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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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My grandad got the COVID a week ago. In coma right now. He's most certainly going to die at the hospital, but I'm sure he'd have lived a good 10 years otherwise. He was healthy, except he was taking medication since january which kind of screwed up his immune system temporarily. Bad timing. 

The reason I'm posting this here is that he stayed at his place for 2 months, only got his groceries from disinfected bags. He was a doctor, saved thousands of people during his career in Africa, and he's not dumb, he knew what he had to do, and he did it just to stay alive long enough to see his grandkids one day. The only place he went outside of his appartment was his building's hallway, to catch some fresh air and exercise on the building's terrasse. It's a big place, so there was always enough room to respect the security distances there with the other people from the building. Except, two weeks ago, some of his piece of shit neighbors decided to throw a party up there. 10 people, not wearing masks, not wearing gloves, kids going all over the place. He left immediately when he saw that. Guess it wasn't enough, and they must've sneezed, coughed in the hallway, he most probably got infected right then.

I'll find those people and tell them they've killed my grandad. The kids too. Fuck all of them. I didn't even give a shit about people not taking this seriously before, I thought "let them be dumb, the people I care about aren't that stupid, they aren't the ones who are going to die". Well, no more. I saw some people here making fun of this whole thing, fuck you too. I realize there's nothing like karma or gods to have you die in my grandad's stead, but I do wish for it wholeheartedly. Use your brains you fucking morons, have some empathy, buy yourself a conscience. 

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So very sick of this bullshit about "excessive force". Fuckheads, you've never been to Russia or China or Syria or pretty much anywhere that isn't the US, Canada or Western Europe; you've got no fucking clue what police using excessive force is. You aren't protesting, you're rioting. Making shit worse and burning things isn't a protest, it is being an asshole. Yeah, we're all unhappy and fed up with the way the year is going, that isn't any excuse either.  


Don't like what the police are telling you to do? So fucking what!? DO IT NOW AND ARGUE LATER! Get a lawyer, they know what to do far better than you do! And guess what? There are literally THOUSANDS of lawyers who would be HAPPY to help you provided that they can get a slice of whatever you get from the government.  I'm just so over and done with all these fuckers who seem to think that the rules don't apply to them, and I'm really reaching the point where I'd almost pay money to see some actual excessive force applied to these riots just as a goddamn wake-up call. It all seems like fun until you realize the military just arrived and they are using live ammo.

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10 hours ago, TheOzoneHole said:

So very sick of this bullshit about "excessive force". Fuckheads, you've never been to Russia or China or Syria or pretty much anywhere that isn't the US, Canada or Western Europe; you've got no fucking clue what police using excessive force is. You aren't protesting, you're rioting. Making shit worse and burning things isn't a protest, it is being an asshole. Yeah, we're all unhappy and fed up with the way the year is going, that isn't any excuse either.  


Don't like what the police are telling you to do? So fucking what!? DO IT NOW AND ARGUE LATER! Get a lawyer, they know what to do far better than you do! And guess what? There are literally THOUSANDS of lawyers who would be HAPPY to help you provided that they can get a slice of whatever you get from the government.  I'm just so over and done with all these fuckers who seem to think that the rules don't apply to them, and I'm really reaching the point where I'd almost pay money to see some actual excessive force applied to these riots just as a goddamn wake-up call. It all seems like fun until you realize the military just arrived and they are using live ammo.

You can call it karma or you can call it unnecessary. Problem is most people can't afford good lawyers. So what then kill the rich?


I mean what does qualify for vengeance? A cop kills your friend now you kill the cop? But if the cop's friend gets wind of it they'll start wanting vengeance too? This is partly why people live within a system. But what happens when you split up from a system? That is the foundation that America was built and that is why the British leaves us mostly alone. I must admit it would be fun to imagine the rioters declare themselves an independent nation.


The bigger question is what did we learn? My opinion quell the rebellion and hope the police have better judgement next time. Maybe call out less SWAT teams for minor drug infringements. I dunno, my two cents.

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3 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

- Opportunist assholes exploiting a tragic murder as an excuse to break shit/loot small businesses -

Well in some good news that poor fellow who had his lifelong dream sports bar reduced to rubble by the opportunists has raised over 1 million in goFundMe donations. And he's spending his current free time doing relief work to help all the people affected by the Minneapolis riots. I donated a few dollars myself.

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On 5/30/2020 at 11:00 PM, endgameaddic†ion said:

I've been exchanging words with the driver side knuckle and lower ball joint since this morning out in mostly over 100 Fahrenheit. The damn lower ball joint is stuck to the lower knuckle and won't budge. I've done 5 methods and all have failed. My face is covered in oil and sweat, my patience has run dry, and I'm too damn lazy to take a shower. Tie rods are off at least and those will be replaced easily. I think the only option I have at this point without having to go and buy a torch to heat the the knuckle, is to remove the lower control arm and slide out the CV axle and wrestle with the ball joint and knuckle that way.

