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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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I went to the grocery store yesterday because after my leg injury and coming home my home literally had nothing for food.  I get there and wobble over to an electric cart when a store clerk comes up to me telling me I cannot use them and they are saved for the elderly. I told him about my leg being broken and it was even in a leg brace his response "It dont look too bad. Next time bring someone with you if you need help. We save these carts for the elderly who cannot move on their own."


Should I have broken his knee caps? I felt like I should have.

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Crap mind numbingly boring jobs that I am stuck with doing. Being a robot repeating tasks to stay alive. Any job becomes this for me, no matter what it is. Doesn't matter if its a factory, a cozy office, or working from home.

That's what I hate. Any attempt I make to escape the grind, and there have been many, thus far, has fallen on its butt.

Armed with some research - Hell I even tried poker seriously this week working on the margins, yep, I've exhausted all common sense. I get the feeling I was built to go and harvest resources, or go and hunt things, but where we live there is nothing to forage or hunt, supermarkets don't count  :D.

Places like LL are the reason I am alive. Mods, games, getting those rare moments that make you go wow, see something new and escape the mundane. That is slightly over dramatic but I wanted to give the site an often underdone pat on the back for keeping life interesting.



I went to the grocery store yesterday because after my leg injury and coming home my home literally had nothing for food.  I get there and wobble over to an electric cart when a store clerk comes up to me telling me I cannot use them and they are saved for the elderly. I told him about my leg being broken and it was even in a leg brace his response "It dont look too bad. Next time bring someone with you if you need help. We save these carts for the elderly who cannot move on their own."


Should I have broken his knee caps? I felt like I should have.

I would have said I want to see your manager, please send them out as you are currently at risk of causing me further injury if I have to walk inside. One you might be liable for.

That would have probably done it.

Or you could go for his knee caps I think.



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I went to the grocery store yesterday because after my leg injury and coming home my home literally had nothing for food.  I get there and wobble over to an electric cart when a store clerk comes up to me telling me I cannot use them and they are saved for the elderly. I told him about my leg being broken and it was even in a leg brace his response "It dont look too bad. Next time bring someone with you if you need help. We save these carts for the elderly who cannot move on their own."


Should I have broken his knee caps? I felt like I should have.


Oh my god! That makes me so mad!!! I am permanently semi-crippled (I have to use a cane and sometimes even that isn't enough)

and that right there is law-suit worthy. If you are disabled in any way, even temporarily they should let you use what will help you get around. I can't even describe how pissed off that makes me. I probably would have had to been dragged out, I would have ripped that guy a new one >:( I'm really sorry you went through that... its inexcusable.

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Long commercials when watching interesting movie, especially those by Delimano (dishes) and Dormeo (madrases)... Fucking long, boring and too often.

My EP and I recently watched a movie when one of those commercials started. We said. "Oh, god, fucking nooooo again!" at the same time. :D


lol... so true. I really hate those commercials.

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Long commercials when watching interesting movie, especially those by Delimano (dishes) and Dormeo (madrases)... Fucking long, boring and too often.

My EP and I recently watched a movie when one of those commercials started. We said. "Oh, god, fucking nooooo again!" at the same time. :D

No TV, no problem :P. And only a monitor or video projector and a DVD/BD player will do the trick :P.
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This commercial.. fucking annoying, senseless, stupid and it is showed at all channels.






Literally nothing compared to this series of disasters. It's like car crashes repeating each other, getting worse and worse every time.






I agree - hahahah - I sooo hated all those TELE 2 commercials with that stupid fucking black sheep...


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I hate how someone in my family shouts into my face from a single step away with enough volume to cause ringing ears, serious headache and make the entire neighborhood hear her, and expects me to apologize to her right afterwards for whatever problem she has with me. If she did that with a stranger, there would be no teeth left in her mouth by now.

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That moment when somebody your dealing with is telling some ridiculously tall tale that you know is complete bullshit, but, at the same time, your not sure if your supposed to give a damn since you could care less about the person.


It's not what's being spouted, so much as the fact that you can't say "Nobody gives a shit about your lying bullshit" without looking like an asshole that annoys me.

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The ancient alien bullshit on, of all things, the History channel. FUCKING HISTORY IS SHOWING THIS SHIT.


I mean, at what point do you not come to realize how utterly fucking insane that shit is? We have people who honestly sit there and claim that the goddamned Van Allen radiation belts are possible advanced technology set up by aliens to protect the Earth. These are dangerous motherfuckers who read into myth and lore and then claim that it's proof that either ancient humans, aliens, OR FUCKING BOTH engaged in nuclear wars. These people openly insult our ancestors by claiming that they were just too stupid and primitive to have made large scale structures so instead aliens did it.


This shit is fucking FLAT EARTH level of insanity.

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I don't like, and I wish to vent, about:


1) Jerks (the life and this site will be 10,000,000.00 times better if they will just don't exist. And I think rule #2 is the most ignored one.)

2) Stupidity (I fear more and more that a movie called "Idiocracy" (watch it) will become reality.)

3) Stupid people (the mother of stupid people is always pregnant.)

4) Laking of Good manners (it is too hard or too bad or too time consuming or may produce cancer to your brain if you say "thank you" after somebody gave its <(pick the best one for your culture: soul|body|brain|intelligence|time|hearth> for you?)


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I don't like, and I wish to vent, about:


1) Jerks (the life and this site will be 10,000,000.00 times better if they will just don't exist. And I think rule #2 is the most ignored one.)

2) Stupidity (I fear more and more that a movie called "Idiocracy" (watch it) will become reality.)

3) Stupid people (the mother of stupid people is always pregnant.)

