with your work. You'd think it would be in their interests to stop annoying their workers and let them do their godamn jobs, but nope.


I'm always reminded of one of my favorite lines from Down Periscope when I have to listen to those "superiors":


Admiral Graham: You watch yourself, Dodge! You are addressing a superior officer.

Lt Commander Dodge: No... Merely a higher ranking one!

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What really pisses you off?


What happend in Germany.. These group of people are really begginning to work on my nerve. Killing innocent people during christmas pagent. That is so low.


Ah...another "cultural enrichment", eh? I'm sick of this as well... Just when will german people wake up and get rid of that Merkel bitch?


People like you piss me off. And I'm from Berlin (living somewhere else now though).

If everyone had that attitude we would be back at constant civil wars in no time. No thanks, I like my civilization calm, equal rights for everyone and with as few hate as everyone involved can manage to bring with him. Boring, I know, because talking past each other to brew up cultural clashes is much more exciting.


And don't call our chancellor a bitch. I don't think I'll vote for her party again but this is just way too disrespectful.

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