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On 11/29/2017 at 7:59 PM, Kimy said:

I will post a version compatible with DD4 on the same day DD4 launches. :)

Great news, let me know if you need help testing, I have my Skyrim setup currently for DD4 testing only so would work well for testing DD4 support in DCL.

Really liked the LAL Captured Princess starting scenario...

Just wondering if you are planning (if not I would like to make a request for it if I may) to provide a continuation quest that is triggered at some point after the LAL start, for example at level 10, that has some NPC's recognise the Player as 'the missing princess' and go about re-capturing her or sending out bounty hunters for her etc that then kicks off another escape quest?

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3 minutes ago, special said:

Just wondering if you are planning (if not I would like to make a request for it if I may) to provide a continuation quest that is triggered at some point after the LAL start, for example at level 10, that has some NPC's recognise the Player as 'the missing princess' and go about re-capturing her or sending out bounty hunters for her etc that then kicks off another escape quest?

i 1up this whole heartedly

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I am having an issue, that's not really an issue, error, or bug or anything like that, but may be something worth taking into consideration if there are future updates anytime soon. I like the idea of DCL traps on doors, when it comes to dungeons, wilderness locations, and even locked doors in cities, but currently the options are to choose whether or not to filter for "locked doors only" or not. I'd like for the risk to be any door outside of cities, but trying to allow for this, I am often triggering traps when entering the general goods shops in open cities/villages like Riverwood and Falkreath, and twice so far when entering the main gates of Whiterun. A Deviously trapped main gate would certainly make for a very interesting city, if imagining all visitors risking such an encounter, but can be somewhat debilitating to any other gameplay.


Would it be possible, or practical to consider some way to filter out doors to shops and towns? 



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On 28/11/2017 at 2:30 PM, WaxenFigure said:


Have you checked the Minimum Arousal To Find Cursed Loot setting?  You can set the chance of loot to 100% but if you aren't aroused enough to meet or exceed that setting you will never find any cursed loot. (Yes, I've done that and was wondering why it wasn't working too).

It wasnt the minimal arousal but for some reason when I unchecked the "refined chances" it started working perfectly

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On 30/11/2017 at 3:00 AM, jigwigigx said:
On 29/11/2017 at 8:52 PM, Lupine00 said:

Does anyone know what mod adds the "Hello Sweetie" dialogue?

It doesn't seem to do anything useful, but it does break Sasha.


After clicking it while she was at home, not actively following, she no longer had a "follow me" dialogue option and could not be re-added as a follower.


So, if you see that dialogue on Sasha. Don't click it. Fortunately, I noticed it quickly, and reloaded to resolve.


I've seen it pop up, just now and again. It wasn't in my game until just now. I didn't install any new mods, or do anything in SD+ (which sometimes seems to make dialogues go strange). On a previous play-through, I saw it on Lydia consistently, but not in this game. Back then it didn't cause any problems with her, just did nothing.


Not sure but I think the succubus mods do that.

It can't be that, unless some mod I don't know about has secret succubus functionality.

As far as I know, I only had SL Dialogues, SD+, Devious Regulations, Simple Slavery, SLStores, SLStoriesDevious, and DCL (OF COURSE!) ... maybe had SD+ addons.


Probably something in SLStories or the like?

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As Kimy fully intends to replace features of all existing Devious mods with lighter and better versions, I expect the Dollmaker will sell a new "solicitation collar" so you can turn any inn into Red Wave, add the ability to get enslaved due to device vulnerability, and a new generic master/mistress NPC (with a wide range of names, appearances, locations, and factions, selected to be not completely boring), with a mix-up of the functionality of Sasha, Leon and Leah, but with a hook into the new collar. When you get enslaved, your captors immediately trade you to the new generic master. So, with only an hour of grind, you can be off adventuring again with your new strict and unforgiving dominant follower.




I can dream.


I'd settle for direct trigger of SD+, so SS can go.


The thing that spoils DCL, or any Devious mod right now, is dodgy sex-scenes. When it works it's great, but often, you get an inappropriate animation with arm popping, or it doesn't play at all, or the participants are weirdly dislocated from each other.


But I'm not sure how DD4 + DCL7 can fix that, as it's not really in their scope. But again. Dreams and wishes. I haven't looked at the repos, so I don't know what's going on in there. Too busy moving from NMM to MO.

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12 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I'd settle for direct trigger of SD+, so SS can go.


The thing that spoils DCL, or any Devious mod right now, is dodgy sex-scenes. When it works it's great, but often, you get an inappropriate animation with arm popping, or it doesn't play at all, or the participants are weirdly dislocated from each other.


But I'm not sure how DD4 + DCL7 can fix that, as it's not really in their scope. But again. Dreams and wishes. I haven't looked at the repos, so I don't know what's going on in there. Too busy moving from NMM to MO.

From what I understand the animation filter system is due for an overhaul sometime after DD4 is released (altho your issues sound like they might be due to some conflicts or animation issues, I don't see any of those issues running just the DD filter with the recent doggystyle fix patch).


Unless I've missed a recent development, I was under the impression that SD+ doesn't play nice with DCL and other DD quest mods because it allows for things like Blacksmiths removing otherwise unremovable quest devices, which is likely to break the quests themselves.  Unless that has changed I'd seriously not expect to see a direct link between DCL and SD+.

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Another minor request for the new DD4 compatible version of DCL.

Could you change the Princess LAL start to use the new Ebonite Straightjacket + Leg Bindings instead of Armbinder + Hobble dress?

If not, could there be an MCM option for restraints for this quest?


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2 hours ago, johntrine said:

why not have the option of both at the starting?


