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3 minutes ago, HexBolt8 said:

As @Teimakaa suggested, you have the Confessions of a Slave quest.  If you take too long, you periodically get reminded and lose score.

I have that quest but it's night and breaking in is not a good option^^ Also the shocks kill me in 30 secs.

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2 hours ago, xyzxyz said:

I have that quest but it's night and breaking in is not a good option and breaking in is not a good option

To allow time to talk to the NPCs, the quest will only start before 7 PM, and only people in the area are selected.   When the owner gives an order, you're not supposed to wait for a convenient time -- you're a slave.  However, if you waited long enough to start getting punished, it's certainly possible that those people have gone home.  Simply Knock is a great mod for those situations.   If you don't have it, this is a good time to give it a try.  Otherwise, you might reload an earlier save (going in & out of doors in town should have generated autosaves) or use the wait function to wait for morning.


2 hours ago, xyzxyz said:

Also the shocks kill me in 30 secs.

You really have to work at it to get yourself killed, but there are mods that do bizarre things.  The zaps won't inflict damage below a minimum health threshold.  The damage is delivered directly to the health pool, bypassing settings that increase damage as well as ignoring any vulnerability to a specific damage type.  As an added precaution, the PC is also temporarily set to be essential.  That said, SLTR can't account for every weird mod out there that might cause player death when it normally wouldn't happen.  But worst case, I'm sure you know how to use the MCM to adjust punishment damage and the console to restore health if you need to.  Your best option right now would be to load an earlier save and finish the quest without delay.  If you're dying that quickly, you won't have to go back far to avoid the punishment.

Edited by HexBolt8
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8 hours ago, xyzxyz said:

Also the shocks kill me in 30 secs.


Hexbolt already answered that in length,  I only want to mention one culprit that killed me, when I was new to SubLola: Deviously Cursed Loot. That mod has some buffs on high arousal, including one that increases health. When you're zapped, arousal drops, when you reach the buff-threshold, health seriously drops - and another zap just kills you.

SubLola now has an MCM option to raise arousal on zapping, which might save your ass. Haven't tested this combination myself yet.

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Regarding the Hair Change event, for those who have the problem where the change is lost when you load a save, does that happen all the time or just sometimes?  I'm considering whether it would make sense to replace the Renew Now button on the MCM with a toggle to automatically renew the hair whenever a saved game is loaded.

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8 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

Regarding the Hair Change event, for those who have the problem where the change is lost when you load a save, does that happen all the time or just sometimes?


I've only had one instance of hair change event, which was only a colour change. That was lost upon the next reload (and stayed like this every reload after that. Wasn't aware of the refresh button in the MCM)

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:20 PM, HexBolt8 said:

Regarding the Hair Change event, for those who have the problem where the change is lost when you load a save, does that happen all the time or just sometimes?  I'm considering whether it would make sense to replace the Renew Now button on the MCM with a toggle to automatically renew the hair whenever a saved game is loaded.


Yes, changed hair color is lost on load. Hair style persists though. This event has only happened once for me but they're the same results as CaptainJ03.

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Not a bug, just a comment because it's a fun interaction with some surprising implications:


SLTR quests give generous XP if you're playing with Experience, and I think they count as main story quests for XP. This means it's entirely possible to do a non-combat focused playthrough. Using NFF or another mod with similar capabilities to change follower combat behavior means it's possible to focus entirely on non-combat skills and still meaningfully level your character.

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52 minutes ago, SkyAddiction said:

SLTR quests give generous XP if you're playing with Experience....

I remember that this was mentioned before.  As a practical matter, there's not much that SLTR can do.  Each event is a quest, so slaves will be completing many quests.  It looks like it offers some interesting possibilities for advancement, for those so inclined.

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1 hour ago, HexBolt8 said:

I remember that this was mentioned before.  As a practical matter, there's not much that SLTR can do.  Each event is a quest, so slaves will be completing many quests.  It looks like it offers some interesting possibilities for advancement, for those so inclined.


Oh, I don't mean it as a criticism in any way. I just wanted to point out that it made a very difficult playstyle very easy to access. It's not a problem, it's an asset - so much so I almost abandoned a 50+ hour playthrough to take a shot at a non-combat one because the idea finally seemed fun and appealing. :classic_smile:

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Version 2.1.3


NOTE:  This update adds two collars to the list.  If you were using Custom or Random, the index has changed, so you should update your Collar setting.


