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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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Watching the news for another story of an insane fanatic Islamist attacking/injuring/killing people for no reason.

Happened in my country again just yesterday. A 17 year old refugee from Afghanistan attacked a family (Mother, father, child) on a regional train with an axe and a knife, injuring them badly, then tried to run away and injured another one as he did. In the end the police shot him. -.-


I'm so fed up with that kind of stuff lately. I don't even want to watch or listen to the news anymore, nor read it, just to find out another thing like this has happened. It really makes me SICK. More than that.


Religion should be forbidden all over the world and punished hardly if you don't listen. Religion never brought good things upon us. Religion was only made to keep us from developing any further...


Oh well sorry about that. In the end it might just be humans who just can't let their neighbors live like they want because of some stupid opinions of their own... x.x

Problem is : DAECH / ISIS aren't religious at all, just fucking psychopaths.
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People - specifically males - who use public restrooms and then:


1) Pee on the seats.

2) Don't flush the toilets.

3) Don't wash their hands.

4) Touch surfaces, door handles, etc after not washing their hands.

5) Leave crumpled papers everywhere and other sorts of messes.


I'm not saying that terrorist groups such as ISIS aren't horrible; I'm just saying that males who enter a public restroom, don't pick up the seat, pee on the seat, walk out without flushing, grab the door handle without washing their hands, and just walk into the world carrying filth and germs and diseases on the surface of their hands that they then spread to countless other people via handshakes, touching things, etc, as though they were the doom-sent avatars of some kind of grotesque slob deity, are worse.


And you can't even call them out on it; you have to stay completely silent and ignore it, because if you so much as say one word to them about their piss-poor (heh) manners they just look at you like YOU are the asshole!



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People - specifically males - who use public restrooms and then:


1) Pee on the seats.

2) Don't flush the toilets.

3) Don't wash their hands.

4) Touch surfaces, door handles, etc after not washing their hands.

5) Leave crumpled papers everywhere and other sorts of messes.


I'm not saying that terrorist groups such as ISIS aren't horrible; I'm just saying that males who enter a public restroom, don't pick up the seat, pee on the seat, walk out without flushing, grab the door handle without washing their hands, and just walk into the world carrying filth and germs and diseases on the surface of their hands that they then spread to countless other people via handshakes, touching things, etc, as though they were the doom-sent avatars of some kind of grotesque slob deity, are worse.


And you can't even call them out on it; you have to stay completely silent and ignore it, because if you so much as say one word to them about their piss-poor (heh) manners they just look at you like YOU are the asshole!




Well, I reacted a few times when saw it. I was very polite and nice when telling them that it's not the way to behave like. Then, I asked them to  clean after them. Most of the time they did it. In two occasions guys were rude and wanted to fight with me... lol ... poor bastards... they ended up in the same pee pounds they made. Fucking morons. I'm not a violent person and never start a fight first. I'm always polite an nice, but when jerks are rude and they insult me, I go crazy. Also, I rarely use a public toilets. It must be veeeeeery urgent need for pee for me to use it and I always pick a nice places to do it.


Anyway, I'm like you .. hate when various morons do not know the basics of behaving in public especially when it comes hygiene. By the way, that reminded me on jerk who came to the pub where I worked some years ago. Guy was sitting at the bar desk and suddenly he spitted on the floor. When I nicely asked him why he did that and i wish him to clean it... he was "Fucking my whore mother and shitting on my family members.." and all of those insult. I knocked the guy down with one fist strike that he passed out... lol .... my boss punished me financially for that incident and when the guy came to awareness I told him to not to come to the pub again unless he behaves. Later on, he waited on the front of the pub with 3 his friends for my shift to over. When I finished the shift and went out, they attacked me. But my friends waiters from the pub fought by my side and we kicked their asses although we also got some serious beatings. But they went worse. That moron never show up in the pub again. .. lol.

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Religion should be forbidden all over the world and punished hardly if you don't listen. Religion never brought good things upon us. Religion was only made to keep us from developing any further...


It has little to do with religion and much more to do with the foreign policy of the occidental states.


It's a fact that the USA created Al Qaida in Afghanistan to fight against USSR.

It's a fact that they destroyed the lay governement of Iran because of greed and installed the Shah

It's a fact that they destroyed the lay governement of Irak because of greed and gave weapons to islamists

It's a fact that France helped to destroy the lay governement of Lybia because of greed and gave weapons to islamists

It's a fact that occident has been backing ISIS to destroy the lay governement of Syria because of greed ... again

It's a fact that european leaders have been opening the borders of their countries without checking who was going through


And now it is supposed to be a problem of religion? Religion here is merely used as a tool in the hands of greedy people to manipulate stupid people. It has always been like this.


we unleashed havoc on ourselves because of three letters :



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Religion should be forbidden all over the world and punished hardly if you don't listen. Religion never brought good things upon us. Religion was only made to keep us from developing any further...


