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34 minutes ago, Dracolule said:

I actually agree with those choices for Androids, and i am not sure what the problem is.

But yes, it would be better if everything was toggable in the options.

The "issue" or "problem" here is that this wasn't asked for, talked about, much the opposite, long ago, Androids had normal functionality for RJW. Then one sudden update, Androids were entirely disabled for no known reason, only Ed's "Immersion", "as these robots should not be fucking/being horny" as their answer. That is of course a short-sighted and ignorant comment, as explained several times. Rimworld's setting in the year of 2200, after humanity travelled light-years away from home with FTL technology, lost alien technology and gene manipulation, and supportive of alien races-- and even in this mod, Mechanoids that once revolted against humanity and went into war seem to have sexual organs capable of implanting (Or impregnating, however you wanna call it) into humanoids, but a human-made android (Bionic technology is bordering realism as of now, in 2020), can't have a sex drive in their AI, won't have genitals, and won't have fertility, despite the whole point of said race being that they are "synthetic perfect humanoid copies, down to every function, with added ones specific to synthetic beings".

Despite all the above, other problems mentioned were that this is all under no pressure or comments from the users, much the opposite, when the issue first appeared in the changelogs, there lots of people being vocal about it being bad and unnecessary, and yet it went through. Remind yourself that RJW was once the community project of a Rimworld gaming board, it is not original solely to Ed, nor is it a closed-source project. Everyone is welcome to test and make additions, but nobody comments or wants more arbitrary limitations set in place due to personal views, and enforced instead of optional. Heck, most of the mod is optional; you can set a scenario with 300% sex drive, but set the sex drive in the settings to 0%. You can disable rape, necrophilia, zoophilia, STD's, cum on the bodies, but you cannot disable this "feature". In fact it is coded into the mod, outside of XML files, solely so common-place users who don't have Visual Studio to decompile and recompile the mod can't change this setting.


So, yes, i see this as a very harmful choice against users, that yet again repeats itself. Its just a unasked for attack against anyone using ChJee's androids for no apparent reason, out of nowhere. It wouldn't be so harmful if it was optional, but as is, its hidden under so many layers, a user has to jump through so many hoops, to simply enable things as they prefer. One heck of a community move.

Edit: As a side note, worthy mentioning, is that the "Lighter than Fast" mod that adds FTL races into RimWorld, has the Engie race, a race of seemingly mechanical/electronic beings that are composed of nanomachines, and seems to be 100% male. They however have genitals and fertility. I am aware that they were reviewed and added to the species-part list, however, as the entire species only spawns with "flat-breasts" if at all given chests.

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First, I'd like to point out that anyone that has the knowledge can create another fork of the mod. If you don't like the limitations, you can edit them out and upload your version, no problem. However:


1 hour ago, red3dred said:

The "issue" or "problem" here is that this wasn't asked for, talked about, much the opposite, long ago, Androids had normal functionality for RJW. Then one sudden update, Androids were entirely disabled for no known reason, only Ed's "Immersion", "as these robots should not be fucking/being horny" as their answer. That is of course a short-sighted and ignorant comment, as explained several times. Rimworld's setting in the year of 2200, after humanity travelled light-years away from home with FTL technology, lost alien technology and gene manipulation, and supportive of alien races-- and even in this mod, Mechanoids that once revolted against humanity and went into war seem to have sexual organs capable of implanting (Or impregnating, however you wanna call it) into humanoids, but a human-made android (Bionic technology is bordering realism as of now, in 2020), can't have a sex drive in their AI, won't have genitals, and won't have fertility, despite the whole point of said race being that they are "synthetic perfect humanoid copies, down to every function, with added ones specific to synthetic beings".

Rimworld doesn't feature FTL travel, hence the need for cryptosleep caskets and an AI core to navigate the ship through hundreds, if not thousands of years of travel. The ships you can trade with via the console are also piloted by an AI, their crew (if they have any) are hibernating through the whole thing. Speaking of AI, AI in Rimworld is dangerous and tends to go out of control really fast, creating some sort of lovecraftian eldritch abomination in the process, the archotech worlds are run by something of a machine god that can manipulate reality in a way that isn't being able to be understood by humans at all. This is also why you need to research how to convince an AI to not crash your ship into the nearest rock it can find during space travel, and the AI humans are using in their space ships are pretty primitive all things considered.


The mechanoids players face are agents of said archotech machine gods, their reason for being hostile or even existing in the first place is a mystery. The psychic drone events are also archotech. It wouldn't be too far of a stretch that archotech superintelligences are able to outfit their mechanoids for replicating with any sort of ressources available.