NOTE:  This update makes use of assets from the Runic Collar mod by @Frayed.  If you like the collar and runic circles, please consider endorsing that mod as a thank you to the author.


What's New



New:  Two new collars, based on the runic collar design from Layam and Frayed.  They're available options in the MCM.  Requires the optional Runic Collar Assets download file OR having the Runic Collar mod installed (at least its meshes and textures).  These are just the collars, adapted for use as devious devices, without the glowing circles (the circles are available as a separate effect).  A Dull version is provided if you like the design but not the glowing runes.  If you want to give yourself one from the console to wear before enslavement, they're named "Runic Slave Collar".




New:  Glowing rune circles as an optional effect regardless of equipped collar, based on the Runic Collar from Frayed.  The effect must be enabled on the MCM Devices page.  Requires the optional Runic Collar Assets download file OR having the Runic Collar mod installed (at least its meshes and textures).  The rune circles are a separate effect, so they can be used with any collar.
- You can choose the effect (None, Dim, Dim Glowing, Bright, or Bright Glowing) for four states:  Enslaved, Suspended, Punished, and Beckoned.
- The Glowing options illuminate the face and upper chest, similar to Face Light, and might possibly interfere with Face Light.
- The Punishment state includes whipping and spanking.  Looks great with "Owner's whipping hand glows red" enabled on the Rules page.
- For the Beckon state, the effect will display for 2 seconds when the owner beckons and then revert to the Enslaved state.
- There's a soft built-in sound whenever a rune circle effect ends.  It helps signal the transition between dim and bright effects, which might not be obvious in well-lit areas.




Changed:  Replacing your equipped collar is now done on the Devices MCM page rather than by asking the owner.
Changed:  If the owner gagged you, replacing the gag is now possible on the Devices MCM page.
Changed:  The Trophy Slave event will use the Auction Pose in the SS++ MCM (if SS++ is installed).
Changed:  If you were enslaved through Simple Slavery, the Trophy Slave event cannot occur for at least a week.
Changed:  MCM Statistics now tracks Times Motivated (motivational punishments).
Changed:  The dialog for motivational punishments is different now for the first time and for the first few days.  Because motivations were not counted before, the next one in an ongoing game will use the dialog for a new slave regardless of time enslaved.
Changed:  The hair change event now has 4 responses (enthusiastic, obedient, pouting, and unhappy).  If you choose enthusiastic, then when the event ends, you'll sound more submissive, and the owner won't seem disappointed that it's time to change your hair back.
Changed:  Careless Hands will no longer remove hand bindings when it ends if Time to Relax is running.  If Careless Hands is active when Time to Relax finishes, both quests will end since the owner talks about untying you.
Changed:  To avoid animation problems, vampire owners/playmates will not feed on you while you're wearing heavy bondage.


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May I submit some ideas? Sorry if any have been suggested before, or if they're just not possible.

- If Lola has been gagged, but is also in the middle of a prostitution quest, the ability to ask to temporarily suspend the gag punishment while inside an inn so she can get to work (and gag on other things). If Lola leaves the inn and takes too long to ask to be gagged again, master accuses her of hoping they'd forget about it to weasel out of wearing the gag, and reacts accordingly.

- Random shocks from the collar while adventuring, with master claiming it was an accident, or just flat-out admitting they just like seeing Lola squirm. Maybe make it a toggle-able setting whether this can happen so that it doesn't kill/frustrate those that put shock damage at high settings, OR have it deplete stamina instead of health so it's less likely to be potentially deadly.

- Collar shocks when Lola takes too long responding to beckoning and master gets impatient.

- Event where master makes Lola wear shock bracelets in addition to the collar, to amplify the negative effects of being shocked; whether it's more damage or a temporary debuff, to make sure she learns to be obedient. Maybe have new submissive dialogue options in this state that show Lola being visible panicked/scared/nervous at the prospect of more intense shocking.