It has little to do with religion and much more to do with the foreign policy of the occidental states.


It's a fact that the USA created Al Qaida in Afghanistan to fight against USSR.

It's a fact that they destroyed the lay governement of Iran because of greed and installed the Shah

It's a fact that they destroyed the lay governement of Irak because of greed and gave weapons to islamists

It's a fact that France helped to destroy the lay governement of Lybia because of greed and gave weapons to islamists

It's a fact that occident has been backing ISIS to destroy the lay governement of Syria because of greed ... again

It's a fact that european leaders have been opening the borders of their countries without checking who was going through


And now it is supposed to be a problem of religion? Religion here is merely used as a tool in the hands of greedy people to manipulate stupid people. It has always been like this.


we unleashed havoc on ourselves because of three letters :





Very one sided view of history there dude, in each of the above the peeps being invaded were peace loving tree huggers wronged by the world right?


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They were not tree huggers, but it was THEIR country. Not yours. And they are far more miserable not that you "helped" them.


Careful here, none of US "helped" them. 

The only thing we and you and whoever did was electing a certain party - or not even that. As if any of us hand any control over stuff THEY do... 

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Well back to topic: 

What really pisses me off at the moment is how five minutes of sunshine, which I can't avoid heat up my flat as hell, just after I managed to cool it down to 28,5 degree over night, which is still far too much. But with that stupid sun I get 35°C+ and there's NOTHING I can do about it. (at least nothing that I can afford. The energy to run a proper air conditioner would be far too expensive. Energy is expensive as f*** over here anyway. -.-


It's really annoying. You can't sleep well, you can't even sit here without sweating all the time, everything feels damp and sticky. Ten minutes after taking a shower you just feel like you'll have to shower again. You can only drink and loose your appetite over that, because you drink so damn much, and well... try not to move at all. And then there's that stupid headache I ALWAYS get if it is too hot. especially while being out in the sun. There's noting I could do about it either, except taking painkillers every day, but I won't. So... seeing the sun alone pisses me off lately. :C 


I really need to get a subterrainian flat, but I always fear to drown in there if there's a huge rainstorm that's going crazy. And that happened a lot lately. (Thank god not over here anyway) 


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It's a fact that the USA created Al Qaida in Afghanistan to fight against USSR.


Not quite.  The USA trained and armed Mujahideen groups for the sole purpose of preventing the expansion of Communism into Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan war.


Al-Qaeda was not founded until the closing days of the S-A War by Islamic extremist elements of the Afghan Mujahideen.




The only thing we and you and whoever did was electing a certain party . . . 



You are aware more than half of the Democrats in the senate at the time voted to enter Iraq, right?  


It's also worth mentioning that one of those senators is currently the Democratic nominee for POTUS.


we unleashed havoc on ourselves because of three letters :





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They were not tree huggers, but it was THEIR country. Not yours. And they are far more miserable not that you "helped" them.


I will accept your argument when you use your 100% certain crystal ball to give me next weeks winning numbers for the UK lottery - don't worry i'll make time in between buying my mansion and yacht to come back and post i promise


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I'm very pissed off when playing Skyrim and arranging the sex with hot female bandit or a hunter using Romance mod or SLEN and when she accept sex but our further step breaks because she starts to chase the animal that she just saw. After that I can't repeat the conversation for several hours. Fuck lady, I'd kill that stupid animal for you .. we agreed to fuck ... remember?!

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Religion should be forbidden all over the world and punished hardly if you don't listen. Religion never brought good things upon us. Religion was only made to keep us from developing any further...


religion is a great thing it is what gives (not to offend but its the objective truth) the weak hope. 

it gives people hope, and without hope there are only broken spirits and living without a purpose.

“A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ,” John Steinbeck once wrote.

the thing about religion is historically


-it's authority has been put in the wrong hands 


-and it's authority has been abused


religion creates culture and it builds community

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Pokémon Go! Seriously... The whole hype for that game is going over the top. 

If you see the guy from your bank you just talked to for a credit or stuff running outside still in his fine clothes right after the bank closes to play Pokémon Go like a child, that is ONE thing...


But, having to close bridges for cars, because it gets too dangerous for all the idiots trying to catch water Pokémon, because they sit on the sidewalk, or run across the street like crazy, even forcing people who are not playing to rather walk on the street than the sidewalk, cities offering 'special' subways that go extra-slow so people can catch their Pokémon, and citizens feeling offended because players jump into their garden and ruin it, because 'OH MY FCKIN' GOD THERE IS A MEW!' are totally different things. 


And that's not even half the list of all the madness that stupid game has caused by now. Mankind is really in a pityful state if grown ups can't get their eyes off their smartphone because of that nonsense. I never thought it would go that far over here, but appearantly it does, and it goes even farther. 