Edit: There's also no aliens in Rimworld, everything is of human origin, either indirectly (archotech) or directly through DAN-manipulation.


That being said, it's pretty much hentai logic anyways. I get why you're frustrated, since I also don't understand why you'd put lore friendly-ish limitations in a lore-unfriendly mod (the only tech level that would be able to create conscious androids would be archotech and they'd have no reason to mimic human lifeforms) but alas, you create or maintain the mod, you make the rules. Ed so far is the only dev that stuck with RJW. There's nothing stopping you or anybody else to contribute. If there's no interest, well.

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35 minutes ago, GrimReaper said:

First, I'd like to point out that anyone that has the knowledge can create another fork of the mod. If you don't like the limitations, you can edit them out and upload your version, no problem. However:


That being said, it's pretty much hentai logic anyways. I get why you're frustrated, since I also don't understand why you'd put lore friendly-ish limitations in a lore-unfriendly mod (the only tech level that would be able to create conscious androids would be archotech and they'd have no reason to mimic human lifeforms) but alas, you create or maintain the mod, you make the rules. Ed so far is the only dev that stuck with RJW. There's nothing stopping you or anybody else to contribute. If there's no interest, well.

Well, that's kind of my big problem:

Sure i can download the program, learn to code, and do all the work myself just because 1 person felt it was necessary to do this to the mod, but that, again, requires someone to do, know or learn how to do all the work.

"Just learn how to do it lol, mod the game yourself" isn't applicable. That's like saying "If an engineer builds a bridge that's shitty, you just gotta become an engineer just so you can debunk them in their job". That's not sane, or in the least common-place. You don't see people taking their computer to the tech store being told "Just learn how to fix them yourself"... Anyhow, enough examples, the point is clear, its not something everyone just goes and does, mainly if the person works and only games on the side for some entertainment. Why would they dedicate their time to making a fork, only to have to basically do double the work every patch? Because yes, people will want every update in their fork. They'll have no original content, and if they do, it'll only get absorbed into this branch without even a "thanks". I know there's a ton of small, some anonymous, some not, contributors to the main project. Most of them aren't even in the credits.


I do have the knowledge to work on my own branch and upkeep the Android-friendly version myself, but no thanks. I already manage several Starbound mods, help manage the community and get frustrated often by the few who go against rules of this forum to insist on illegal content that damages the project's image, and even got promoted to being part of the main NSFW mod API. I'm not gonna invest myself into RimWorld, a unfamiliar modding environment, with extremely long load times and the need to compile things constantly.


I am not requesting other users to make their own branch, and i know how petty and stubborn Ed can be, so no point even requesting that his "features" be turned optional, all i'm asking is honestly, why. I'm past trying to negotiate and converse with Ed, and everyone else idolizing them doesn't help. I just ask what's in their mind, what's their problem with this specific species, and why me, and others, as users of the mod, have to be troubled by whatever personal choice they have-- like you said, "hentai logic", but they push this envelope of "Androids are bad, no lewds for them" as if it was supremely important, vital to the "immersion" of the mod.

But yeah, i'm past requesting the branch, i'm honestly just ranting that this is such a revolving problem that Ed likes to bring up at random to take a stab at something. Whoever cares that he's trying to piss off, isn't the users.


Edit note: No mention of the FTL, yes. Pardon, i got that wrong, indeed.
Still, the point of alien races is indeed in the game. The game realizes there are supposed to be other aliens. So much so, it jokes by having the interaction line "Commented on the lack of aliens", that as far as i know, gets removed by having Alien Races Framework. There is even a "Race" field in the description of a pawn. The game is very well aware and supportive of alien races in the base game, there just are none, and that's probably for the best. Who knows what races would be there, and if they'd be any good. Not everyone would like having them...

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7 hours ago, red3dred said:



1st - because community part is stuck in B18, there was B19 version but idk if its even alive, community tried making forks of my 1.9x fork, and they are also dead

2rd - i dont think its a good idea to add people to credits because of nature of this mod, they can do this them-selfies or ask me if they want to

3nd - this is mine fork, that i developed for a year and share with community, with some features implemented(and abondoned) by other people, you/or anyone else cant and have no right to demand anything

4th - if you want something done, you can do it your self or suggest here/discord and maybe someone might implement it

5th - there is no hate


pissed off who? "we want androids with genitals" modders, who didnt bother to make toggleable option, that's important contribution(who needs fixing mod bugs and adding new features when you have androids with genitals), except its not since they made dead fork and went to school/work, rip modders


Your interest doesnt matter, my interest matters because im only active dev, that does something


its not only androids, you forgot to mention that i hate all other races, by not giving them demon and slime parts

also i hate females, thus i added debuffs for huge breasts

dont forget to call me pedo, coz i restored age sliders after Zaltys locked them to 18


P.S. android changes provided to you by ChJees, except part where androids can impregnate other races with archotech(and some other changes so above would work), that is done by me as in ChJees version they are completely infertile, i guess ChJees is android hater!