- A new event in a town, wherein master tells Lola to go have sex/perform sexual favors with a particular person in town as part of a deal to pay them back for borrowed money (or any kind of unspecified favor) while master goes shopping or drinking. After Lola spends time with the subject, a variety of outcomes may happen:

  1.  The subject is satisfied and tells Lola that master's debt will be considered repaid.
  2. The subject is satisfied, but likes what Lola's got, so they offer to give her some gold if she does "overtime", telling her that her master "doesn't have to know." If Lola accepts, she can either pocket the money, or confess to master and give the money over for bonus submission points.
  3. The subject demands even more from Lola, despite not being part of the agreed upon deal. Lola may either submit for her master's sake, or tell the subject to piss off, causing her to return to her master empty-handed, leaving it to chance whether her master takes her side and just brushes off the outcome, or gets angry and blames Lola for not being good enough and enacts some kind of punishment on her.
  4. The rarest outcome: subject praises Lola for her skills, but says they changed their mind and master still owes them despite this. Lola can get on her knees and beg for them to reconsider, but either way they must return to an angry master. She may either apologize, say the blame was all her own, and submissively accept punishment, or she can show resistance and claim it wasn't her fault (deducts points).


- Just for flavor, an option in MCM regarding playmates: choose whether playmates are closer in status to Lola (also a slave, master talking down to them in a degrading way, and dialogue as if master also shocks and abuses them, although Lola is still the clear favorite among his slaves), or the master (like a co-owner or a buddy of master, master referring to them in friendly terms, on-field dialogue suggesting the playmate just gave them some good ideas for Lola's treatment). Not affecting gameplay, just altering dialogue and behavior in a desired way for flavor/aesthetic purposes.


- An option to have a short leash attachment hanging from the slave collar (like in this slave Leia mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23487?tab=images ). Options can include front or back, chain or leather, etc.

Edited by gazebo09
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Hi, quick question since i've never used this mod.

How does the owner dismissal works?

I'm running a game with sd+, practical defeat, SS++ and follower slavery mod, how many conflicts am i running into if i trigger any of these mods events while submissive lola is running?

Edited by squirreldaz
Added more details
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16 minutes ago, squirreldaz said:

How does the owner dismissal works?

It's better if you don't do it, but it won't break the mod.  However, you are still considered to be enslaved to that follower, so you'll have to recruit that follower again to continue your enslavement or end it (if you've fulfilled any contract terms).


16 minutes ago, squirreldaz said:

I'm running a game with sd+, practical defeat and follower slavery mod, how many conflicts am i running into if i trigger any of these mods events while submissive lola is running?

SD+:  It's been a while since I've used it.  Does that one actually dismiss followers?  Regardless, as noted above, it won't break this mod, but you'll probably want to seek out your follower after you get free. 


Practical Defeat:  I'm not familiar with Practical Defeat, but I use SexLab Defeat.  If they're similar, there's no conflict.  In fact, Submissive Lola supports Simple Slavery outcomes from defeat mods (you'll see your master there in the auction hall, and that follower can even buy you back if you've enabled Submissive Lola as an auction outcome).


Follower Slavery Mod:  No conflict, because FSM specifically excludes enslaving the Submissive Lola owner (as well as any Devious Follower).

Edited by HexBolt8
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32 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

May I submit some ideas?

Suggestions are always welcome.


33 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

If Lola has been gagged, but is also in the middle of a prostitution quest, the ability to ask to temporarily suspend the gag punishment while inside an inn so she can get to work (and gag on other things).

Gag punishment is supposed to be inconvenient.  The prostitution event won't start if all of Lola's orifices are blocked, so she still can work even while gagged, and there's no time limit for fulfilling the prostitution quota, so there's no need to remove the gag.


38 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

Random shocks from the collar while adventuring...

You might be new to the mod.  :)  Rest assured, you'll be getting shocked a lot.


40 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

Maybe make it a toggle-able setting whether this can happen so that it doesn't kill/frustrate those that put shock damage at high settings, OR have it deplete stamina instead of health so it's less likely to be potentially deadly.

As discussed in detail a few posts back, the zaps should never be fatal.  This mod has multiple precautions to prevent that.  However, other mods can thwart those efforts.  If you find that you're dying from the zaps, look over the settings in mods that adjust PC health and tweak them or turn off those features (if they cause problems here, they're likely to cause problems for other mods) and/or set SLTR's zap strength to a very low value.


48 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

Collar shocks when Lola takes too long responding to beckoning and master gets impatient.

That will occur (and you'll lose score) if you delay long enough to see the message that the owner is angry with you.


51 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

A new event in a town, wherein master tells Lola to go have sex/perform sexual favors with a particular person in town as part of a deal to pay them back for borrowed money (or any kind of unspecified favor) while master goes shopping or drinking.

The Pony Express event is similar.  I also have an item on my to-do list to consider loaning Lola out for sexual favors, but I need to work on the concept, and there are higher priority items.