At some point, I decided to just let the mechanics do the job, even the oil change now.    My "breaking" point was drum breaks that had rusted in place and was a bear just to get off (yes they needed changed).    Is this your point?

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I think what bothers me about this business with Floyd is that there is (to me) just no way to trust anything about the situation. 


Were the cops wrong to use that much force? Probably yes.  But (useful word that one), we were not there and don't know the full details and likely never will.


The medical examiner has ruled the death a homicide due to a forcibly obstructed airway. Okay, is that what they actually found or what they were told to tell everyone they found? (Yes, I'm a damn cynic who trusts pretty much nothing and no-one. (Yes, I know the saying about those who don't trust won't be trusted; but thanks for pointing that out, again. /s))


Maybe it is because I was raised in an average middle class family at the intersection of the boondocks and the middle of nowhere; maybe it is just the fact that I'm a bit older and my parents were older than those of most other people my age; maybe it is because I'm just a cynic; but frankly it just looks like the people living in major urban areas just want an excuse to riot.  "Our sports team won the trophy!" == Riot.  "Cops killed some dude!" == Riot.  "A dog got hit by a utility truck!" == Riot.  "Block party argument!" == Riot.

First Amendment gives people the right to protest peacefully.  Not the right to burn buildings and loot stores.  Gov't won't do shit because they worry about getting re-elected not stopping the violence and crime. You can't trust anything a politician says about "getting tough on crime" because as long as they make it look like they are doing something having criminals still out there causing trouble can get them re-elected. 




On things today that piss me off, what is this bullshit about Saints Row 3 getting a remaster when Saints Row still doesn't have a PC release and Saints Row 2 hasn't been remastered!?! 



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On 6/2/2020 at 3:28 AM, spaceman1 said:

As a Native American who has seen the inside of a jail cell more times than I care to count because of the color of my skin. I say bullshit.

You can say whatever you want, your opinion doesn't require facts. Stats on the otherhand say otherwise. While there's probably a hefty chunk of people rioting because they're pent the fuck up with coviditis, this many people pissed off isn't a fad or a trend. The LA riots both times weren't because people were just plain old bored.


I don't give the slightest fuck about anecdotal evidence. That a vast chunk of the US police force is an unvetted self managed self 'policed' entity isn't anecdotal. That a significant chunk of that unvetted force should not be police in the first place also isn't anecdotal and until those paradigms are addressed shit like this is going to continue.


And since we're using anecdotal as facts for your premise, my local police are a literal armed gang right down to sexual and physical jumping in; before entering the vidya game business, I used to comanage a restaurant with the wife of the local drug kingpin, and the police would literally tip him off whenever raids or sweeps were going to occur so he could be conveniently somewhere else when all the low level peons got picked up. Hell his cousin lives down the street from me and there's cars in and out of his house at every hour of the day and three doors down from that is a decorated lieutenant. hrm. a mystery.


What isn't anecdotal is that Baltimore Police Department has lost about 25 cases of mistreatment or unjust arrest per year, every year, since 2010. What isn't anecdotal is US quota of 24 deaths in custody per year has already been reached before mid year. The dude trying to protect his barbeque in Louisville getting shot by a state issued bullet while police had their bodycams conveniently off isn't anecdotal.


So yay for the cheerfully accommodating racist police where you live, where other people live is different and maybe you shouldn't assume every racist you meet is a casual one.

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On 6/2/2020 at 6:39 AM, 27X said:

So yay for the cheerfully accommodating racist police where you live

I live in Oklahoma and we don't accommodate racist cops where I live we do make them pay for their shit. And I don't assume anything and with the exception of your local police which is yikes I already know about the other stuff. But at least when Blacks and Hispanics are being abused by the police it gets attention we don't even get a fucking footnote.

We are the most victimized racial group in the US and the media ignores what happens to us simply because we are only 1.6% of the population and considered not important and if you go by population we are more likely to be abused by the police. We are 17% more likely to be abused by the police and 12% more likely to be killed than Blacks, 47% more likely to abused and 44% more likely to be killed than Hispanics. Then there's the whole being stuffed on reservations and slowly being starved to death as most us can only afford 1 or 2 meals a day.

But I'm glad you guys think you have it so bad but if ever want to find what's it's like to really have it bad put yourself in our moccasins for just a week. After a week in one of our reservations you'll be glad to get back to where ever you where hell you'll be happy to go a ghetto than live in shitholes we have to. And to tell a Native American that they accommodate racist cops is one of the stupidest and ignorant things to say. 

If I sound cranky then I apologize but it's not everyday I get surrounded by a bunch of assholes telling me that my people don't know what it's like to have it bad and have a bottle of piss dumped on my head, my phone stolen and knocked to ground have cow shit shoved in my face as what happened to me yesterday.

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How much time are we going to pussyfoot around that riot? 
Just fucking roll out LAV's and give ol Browning lesson to these criminal fucks already.
How many decent citizens and police officers have to die before we stop pandering to criminals, communist scum and other trash?