4) Laking of Good manners (it is too hard or too bad or too time consuming or may produce cancer to your brain if you say "thank you" after somebody gave its <(pick the best one for your culture: soul|body|brain|intelligence|time|hearth> for you?)


Yes, unfortunately, they are everywhere like cockroaches, hard to exterminate. You are good person CPU. Thank you for your support to EP and me. Many hugs.

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The blatant injustices of this world, the fact that we are still under the boot of the class system, inflation and the reluctance to raise the minimum wage to a reasonable amount ("Wahh! but then major companies will have to start canning people because.." yeah, well maybe those companies shouldn't have been able to get that big in the first place, and maybe I could see your point if companies like Wal-marx weren't keeping over a billion a year in profits after taxes and overhead), vindictive and or shallow minded individuals who complain about raising the minimum wage to a reasonable amount when they should be getting paid more in the first place, stupid people (I mean people stupider and more stubborn than myself), SJWs (I don't feel like I need to expand upon that), fuck.. the whole regressive left in general, Trump and Shillary "The Snake" Clinton being the primaries, the amount of unnecessarily aggressive or stupid drivers on the roads these days, the amount of over hyped lackluster video games and movies that have been coming out... Basically everything, pretty much everything about the world, and my own country either, annoys me, disgusts me, or pisses me the fuck off.


"Why did I have to be born in time for this horse shit?" I always say.

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Today we have:


SJWs claiming trans-people such as myself don't count if we don't support their bullshit


My inability to make money


My unwillingness to go through any kind of school, service, or program for any reason whatsoever


Can't tell that one guy that one thing that girls tend to tell guys they like because I don't think I count enough and he probably doesn't either


Not being a fit and sexy Nord woman


Procrastinating instead of getting things done


I hate a lot of things daily.

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Not sure if this one was already said:


I hate receiving gifts. For example: Receiving a gift and the person sits there and watches you open it. It's not that i'm not grateful for the gift, but do you have to watch me open it? This is why i really hate Christmas or any gift giving/receiving event. I like the holidays just not the gift giving/reviving part. XD

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The ancient alien bullshit on, of all things, the History channel. FUCKING HISTORY IS SHOWING THIS SHIT.


I mean, at what point do you not come to realize how utterly fucking insane that shit is? We have people who honestly sit there and claim that the goddamned Van Allen radiation belts are possible advanced technology set up by aliens to protect the Earth. These are dangerous motherfuckers who read into myth and lore and then claim that it's proof that either ancient humans, aliens, OR FUCKING BOTH engaged in nuclear wars. These people openly insult our ancestors by claiming that they were just too stupid and primitive to have made large scale structures so instead aliens did it.


This shit is fucking FLAT EARTH level of insanity.



I don't believe everything on that show, but I can believe the idea aliens build the pyramids; Humans did not have the technology to build them, and it wouldn't been impossible for the blocks to be rolled up no matter what.


But yeah I agree with the point about nuclear wars, and it does seem like a ridiculous idea.

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Not sure if this one was already said:


I hate receiving gifts. For example: Receiving a gift and the person sits there and watches you open it. It's not that i'm not grateful for the gift, but do you have to watch me open it? This is why i really hate Christmas or any gift giving/receiving event. I like the holidays just not the gift giving/reviving part. XD

Usually only think about that around Christmas time, but I hate that too. It's not them watching me open something, I just don't like owing people stuff. I limit gift receiving to close friends and what little family I have.


I was told that gift giving is as fun for the person giving as it is for the person receiving, but if the person receiving doesn't want it or enjoy it, how much fun can the person giving get from it?

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Not sure if this one was already said:


I hate receiving gifts. For example: Receiving a gift and the person sits there and watches you open it. It's not that i'm not grateful for the gift, but do you have to watch me open it? This is why i really hate Christmas or any gift giving/receiving event. I like the holidays just not the gift giving/reviving part. XD

Usually only think about that around Christmas time, but I hate that too. It's not them watching me open something, I just don't like owing people stuff. I limit gift receiving to close friends and what little family I have.


I was told that gift giving is as fun for the person giving as it is for the person receiving, but if the person receiving doesn't want it or enjoy it, how much fun can the person giving get from it?



I tend to tell people nicely that i don't really "do" present, giving or receiving. In hopes they wont buy me anything, so i tend not to buy them anything either. Now if they still get me something after the fact i said specifically i don't do the whole gift giving/receiving gifts. Well, that just makes me look like an ass for not getting them anything. So that's annoying.


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Windows ten updated despite my having TURNED AUTOMATIC UPDATES OFF.


In the process, the graphics card was "forgotten about" and un/reinstalling the drivers several times did not work, because for some reason windows refused to give a crap about Nvidia's software doing the update.


Uninstalled the device completley (deleting the device and drivers from device manager) began reinstalling them from a manual download instead, which crashed mid-way through and bricked my PC. (maybe my own fault, but that isn't the point, read on.)


HOWEVER, microsoft did include an obscure way to get past their idiotic way of accessing safe mode via the start menu. (which is absurd for times the computer won't make it that far) I held the power button on my case, causing the PC to start then immediatley shut off. three failed boots and windows automatically boots to advanced startup options.


From there a quick trip into safe mode and i had the corrupt drivers gone faster than a feral ghoul versus a maxed out gatling laser.


Windows booted back up after that, and is using backup nvidia drivers from a couple months back, which i had no idea it was keeping.


WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T IT LET ME USE THOSE DRIVERS IN THE FIRST PLACE? I should point out that the device manager refused to let me perform a rollback because it "forgot" about the card that it was currently telling me it was having problems with.



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