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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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2 hours ago, gregathit said:

Taking a gun to a riot isn't exactly smart, but why was the riot allowed in the first place?  

I would argue that's the second smartest thing he could have done, second only to staying out of it. Him having the rifle may have escalated the situation... but who's to say it wouldn't have escalated regardless, and that rifle wasn't the only thing that saved this kids life? From what I've heard, he was asked to help defend the shop, so, as far as I can tell, there would have been escalation, seeing as they were intent on rioting.

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2 hours ago, gregathit said:

My understanding is he didn't own the gun (he is only 17 after all), he borrowed it from a friend in Wisconsin.  I know exactly where Kenosha is and he only drove a short distance to get there (less than many folks daily commutes to work).  So the looking for a fight thing falls apart with that.  I would not go so far as to call him a hero, but I will say, based on the evidence I'm aware of right now, that he is going to walk away legally from this most likely.  Maybe a small slap on wrist at most.  You do have the right to defend yourself and clearly he was attacked.  Attacking folks that are carrying a gun, especially an AR or AK is just plain stupid.  Hands down lunacy.  Fucked around and found out.  That should be on each of their tombstones.

I would say 2 weeks no videogames. Only seems like a fitting punishment. Prisons are pretty full right now anyway and I'm pretty sure so is juvie hall and if hes convicted then he is going to both.

2 hours ago, gregathit said:



Also, keep in mind that the people out there rioting are the dregs of society.  Seriously.  All of them had some type of criminal history from what I have seen.  How is a jury of 12 going to convict him at this point?  They won't unless some evidence comes out that swings things.  Taking a gun to a riot isn't exactly smart, but why was the riot allowed in the first place?  This is all a bunch of shit that points back to several parties, the media for the lies they have published to stir this shit up, the local government for not stepping in and arresting these folks and giving them heavy punishment, and finally the dumb-asses that are out there burning, stealing and rioting.  All over lies.  It would be different if there was an actual problem to fix.  There isn't.  This is nothing more than a mob of morons being whipped up by others to destroy this country.  See it for what it is.  I would not doubt that there is chinese money funding this.

So the government gets away with negligence and a kid gets away with murder(I mean self defense) Lovely. First it was the Russians now the Chinese? Of course I have to be skeptical about this. The Cold War is proof of that. Seriously do we know this isn't the government fucking around with us? How do we know businesses are not fucking with us? How do we know the mob isn't fucking with us?? It wasn't that long ago that people learned that Christopher Columbus was a twat. This is fun right- I mean serious. Serious stuff.:classic_ph34r:

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9 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

 It wasn't that long ago that people learned that Christopher Columbus was a twat. 

Columbus was a pretty normal conqueror.  No, I'm not excusing his actions.  All I'm saying is that they were pretty normal for those barbaric times.  Hell, fast forward to Mao.  His crimes are so heinous that they make normal people sick:    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/08/03/giving-historys-greatest-mass-murderer-his-due/


Columbus managed to do something extraordinary and has been honored for that.  I have no problem with folks pointing out the good with the bad, provided that they are fair in the balance of that presentation.  That is actually the best thing so that we can teach future generations that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.  

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24 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

First it was the Russians now the Chinese? 

A simple google search on the amount of money poured into just Hollywood from the russians is pretty easy to find.  Also the number of spies caught and so on back in the cold war and after it.  As Russia fell apart as a country, this all went the way of the dodo bird.


The amount of theft by china is estimated at 600 million a year.  The government is investigating chinese money being dumped into universities:  https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/test-0.  On top of this the amount of money china has poured into pro sports, especially the nba who refuses to honor Hong Kong.  The folks getting caught as spies or trying to steal things is very easy to find as well, it just isn't in the major media.  This is all very real.  It is also very sad.

