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5 minutes ago, fred200 said:

Don't forget - it only works on female enemies. You can't use it on Lydia.

The intended targets were all female bandits in the wild and also those occupying Fort Greenwall while the earlier successes included similar bandits occupying Fort Dunstad. Both cases were using expanded bandit sub-classes added by Deadly Wenches (add-on for Immersive Wenches). I run Loot, TES5Edit and Wrye Bash with every round of mod changes/updates and FNIS and Bodyslide as needed.

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58 minutes ago, Graphic67 said:

The intended targets were all female bandits in the wild and also those occupying Fort Greenwall while the earlier successes included similar bandits occupying Fort Dunstad. Both cases were using expanded bandit sub-classes added by Deadly Wenches (add-on for Immersive Wenches). I run Loot, TES5Edit and Wrye Bash with every round of mod changes/updates and FNIS and Bodyslide as needed.

I don't use Deadly Wenches in my DCL play throughs, so I can't comment on those. Vanilla female bandits work for me in 7.1.  They get both tossed - and bound.

Come to think of it - I did have to charge up the sword with a soulgem.

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17 hours ago, cybermitch said:

I'v done all that. None of the bodies at all have anything other than random keys. I've searched everyone and around everyone. 

The right body actually had a quest arrow over him, so actually looting them all wasn't necessary. While you're on Chloe quest the traps won't trigger anyway so doesn't matter telling this.


Also what can really matter is if you've finished the Live Another Life start in Helgen or not. It's 2 different castles basically depending on your quest stage. Cave structures and obstacles may change. At least it works for me after i did Helgen and reported back to Riverwood, not tested other way around.

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3 hours ago, shadow866 said:


So while testing out the Chloe quest im stuck on a part where im suppose to talk to the Whiterun Carriage Driver and ride to Falkreath.

But im not getting any dialogue for the chloe quest when i speak to the Carriage Driver.

Im guessing its because im using Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul that it conflicts with it.


So whats the console command to skip that step?


Dont really get the console command to change stage :P

Is it suppose to be like this?   player.setstage dcur_chloequest 180


Either way it seems that Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul is what conflicts with those dialogues.

I rather not disable a esp just for 1 dialogue since it usally mess up stuff.

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I got a rubber doll quest with full restraints on and was reading papyrus log on why sex only triggers half of the time, and errors the others (i mean the quest specific dialog "A rubber doll with gorgeous curves just for me..."). 2 sorts of lines i can find. Lots of text i'll put in spoilers:


[11/12/2018 - 02:45:51AM] [Zad]: OnAnimationStart()
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:51AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValueInt() on a None object, aborting function call
	[alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (190E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:51AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
	[alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (190E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22

I don't have a dominant follower so i think it's missing some kind of check. Harmless error i hope?


This is what sex event looks like at the beginning when it works (still during full rubber doll):

[11/12/2018 - 02:45:48AM] [Zad]: Actor(s) are bound. Trying to set up bound animation.
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:48AM] [DCUR] Calling SL Scene with animation array length: 1
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:48AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:48AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Jinna) -- TRUE -- HIT
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:48AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Jinna] SetActor([Actor < (00000014)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (06061EEF)>]
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:49AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Kyra) -- TRUE -- MISS
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:49AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: Kyra Seeded Stats: [29.183485, 59.970062, 36.565983, 41.815865, 176.844025, 42.105721, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 54.000000, 0.000000, 48.701946, 33.642365]
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:49AM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Kyra] SetActor([Actor < (2F0012D4)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias003 on quest SexLabThread00 (06061EEF)>]
[11/12/2018 - 02:45:49AM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting

And this when it doesn't start:

