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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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Abusing WCIFs or asking obvious questions with obvious answers.


It drives me up the wall! You can always tell somebody didn't Google or Bing or whatever by the questions they ask. JFC, search before you ask someone where to find something or how to do something. Fucking look it up yourself.

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Fanboys of certain games like DragonAge Inquisition and Final Fantasy 12.

On certain forums they have tried to drive off people who dare to come on there and say they don't like those games.

They expect you to let them abuse you, make threats, be called names and do nothing about it.Not complain to moderators.Not do anything but take it and be silent.


I refuse to take abuse from other gamers and tell them what I think of them.


I absolutely hate bullies.


Too many people come online and have no principles.They act like uncouth heathens.


Sorry.That is my soapbox.

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Fanboys of certain games like DragonAge Inquisition and Final Fantasy 12.

On certain forums they have tried to drive off people who dare to come on there and say they don't like those games.

They expect you to let them abuse you, make threats, be called names and do nothing about it.Not complain to moderators.Not do anything but take it and be silent.


I refuse to take abuse from other gamers and tell them what I think of them.


I absolutely hate bullies.


Too many people come online and have no principles.They act like uncouth heathens.


Sorry.That is my soapbox.



Maybe it's just me, but I feel like what with internet being more popular nowadays (I've been knocking around for about fifteen years now on the web  :) ),  boards just don't seem to get... moderated anymore, and the behaviour of people is left unchecked.   I used to be a mod on a sister site of IGN called Chick Click, anyone trolling would be in the minority and mods would come down on them like a ton of bricks :P  These forums are like a breath of fresh air, I lurk more than I post, it's lovely to read the threads here :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The bullshit that I have to deal with at work! Nothing works the way it should and rather than fixing it or giving us the tools the need to overcome it, they give us shit like video games in the breakroom. I can play video games at home, when I come to work, I just want to get my job done and get out. Don't give us salad on Wednesdays, make IT and inventory control do their god damn jobs! Don't put a new TV in the breakroom, fix the system so we don't have to drive around the warehouse looking for shit that isn't there! I swear that place must be some kind of Vault Tec inspired social experiment to how much shit people will put up with before they up and quit.


And fuck 'I heart radio'! I don't know who decided to air that god damn chicken chorus jingle, but if I ever run into them they'll know regret. I know exactly what they were thinking when they did that, too, it was, "people listening to our stations are stuck at work and can't change the channel, so let's make those bastards listen to clucking chickens! That'll show them for being poor!" Well fuck you, buddy! Trust me, you don't want me find you!



Maybe it's just me, but I feel like what with internet being more popular nowadays (I've been knocking around for about fifteen years now on the web  :) ),  boards just don't seem to get... moderated anymore, and the behaviour of people is left unchecked.   I used to be a mod on a sister site of IGN called Chick Click, anyone trolling would be in the minority and mods would come down on them like a ton of bricks :P  These forums are like a breath of fresh air, I lurk more than I post, it's lovely to read the threads here :)


This is why I choose what forums I frequent with care. I'm only a member here and on two other forums.

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I may be an absolute cliché, But I hate my job with a passion. I never thought I would admit that I hated a job where I simply was paid to sit on my ass all day. I work as a forklift operator for a large cheese plant in the cold storage where the cheese is stored after coming out of the production areas. It's loud as all hell due to at least 100 metric shit tons of fans on the ceiling, no matter where you go theres always a draft because of them, and not to mention I never seem to be able to get their drone out of my head after I leave even with proper ear protection. But it's not the cold or the noise that annoys me the most. It's the people that work there. All the separate shifts hate each other, sometimes to the point of sabotaging the next crew coming in either by hiding equipment or just tampering with some of the machines (nothing major, just minor annoyances). The supervisors are constantly preaching unity and working together then turn around and start finding ways to undercut the plant operators to keep them from screwing up all the time. All the lifts are broken in some manner, most commonly the forks and masts. Most of the time the forks just simply slip causing the operator to drop about 640-1300 Lbs of cheese subsequently ruining it. I could go further in depth on what all is wrong with the equipment in that place, but I dont have the time or patience to type out a 200 page report, they wouldn't fix it if I did.