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42 minutes ago, GimmeBACON said:

I would argue that's the second smartest thing he could have done, second only to staying out of it. Him having the rifle may have escalated the situation... but who's to say it wouldn't have escalated regardless, and that rifle wasn't the only thing that saved this kids life? From what I've heard, he was asked to help defend the shop, so, as far as I can tell, there would have been escalation, seeing as they were intent on rioting.

mmm... no. The second smartest thing would have been to bring his friends to watch his back unless he was trying to confuse court system which I wouldn't be surprised if that was an actual argument against him. Nevertheless he is lucky they are armed as lightly as they are or you know he'd be dead.


I do have one question. I know that self defense allows one to protect your home but what about shops?  Just want to make sure any biases are in check before giving my final thoughts on the matter.

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21 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

Nevertheless he is lucky they are armed as lightly as they are or you know he'd be dead.

Considering all three were convicted criminals who by law can't have guns, it wasn't really so much luck.  Luck was that one illegally obtained a gun.

21 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

I do have one question. I know that self defense allows one to protect your home but what about shops?  Just want to make sure any biases are in check before giving my final thoughts on the matter.

It varies from city to city and state to state.  Wisconsin has some of the broadest self defense laws that exist, so no chance that any of the charges will stick unless something beyond what we have already seen comes up.  Chances are it won't even come to a trial.  But don't take my word for it, you can see more here from actual lawyers, one of which used to live and work in Wisconsin.  According to him, the charges are purely political and the DA isn't very bright:  


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46 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

So the government gets away with negligence and a kid gets away with murder(I mean self defense) Lovely. First it was the Russians now the Chinese? Of course I have to be skeptical about this. The Cold War is proof of that. Seriously do we know this isn't the government fucking around with us? How do we know businesses are not fucking with us? How do we know the mob isn't fucking with us?? It wasn't that long ago that people learned that Christopher Columbus was a twat. This is fun right- I mean serious. Serious stuff.:classic_ph34r:

Democrats, at the moment it's not happening in republican cities as far as I know. At least not at the level of Seattle, Portland, St. Louis, etc. Maybe the kid shouldn't have been there, but the kid was being attacked and defended himself, had it happened the other way around, and the kid died, would it still be murder to you?


I used to think the "red scare" was bullshit too, then I realized that radical "socialism" had crept into our society. Obviously the government and MSM lies, right now they're saying lives lost and property damaged in, otherwise "peaceful protests" but I'm sure NOW they're not lying. Or we could accept that everybody is fucking with us, vote out these chaotic forces, and drain the swamp.

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37 minutes ago, gregathit said:

A simple google search on the amount of money poured into just Hollywood from the russians is pretty easy to find.  Also the number of spies caught and so on back in the cold war and after it.  As Russia fell apart as a country, this all went the way of the dodo bird.


The amount of theft by china is estimated at 600 million a year.  The government is investigating chinese money being dumped into universities:  https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/test-0.  On top of this the amount of money china has poured into pro sports, especially the nba who refuses to honor Hong Kong.  The folks getting caught as spies or trying to steal things is very easy to find as well, it just isn't in the major media.  This is all very real.  It is also very sad.

Yeah, it makes me leery how much the West is willing to turn a blind eye to China's agenda. As long as they dangle trade and put enough money in our coffers, we're willing to ignore Hong Kong, Taiwan, their power and resource grabs in Africa, and most of the very fucked up things that they're doing domestically.


This is not the world we want:




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5 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

You joke, but they're already doing it.

Yes, I was being ironic as I pointed out the glaring inconsistency of their outrage.

6 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

And I think the reason we don't have more students pursuing careers in the STEM fields is because they want to be big stars in the public eye making lot's of money. Plus those areas of study are pretty hard compared to others which doesn't help. I'm not sure Americans have the aptitude anymore to be honest.

I seriously doubt that money has anything to do with it.  The stem fields pay very, very well for the most part.  I think it is more of a interest/motivation and personality thing.  Jordan Peterson talks about this a lot.  To be a good engineer, you have to be very interested in things rather than people.  

