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You again make the stuff become alive:-)

(Ich hoffe, dass Du die Integration der neuen "Garottes" in den Framework hinbekommst...würde mich sehr freuen!)


If you think you can also CREATE a script for the "Guiloutine", I prepare another model for the guiloutine as well.

The BLADE and a LEVER would come as activators, like the old model has. The old model has no ideal blade animation, because I have not been able to create own gamebryo-animations, in between, I can add such stuff more better, and perhaps with editor-markers for more easy alignment.


And this script is maybe not far away for a use inside of RACKS, which could be using also an activator-wheel-I made two of them, available inside of ZAP 8(plus).

A further reduction could become a script for torture like the CRUX-stuff and maybe some "hanging on the feet"-stuff-hanging on the feet is maybe also causing the screen-effects (bluring)...unsharping-effects-maybe some blind-effects, heart-beat (which is maybe a vanilla-mechanic-part) and from zap....blindfold-pulsating (this is also a zap-framework-option!)


And my last hint is the addition of a script, which could maybe bring the WHIP-MARKER of ZAP to become alive.

The whip-marker is a furnitue, which could be used in front of whipping-devices. The advantage: the quest-writer is not any longer in the hole, to script an attack with angular precission-you can simply use AI-packs to use this marker if maybe the dedicated furniture is in use. This whipping furniture would need a script, so to cause the effects of a VIRTUAL-attack: sound, decals onto the skin of the victim and maybe some crying and torture effect as well. SYNCING the hits of the whip is not necessary-but maybe can a property spend an interval-related-timer for the whipping-audio...(this is of course only a suggestion-a real-whipping-attack is of course more professional).


This are only some suggestions for your work-I would of course be happy, if you could bring them in.


I think that this modular furniture-related functions will make zap to become more interesting for modding in future. And I have no idea, why scripters in the past did not think about this more early. You work in the style, like Bethesda is adding scripts to furnitures and connect this great work with AI-packs and quest will make a smooth-working gameplay happen.

I hope you have your fun with creating it and you may be happy with your working results inside of the ZAP 9 later;-)))


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I found a strange bug with throwing out the body. It may work only for me, but still I will share with you its essence: to play it, you must first use the non-lethal garrote, after the animation the character will be ejected from the device. And now if you use the flyal version, the body of a dead character will fall through the textures of the device and fall to the ground
The problem i solved only by re-entry into the game.

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40 minutes ago, staspidaras said:

I found a strange bug with throwing out the body. It may work only for me, but still I will share with you its essence: to play it, you must first use the non-lethal garrote, after the animation the character will be ejected from the device. And now if you use the flyal version, the body of a dead character will fall through the textures of the device and fall to the ground
The problem i solved only by re-entry into the game.

I tried it in LE and SE but i cannot reproduce this Bug. would you mind making a short video of the process? that is usually very informative on what exactly happens.

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5 hours ago, t.ara said:

And I have no idea, why scripters in the past did not think about this more early.

I think there is an easy answer to that.

If you really want all furniture functions to be fully contained within that single piece of furniture. you´ll hit limitations very soon. Looking at Zairas stuff illustrates that very well.

you need additional scripts to handle aliases, effects, spells and so on if you really want detailed results as seen in Maria Eden for Example (In case someone didn't notice, I really am a fan of Zaira :) )


And going for such an high level of detail in a framework mod probably isn't that interesting for serious modders anyway. People as skilled as Zaira/Musje/Inte/.... can easily implement such furniture functions for their mods themselves, and they already did.


I think having my modular scripts included in Zap is primarily interesting for end users who just want to play around with it, and MAYBE some smaller modders who lack the experience to make complex scenes on their own.

The Gallow and the Guillotine(If i get it work) might be a bit of an exception, since they actually did something completely new (as far as i know at least), But i doubt that you´ll find my scripts for the Garotte and similar stuff unaltered in something as big as ME or POP.



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2 hours ago, Pamatronic said:

I think there is an easy answer to that.

If you really want all furniture functions to be fully contained within that single piece of furniture. you´ll hit limitations very soon. Looking at Zairas stuff illustrates that very well.

you need additional scripts to handle aliases, effects, spells and so on if you really want detailed results as seen in Maria Eden for Example (In case someone didn't notice, I really am a fan of Zaira :) )


And going for such an high level of detail in a framework mod probably isn't that interesting for serious modders anyway. People as skilled as Zaira/Musje/Inte/.... can easily implement such furniture functions for their mods themselves, and they already did.


I think having my modular scripts included in Zap is primarily interesting for end users who just want to play around with it, and MAYBE some smaller modders who lack the experience to make complex scenes on their own.

The Gallow and the Guillotine(If i get it work) might be a bit of an exception, since they actually did something completely new (as far as i know at least), But i doubt that you´ll find my scripts for the Garotte and similar stuff unaltered in something as big as ME or POP.



