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A lot of people say straight men play as men. I say, since when is looking at a male butt 24/7 straight?


By that logic, every person on earth is gay. If you have any thoughts pertaining to self aesthetics or vanity (which everyone does every day) you are automatically sexually orientated to your own sex?


I wasn't saying looking at male butts as a male is gay in general. All I did was turn around the statement of some people saying you're gay if you don't play as your own sex.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a bit curious if anyone else has run into a glitch where you can't remove Plugs even after you have removed all other devious devices, even with debug commands such as the Free Me option from Cursed Loot. Everything else works 100% okay, it's just that for some reason, plugs will permanently stay in place even with no chasity device to hold them there.


I encountered the same problem and didn't find a solution, yet.

It was probably already solved somewhere in this thread, but I didn't find it within a reasonable amount of time.

I would really appreciate help, solving this problem that may well just be me forgetting to do something about mod settings or whatever.

It's just no fun, if I have to go back to the last save whenever I get equipped with plugs, because I won't be able to get them out ever again.

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A lot of people say straight men play as men. I say, since when is looking at a male butt 24/7 straight?


That's what I used to think aswell and I still play as girl, cause it's just so much hotter to see her in peril. The downside of it is, if you play too much Skyrim, that you forget how to approach women and what your role is. Playing as a male has the good sides, that you're not constantly thinking about sex AND that you can pretend to be him and approach girls ingame from a more dominant and natural point of view.

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Could somebody make any ring gag mesh version without belts? Just mouth ring. I haven't touched mesh editor for a long time and forgot how to work in it.

You will have my eternal graditude and I will name my grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand child in your honor (I guess at that time no one will be surprised by name even like "KO234psy").

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Wishlist and minor bugs


Here is a list of things which I'd like to see in DDs. Most of them wouldn't be too hard to add, since they are based on existing items. I also listed 1-2 minor bugs.



- different size and color balls

- penis gags - different sizes and shapes from the regular to the extreme.




- different sizes - for example a grand soulgem one should be bigger than a common one

- more shapes and colors




- IMO the Heavy Yoke is backwards when it is equipped. The curvy shape should be front. The neck lock should be front.

- Physics on the locks. Would be nice if they could dangle.

- Steel Yoke has really big hole for the wrists. While it is usually not visible, it is kind of immersion-breaking in scenes where you can see that the character could easily pull out her hands.



Elbow bondage

- it would be nice to have devices which lock the elbow too, with the proper poses and anims (atm some mods claim that the elbow is locked, but they are in fact very far from each other).

- the character should not be able to take off these without NPC help




- there are lots of different hood mods, would be nice to include them in DD too



Chastity belt vs mining

- When you mine, you get a flavor message which should come when you sit down.



Chastity gear

- more variants (textures)

- thight band with chain (goes to the slot of Leg Cuff and slows down the character)

- bra connected to collar with chains




- preferably with BBP

- variants with attachable gloves, boots and hoods



More "furnitures"

- rigid cuffs to lock the character in a position (for example wrists to ankles)

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Hello. I'm having a problem with the assets 2.9 (2.8.3?). I upgraded the versions of the devious assetsand integration. However wrye, nmm and even integration says that I'm using assets 2.8.3. I dowloaded DDA (2.9) 3 times and even deleted the old esm twice just to maeke sure it updated but meh. still says it's 2.83.

Any help is appriciated

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Word of advice? You'd probably want looser tollerances for a release version.


The gag mesh you have there looks very nicely sculpted to the facemesh on your test-char, but there's no saying that face-shape is what the end-user will have on their char, infact, you can be almost garuenteed that they won't. A looser fit would go a long way to ensure that it'd work for more people.



Otherwise, that looks really good! ^_^

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- different size and color balls

- penis gags - different sizes and shapes from the regular to the extreme.

I was working on something similar. Hope to continue working when I finish my exams.







Its looks great !!!

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hey question, do the piercings (and devices in general) work with chsbhc and chsbhc v3-t? i use v3-t and there's some clipping with like the harness but not much, but equipped piercings don't show up at all. 


Officially the devices support CBBE v3.2.3 curvy, UNP, UNP Skinny and UNP HDT-PE TBBP only. With most of them you can get away with different bodies and some modest clipping but the nipple piercings in particular will look out of place (or actually be inside the breasts, as it sounds like is happening in your case.) If you want them to fit non-supported bodies you will need to find or make a conversion, I'm afraid. There are a few different ones out there.

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- different size and color balls

- penis gags - different sizes and shapes from the regular to the extreme.
I was working on something similar. Hope to continue working when I finish my exams.



Cool stuff! :)

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Hello. I'm having a problem with the assets 2.9 (2.8.3?). I upgraded the versions of the devious assetsand integration. However wrye, nmm and even integration says that I'm using assets 2.8.3. I dowloaded DDA (2.9) 3 times and even deleted the old esm twice just to maeke sure it updated but meh. still says it's 2.83.


Any help is appriciated


I keep getting this problem as well : / in game I keep getting told I need 2.9, but I HAVE installed it.

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Hi i am not sure it here to post this so.....


Thanks for DD....


I have one thing that bothers me though and its  not easy to correct :Why are the vaginal plugs inserted through the pelvis bone? Its all wrong as if you placed a penis where the naval should be . The soft part(the hole sits just an inch from the ass hole) see your favorite porns.......or take a look at your wife/girlfriend


I wonder why the female players are not protesting over this....post-28-0-34883600-1430984551_thumb.jpg


All that work that have been done with this mod(s) and this detail........is not noticed  

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Hi i am not sure it here to post this so.....


Thanks for DD....


I have one thing that bothers me though and its  not easy to correct :Why are the vaginal plugs inserted through the pelvis bone? Its all wrong as if you placed a penis where the naval should be . The soft part(the hole sits just an inch from the ass hole) see your favorite porns.......or take a look at your wife/girlfriend


I wonder why the female players are not protesting over this....attachicon.gifScreenShot14.jpg


All that work that have been done with this mod(s) and this detail........is not noticed  


I don't think many people noticed since the plugs fall out fairly quickly / almost instantly without something to hold them in, which blocks your view. I certainly haven't seen plugs without a belt as well.




On an unrelated note, why is it that I can't wear the restrictive corset with certain armor but I can with the harness? 


The harness works with everything. The corset gets hidden by the Blacktalon bikini but not by Vicky's bra from the Brokefoot UNP Mashup. As far as I can tell, they're identical.


I've even looked into the .nifs and I still can't find any difference between the two bikini-type outfits. I'm seriously frustrated right now.

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