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1 hour ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:



I try and avoid disputing, directly contradicting, or otherwise arguing (/"calling out") other authors and their mods, and it's one reason I've avoided the support thread for your patch almost entirely, despite using it now and then.
I might come on a bit strong and borderline confrontational (ask Tentacus in his Hardship thread) if I'm irritated at the time, however, it's not my responsibility, nor do I want to "police" what others do with their mods, it's their damn work after all.

But what you're doing, choices you're deliberately making, are seemingly intentionally making life difficult for anyone that isn't you, and a lot of it is pretty fucking easily changed, but you seem absolutely intent on doing whatever you like, and fuck the rest of the community and any 'collective' decisions that have been made.

The crap with your 'included body' is just one of the more egregious choices, and can be changed in ~half an hour max, to the ~year-long 'standard' (conservative guess, closer to 2 by now), with a bit of RegEx to adjust the XML's to match.
One of the others I had an issue with was the haphazard dismantling and restitching of author's animations, including outright disabling several animations.
Explained a bit, when I discovered a few cases of that among the XML's.

Overlays, people can choose, I'll give you that, same with the Tatt's.

The Theme Tags removal on the other hand, is ridiculous.
If there's any disagreements or suggestions for changing or adding/removing certain tags from the Themes, Halstrom is open to suggestion on them, they're a 'community-managed' tag list, after all (though in future, they'll likely be Anim author's responsibility).
On top of which, they're also rather thorough, if a little limited, in what's included.

That, is also not a solution, that's a hack-job workaround for a problem that shouldn't exist, but that's more down to people finding that patch listed as "required" elsewhere, not really your doing.
Blank file overwrites should be avoided anyway, it's part of the reason the One Patch can be problematic.

Not directly an issue, but wanted to touch on Overlays, since I did whip up a scripted solution, after all.
For some, very specific use cases, like the one you mentioned, it's occasionally a 'better' solution to set (or not set) overlays via XML, but that's also something I can configure with the script for the overlays, even so far as to specify certain tag/keyword exclusions/inclusions, and it's not reliant on patches such as yours, to update as Authors update, since it uses tags. But, I digress.

In similar fashion as Trykz's odd removal/re-upload of his Droids of the Commonwealth 'patch', it's still your 'mod', but what you're doing is divisive and makes no damn sense, and simply adds confusion and extra troubleshooting for everyone.
But hey, if you wanna spend more time troubleshooting others' setups with your patch, be my fucking guest.

And I find that one actually hilarious. ?

1)It takes me 5 min to replace some xml files with blank files to avoid conflict with other patches, I think it is better to do this because I can. No harm or problem for me

2)I do not want to wait while authors will read/discuss/add to their mods. In themes you can see PenisToEither in 50% of animations. There is a lot of FromBehind/FromFront wrong tags, a lot of wrong NullToSelf. I think he even don't play animations before set tags.

3)What is better in your solution for overlays?

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42 minutes ago, Indarello said:

I think he even don't play animations before set tags.

He wouldn't have time, there's a good ~1k or more animations, in total.
Also, I think you've maybe misinterpreted the Theme layout...
The first of those tags is frequently NullToSelf, 'cause that's what Actor0 is doing, to Actor0. They're all what's being done to Actor0, really. Which could be a little restrictive down the line, so might need some additional tags or a config change for them, but they're fine for now.
He's also usually used PenisToEither as the author's never really specified or corrected him on it (nor has anyone else) and it's rather easy for it to be either. More common with older anims as well, I believe, as more recent ones, using the Extended Skeleton (ZeX) let them curve the penis (Rufgt is good at that), so it's often much more clear which orifice it's supposed to be.

49 minutes ago, Indarello said:

I do not want to wait while authors will read/discuss/add to their mods.

Not sure where that's coming from/going to, but a lot of what I (and others, like Saya) have mentioned has been a 'standard' for quite some time, including in the respective mods' XML's, or in BT2/3's case, the threads for them.

50 minutes ago, Indarello said:

It takes me 5 min to replace some xml files with blank files to avoid conflict with other patches

Actually, that just creates conflicts, when that mod/patch updates. The only exception is ones no longer being worked on, which, for patches, rapidly makes them obsolete, as has been the case with Polistiro's for a long time, and more recently, large chunks of the One Patch.

52 minutes ago, Indarello said:

What is better in your solution for overlays?

Well, put it this way.

How long have you been editing XML's for?
And how long would it take you to go and re-add your overlays again, to all the anim mods you cover, from scratch?
Because in the span of a week, I created a script to make that (specific XML work) largely redundant. And I don't need to update it, only to add features, or fix any bugs. I could abandon it now, and it'd function fine as long as tags didn't change or stop being used.
Provided the animation in question uses the appropriate tags (based on the VKC Theme), it adds the overlays for any present and appropriate tags, once the animation ends. Also conditionals for adding the _Mutant versions, and already partially set up for additional overlays for Robot/Synth overlays, if any are made.

As I said, there's some, very specific cases where it might be a better move to use the XML's to add or not-add an overlay, but it's going to be much easier to change the tags or script behaviour for a handful of animations, than mess with XML's for weeks to set up overlays for all the anim packs (and keep it updated).

