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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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Posers. Skinny jean wearing, bowl cut sporting, wearing their girlfriends icon E shirts from Emperor (these are males mind you, wearing womens Emperor shirts) going around saying how metal they are. Metal is not about bowl cut sporting, skinny jean wearing, hipsters crying about how they were bullied and beat up all their lives. They can go back to their whiny emo crap and stay there.

Where are you from that metalheads wear fucking bowl cuts? I'm laughing just trying to imagine somebody headbanging with that.



Back in the day, (not really that far back), You had round heads, cavaliers or plebs. Round heads were your basic psychopath ignorant death metal nutters, (i think because of the skull thing), cavaliers were the frizzy 80's style weirdo's and plebs where pure 70's. Maybe just a local thing.


Anyway, just to fit in with the threads purpose. Time!!!!!!!!!, (and it's apparently random elasticity depending on what you want to do)


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It really pisses me off when I managed to get my cousin on the phone and he always, and I mean always, break our conversation saying: "Hey, sorry, got another line. Call you later." But he never calls back. And his stupid excuses when he didn't replied on my call: "Sorry, couldn't answer your call. I was on line speaking with someone." I wonder does he ever interrupts his calls when I call him during his conversations. I guess not. I decided to not to call him for some (longer) time. I'm obviously not one of his priorities in life although he softens me when saying: "Maaan, I so miss talking to you...." Hmm... sure you do....

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A few things tick me off so here's a small list:


1. My own limitations as a modder - I hate that I can't do better work that I know is possible, that anger inspires me to do better.


2. Statistics Courses.


3. APA formatting.



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A few things tick me off so here's a small list:


1. My own limitations as a modder - I hate that I can't do better work that I know is possible, that anger inspires me to do better.


2. Statistics Courses.


3. APA formatting.

The third one's easy to fix. Just keep a template that's already formatted.

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That's when you call the cops and have them take care of assholes like that. Or get them back maybe play polka songs all night. If they complain say you didn't have any problem shooting off fireworks at 3a.m so why should this bother you?

Lol, I found a Skyrim play through that I converted to mp3- has all the haunted sounds of Bleaks Fall Barrow, and I play that when the asshole next door gets too noisy. Works like a charm.


I hate emos. I remember hating them to the point I'd chase after them with a sword.


If they wanna cut themselves, let me use a real blade.

Yeah, what's with emo kids? The kids I hung out with were easy going and liked to have fun.


A few things tick me off so here's a small list:


1. My own limitations as a modder - I hate that I can't do better work that I know is possible, that anger inspires me to do better.


2. Statistics Courses.


3. APA formatting.

I hate not having time to really learn in depth Blender,  3ds Max, Photoshop, so on. If I didn't have to work, or do anything else, I'd be happy modding full time.

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I don't use bender 3dmax I have photoshop but mostly only use gimp2 and once in awhile paint-net when needed.


I instead use Gerra6's clothing converter mesh rigger and pose converter for converting armors pose converter for changing a nifs pose to skyrim for easier porting. I also use outfit studio and have ported many fallout 3 new Vegas and oblivion outfits to skyrim as well many daz studio outfits.

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I hate emos. I remember hating them to the point I'd chase after them with a sword.


If they wanna cut themselves, let me use a real blade.

Yeah, what's with emo kids? The kids I hung out with were easy going and liked to have fun.

I'm just that weird guy that likes pineapples too much.

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People who don't finish their food.


Seriously, why pay for something if your'e not going to eat it, let alone finish it? The least you could do is bring it home so you can eat the rest later when you're hungry again. I just saw some girl claim to be "finished" with her meal when in reality she still had like 50 - 75% food left on her plate, and instead of asking for a box she told the waiter to get rid of the food instead. There are people out there that can't even afford a small piece of bread. I swear, people like her shouldn't be allowed to eat anything at all. They don't deserve to have food.

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"Hey here's an animation mod, have fun :D"  Uploads screenshots, not a video or even a gif of the movement in action.  

Or when there is a new mod that you clearly would need to see in order to determine if you would like it or not and there's nothing at all to show it off.  


I don't understand how someone can go so far as to create something they clearly want to share & show off with other people, yet they do nothing to actually show it to you.





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People who don't finish their food.