Anyway do I keep to my position and I can only defend your unique work here: for SKYRIM it´s ideal to use the functions on the assets-it´s vanilla style. And it works. In whole, I would not degrade this of your work in compare to huge quest-line-mods. Lot of people do not have the skills of creating mods like those modders which you, mentioned, but others could add maybe some AI-packs, build a cell and share a light-weighted and working quest as a new mod, based on ZAP...if it´s a cell-bound-mod, it´s also okay-one is creation a torture-house, another one builds a bandit-camp. A nicely created autonom ZAP- pack is probably a good choice for people, who don´t have the time to learn the quest-scripting-and btw. have lot of mods their issures by strangulating the engine with too much code. If code is running, the overall engine is going more busy-not seldom are different factors the result to let skyrim crash or stop a quest-line. I think, the modular stuff is very creative and can be combined with each other by using AI-packs and suiting NPC-maybe also simply a follower. This is very much flexiable.


I do not remember to play with any form of gallow before in such a way-I do not miss here a detail-and I do not remember in the older versions such higher degree of detail-only thing was a lock-mechanism, which was depending of the lifeline of the quest-if the quest crashed-I had to load the last gameplay...so here the options inside the script is making it MOSTLY flexiable and more analythic. It´s not allone the script for the gallow, there are different new aspects which make it to become a better stuff:  it´s the rope, the furniture with the set-up-the trap-door....the collision of the trapdoor....this functionallity is totally NEW. In the higher gallows, the victims falls down thru the trap-hole and fall down into the grass-they stand up again and you can go on (by option)-this are very precise DETAILS of only your new stuff. It´s the first time, such stuff can be played autonom. Without a CRASH, with a recall, with screen info, what is happening. And I guess in future is such stuff maybe a good chance to keep a quest-line alive. Questers have the OPTIONS, to use this stuff-or they do it inside of their script-lines. If there´s such an option, it´s much more better. (as usually only my personal opinion)

What is btw. happening if I use GOD MODE on the gallow-has somebody tested that?...I did not check that yet. Anyway is my NPC, which has god mode, simply dying.









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9 minutes ago, t.ara said:

You can of course use the zbfTestzone !!!!

I was thinking about that, but i decided against it due to technical reasons.

On my old 8GB Ram machine, i would pretty much always get a crash on entering the zbftestzone, due to insufficient ram. (closing firefox before playing solved that issue, but i need something playing in the background)

Also, testing the scripts involves an awfull amount of launching skyrim/loading saves, so you really want your loading times to be short. Therefore a small testzone is the better option for me.

But thanks for the offer.

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2 minutes ago, Pamatronic said:

I was thinking about that, but i decided against it due to technical reasons.

On my old 8GB Ram machine, i would pretty much always get a crash on entering the zbftestzone, due to insufficient ram. (closing firefox before playing solved that issue, but i need something playing in the background)

Also, testing the scripts involves an awfull amount of launching skyrim/loading saves, so you really want your loading times to be short. Therefore a small testzone is the better option for me.

But thanks for the offer.


Maybe you can place a new house accessible from zbfTestzone? Furniture can be placed inside, similar to other houses.



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nah,  the duplicated battle born Farm has a bit of a meaning to me, so i´ll stay with that for the time being. If i run out of space at some point i can think about moving.

Besides, if you want to try this stuff out for yourself, you can just spawn it as described on the modpage.

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11 minutes ago, Pamatronic said:

nah,  the duplicated battle born Farm has a bit of a meaning to me, so i´ll stay with that for the time being. If i run out of space at some point i can think about moving.

Besides, if you want to try this stuff out for yourself, you can just spawn it as described on the modpage.

I've already created a road sign :'(


Never mind ?


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2 hours ago, poblivion said:

I've already created a road sign :'(


Never mind ?


Hi Poblivion-I like that.

I am spreading the furnitures all over the zap-park-anyway could I also add a NEW house - "an special" (haunted-house) for pama ´s inside of the park-you simply please send me that sign and I will create a CUTE location for his work inside the park. I will drop some mountains again and then build a nice area-that´s a nice idea:-)

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2 hours ago, Pamatronic said:

I was thinking about that, but i decided against it due to technical reasons.

On my old 8GB Ram machine, i would pretty much always get a crash on entering the zbftestzone, due to insufficient ram. (closing firefox before playing solved that issue, but i need something playing in the background)

Also, testing the scripts involves an awfull amount of launching skyrim/loading saves, so you really want your loading times to be short. Therefore a small testzone is the better option for me.

But thanks for the offer.

I send you a p.m.

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"" 1. use the console/placement mod to spawn one of these two. (keep in mind that the FormID´s might be different for your game)

2. when spawned, punch it until the GarotteWheel appears (might take a few try´s) ""


What does "punch it" mean ?


I entered " player.placeatme (BaseID)". Garotte appeared, but without the wheel. Tell the noob how and what to enter in the console to place your garotte in the world. From the description, I didn't know how to do it at all.

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Punch is a common word within the english language and not misleading to people who have a basic idea of it. ("punch" = "attack")

google translate not working properly is something i simply cannot account for.


But because i´m such a nice person, I tried it with German and Japanese, and apparently google translate really refuses to give a usefull translation for this phrase.

So i´ll go and change the description.


And Yes, i does work. it just might require a few attempts since the hitboxes are a bit off.

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