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19 minutes ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:

He wouldn't have time, there's a good ~1k or more animations, in total.
Also, I think you've maybe misinterpreted the Theme layout...
The first of those tags is frequently NullToSelf, 'cause that's what Actor0 is doing, to Actor0. They're all what's being done to Actor0, really. Which could be a little restrictive down the line, so might need some additional tags or a config change for them, but they're fine for now.
He's also usually used PenisToEither as the author's never really specified or corrected him on it (nor has anyone else) and it's rather easy for it to be either. More common with older anims as well, I believe, as more recent ones, using the Extended Skeleton (ZeX) let them curve the penis (Rufgt is good at that), so it's often much more clear which orifice it's supposed to be.

Not sure where that's coming from/going to, but a lot of what I (and others, like Saya) have mentioned has been a 'standard' for quite some time, including in the respective mods' XML's, or in BT2/3's case, the threads for them.

Actually, that just creates conflicts, when that mod/patch updates. The only exception is ones no longer being worked on, which, for patches, rapidly makes them obsolete, as has been the case with Polistiro's for a long time, and more recently, large chunks of the One Patch.

Well, put it this way.

How long have you been editing XML's for?
And how long would it take you to go and re-add your overlays again, to all the anim mods you cover, from scratch?
Because in the span of a week, I created a script to make that (specific XML work) largely redundant. And I don't need to update it, only to add features, or fix any bugs. I could abandon it now, and it'd function fine as long as tags didn't change or stop being used.
Provided the animation in question uses the appropriate tags (based on the VKC Theme), it adds the overlays for any present and appropriate tags, once the animation ends. Also conditionals for adding the _Mutant versions, and already partially set up for additional overlays for Robot/Synth overlays, if any are made.

As I said, there's some, very specific cases where it might be a better move to use the XML's to add or not-add an overlay, but it's going to be much easier to change the tags or script behaviour for a handful of animations, than mess with XML's for weeks to set up overlays for all the anim packs (and keep it updated).

1k Animations, no time?
I added:







7)Flexibility in FF

8)Flexibility for ground


Yes lets wait 1 more year so he will play animations before add tags

I still don't see any advantage in you case, still all animations require personal tag for overlay

You can abandon your mod, but I cant


Don't understand what conflicts you are talking about, blank files just don't contain nothing


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59 minutes ago, Indarello said:

1k Animations, no time?


You or I might have the time, but many do not, especially with partners and/or kids involved as well.

1 hour ago, Indarello said:

I still don't see any advantage in you case, still all animations require personal tag for overlay

Even if the Themes received no updates, and no mod authors added their own tags anywhere, it'd be maybe 5mins work per author, to add tags based on the anim names, and suddenly it works again.
And it's actually something a lot of users could do (tagData.xml), most of the other XML fiddling is beyond "them".

1 hour ago, Indarello said:

Don't understand what conflicts you are talking about, blank files just don't contain nothing

Because suddenly, you need more precise mod priority/rules, or shit breaks.
Every additional step is another potential point of failure you then need to rule out when troubleshooting, at a minimum.

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34 minutes ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:


You or I might have the time, but many do not, especially with partners and/or kids involved as well.

Even if the Themes received no updates, and no mod authors added their own tags anywhere, it'd be maybe 5mins work per author, to add tags based on the anim names, and suddenly it works again.
And it's actually something a lot of users could do (tagData.xml), most of the other XML fiddling is beyond "them".

Because suddenly, you need more precise mod priority/rules, or shit breaks.
Every additional step is another potential point of failure you then need to rule out when troubleshooting, at a minimum.

So you found it for yourself, because no time so I will do it

I dont see difference in time for me (about overlays)

Dont understand about about failure you said

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14 hours ago, Indarello said:

3)What is better in your solution for overlays?

Works on males for one? Works instantly after any animation mod is updated and doesn't create troubleshooting nightmare, like yours do, with at least half of the options chosen in your mod? I'm one of the AAF discord help staff and I can tell you that just combing through one user's installation choices in your patch sometimes takes several days to fix. And that is ONE user. We had up to 10 in one day with AAF fucked up by your patch until we took it out of our guide. Your patch DOES work in certain situations, but is very hard to make it work for an average user

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On 6/26/2020 at 1:56 PM, Lilimorphine said:

Works on males for one? Works instantly after any animation mod is updated and doesn't create troubleshooting nightmare, like yours do, with at least half of the options chosen in your mod? I'm one of the AAF discord help staff and I can tell you that just combing through one user's installation choices in your patch sometimes takes several days to fix. And that is ONE user. We had up to 10 in one day with AAF fucked up by your patch until we took it out of our guide. Your patch DOES work in certain situations, but is very hard to make it work for an average user

I am not interested in male overlays and stuff. What exactly options make problems and how I can make them better?