[11/12/2018 - 02:46:30AM] [Zad]: Actor(s) are bound. Trying to set up bound animation.
[11/12/2018 - 02:46:30AM] [Zad]: Error: no valid bound animations could be found.
[11/12/2018 - 02:46:30AM] ERROR: Cannot cast from None to sslBaseAnimation[]
	[zadQuest (0900F624)].zadbq00.SelectValidDDAnimations() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 539
	[zadQuest (0900F624)].zadlibs.SelectValidDDAnimations() - "zadLibs.psc" Line 705
	[dcur_mainlib (19024495)].dcur_library.sexwithplayer() - "dcur_library.psc" Line 5051
	[topic info 1906614C on quest dcur_rubberdollquest (19065666)].dcur_rubberdolldialogue.Fragment_0() - "dcur_rubberdolldialogue.psc" Line 16
[11/12/2018 - 02:46:30AM] [DCUR] Sex Scene aborted. No valid animations found.
[11/12/2018 - 02:46:32AM] DDH CheckAddedItems left 0 on the list.


I think it's also not checking if player is in full chastity either, it was trying to start animation at inn when i had closed hood (gag) and time locked belt after the same rubber doll dialog start.


And other one was that when i had the "doll just for me" dialog, a rape from this mod started first by other npc and the first one was forgotten.


So what is Zad, it errors out in DD side and not this mod?

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11 hours ago, shadow866 said:

Dont really get the console command to change stage :P

Is it suppose to be like this?   player.setstage dcur_chloequest 180


Either way it seems that Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul is what conflicts with those dialogues.

I rather not disable a esp just for 1 dialogue since it usally mess up stuff.

Before doing that I would actually take the carriage to Falkreath and see if the issue fixed itself... if not you can still use setstage.


For your command, you actually need to drop the "player." it should look like "setstage dcur_chloequest 180" (assuming your current stage is 170)

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Because CTFO removes the vanilla carriage driver and replaces him with a creepy clone, the DCL Chloe quest will jam up there.


Personally, I'd prefer travel by carriage to be optional for that part.


That would work around that little issue without forcing people to dump CTFO (though CTFO breaks a lot of quests that use the carriage drivers, and SLUTS Redux too).

There are many reasons to dump CTFO though, including how it constrains your LO sort. I got rid of it, don't miss it.

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So I found that my character will trigger combat surrender if I am unarmed even if I have that rape condition disabled. Complex surrender chances are also set at 0% (It does not say what it actually does in the MCM) so it seems that at least some of the rape options are broken in configuration.

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4 hours ago, McReduce said:

Before doing that I would actually take the carriage to Falkreath and see if the issue fixed itself... if not you can still use setstage.


For your command, you actually need to drop the "player." it should look like "setstage dcur_chloequest 180" (assuming your current stage is 170)

Taking carriage to falkreath doesnt work because im not getting the quest dialogue for the chloe quest,

Using the normal carriage dialogue to falkreath doesnt update the quest :(

Hmm i cant figure out the quest id for the chloe quest. It seems "dcur_chloequest" is the wrong id. Does anyone know the ID?


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19 hours ago, kronnos44 said:

Hey i saw something about a questline in this mod thats about 2hrs+ gameplay , i was wondering what branch that was , the chloe branch? it was in the patch notes but now it's gone so i was wondering what it was again.

2 hours? Only if you turn the speed debuffs off. Otherwise, more like about 10. Value for money!

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Is there a way to completely disable the automatic lockpicking of the collar?
I just freed myself while wearing an elbowbinder :/ 

The settings in the MCM "Dominant Follower" section won't help. I made everything 0, yet I still manage to free myself.



At this point I'm not sure if this is intended.
Maybe it has to do with me using MrEsturk's XDFF follower mod?


Does this happen with anyone else?

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On 11/9/2018 at 10:03 PM, SleepyJim said:

Just ran through the captured princess start again on my latest game and a couple of minor bugs to report:

  • Little Luke is still floating in the air in the tavern basement.
  • The Slaver's Armbinder is an elbowbinder but its inventory record (dcur_hq_armbinderinventory) has the armbinder struggle animations set instead of the elbowbinder ones, so whenever the player struggles against it - whether by event poll or manually - the arms pop out of the sides of the sheath.