Then my pickup got broken into in the parking lot while I was on a 12 hour shift, it was by itself under one of the lightpoles.

The place is a prime example of how corporate America cant run their shit effectively or with a slight bit of competence, surprised the roof hasn't caved in yet...



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Dudes who call me a pedo for jerking to Marie Rose. Fuck you, buddy. You may be half-right, but fuck you all the same.


Well then you should flip with this





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I may be an absolute cliché, But I hate my job with a passion. I never thought I would admit that I hated a job where I simply was paid to sit on my ass all day. I work as a forklift operator for a large cheese plant in the cold storage where the cheese is stored after coming out of the production areas. It's loud as all hell due to at least 100 metric shit tons of fans on the ceiling, no matter where you go theres always a draft because of them, and not to mention I never seem to be able to get their drone out of my head after I leave even with proper ear protection. But it's not the cold or the noise that annoys me the most. It's the people that work there. All the separate shifts hate each other, sometimes to the point of sabotaging the next crew coming in either by hiding equipment or just tampering with some of the machines (nothing major, just minor annoyances). The supervisors are constantly preaching unity and working together then turn around and start finding ways to undercut the plant operators to keep them from screwing up all the time. All the lifts are broken in some manner, most commonly the forks and masts. Most of the time the forks just simply slip causing the operator to drop about 640-1300 Lbs of cheese subsequently ruining it. I could go further in depth on what all is wrong with the equipment in that place, but I dont have the time or patience to type out a 200 page report, they wouldn't fix it if I did.

I hear ya, brother. Half the crap at my warehouse is broken. The other half just doesn't work right. It's either incompetence in leadership or they built the place on top of an Indian burial ground, and I'm pretty sure no Indians even lived there.

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I hear ya, brother. Half the crap at my warehouse is broken. The other half just doesn't work right. It's either incompetence in leadership or they built the place on top of an Indian burial ground, and I'm pretty sure no Indians even lived there.



It seems those qualities are always present in our line of work. Speaking of leadership, it makes my blood boil when the supervisors or their superiors decide to ream a worker for not being capable of performing their job quickly enough to fill their ridiculously unrealistic "quotas". I understand that we as personnel are expected to get our jobs done in a timely manner, But how is that possible when were constantly cleaning up the messes from the previous shift with broken or faulty equipment? As far as I've seen those conditions only make everyone have to cut corners or operate in a generally unsafe manner. It's a bit terrifying to work in a place with a bunch of people running around on forklifts at full speed with hardly a care. Lots of collisions... not to mention theres always a good number of new hires in that pool as well. They either Turtle around getting in the way or try to keep pace with everyone else and end up creating a huge mess.


Now that you mention it. I think the place was likely built on an Indian burial ground, It would explain why half of the roster is filled with idiots. also we are in that general location...

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When I want to fuck her and she won't let me.........



lol... I'm opposite... I'm pissed of when we are having sex and she just lays as the piece of wood and not being interested... :)

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When I want to fuck her and she won't let me.........



lol... I'm opposite... I'm pissed of when we are having sex and she just lays as the piece of wood and not being interested... :)



That's becuase she has passed out ;):P:D




5190.gif  maybe.... Well, maybe she expects me to rape her.. but I can't, it's not in my nature. :D


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When I want to fuck her and she won't let me.........



lol... I'm opposite... I'm pissed of when we are having sex and she just lays as the piece of wood and not being interested... :)



That's when you pull out, finish with your hand, blow the load on her face while she's left kind of confused, then leave, lol. 


It's not hard to get a girl off.. with your hand at least, just gotta find the g-spot (that firm wrinkly bit facing the belly button from the inside), and then go to town on it. :D

Ignorant, unintelligent, selfish, hypocritical people who complain about asinine things. Sadly that's a huge majority of humans.