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8 hours ago, GimmeBACON said:

I would argue that's the second smartest thing he could have done, second only to staying out of it. Him having the rifle may have escalated the situation... but who's to say it wouldn't have escalated regardless, and that rifle wasn't the only thing that saved this kids life? From what I've heard, he was asked to help defend the shop, so, as far as I can tell, there would have been escalation, seeing as they were intent on rioting.

The man shot by a white ally of BLM didn't bring a gun and things still escalated to the point where he was killed. The open support of the wrong candidate is all that seems to be needed in those cases.

Rittenhouse may have been let off with a severe beating because of his age more than anything else since the guy who threw the skateboard did mention to his friend on social media that he could have just used his gun but hesitated to do so.




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This bullshit from Google for EVERY LL PAGE I look at...including trying to post this.


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I've never used a credit card for anything on this site so WHO CARES? if someone gets access to my account.  The worst they could do is pretend to be me (who in their right mind would do that?) or delete my files.

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6 hours ago, GimmeBACON said:

Democrats, at the moment it's not happening in republican cities as far as I know. At least not at the level of Seattle, Portland, St. Louis, etc. Maybe the kid shouldn't have been there, but the kid was being attacked and defended himself, had it happened the other way around, and the kid died, would it still be murder to you?


I used to think the "red scare" was bullshit too, then I realized that radical "socialism" had crept into our society. Obviously the government and MSM lies, right now they're saying lives lost and property damaged in, otherwise "peaceful protests" but I'm sure NOW they're not lying. Or we could accept that everybody is fucking with us, vote out these chaotic forces, and drain the swamp.

Then he would be a dead kid that committed murder. One can easily go their whole life without killing a single person. I'm not saying what he did was wrong but the time, the place and the lack of a gun permit means what he did is illegal. There is no grey area in the world of law but then it depends on how much the government wants to cover up its own bullshit.


The word "scare" is associated with fear. Fear is an instinct that something might threaten their existence. Given the nature of media or to quote Trump "FAKE NEWS" everyday people cannot be counted on to make a judgement call on what is the truth hence fear is the result. Everyday people don't have the time and resources to do their research. I think where we agree is that many people take what they see as truth for granted. Writers of fiction and news broadcasts will happily write whatever is popular rather than the truth partly because of reasons previously mentioned.


What you call socialism is an ideal but so is capitalism. The former is based on government and the latter is based on competition of industry. Neither can be trusted as they both have one major flaw: people. Can you blame me for being skeptical?


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19 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

Then he would be a dead kid that committed murder. One can easily go their whole life without killing a single person. I'm not saying what he did was wrong but the time, the place and the lack of a gun permit means what he did is illegal. There is no grey area in the world of law but then it depends on how much the government wants to cover up its

Wrong, wrong, wrong.  I'm sorry but that is just plain wrong.  You do NOT have to have a permit to open carry a gun in Wisconsin.  Zero part of what he did was illegal.  Zero.  I guess you declined to watch the video I posted from a lawyer that practiced in Wisconsin (admittedly it was rather long video, so I don't blame you, but it was the most detailed I could find that explained things down to a T).  The self defense laws up there are very broad and there will never be a conviction.  The kid won't even get a misdemeanor.  As to killing someone, you have much less control over that than you might think.  Between normal car accidents, drunk drivers, crazy folks and criminals being let out right after being arrested you could easily find yourself in a kill or die situation.  True, to some degree you can definitely help minimize these chances, but you can never erase the off chance that you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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35 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

Then he would be a dead kid that committed murder. One can easily go their whole life without killing a single person. I'm not saying what he did was wrong but the time, the place and the lack of a gun permit means what he did is illegal. There is no grey area in the world of law but then it depends on how much the government wants to cover up its own bullshit.


The word "scare" is associated with fear. Fear is an instinct that something might threaten their existence. Given the nature of media or to quote Trump "FAKE NEWS" everyday people cannot be counted on to make a judgement call on what is the truth hence fear is the result. Everyday people don't have the time and resources to do their research. I think where we agree is that many people take what they see as truth for granted. Writers of fiction and news broadcasts will happily write whatever is popular rather than the truth partly because of reasons previously mentioned.