Maybe because @Kimy wants the quest to be of a particular difficulty and having too many options may spoil the original vision of the quest?  Maybe, I dunno, but yes both would be awesome.

My restraint switch suggestion above is a like for like switch in terms of difficulty so shouldn't cause any balancing issues.

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16 minutes ago, special said:

Maybe because @Kimy wants the quest to be of a particular difficulty and having too many options may spoil the original vision of the quest?  Maybe, I dunno, but yes both would be awesome.

My restraint switch suggestion above is a like for like switch in terms of difficulty so shouldn't cause any balancing issues.

yeah but couldn't you change the difficulty in mcm before starting?

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8 hours ago, Reesewow said:

Unless I've missed a recent development, I was under the impression that SD+ doesn't play nice with DCL and other DD quest mods because it allows for things like Blacksmiths removing otherwise unremovable quest devices, which is likely to break the quests themselves.  Unless that has changed I'd seriously not expect to see a direct link between DCL and SD+.


While the "blacksmith can remove quest devices" is 100% an SD+ problem, the main incompatibility is entirely reliant on either the player through manual surrender (don't do it when wearing DD quest devices) or whatever DA system (currently only DAYMOYL) the player has in place. Having a DD-aware DA mod, and one that isn't DAYMOYL, would go a very long way to restoring compatibility between DCL and SD+, something I mentioned a few pages back in the hope that Kimy might eventually decide to expand hers to directly connect to SD+ if, and only if, the player has no DD quest items or special collars equipped. Having said items equipped would ideally just force a non-SS/SD+ outcome.


Right now, the best workaround for getting rid of DAYMOYL and most SD+ incompatibility is to use DEC as the intermediary and forgo a direct connection through SS or combat defeat, though that removes a huge incentive to be careful about picking fights and ensuring you don't fight them sloppy. DD/DCL remain the foundation for my particular "Skyrim is dangerous all the time" kind of play, and having a direct link to an SD+ that doesn't break DD/DCL would pretty much complete the mod base for it. 90% of that is reliant on having a working DA to block SD+ when needed. The remaining 10% is getting SD+ to play nice from its side.

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I did a quest for the Dollmaker where I had to bring someone back to her because a client bought a dress but then didn't pay her for it and I bought the ultimate binding package and used it on female target and walked the target all the way back to the doll maker. The problem I had was the target npc became complete invisible but despite that she followed me all the way to the dollmaker and once I got inside the home of the dollmaker the invisible npc became visible again

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9 hours ago, Hiderius said:

I did a quest for the Dollmaker where I had to bring someone back to her because a client bought a dress but then didn't pay her for it and I bought the ultimate binding package and used it on female target and walked the target all the way back to the doll maker. The problem I had was the target npc became complete invisible but despite that she followed me all the way to the dollmaker and once I got inside the home of the dollmaker the invisible npc became visible again

When you did this, did the dress you had to wear appear? For me it's invisible and I'm not sure why.

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On 12/3/2017 at 7:46 AM, SkyAddiction said:


While the "blacksmith can remove quest devices" is 100% an SD+ problem, the main incompatibility is entirely reliant on either the player through manual surrender (don't do it when wearing DD quest devices) or whatever DA system (currently only DAYMOYL) the player has in place. Having a DD-aware DA mod, and one that isn't DAYMOYL, would go a very long way to restoring compatibility between DCL and SD+, something I mentioned a few pages back in the hope that Kimy might eventually decide to expand hers to directly connect to SD+ if, and only if, the player has no DD quest items or special collars equipped. Having said items equipped would ideally just force a non-SS/SD+ outcome.


Right now, the best workaround for getting rid of DAYMOYL and most SD+ incompatibility is to use DEC as the intermediary and forgo a direct connection through SS or combat defeat, though that removes a huge incentive to be careful about picking fights and ensuring you don't fight them sloppy. DD/DCL remain the foundation for my particular "Skyrim is dangerous all the time" kind of play, and having a direct link to an SD+ that doesn't break DD/DCL would pretty much complete the mod base for it. 90% of that is reliant on having a working DA to block SD+ when needed. The remaining 10% is getting SD+ to play nice from its side.

Cursed Loot has features "alternative death" scenarios and combat surrender for a while, actually. It's not as exhaustive as DA and features BDSM themed outcome scenarios only, but it's definitely there.

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2 hours ago, Kimy said:

Cursed Loot has features "alternative death" scenarios and combat surrender for a while, actually. It's not as exhaustive as DA and features BDSM themed outcome scenarios only, but it's definitely there.

Just to add... I've been using Combat Surrender for quite a while now, it is reliable and works well without all the bugs you get from DA

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11 hours ago, Hiderius said:

I did a quest for the Dollmaker where I had to bring someone back to her because a client bought a dress but then didn't pay her for it and I bought the ultimate binding package and used it on female target and walked the target all the way back to the doll maker. The problem I had was the target npc became complete invisible but despite that she followed me all the way to the dollmaker and once I got inside the home of the dollmaker the invisible npc became visible again

That seems to be a HDT physics bug. 


This seems to be the fix: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/34345-breasts-stretch-really-far-then-said-npc-sometimes-goes-invisible/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-1621615



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11 hours ago, Hiderius said:

I did a quest for the Dollmaker where I had to bring someone back to her because a client bought a dress but then didn't pay her for it and I bought the ultimate binding package and used it on female target and walked the target all the way back to the doll maker. The problem I had was the target npc became complete invisible but despite that she followed me all the way to the dollmaker and once I got inside the home of the dollmaker the invisible npc became visible again

That seems to be a HDT physics bug. 


This seems to be the fix: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/34345-breasts-stretch-really-far-then-said-npc-sometimes-goes-invisible/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-1621615



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