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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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Guest MonsterFish

People who insist mobile games aren't real video games. Screw you, if that's true then Tetris is not a game, and everyone loves Tetris.


That's true but Tetris didn't have a 'Pay £4.99 to delete 5 tiles of £9.99 to delete 20 tiles' option

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People who insist mobile games aren't real video games. Screw you, if that's true then Tetris is not a game, and everyone loves Tetris.


That's true but Tetris didn't have a 'Pay £4.99 to delete 5 tiles of £9.99 to delete 20 tiles' option



You know if Tetris was invented today, they'd be all over that shit. I don't look down on someone who pays money for extra moves anymore than I look down on someone who pays for armor or mounts in an MMO. To each their own, really.

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People who insist mobile games aren't real video games. Screw you, if that's true then Tetris is not a game, and everyone loves Tetris.

Your premise is flawed. I don't love Tetris, I prefer Columns. The mobile programs you are talking about aren't games, they are manipulative cash grabs from people that make the Nigerian 419s look like honest hard-working folk.

Well, I'm talking about stuff like Bejeweled or Free Fall or Angry Birds. And really, how are those any worse than, say, day one DLC?

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People who insist mobile games aren't real video games. Screw you, if that's true then Tetris is not a game, and everyone loves Tetris.

Your premise is flawed. I don't love Tetris, I prefer Columns. The mobile programs you are talking about aren't games, they are manipulative cash grabs from people that make the Nigerian 419s look like honest hard-working folk.

Well, I'm talking about stuff like Bejeweled or Free Fall or Angry Birds. And really, how are those any worse than, say, day one DLC?



There is a reason King.com was bought by the slime balls at Activision for $5.9 billion.

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People who insist mobile games aren't real video games. Screw you, if that's true then Tetris is not a game, and everyone loves Tetris.

Your premise is flawed. I don't love Tetris, I prefer Columns. The mobile programs you are talking about aren't games, they are manipulative cash grabs from people that make the Nigerian 419s look like honest hard-working folk.

Well, I'm talking about stuff like Bejeweled or Free Fall or Angry Birds. And really, how are those any worse than, say, day one DLC?



There is a reason King.com was bought by the slime balls at Activision for $5.9 billion.



This just in, gaming company is run by greedy assholes.


But hey, if that's your main criticism, I've got great news. Most of the mobile games I play aren't owned by King.com. Hell, most of the mobile games I play don't even have micro-transactions. Games like The Room trilogy and Dumb Ways To Die. They're something I can pick up and put down whenever I need, and they're fun. And yet people keep parroting that tired line, "mobile games aren't real games", as if to ward off association with the type of people who typically play them (hint: they tend to have vaginas). It's the gaming community trying to discredit people they don't want sharing the label of 'gamer'. "You're not a real gamer unless you play the type of games I play". Which is bullshit, naturally. A game is a game, and anyone who plays one is a gamer. Deal with it.

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Look, you can drop a deuce on a slice of bread, drizzle catsup and eazy cheese on it, before covering it with another slice of bread but that doesn't make it a ham sandwich but it does bring up the next thing:  People that bring gender into a discussion thinking that it matters in the first world.

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Look, you can drop a deuce on a slice of bread, drizzle catsup and eazy cheese on it, before covering it with another slice of bread but that doesn't make it a ham sandwich but it does bring up the next thing: People that bring gender into a discussion thinking that it matters in the first world.

That bad taste in your mouth is from the bullshit coming out, not going in.

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People who insist mobile games aren't real video games. Screw you, if that's true then Tetris is not a game, and everyone loves Tetris.


That's true but Tetris didn't have a 'Pay £4.99 to delete 5 tiles of £9.99 to delete 20 tiles' option



You know if Tetris was invented today, they'd be all over that shit.



No, they wouldn't. Tetris was shit and we only played it because we didn't have anything better. Find me somebody today who would rather play pacman than Witcher 3 or Phantom Pain and I'll fist fight a bear.


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People who insist mobile games aren't real video games. Screw you, if that's true then Tetris is not a game, and everyone loves Tetris.

That's true but Tetris didn't have a 'Pay £4.99 to delete 5 tiles of £9.99 to delete 20 tiles' option

You know if Tetris was invented today, they'd be all over that shit.

No, they wouldn't. Tetris was shit and we only played it because we didn't have anything better. Find me somebody today who would rather play pacman than Witcher 3 or Phantom Pain and I'll fist fight a bear.

Why does it have to be either/or? Why can't someone enjoy both?

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No, they wouldn't. Tetris was shit and we only played it because we didn't have anything better. Find me somebody today who would rather play pacman than Witcher 3 or Phantom Pain and I'll fist fight a bear.




Out of personal disliking for both games, and my nostalgia toward Pacman... yeah I'm somebody who would rather play it over both. Had you said a game I enjoyed, my answer would have been different, but it's not, so go find that bear and kick it's ass.

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Skyrims ENB button placement annoys the hell out of me. It shouldn't be buttons shift and return where you have a high chance of hitting them the buttons should be something like the + and - on the num lock pad part. I can't remember how many times I have hit those fricken buttons and messed up the ENB and no clue what I hit to even be able to fix it so then have to reinstall it.


