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Can someone explain why people like UNP and 7base over CBBE?


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Honestly, I like the legs of CBBE, UNP legs seem thin and deformed.


It really is personal preference, I use CBBE, but the legs to me are the downside of this body.


UNP-based and other bodys seem to have much more details on the legs, like  the characteristic of the thigh muscles is clearly visible, like in this picture:



I cannot find this detail with the CBBE body, the legs there look more simple, like 2 sticks coming out of the body.


Still using CBBE though, because the upper body I think has the best proportions, especially on the shoulders.


I've played through fallout 3 and fallout NV, looking at these rather unrealistic shoulder proportions all the time:






UNP and the Fallout type3 body have the same creator, and i still see a bit of the  fallout3 shoulders in the UNP body, which keeps me from using it:





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Honestly, I like the legs of CBBE, UNP legs seem thin and deformed.


It really is personal preference, I use CBBE, but the legs to me are the downside of this body.


UNP-based and other bodys seem to have much more details on the legs, like  the characteristic of the thigh muscles is clearly visible, like in this picture:





I cannot find this detail with the CBBE body, the legs there look more simple, like 2 sticks coming out of the body.


Still using CBBE though, because the upper body I think has the best proportions, especially on the shoulders.


I've played through fallout 3 and fallout NV, looking at these rather unrealistic shoulder proportions all the time:






UNP and the Fallout type3 body have the same creator, and i still see a bit of the  fallout3 shoulders in the UNP body, which keeps me from using it:







UNP SevenBase Bombshell - Shoulders post-204983-0-14481000-1406390887_thumb.jpg post-204983-0-81861500-1406390990_thumb.jpg


UNP Topmodel - Shoulders post-204983-0-90765200-1406391168_thumb.jpg



Bodies during Sex Aniamtions  -  CBBE V.S. UNP  -   :shy:  end of story..




CBBE body during animations :blink:index.php?app=core&module=attach&section WTF..? :o



UNP body during animations ^_^index.php?app=core&module=attach&section Corretct! ;)

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It was mostly a skeleton issue as far as I know. That's why I was so surprised when I installed UNP for the first time, looked at the shoulder area and thought: Oh no! Not again. Why!? Well, according to post 404 people have improved the UNP body in the meanwhile, which is great. The lower-body and legs were already superior to CBBE before IMO. But i'm using CBBE-Slim, with some tiny bodyslide tweaks, and it's just exactly what I want (except for the legs) and fits my character. I've tried other similar slim-bodies in the meanwhile, but then in the actual game, without any pose-mods or screenshot ENBs, they never looked that good anymore. So that's why I stay with CBBE, to answer post #405.

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I use the UNPB BBP - it has all the xp3 skeleton stuff already together for jiggly boobs.

jiggly boobs rock. dunno they probably have cbbe bbp but dunno. I added a better realistic texture & those titties are awesome! I was a cbbe fan but this is like both in 1. it even says that in the description. its at the nexus in the top adult mod list. that's why I switched. hope it helps ur curiosity! either way boobs in games! WOOT! O_o

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It was mostly a skeleton issue as far as I know. That's why I was so surprised when I installed UNP for the first time, looked at the shoulder area and thought: Oh no! Not again. Why!? Well, according to post 404 people have improved the UNP body in the meanwhile, which is great. The lower-body and legs were already superior to CBBE before IMO. But i'm using CBBE-Slim, with some tiny bodyslide tweaks, and it's just exactly what I want (except for the legs) and fits my character. I've tried other similar slim-bodies in the meanwhile, but then in the actual game, without any pose-mods or screenshot ENBs, they never looked that good anymore. So that's why I stay with CBBE, to answer post #405.


Incorrect. Both bodies have deformation issues, but CBBE's is far more extreme and the topology on CBBE badly exacerbated the issue, the only weighted nif with a pretty much non deforming (as possible) mesh is DreamGirl (which actually makes sense as the mesh is actually a backported Gmod conversion of an Oblivion body, and Gmod bodies actually actually have to account for arm movements above the head, and  a correctly weighted and rigged mesh won't deform when the arms go behind the back or above the collarbone. CBBE's topology and weighting is simply not up to the standards of most other bodies, period, and now with deforming meshes that have impulse and kinematic support are the becoming the norm, the lack of updating shows pretty hardcore if you look even the slightest bit past UHHUHUHHUH HUR BUBBIES JIGGLE UHUHUUHUUU.


Contrary to bodyslide (and make all the boobies giant in all the things mods )You can't fix everything by resizing it, and even if you tessellated the mesh it wouldn't help. It needs a redesign. Pretty what much Nuska had to do with Oblivion meshes is what you'd have to do get CBBE up to par, and we can see with OCO Khajiits, even tessellation and retopologizing can't fix everything either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me it's simple: I tried other body mods and found UNPB to be my personal favorite. It provides the women of Skyrim with a good variety of breast sizes and pleasing bodies without making them all musclebound hulks, stick-thin waifs, fake boobed silicone runway models, or flat-chested to the point of making a body mod no more advantageous than the vanilla bodies. Not that I mind those variations, but not on the general populace. When I saw various attempts at recreating UNPB in BodySlide, they did not appear to me to be as good as the original. Thus, there has been no reason to switch. I have more UNPB armor than I will ever wear in my downloads, and I can use specialized followers to try out the other body shapes, including CBBE, and their respective armors. I suck at modeling, although I can copy already existing weights. Even with sliders I can't eyeball a mesh to a satisfactory UNPB shape, and unless someone comes up with a premade setting that exactly recreates the body there's no reason to switch. I've got my clothing and armor, I've created a passable pregnant modification to my favorite body, I have the exact textures that I need, and I can use any other body and its clothing via followers. What's the point of switching when I'm good and set?