Seriously, why pay for something if your'e not going to eat it, let alone finish it? The least you could do is bring it home so you can eat the rest later when you're hungry again. I just saw some girl claim to be "finished" with her meal when in reality she still had like 50 - 75% food left on her plate, and instead of asking for a box she told the waiter to get rid of the food instead. There are people out there that can't even afford a small piece of bread. I swear, people like her shouldn't be allowed to eat anything at all. They don't deserve to have food.


When I was a young boy (a lot of years ago) my father was beating (in a soft Italian mode) me if I was not finishing my food.

He lived the world war, when food was not really available.


And this thought me to respect items, respect food, and respect people.

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People who don't finish their food.


Seriously, why pay for something if your'e not going to eat it, let alone finish it? The least you could do is bring it home so you can eat the rest later when you're hungry again. I just saw some girl claim to be "finished" with her meal when in reality she still had like 50 - 75% food left on her plate, and instead of asking for a box she told the waiter to get rid of the food instead. There are people out there that can't even afford a small piece of bread. I swear, people like her shouldn't be allowed to eat anything at all. They don't deserve to have food.


When I was a young boy (a lot of years ago) my father was beating (in a soft Italian mode) me if I was not finishing my food.

He lived the world war, when food was not really available.


And this thought me to respect items, respect food, and respect people.



lol - so true. I was very spoiled when being younger. Didn't like to eat many things and my mom (as most of the moms does) always prepared something extra for me. One day she made a cauliflower soup that my father liked a lot. I was hungry and when came in the kitchen to eat, when I smelled that soup I made many face grimaces showing how displeased I'm with the food. I demonstratively left the kitchen and went to my room. After a while, my father came to my room. And then he told me some stories from orphanage and the food he had when he was there as a child. When he told me that he ate a mayonnaise first time in his life in age of 13, that had his first birthday cake in age of 18, and pizza when he was 19 and how they spent many nights nights in orphanage talking about tastes of the food they never ate but only heard about it, I started to respect my mom's and dad's cooking. Since then I eat everything that is prepared and never ever throw a food away.

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80 dead people in an attack in the south of my country on national day


And our gouvernement will shed crocodile tears once again and will continue to sell weapons to terrorists in Syria and Lybia.


Fuck this shit !



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80 dead people in an attack in the south of my country on national day


And our gouvernement will shed crocodile tears once again and will continue to sell weapons to terrorists in Syria and Lybia.


Fuck this shit !



84 actually, I'm very sad. Unfortunately, F. HOLLANDE can't do much more ...





(je viens d'apprendre le truc, deux jours sans allumer une radio ou de regarder un journal en ligne ... :'()

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People who don't finish their food.


Seriously, why pay for something if your'e not going to eat it, let alone finish it? The least you could do is bring it home so you can eat the rest later when you're hungry again. I just saw some girl claim to be "finished" with her meal when in reality she still had like 50 - 75% food left on her plate, and instead of asking for a box she told the waiter to get rid of the food instead. There are people out there that can't even afford a small piece of bread. I swear, people like her shouldn't be allowed to eat anything at all. They don't deserve to have food.


When I was a young boy (a lot of years ago) my father was beating (in a soft Italian mode) me if I was not finishing my food.

He lived the world war, when food was not really available.


And this thought me to respect items, respect food, and respect people.



Depends whether we are talking family meal or meal with guests as i remember those same lectures from my father as i hate carrots and remember never being allowed to leave the table until i'd eat them but then i also remember that when he cooked for guests if they totally cleaned there plates he would take that to mean he hadn't served them sufficent amount so would then start offering them more/something else and apologising for being a poor host


I stop eatting once i've had enough, if there is still food then it goes to others/pets but i live in a culture that hasn't faced an actual food shortage in a very long time and has the opposite problem (i.e. obesity) so it probably would be good if more stopped eatting rather than trying to always clean there plates from a cost perspective



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ME, me, ME, me, ME - reeeeeeeeeallly pisses me off most of the time.


I can’t understand my character, nature, intelligence, natural gifs and skills. Sometimes it seems they are in contradiction with each other.

I don’t comprehend how can I be so excellent in some areas to the point of perfection (it’s no my comment about myself but from the people I did some projects for them) and yet, in the same time I’m soooo stupid when it comes to learn making poses, tweaking some mods and understand how simply scripting works.