54 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

Just for flavor, an option in MCM regarding playmates: choose whether playmates are closer in status to Lola...

It's a long-term goal to have a more defined role for the playmate, but the current arrangement allows a lot of flexibility while still having a good amount of interaction with the playmate.  The more-recent feature to allow the playmate to punish the PC does provide some added spice without restricting the playmate's place in the hierarchy.


59 minutes ago, gazebo09 said:

An option to have a short leash attachment hanging from the slave collar...

I have the LE version of that item.  It's nice.  It can be used with a collar (some designs don't clip very noticeably).  I prefer to leave the use of cosmetic items or accessories up to players, and have the mod focus on bondage devices.

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Regarding  @gazebo09 suggestion -  I think having the option of the shock collar damaging Magicka or Stamina (instead of health) would be a nice option to have. For some characters I've played, taking Magicka way down would be much more relevant as a punishment (and avoids any issues with accidentally killing the PC), than damaging health.

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17 minutes ago, Anunya said:

Regarding  @gazebo09 suggestion -  I think having the option of the shock collar damaging Magicka or Stamina (instead of health) would be a nice option to have. For some characters I've played, taking Magicka way down would be much more relevant as a punishment (and avoids any issues with accidentally killing the PC), than damaging health.

Let me more direct.  Because SLTR uses multiple measure to prevent PC death -- including temporarily setting the PC to essential -- I believe I've taken very reasonable steps to avoid PC death from punishment.  (In one game I set the zap strength higher than my character's maximum health and never had a death from it.)  If deaths still occur, I place the blame on mods that do bizarre things to PC health (CaptainJ03 mentioned one possible situation on this same page).  Players who have a problem in this area really should look over their mods for any that might be behind PC deaths and adjust their settings to eliminate or minimize the risk.  It's always better to fix a problem at the source (bad mod or risky mod settings).  In addition, the zap strength is configurable down to 5 points (SLTR will further reduce the damage to as little as zero if PC health is low).


Although there are times when the PC might be debuffed, in most situations health, stamina and magicka recover fairly quickly, so I'm not sure if there's much point to also damaging stamina or magicka.  I suppose that these two could be damaged proportionally (a high-magicka character would lose more magicka than health from a zap), but it doesn't seem like it would matter much.  Maybe a consideration for a future update.

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Yeah, I'm not really concerned about accidental death - I've never had that issue. I didn't mean to imply that your work there is at fault - SubLola is one of the tightest, best tested, thoroughly executed mods on this site.


On the Magicka loss, in an average game it wouldn't mean much... but who plays an average game these days :D


Personally, I often play caster focused PCs and will often mess with Magicka pools and regen rates in different ways. I've played games where regen default is set to zero (requiring potions or masturbation to replenish). I typically play with learning-takes-time mods, and sometimes they have settings for Magicka implications. Some needs mods impact Magicka regen. I use SL Disparity for all sorts of modifiers - they usually vary by game - but debuffs to Magicka rates are pretty common.


There are lots of little dials and levers that I use to make the Magicka bar a bit more of a gameplay element for (some of) my PCs, and there's usally a RP element as well. If SubLola had an additional dial that could be used to achieve an overall effect - in this case re: Magicka - that'd be great. But if not, it's not a big deal either :) 


On a flavour side, it'd also be a nice little distinction between getting whipped (health damage) and getting zapped (magicka damage).


But like I said, not a big deal.

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30 minutes ago, Anunya said:

There are lots of little dials and levers that I use to make the Magicka bar a bit more of a gameplay element for (some of) my PCs, and there's usally a RP element as well. If SubLola had an additional dial that could be used to achieve an overall effect - in this case re: Magicka - that'd be great. But if not, it's not a big deal either :) 


On a flavour side, it'd also be a nice little distinction between getting whipped (health damage) and getting zapped (magicka damage).

That's a good point.  If magicka regen is low (for whatever reason), a hit to that pool would add some real sting to a zap.  I'd rather not drop the health damage (it's supposed to hurt) or add more configuration settings, but zaps could also proportionally damage magicka (which is common for shock spells).  I just wonder if players would be okay with a change like that.

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10 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

SD+:  It's been a while since I've used it.  Does that one actually dismiss followers?

It actually enslaves the follower alongside you, i guess i'll just disable the outcome for mods that trigger it while having a follower in the case that i'm using this mod.