Like tonight accidentally hit them earlier nothing was wrong other then the gloss looked different closed the game came back later and the screen was about the size of a playing card it went to both sides of the monitor but was only that high. So I had to shut down reinstall the ENB back then go back into the game.

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Less and less things.


Peace of the mind is a bliss, and with it you can watch and learn. Think and stop thinking, talk and stop talking, listen and stop listening... Don't try to catch things, just let them be.


Life is good when mind is calm. Focus is the key.


Does this even make sense to your mind ?


Where did you got your grass?



From meditating. Again and again and again.... When air is my drug, when I breathe, when I stop thinking and start living.


Know yourself. It's a path only you can make, but there are some ways people tried and tell you to try. What do you think you have to lose ? Your thoughts ? How important are they to you ? Why ? Why do they always come and go ? What happens if it stops ?


The mind is tricky. You are a fool. You are being fooled. The mind is being tricked.


Just make it silent. Just 10 seconds. And again and again and again.... Why don't you try ? Are you scared ?


Don't think. Don't talk. Just breathe. And listen. You could be surprised.








isn't it curious ? just a little bit ?


Ignorance is a curse.


Know yourself.


You could be amazed.


Just shut your eyes and breathe.


Can you see them coming ? Can you ?



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From meditating. Again and again and again.... When air is my drug, when I breathe, when I stop thinking and start living.


Know yourself. It's a path only you can make, but there are some ways people tried and tell you to try. What do you think you have to lose ? Your thoughts ? How important are they to you ? Why ? Why do they always come and go ? What happens if it stops ?


The mind is tricky. You are a fool. You are being fooled. The mind is being tricked.


Just make it silent. Just 10 seconds. And again and again and again.... Why don't you try ? Are you scared ?


Don't think. Don't talk. Just breathe. And listen. You could be surprised.








isn't it curious ? just a little bit ?


Ignorance is a curse.


Know yourself.


You could be amazed.


Just shut your eyes and breathe.


Can you see them coming ? Can you ?





Fucking malkavians...


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Random CTDing in Skyrim.


THIS! 100% this. 


Which is why I did tons of research and talking and testing to come up with my guide. 


Speaking of which: 

It pisses me off even MORE when someone tries to discredit my guide, saying it's just a simple collection of things thrown together in a fashion of "if it works for me, it will for you"... instead of seeing the hours of testing needed to get desirable results.

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Random CTDing in Skyrim.


THIS! 100% this. 


Which is why I did tons of research and talking and testing to come up with my guide. 


Speaking of which: 

It pisses me off even MORE when someone tries to discredit my guide, saying it's just a simple collection of things thrown together in a fashion of "if it works for me, it will for you"... instead of seeing the hours of testing needed to get desirable results.



Agree with you. Valuing other people's efforts and hard work is something that some individuals are missing. I'm NMM user and regardless of majority of the people who uses MO and mostly discrediting NMM (which is by the way less powerful mod manager then MO), I still working hard to provide the best tutorial I can for NMM users. Thanks to my LL friends we are doing better and better. Testing NMM takes a lot of my time and I really have no real enjoyment in playing Skyrim because of it. So, like you, I'm pissed off when someone is spitting on my work just because he/she doesn't like NMM. I'm not using MO but I'm always supporting my friends who does and those who are contributing on improvement of MO.


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Random CTDing in Skyrim.


THIS! 100% this. 


Which is why I did tons of research and talking and testing to come up with my guide. 


Speaking of which: 

It pisses me off even MORE when someone tries to discredit my guide, saying it's just a simple collection of things thrown together in a fashion of "if it works for me, it will for you"... instead of seeing the hours of testing needed to get desirable results.



Agree with you. Valuing other people's efforts and hard work is something that some individuals are missing. I'm NMM user and regardless of majority of the people who uses MO and mostly discrediting NMM (which is by the way less powerful mod manager then MO), I still working hard to provide the best tutorial I can for NMM users. Thanks to my LL friends we are doing better and better. Testing NMM takes a lot of my time and I really have no real enjoyment in playing Skyrim because of it. So, like you, I'm pissed off when someone is spitting on my work just because he/she doesn't like NMM. I'm not using MO but I'm always supporting my friends who does and those who are contributing on improvement of MO.




Members here should use these tutorials if they feel that it will enhance their experiences in Skyrim or installing mods. They should move along if they don't think they will. Unless someone is giving constructive beneficial feedback to the thread they are trolls also violating #2 rule of this site. ;)


Don't be a jerk. Seriously, does this really need to be said?


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(drunk) careless idiots who are screaming and yelling in the middle of the night and throwing firecrackers just to wake up people. They don't care for sick, old and babies who need night sleep and rest. And fucking lazy policeman who do not work their job after seeing that.

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Fake people! I get so fucking irritated with the douche-bags who can't even be themselves, it just makes me want to smack them upside the head.

I get so pissed off when people literally take the efforts of someone else and shit over them, like they could do better but never bother to try, seriously either respect the effort we put in or GTFO!


If I could transform these are the 2 things that would literally make me hulk out.

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