No video tutorial helps me, no simplest instruction can unlock understanding how to apply what I red and what I saw. I hate myself sometimes because of that.

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 And the asshat in front of me has 47 items not including the 20 different flavours of yoghurt, a screaming kid in the cart, an out of control 5 year old who keeps running up and down the check out lane kicking people on the way past, and she wants to know if she can write her fucking check for $20 over.

That's what pisses me off as a cashier, only mine is worse.  Those 20 different flavors of yogurt are all being price matched from a different store.

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Guest endgameaddiction

You know what grinds my gears? When I'm working in CK for hours and hours saving every time once I'm done with a portion of the work.


I'm adding 8 new NPCs to my plugin and it's taking up a lot of time since last night after putting it off to get some rest so I picked it up this morning. Done with texturesets, armoraddon and armor. I was nearly done with the headparts but once I open one of the facepart windows and click to upload the nif to the directory the facepart window freezes and I can't do shit. I can't save my progress because CK tells me I can't save unless all the sub windows are closed.

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Watching the news for another story of an insane fanatic Islamist attacking/injuring/killing people for no reason.

Happened in my country again just yesterday. A 17 year old refugee from Afghanistan attacked a family (Mother, father, child) on a regional train with an axe and a knife, injuring them badly, then tried to run away and injured another one as he did. In the end the police shot him. -.-


I'm so fed up with that kind of stuff lately. I don't even want to watch or listen to the news anymore, nor read it, just to find out another thing like this has happened. It really makes me SICK. More than that.


Religion should be forbidden all over the world and punished hardly if you don't listen. Religion never brought good things upon us. Religion was only made to keep us from developing any further...


Oh well sorry about that. In the end it might just be humans who just can't let their neighbors live like they want because of some stupid opinions of their own... x.x

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Religion should be forbidden all over the world and punished hardly if you don't listen. Religion never brought good things upon us. Religion was only made to keep us from developing any further...

I don't disagree with what you're saying for the most part, but most mainstream religions were founded to restrain people from performing atrocities upon their fellow man (and women, don't attack me)


Why can't you just go kill that man, and take his farm, wife, and children? Well, the idea that was forced upon them that there's absolute justice and one will suffer for not behaving worked better then nothing.


Then came the corruption, holy wars and genocide.



Still an absolute travesty that extremists brainwash young, impressionable, angry men, and give them the means to unleash their wrath upon the world. I doubt very much these terrorists actually read the Quran, and that it says anything that would be misconstrued as kill people whom are different then you. 


The worst part of this is that if the U.S. or Europe brought the hammer down on these radical malcontents, they'd become martyrs to other terrorist organizations in the future.

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Religion should be forbidden all over the world and punished hardly if you don't listen. Religion never brought good things upon us. Religion was only made to keep us from developing any further...

I don't disagree with what you're saying for the most part, but most mainstream religions were founded to restrain people from performing atrocities upon their fellow man (and women, don't attack me)


Why can't you just go kill that man, and take his farm, wife, and children? Well, the idea that was forced upon them that there's absolute justice and one will suffer for not behaving worked better then nothing.


Then came the corruption, holy wars and genocide.



Still an absolute travesty that extremists brainwash young, impressionable, angry men, and give them the means to unleash their wrath upon the world. I doubt very much these terrorists actually read the Quran, and that it says anything that would be misconstrued as kill people whom are different then you. 


The worst part of this is that if the U.S. or Europe brought the hammer down on these radical malcontents, they'd become martyrs to other terrorist organizations in the future.



Well it's true that there might have been a time where religion served as something to give people a meaning in their lives, something to hold on to, to believe, and to have faith in, and some simple laws.

But people have ever since figured out that they need laws and rules if they want to live together by themselves.


I'm not saying that all about religion is bad, just the way it has become today, and the way it was handled in the past isn't right.


Off course, extremists clearly misuse the Islam - no objections here. The true nature of all the major religions is somewhat pure, until people start to use it for their own selfish reasons.


So maybe I should rather say, using any kind of religion to justify your actions in any way should be forbidden, but that wouldn't really make sense, because people who do that would find another reason to justify their actions in no time anyway. And there would always be others who'd listen to them. :C

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