Regarding practical defeat it hooks with the mods i listed above, i guess i'll just compromise.

Anyway, another thing i'd like to know, can the follower be stopped from being dominant anytime or is there something like a quota from devious followers to fulfill? It's something that isn't explained well in the mod page and i still don't understand it.

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6 hours ago, squirreldaz said:

can the follower be stopped from being dominant anytime or is there something like a quota from devious followers to fulfill?

The enslavement is consensual (unless you get enslaved by this mod through Simple Slavery, in which case you'll have a contract to fulfill).  By default, you can end the enslavement whenever you like by just talking to the follower.  After you end enslavement, follower behavior returns to normal.


As noted on the mod page, you can optionally have a contract period, so that you must stay enslaved to the follower for a certain number of days.  You can set that in the MCM prior to enslavement or ask for contract time in exchange for receiving gold while enslaved.


You have a submission score that starts at 0.  If you disobey or fail a task, you lose score.  You cannot end enslavement while your score is negative, but it's easy to earn score points.  The MCM offers optional score-based restrictions.  You can set a minimum score to achieve before you can ask to be released, or a score threshold after which the enslavement becomes permanent (be careful with that one).


If you're unsure whether you'll like the mod, do not enable the options for contract time or minimum score, so you can try being your follower's slave and end that relationship whenever you like.  If you decide to ask to be freed, be insistent.  The follower will try to entice you to remain a slave.  If you ask about the offered incentives, that follower will conclude that you weren't serious about leaving and will deny your request for a few game hours.


If you end the enslavement and later change your mind, you can ask that follower (or another follower) to be your master again, though a follower will want you to wait a game day before becoming his or her slave again. 

Edited by HexBolt8
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9 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

 I just wonder if players would be okay with a change like that.

I think that's a cool idea. Nuking mana and stamina could be a more impactful punishment in dungeons. Especially if you've recently been punished for not serving your mistress recently.

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14 minutes ago, blahity said:

I think that's a cool idea. Nuking mana and stamina could be a more impactful punishment in dungeons. Especially if you've recently been punished for not serving your mistress recently.

Okay, but be careful what you wish for.  :)  I'm not planning to have settings for this (other than the existing one for zap health damage), so if your regen rates are low, and you lose health and magicka (and possibly stamina), you might have to use potions to get back to full health.  That could be a plus for players who like a challenge, or players might want to reduce the zap strength if it's going to affect all three pools.

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1 hour ago, HexBolt8 said:

The enslavement is consensual (unless you get enslaved by this mod through Simple Slavery, in which case you'll have a contract to fulfill).  By default, you can end the enslavement whenever you like by just talking to the follower.  After you end enslavement, follower behavior returns to normal.


As noted on the mod page, you can optionally have a contract period, so that you must stay enslaved to the follower for a certain number of days.  You can set that in the MCM prior to enslavement or ask for contract time in exchange for receiving gold while enslaved.


You have a submission score that starts at 0.  If you disobey or fail a task, you lose score.  You cannot end enslavement while your score is negative, but it's easy to earn score points.  The MCM offers optional score-based restrictions.  You can set a minimum score to achieve before you can ask to be released, or a score threshold after which the enslavement becomes permanent (be careful with that one).


If you're unsure whether you'll like the mod, do not enable the options for contract time or minimum score, so you can try being your follower's slave and end that relationship whenever you like.  If you decide to ask to be freed, be insistent.  The follower will try to entice you to remain a slave.  If you ask about the offered incentives, that follower will conclude that you weren't serious about leaving and will deny your request for a few game hours.


If you end the enslavement and later change your mind, you can ask that follower (or another follower) to be your master again, though a follower will want you to wait a game day before becoming his or her slave again. 

Thanks, this clears any question i've had, couldn't ask for a better handling of the mod's features.

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2 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

Okay, but be careful what you wish for.  :)  I'm not planning to have settings for this (other than the existing one for zap health damage), so if your regen rates are low, and you lose health and magicka (and possibly stamina), you might have to use potions to get back to full health.  That could be a plus for players who like a challenge, or players might want to reduce the zap strength if it's going to affect all three pools.

Umh, might I mention that I'm quite opposed to that idea? Especially if it's hoisted on us with no option to disable. Fine if some people prefer it that way, but it's basically the choice between making the punishment completely insignificant (by lowering it to next to nothing) ... or over the top. Not appealing choices at all.

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