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Honestly, I like the legs of CBBE, UNP legs seem thin and deformed.


It really is personal preference, I use CBBE, but the legs to me are the downside of this body.


UNP-based and other bodys seem to have much more details on the legs, like  the characteristic of the thigh muscles is clearly visible, like in this picture:





I cannot find this detail with the CBBE body, the legs there look more simple, like 2 sticks coming out of the body.


Still using CBBE though, because the upper body I think has the best proportions, especially on the shoulders.


I've played through fallout 3 and fallout NV, looking at these rather unrealistic shoulder proportions all the time:






UNP and the Fallout type3 body have the same creator, and i still see a bit of the  fallout3 shoulders in the UNP body, which keeps me from using it:





Just to clarify, that first pic is a character of mine and that is Demonica/LB3 and not a UNP variant.
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from what ive seen, UNP has no ass. :u


and im all about the ass.

UNPK is all about that and then some. You might want to thank Gooboo for correcting that deficiency.




and this will be the first time i'll ever try UNP


but its good to see this, since every other UNP body ive seen is...really lacking in shape.


well, to me atleast.


Huzzah for changes!

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Why do I prefer UNP/UNPB over CBBE: I like the shape of the bodies, specifically the breasts (not interested in fake looking ones).


Yes, I can make a CBBE body look like a UNP(B) body (I have done it) but:

1- Few of the armor sets I use have bodyslide data for CBBE so I am stuck with the basic shape

2- There are a number of armors that are not available in CBBE and some that have been converted don't look nearly as good as the UNP(B) versions

3- I am not going to convert those armors to CBBE in the outfit studio, I have better things to spend my time on


While there are armors that are in CBBE and not UNP(B) I find that the number of them are few.

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  • 4 months later...

Seriously, I can't take these threads anymore. Both sides are giving either completely false or irrelevant arguments about "both sides" and it all comes down to personal preference.


Four examples for both that are facts and not opinion-based:



1.) CBBE has less realistic boobs than UNP -> this might be true in terms of poly count, but UNP's breasts are located very high compared to CBBE (slim) and the nipples are rather perky. 7B has completely fake ones (which isn't a bad thing, just a fact).

2.) UNP doesn't have BodySlide support -> false, there's UNP BodySlide by stuffed_bunny and Unified UNP by btn2k3.

3.) CBBE looks like barbie and is outdated -> false, just get the right textures. There is a difference noticable in poly count but it's not as COMPLETELY horrible as most make it out to be.

4.) UNP has the better textures -> false, most textures are available for both bodies and the UV's of both body types aren't necessarily better or worse than the other.




Decide on the facts and your taste, but don't think of your own facts that aren't even true because you're butthurt.


Obviously the excuse for CBBE seems to be BodySlide. I agree with default textures and the default curvy preset other bodies fit the Skyrim look more, though these have improved a bit.


Like the boobs of one of the UNP type bodies? Fine, use it.

Rather want the sliders of CBBE BodySlide? Fine, use it.

Want both in one? Make outfits for Unified UNP or similar.


Your preferred body type doesn't have an outfit you like?

Fine, switch to another body or convert it yourself with Max/Blender/Outfit Studio.

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Seven Base appeals to the whole body. Not just tits and ass.

The first body I downloaded was CBBE actually, it was rather striking and disappointing how skinny the back of the chest was. It seemed to "lack" a few bones/muscles on the back of the torso. It was a no-no from start. Moved to ADEC for the hips and ass combo, but the whole chest suffered from a similar effect, also banana tits. After a while I couldn't stand it either. Settled for Seven Base, back then it was not really because I like it that much, but because it had the least broken features. Currently I use a slightly edited skeleton to increase the ratio of the hips over the sholders plus ECE, very happy with the result. A body that I like without having to deal anymore conversions. I'm through with that...


Miss the thickness of the Vanilla body at 100% weight, but that alone isn't enough to go back.

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Are we talking technicality here or actual body type preferences?  The latter is pretty subjective.  


So I don't really know much about bodyslider and all those options CBBE apparently has now, but my first impression of it was that it was generally bigger and bustier than UNP.  While very subjective, I'm not a fan of "gigantic" asses or oversized taters which end up looking unrealistic and "fake" to me.  I generally like proportional females with a touch of petite, which the default UNP had in spades.  


Since then, it's just about all I've used.  I have no complaints about the body, and most of the armours are pretty nice.  Plus, managing all the UNP mods I have would be a nightmare if I wanted to swap now.  Unless I either bork my Skyrim game to the point where I need to re-mod skyrim, or just feel like reinstalling everything to clean up the game, I don't feel the need to go through the hassle of going through the directory and manually pulling out files, nor messing with bodyslider to attain a body I already find suitable for my needs.  


Edit:  With that said regarding the body slider, UNP is simply more convenient for me.  

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Vertex normals are disabled for both CBBE and UNP (at least within the NIF, the game generates them itself afterwards).

That's strange, because when I import CBBE into 3dsmax, I can see the same kind of flaw I see in the game.




What you're saying does make sense. I tried fixing this, and succeeded in removing the effect. Shows up fine in 3dsmax, but fails in-game.


Would be nice if the game could use the normals from the nifs somehow.

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