I don't know what I can do with users who have problems and they go to you. You can just say them to uninstall my patch or send them to me

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3 hours ago, eightballyuri said:

does this patch disable animations? because as i am rebuilding my AAF

i noticed some animations go missing when ever i use this patch

Yes, you can find info in Data/AAF/

Atomic Lust_positionData.xml



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1 hour ago, eightballyuri said:

1.why does it block animations?

2 can i stop it?

If you need < 5 animations, I can send you edited file with this animations enabled

If you need > 5 you can enable them in *_positionData.xml files I mentioned above or you can remove my patch

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1 hour ago, eightballyuri said:

1.why does it block animations?

2 can i stop it?

You can have any animation pack just overide the patch. Nothing gets busted, only that pack is not supported by this mod. I do this with BP70 because I have a special setup fixed into my copy of his mod which will not respond to the Squirt mod..

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5 hours ago, Indarello said:

If you need < 5 animations, I can send you edited file with this animations enabled

If you need > 5 you can enable them in *_positionData.xml files I mentioned above or you can remove my patch

Hi could you please send me the edited file with all animations enabled for all three mods  (SavageCabagge BP and Atomic lust) please? 

Also it looks like Vadermania anims are disabled too? Is there a file for that one too where all anims enabled?

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Indarello, I play as a female and I know you do not have much lesbian action allowed in your mod.

BP70 has ............

<position id="BP70 FFF Lesbian Foot Touching" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianprecycling_FFF" This is in BP70 Version 2.5. Your mod probably at 2.4. I am guessing I cannot just transfer this animation over to your mod since there are no support files set up for it?

 And a staged

<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 1" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome01"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 2" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome02"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 3" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome03"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 4" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome04"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 5" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome05"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 6" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome06"/>

Is there a way for me to add these back into your mod or can you send me an edited file with these animations enabled........

I am not PC handy and I do not want to mess up your mod which works real well for me.............Thanks



EDIT:<position id="BP70 Lesbian Cycling (Slow)" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbiancyclingslow" I figured out how to enable this animation and it now works...

   In position data file ,is there a tag for the animation being gender neutral? BP70 Lesbiancyclingslow actually works for M/M, M/F, F/F........I was able to     delete the F tag between " "........but I am having trouble with otheranimations. Even though the animation XML was fixed, the position file will not accept it..

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1 hour ago, Lord Ariakas said:

Hi could you please send me the edited file with all animations enabled for all three mods  (SavageCabagge BP and Atomic lust) please? 

Also it looks like Vadermania anims are disabled too? Is there a file for that one too where all anims enabled?

If you go into this mods file, open up AAF with notebook, go to position file of animation pack you are interested in, he has a list of animations not included for that pack. Just copy and paste the animation line and move it into the active animation section..It is now enabled. Pretty sure he is not going to make you something with 25 plus animations listed..

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1 hour ago, eightballyuri said:

yeah it would be cool to know how to re add them.

I have already re enabled 2 of BP70 animations. In his position data file ,he has his disabled stuff at the bottom. All you do is copy and paste the disabled animation line to the enabled animation section..

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5 hours ago, maddadicusrex said:

Indarello, I play as a female and I know you do not have much lesbian action allowed in your mod.

BP70 has ............

<position id="BP70 FFF Lesbian Foot Touching" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianprecycling_FFF" This is in BP70 Version 2.5. Your mod probably at 2.4. I am guessing I cannot just transfer this animation over to your mod since there are no support files set up for it?

 And a staged

<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 1" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome01"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 2" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome02"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 3" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome03"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 4" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome04"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 5" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome05"/>
<position id="BP70 Lesbian Threesome 6" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbianthreesome06"/>

Is there a way for me to add these back into your mod or can you send me an edited file with these animations enabled........

I am not PC handy and I do not want to mess up your mod which works real well for me.............Thanks



EDIT:<position id="BP70 Lesbian Cycling (Slow)" animation="rxl_bp70_lesbiancyclingslow" I figured out how to enable this animation and it now works...

   In position data file ,is there a tag for the animation being gender neutral? BP70 Lesbiancyclingslow actually works for M/M, M/F, F/F........I was able to     delete the F tag between " "........but I am having trouble with otheranimations. Even though the animation XML was fixed, the position file will not accept it..

2.5 is a patreon version right? I cant add this version because most users don't have it

You need to add BP70 Lesbian Threesome also to rxl_bp70_anims_animationData.xml to make them work

I disabled Cycling because this animations are weird and not about sex

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58 minutes ago, Lord Ariakas said:

I know but he said you can only enable less than 5 anims that way. I would need all.

I said if you need not much animations enabled you can say names and I will send you finished files with them

Otherwise you need to make this yourself

I don't think you need them all

1)In Vadermania there are too old and simple animations, so I just left only animations that dont have analogs in other packs


2)In BP70 there are Cycling animations that are weird and not about sex

Female Body Worship (dont remember what this about)

Missionary Grind (bugged)

Gay Prone Bone

Rimjob (M on M) and (F on M)

And a few first stage (tease) animations that I removed from groups 


3)In Atomic lust I disabled Kissing,Spanking,Holding Hands... etc


4)In SavageCabbage I disabled most first stages (tease) and too bugged animations that I couldn't fix

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