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Pokémon Go! Seriously... The whole hype for that game is going over the top. 

If you see the guy from your bank you just talked to for a credit or stuff running outside still in his fine clothes right after the bank closes to play Pokémon Go like a child, that is ONE thing...


But, having to close bridges for cars, because it gets too dangerous for all the idiots trying to catch water Pokémon, because they sit on the sidewalk, or run across the street like crazy, even forcing people who are not playing to rather walk on the street than the sidewalk, cities offering 'special' subways that go extra-slow so people can catch their Pokémon, and citizens feeling offended because players jump into their garden and ruin it, because 'OH MY FCKIN' GOD THERE IS A MEW!' are totally different things. 


And that's not even half the list of all the madness that stupid game has caused by now. Mankind is really in a pityful state if grown ups can't get their eyes off their smartphone because of that nonsense. I never thought it would go that far over here, but appearantly it does, and it goes even farther. 


Pokémon Doh! Another method of weeding out the mental midgets in our midst (and possibly adding some chlorine to the gene pool). Niantic should be liable for every incident that costs lives or endangers others, while the game itself should be shut down.


I've had the idea of using cellphone signal blockers, good for only a 3-metres radius, bury them at many of the PokeDerpmon sites, and video the results. Could be worth a laugh or three.


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Pokémon Go! Seriously... The whole hype for that game is going over the top. 

If you see the guy from your bank you just talked to for a credit or stuff running outside still in his fine clothes right after the bank closes to play Pokémon Go like a child, that is ONE thing...


But, having to close bridges for cars, because it gets too dangerous for all the idiots trying to catch water Pokémon, because they sit on the sidewalk, or run across the street like crazy, even forcing people who are not playing to rather walk on the street than the sidewalk, cities offering 'special' subways that go extra-slow so people can catch their Pokémon, and citizens feeling offended because players jump into their garden and ruin it, because 'OH MY FCKIN' GOD THERE IS A MEW!' are totally different things. 


And that's not even half the list of all the madness that stupid game has caused by now. Mankind is really in a pityful state if grown ups can't get their eyes off their smartphone because of that nonsense. I never thought it would go that far over here, but appearantly it does, and it goes even farther. 


Pokémon Doh! Another method of weeding out the mental midgets in our midst (and possibly adding some chlorine to the gene pool). Niantic should be liable for every incident that costs lives or endangers others, while the game itself should be shut down.


I've had the idea of using cellphone signal blockers, good for only a 3-metres radius, bury them at many of the PokeDerpmon sites, and video the results. Could be worth a laugh or three.




That'd probably end up in a mass-panic. xD But could be worth a laughter. The downside of it is, that if you do that, you punish the people working on their devices in a café or so too if they get into that radius. I wonder if that hype will ever stop or if it really comes that far that the game needs to be blocked in several countries by their local providers. :o

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Pokémon Go! Seriously... The whole hype for that game is going over the top. 

If you see the guy from your bank you just talked to for a credit or stuff running outside still in his fine clothes right after the bank closes to play Pokémon Go like a child, that is ONE thing...


But, having to close bridges for cars, because it gets too dangerous for all the idiots trying to catch water Pokémon, because they sit on the sidewalk, or run across the street like crazy, even forcing people who are not playing to rather walk on the street than the sidewalk, cities offering 'special' subways that go extra-slow so people can catch their Pokémon, and citizens feeling offended because players jump into their garden and ruin it, because 'OH MY FCKIN' GOD THERE IS A MEW!' are totally different things. 


And that's not even half the list of all the madness that stupid game has caused by now. Mankind is really in a pityful state if grown ups can't get their eyes off their smartphone because of that nonsense. I never thought it would go that far over here, but appearantly it does, and it goes even farther. 


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The world went fucking crazy.


1. Just a decade (and some years) ago you could barely see vagrant digging the trash cans in my country (city). Only abandoned or bum dogs. Today, situation is opposite.  Every dog has it's master, house and it's is taken cared for, but you can see vagrants at every corner digging the trash, night and day. Many of them are homed in shelters and have 2 meals on day, but many of them aren't. I see them sleeping everywhere when going out for a walk. But didn't see abounded dog on the streets.


2. Few days ago, one angry neighbor of mine beaten up a vagrant who was looking for the food or empty bottles in the trash cans on the front of our building. Someone called police who came and chased vagrant away. My neighbor didn't got any penalty or consequence for his deed. But when one man kicked the dog who was barking on and probably wanted to attack his scared child just o protect her, the owner pressed charges against him and he had to pay 1500 Kn (200 USD) for animal harassing.


FUCK THE SYSTEM!!! FUCK THIS!!! I hate the present world. Somebody please, do me a favor and shot me...

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