One other odd occurrence I've never had before: a wolf was chasing a rabbit right next to the cart at the stage where I had to shuffle around checking the bodies for the hideout key. With no way to run or fight, and with Telrav - the most useless archer in the history of the universe - as my only "defence," I would certainly have been killed if I hadn't used the tgm console command. Amusingly, being in god mode turned her hobble dress shuffle all the way up to Ludicrous SpeedTM. She was racing back and forth, the wolf lunging at empty air, and Telrav spraying arrows everywhere except his target. It was like something out of a Benny Hill sketch. Great entertainment!

More on the elbowbinder issue, notably the slaver's one. I only got the struggle animations working properly when I uninstalled zaz pack but I found my game crashed too much without it and had to reinstall. The problem with the elbowbinder came back so there is definitely an issue with zap there,  but I also noticed it was not the same struggle animation as the one which worked without zap but a newer one, so I guess sleepyjim is right and that it is a new struggle animation but which was designed for the general armbinder. I think it is definitely an issue that needs sorting for the next release.

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4 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

2 hours? Only if you turn the speed debuffs off. Otherwise, more like about 10. Value for money!

haha i know , but i'm searching for a specific part , that's lets say rather new ? i haven't checked up in a few months , and i saw something about it somewhere

maby the chloe branch?

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2 hours ago, jigwigigx said:

More on the elbowbinder issue, notably the slaver's one. I only got the struggle animations working properly when I uninstalled zaz pack but I found my game crashed too much without it and had to reinstall. The problem with the elbowbinder came back so there is definitely an issue with zap there,  but I also noticed it was not the same struggle animation as the one which worked without zap but a newer one, so I guess sleepyjim is right and that it is a new struggle animation but which was designed for the general armbinder. I think it is definitely an issue that needs sorting for the next release.

Yeah, I changed the inventory record for the slaver's armbinder, replacing its references to the five regular and two hobbled armbinder struggle animations to the elbowbinder equivalents, then ran through the start again. Struggling now worked without the arms popping out of the binder. Some of the sex animations that can trigger still don't quite work properly, but that's perhaps a general DD issue, where there aren't elbowbinder versions of all armbinder sex animations yet?


Either way, it looks like that one item was originally made as an armbinder and was later switched to an eblowbinder with a few things that needed changing missed in the process.

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6 hours ago, shadow866 said:

Taking carriage to falkreath doesnt work because im not getting the quest dialogue for the chloe quest,

Using the normal carriage dialogue to falkreath doesnt update the quest :(

Hmm i cant figure out the quest id for the chloe quest. It seems "dcur_chloequest" is the wrong id. Does anyone know the ID?


It is the right ID, what you need to do to get past this, since I had the same issue, is type "setstage dcur_chloequest 190" then head into the Dead Man's Drink in Falkreath and talk to the owner Valga. She's got quest dialogue now, so you can skip past the carriage ride. The quest won't advance until you talk to Valga, so be aware of that and don't worry when the console command doesn't give you new options.

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Ok, I still get version number 6.4 even after redoing my setup from a clean Sexlab install. Am I not doing something or hasn't it been fixed yet?



Update: I guess it is the new version since I found a couple of Darepacks,  and Leah and Leon's "Make me your slave" dialogues are gone.

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1 hour ago, bubba999 said:

Ok, I still get version number 6.4 even after redoing my setup from a clean Sexlab install. Am I not doing something or hasn't it been fixed yet?



Update: I guess it is the new version since I found a couple of Darepacks,  and Leah and Leon's "Make me your slave" dialogues are gone.

It is correct that it still wrongly reports 6.4 ingame. Darepacks are from "Devious Lore" mod though? Check your installation also... Check dollmaker house perhaps, there should only be 2 npcs (dollmaker and sasha). In the actual 6.4 there was also a "slave".

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1 hour ago, Zaflis said:

It is correct that it still wrongly reports 6.4 ingame. Darepacks are from "Devious Lore" mod though? Check your installation also... Check dollmaker house perhaps, there should only be 2 npcs (dollmaker and sasha). In the actual 6.4 there was also a "slave".

I did have Devious Lore installed but don't currently so I don't know what is going on.

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