But all of you on this site seem cool :)


Mostly the more "Special" people of Tumblr (You know who I'm talking about)


"Special snowflakes" ? :D

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That's when you pull out, finish with your hand, blow the load on her face while she's left kind of confused, then leave, lol. 

It's not hard to get a girl off.. with your hand at least, just gotta find the g-spot (that firm wrinkly bit facing the belly button from the inside), and then go to town on it. :D


I have no problem with foreplays and methods of stimulating her for sex... I'm talking about extreme situations when she is having the sex because of me but she is completely "somewhere else". And this was the rare case and only with "one night sex" girls or the girls I just started dating. I didn't have such a problem with my long term gf's. I was lucky that they all loved sex.

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That's when you pull out, finish with your hand, blow the load on her face while she's left kind of confused, then leave, lol. 

It's not hard to get a girl off.. with your hand at least, just gotta find the g-spot (that firm wrinkly bit facing the belly button from the inside), and then go to town on it. :D


I have no problem with foreplays and methods of stimulating her for sex... I'm talking about extreme situations when she is having the sex because of me but she is completely "somewhere else". And this was the rare case and only with "one night sex" girls or the girls I just started dating. I didn't have such a problem with my long term gf's. I was lucky that they all loved sex.



I meant my comments more in jest.


How do you deal with situations like that anyway?

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I meant my comments more in jest.


How do you deal with situations like that anyway?



I apologies for misinterpreting your words. Please, forgive me because English is not my native language and I'm still learning...


Well, I did as you said earlier - pulled out and came on her because I was very horny and I had experiences of "balls hurting" when not cum. I did it only 2-3 time to avoid such consequences. In all other occasional, I talked to her and when she confirmed that she is fucking with me because she wants to please me but she is not for sex at all, just dress up and do something else. Those experiences thought me to "see" if she is interested for sex during the foreplay. If I noticed that she isn't and I'm very horny, I went to the bathroom and masturbated.


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I meant my comments more in jest.


How do you deal with situations like that anyway?



I apologies for misinterpreting your words. Please, forgive me because English is not my native language and I'm still learning...


Well, I did as you said earlier - pulled out and came on her because I was very horny and I had experiences of "balls hurting" when not cum. I did it only 2-3 time to avoid such consequences. In all other occasional, I talked to her and when she confirmed that she is fucking with me because she wants to please me but she is not for sex at all, just dress up and do something else. Those experiences thought me to "see" if she is interested for sex during the foreplay. If I noticed that she isn't and I'm very horny, I went to the bathroom and masturbated.



It's fine, I sometimes forget that context doesn't play out as well in text as it does in face to face conversation.


Where I live we call not getting to cum "blue balls", or we say you were "blue balled", which sucks, as you said, lol. You must live in a country where people are more open with regards to sex. Where I live it could be considered rude to go off into another room to masturbate, although it depends on the situation or the person involved. It does make it awkward when the girl doesn't seem interested, shit, it pretty much kills the enthusiasm, at least for me it does.

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I can't believe how some Internet providers can be so sloppy. I subscribed to a new Cable network to have 7 Mbit download speed. They already have been 3 times in my house to rise the speed because it was 3 Mbit, they changed 2 routers blaming them for low speed. The cable guy left 15 minutes ago after rising up the speed. The 7MBit speed last only long enough while he was in my flat. After he left, the speed dropped down again to 3 Mbit.  Fucking crazy. I'm so pissed off.

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I can't believe how some Internet providers can be so sloppy. I subscribed to a new Cable network to have 7 Mbit download speed. They already have been 3 times in my house to rise the speed because it was 3 Mbit, they changed 2 routers blaming them for low speed. The cable guy left 15 minutes ago after rising up the speed. The 7MBit speed last only long enough while he was in my flat. After he left, the speed dropped down again to 3 Mbit.  Fucking crazy. I'm so pissed off.


dats because of all da porn ya dowloading. Not that I know anything about that.

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