What you call socialism is an ideal but so is capitalism. The former is based on government and the latter is based on competition of industry. Neither can be trusted as they both have one major flaw: people. Can you blame me for being skeptical?


What gregathit said... but more importantly, killing somebody in self defense is not murder; murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse. When you are being attacked by a violent mob and people are taking shots, at that point self preservation is both valid and justified.


Unless you live in the UK, in which case


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48 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

Then he would be a dead kid that committed murder. One can easily go their whole life without killing a single person. I'm not saying what he did was wrong but the time, the place and the lack of a gun permit means what he did is illegal. There is no grey area in the world of law but then it depends on how much the government wants to cover up its own bullshit.


Murder requires a degree of planning, malice aforethought and (in some cases, anyway)a lack of any attempts to disengage from a conflict. Rittenhouse's attempt to withdraw from the scene while being attacked by armed mob (as well as his standing down after the first three people are shot rather than randomly firing into the crowd) could completely clear him of any murder charges, depending upon whichever state he is tried in.

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

This bullshit from Google for EVERY LL PAGE I look at...including trying to post this.


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Attackers might be trying to steal your information from loverslab.com (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more


I've never used a credit card for anything on this site so WHO CARES? if someone gets access to my account.  The worst they could do is pretend to be me (who in their right mind would do that?) or delete my files.

Yeah that shit chaps my ass to.?

I'm REALLY starting to lean toward Opera GX as an alternative to Chrome.  Google's, "mE iZ tRYin' tO cOnTRol uZ fOR SaFETy reASONs," is really getting on my nerves.  Only thing stopping me though is the lack of info on the browser itself.  My only source is MxR Videos and that's about it.  I would appreciate some more elaboration if anyone has Opera GX, don't want to make the switch yet until I get something more concrete.  Basic questions are;

Does it port all of your settings?

Does it also port your bookmarks?

Can you modify your settings browser?


You know generic questions.  Did the same thing when I transitioned from Firefox to Chrome.

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2 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

Rittenhouse may have been let off with a severe beating because of his age more than anything else since the guy who threw the skateboard did mention to his friend on social media that he could have just used his gun but hesitated to do so.

He may have only hesitated because of the gun in the first place, or perhaps if the kid didn't shoot then he'd have been gunned down instead, or perhaps he'd have been killed if he was unarmed regardless.



Shoulda, coulda, woulda.

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3 hours ago, Darkpig said:

Then he would be a dead kid that committed murder. One can easily go their whole life without killing a single person. I'm not saying what he did was wrong but the time, the place and the lack of a gun permit means what he did is illegal. There is no grey area in the world of law but then it depends on how much the government wants to cover up its own bullshit.


The word "scare" is associated with fear. Fear is an instinct that something might threaten their existence. Given the nature of media or to quote Trump "FAKE NEWS" everyday people cannot be counted on to make a judgement call on what is the truth hence fear is the result. Everyday people don't have the time and resources to do their research. I think where we agree is that many people take what they see as truth for granted. Writers of fiction and news broadcasts will happily write whatever is popular rather than the truth partly because of reasons previously mentioned.


What you call socialism is an ideal but so is capitalism. The former is based on government and the latter is based on competition of industry. Neither can be trusted as they both have one major flaw: people. Can you blame me for being skeptical?


There have been three kinds manslaughter throughout the ages of westernized law, they exist for a reason.

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What's funny about the Kyle Rittenhouse thing is that many people concluded that the guy had to be a white supremacist and fascist because nobody else would use any force against peaceful protestors burning shit down. The story took a diferent turn now and they're now doubling down and essentially arguing that you need to be killed before you're justified in defending yourself because you can never know the intent of someone charging at you. Not to mention that Kyle even tried to de-escalate the situation by retreating. It's insane how the red vs. blue tribalism has progressed.

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