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9 hours ago, endgameaddic†ion said:

 I'm dealing with the lower ball joint rusted to the knuckle. Yes. Rust is a SOB. The thing is practically welded together. I've put a block of wood and brick on the floor jack and put pressure on the LBJ lifting the SUV and the thing won't budge. Normally a couple of hard knocks to the knuckle with a 4+ lb. hammer does the trick. Not for me. I even tried to pry it with a tie rod separator using the hammer to pound on it and nothing. No amount of penetrating fluid does the trick either. I've asked over at a forum community dedicated to that specific SUV and nada. Torch it is my last resort. However, I have one more trick up my sleeve. I'm going to get the bastard off one way or the other. I just need to be careful not to damage the knuckle or the cable that connects to the sensor.

I used a can of WD-40 on the axle and  a sledge hammer to break it loose, but I had a big target (the drum) so I wasn't too worried about unintentional damage.   I don't know if my method would work and no, I haven't had the pleasure of dealing with any ball joints.  I am guessing you don't want to damage the boot, and/or don't have those fork looking device or the ball join removal tool (Dad had a tractor dealership, so I had free access to alot of specialized tools)    BTW, I used WD-40 on the axle letting it sit for  a couple of days,  after about 12 hours or so, I applied more WD-40. 


Oh and what pisses me off is that I go from car mechanic, to computer network troubleshooter to carpenter and I spend my time commenting rather than learning more VBS to finish mods for Battletech, Mount and Blade: Warbands and Fallout 4.........well for that matter any project.  My house is a mess of mostly finished projects.

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3 hours ago, spaceman1 said:

If I sound cranky then I apologize but it's not everyday I get surrounded by a bunch of assholes telling me that my people don't know what it's like to have it bad and have a bottle of piss dumped on my head, my phone stolen and knocked to ground have cow shit shoved in my face as what happened to me yesterday.

This is the rant thread, so while appreciated, you don't have to apologize for being cranky, it is sort of expected.

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8 hours ago, Horatius_PL said:

How much time are we going to pussyfoot around that riot? 
Just fucking roll out LAV's and give ol Browning lesson to these criminal fucks already.
How many decent citizens and police officers have to die before we stop pandering to criminals, communist scum and other trash?

"We're on your side!  Whaddafuck?!" ?





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11 hours ago, Horatius_PL said:

How much time are we going to pussyfoot around that riot? 
Just fucking roll out LAV's and give ol Browning lesson to these criminal fucks already.
How many decent citizens and police officers have to die before we stop pandering to criminals, communist scum and other trash?

For solving the crises I am not above using force. Unfortunately using force improperly could lead to a PR disaster which is how wars are won and lost so yeah.


The communist party is more on the political spectrum and like any party they are all equally bullshit. I would go on about how much bullshit they all are but the rules say I can't so okay then. Lav is short for lavatory also known as a toilet.

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The Constitution of the United States

The Bill of Rights & All Amendments



We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.



Article [V] (Amendment 5 - Rights of Persons)


No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


Article [VI] (Amendment 6 - Rights of Accused in Criminal Prosecutions)


In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.



Article [VIII] (Amendment 8 - Further Guarantees in Criminal Cases)


Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.


Article XIV (Amendment 14 - Rights Guaranteed: Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process, and Equal Protection)


1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.




Very Low Vision.jpg

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12 hours ago, Darkpig said:

Unfortunately using force improperly could lead to a PR disaster which is how wars are won and lost so yeah.

Doesnt actually matter. Leftist will never be satisfied, even if Trump and all republicans ceased to exist this second they would still bitch and blame him.

Roll out the Strykers and this riot once and for all. And do it in a way that next time some methhead gets killed, people will think twice before looting small businesses and killing people in the streets.

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Seeing people so willing to use Collective Guilt as a means to evade individual consequences for law makers and police personnel in specific states, instead shifting the blame to entire institutions everywhere in a nation or even more unreasonably, the entire planet creates in me a sense of aggravation that exceeds the bounds of the definition of the phrase 'pissed off' by at least three quarters.


Going after the police who are corrupt as well as the policies which allow improperly vetted and frequently poorly compensated people (low pay tends to act as a disincentive to do one's job with anything other than the minimal required effort)to occupy such important job positions when it comes to maintaining law and order rather than all police (or all people who vaguely resemble the offending officer)only makes everything worse would make a whole lot of sense. Voting out the people who proposed then passed said policies ought to be common sense.


Seeing others who want to throw the whole system out without having even the barest inkling of a whisper of a clue of an idea of how to build a better one nor anyone who appears remotely qualified to attempt such a thing among the dissidents (unless there is some super secret hidden George Washington or Benjamin Franklin caliber mind among the rabble who just have failed to coordinate the crowds just yet) has near fatally wounded any potential for optimism for the future that I may have been harboring.


Even if the riots end within a day or so (it looks extremely unlikely that it will endure for even a few more hours but there could still be hold outs), there is little to stop something like this (or worse) from happening again down the line since the problems won't be fixed by them any more than they were the other times by less severe riots. 


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