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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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Well more amuses me than pisses me off.... well maybe a little!  Family members who aren't used to using computers and who surf porn, despite me warning them to be careful their computers get infested with all sorts of shit!  Even providing protection it still happens, and I have to clean it up  :lol: (yes the jokes write themselves :P )  Gonna have to add in a whitelist for safest sites to browse!

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Well more amuses me than pisses me off.... well maybe a little!  Family members who aren't used to using computers and who surf porn, despite me warning them to be careful their computers get infested with all sorts of shit!  Even providing protection it still happens, and I have to clean it up  :lol: (yes the jokes write themselves :P )  Gonna have to add in a whitelist for safest sites to browse!


Haha, same here. And even after the third time they don't get wiser. :lol:

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Something else that's pissed me off today lol... picking up a book or series of books from the science fiction/horror/fantasy section in the library... only to find, yet again, it's a teenage romance with a love triangle masquerading as the above genres.  Stephanie Meyer, you got a lot to answer for... and librarians and book sellers, can you please separate these pseudo science fiction/horror/fantasy novels from the rest?  I dunno, shelve them under Supernatural romance or something?  Don't get me wrong some of them are good, I just wanna be able to enjoy browsing and actually picking a novel that doesn't feel like a flimsy sham of fantasty etc grafted onto a romance, instead of a YA tag, maybe put something like SR/YA?  I like romance in novels just ugh... maybe this should have gone in the rant thread lol.

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peoples who rent a right to play game on steam and they think they own that game

what you cant give/sell away, burn or throw into sea you don't own

steam is just rent-a-car for the games


my niece steam account was "missed" again
5 times in 3y
200+ games she "own" and come to me to borrow some/any game


oh dear i so miss good ol' days


and mods made for presteam game(-5y) available only via steam :dodgy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

People who have to tie everything into their fucking political agenda. Seeing people bitching about Deus Ex "narrative" just makes me realize how these "anti-sjw" people who mock feminists are so easily triggered themselves. Can't even play MMO without some tard starting to talk politics and how Europe is being raped and what not. Youtube, Reddit, Games, News sites...people repeating the same fucking buzzwords. 

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Guest MonsterFish

People who have to tie everything into their fucking political agenda. Seeing people bitching about Deus Ex "narrative" just makes me realize how these "anti-sjw" people who mock feminists are so easily triggered themselves. Can't even play MMO without some tard starting to talk politics and how Europe is being raped and what not. Youtube, Reddit, Games, News sites...people repeating the same fucking buzzwords.

I predict more right-wing fear-mongering people will vote for idiotic state leaders that will fuck things up more and will in the end work for their own interests and corporations. Harsher actions on everything including porn and anything not "normal", from gay people to furries. At least in Europe.

With that out of the way. I assume that'll it will be mostly underground and that there will be a lot of restrictions on internet.

Uh-huh, tell me more.


Gonna cite Poes Law for this cus I honestly can't tell if that second quote is sarcasm or not.

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Fucking idiotic game and fucking careless player(s).


careless about driving for a game on less. There isn't any doubt (or shouldn't be any) that he deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There was no excuse. It wasn't weather, road, or truck maintenance issue or signal related or any other semi excusable reason.


In that article .. WTF... they added code to pop something up asking if you are driving when it senses you are moving faster? DAM.. WTF. it is so bad that they have to add that feature to a game. They have to ASK if you are driving.

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Uh-huh, tell me more.


Gonna cite Poes Law for this cus I honestly can't tell if that second quote is sarcasm or not.


Eh? Did you look at the post above mine in that thread? 

That's why I made that post in the original thread. That's also why I wrote "getting it out of the way" because it just ticked me off just as I stated that it does in the reply in this thread.


EDIT: Don't feel like spamming up the thread with this but to reply to your post below:


"Yeah, and no worries. Can see why it would be confusing since I didn't quote"

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Motherfuckers who spill beer on other peoples electronics... on an unrelated note, I'm back after a prolonged absence, and I'm taking the opportunity to do a fresh install of Skyrim.


Awww ...sad :(

I am perpetually mad over world affairs...but what personally pisses me off...


:@ :@  Is when straight girls find out I am mostly attracted to women, and they flirt, like they were flirting with some guy for fun just to bloat their vanity.


I HATE THAT! I FUCKING HATE THAT! FUCK YOU straight girls who do THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And in case there is any confusion, I am a chick.

FUCK GIRLS who do that to you guys, just ignore them and find someone worth spending time with!!!


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Guest Rhubarbe

People who have to tie everything into their fucking political agenda. Seeing people bitching about Deus Ex "narrative" just makes me realize how these "anti-sjw" people who mock feminists are so easily triggered themselves. Can't even play MMO without some tard starting to talk politics and how Europe is being raped and what not. Youtube, Reddit, Games, News sites...people repeating the same fucking buzzwords. 


Holy shit. Every global chat. This is a pretty trendy thing though, I can't remember this happening 10 years ago on global chats. I hope it dies a quick and hard death. 

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I hate how the hell, that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!

the super-rich swimming in money and in many countries starve children.

if I the power would have, then I would the rich their money in the throat to insert!  ;)




Want a ride?  B)



I am already.  NVA = Nationale Volksarmee.  ;)  :)




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