P.P.S. aka why i keep doing this: whole android debate is actually quite childish/hilarious, as it can be changed with few lines of code but you\we escalated it to matters of principle, therefore i wont do anything about it, so unless someone provides patch with optional toggle without fucking up code, nothing will change


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6 hours ago, red3dred said:

Well, that's kind of my big problem:

Sure i can download the program, learn to code, and do all the work myself just because 1 person felt it was necessary to do this to the mod, but that, again, requires someone to do, know or learn how to do all the work.


Edit note: No mention of the FTL, yes. Pardon, i got that wrong, indeed.

so you are saying if people cant do something, than its my duty to do it for them? nice logic, how about my opinion or it doesnt matter?


thats is because rjw doesnt support ftl races, and applies "placeholder" to them

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10 minutes ago, Ed86 said:


1st - because community part is stuck in B18, there was B19 version but idk if its even alive, community tried making forks of my 1.9x fork, and they are also dead

2rd - i dont think its a good idea to add people to credits because of nature of this mod, they can do this them-selfies or ask me if they want to

3nd - this is mine fork, that i developed for a year and share with community, with some features implemented(and abondoned) by other people, you/or anyone else cant and have no right to demand anything

4th - if you want something done, you can do it your self or suggest here/discord and maybe someone might implement it

5th - there is no hate


pissed off who? "we want androids with genitals" modders, who didnt bother to make toggleable option, that's important contribution(who needs fixing mod bugs and adding new features when you have androids with genitals), except its not since they made dead fork and went to school/work, rip modders


Your interest doesnt matter, my interest matters because im only active dev, that does something


its not only androids, you forgot to mention that i hate all other races, by not giving them demon and slime parts

also i hate females, thus i added debuffs for huge breasts

dont forget to call me pedo, coz i restored age sliders after Zaltys locked them to 18


P.S. android changes provided to you by ChJees, except part where androids can impregnate other races with archotech(and some other changes so above would work), that is done by me as in ChJees version they are completely infertile, i guess ChJees is android hater!


P.P.S. aka why i keep doing this: whole android debate is actually quite childish/hilarious, as it can be changed with few lines of code but you\we escalated it to matters of principle, therefore i wont do anything about it, so unless someone provides patch with optional toggle without fucking up code, nothing will change



Man you do great job, we appreciate your time and work that you spend in this project. 
Please don't be upset after other people opinions and words. Someone wish this, someone other, some words may hurt. I hope other people just was not in mood.


We appreciate you and all past developers. :)

I hope everybody will agree with this.
Have a nice day,
cheers :D


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20 minutes ago, omega_infinita said:

Hey Ed, Still getting the issue where Wild Mode won't actually do anything. It makes absolutely no changes between having it ticked or not. Was this something implemented a while ago that I didn't notice? It's been for the last several patches.

Otherwise, great stuff.

no, works fine for me, i use it for debuging

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8 hours ago, red3dred said:

Well, that's kind of my big problem:

Sure i can download the program, learn to code, and do all the work myself just because 1 person felt it was necessary to do this to the mod, but that, again, requires someone to do, know or learn how to do all the work.

"Just learn how to do it lol, mod the game yourself" isn't applicable. That's like saying "If an engineer builds a bridge that's shitty, you just gotta become an engineer just so you can debunk them in their job". That's not sane, or in the least common-place. You don't see people taking their computer to the tech store being told "Just learn how to fix them yourself"... Anyhow, enough examples, the point is clear, its not something everyone just goes and does, mainly if the person works and only games on the side for some entertainment. Why would they dedicate their time to making a fork, only to have to basically do double the work every patch? Because yes, people will want every update in their fork. They'll have no original content, and if they do, it'll only get absorbed into this branch without even a "thanks". I know there's a ton of small, some anonymous, some not, contributors to the main project. Most of them aren't even in the credits.


I do have the knowledge to work on my own branch and upkeep the Android-friendly version myself, but no thanks. I already manage several Starbound mods, help manage the community and get frustrated often by the few who go against rules of this forum to insist on illegal content that damages the project's image, and even got promoted to being part of the main NSFW mod API. I'm not gonna invest myself into RimWorld, a unfamiliar modding environment, with extremely long load times and the need to compile things constantly.


I am not requesting other users to make their own branch, and i know how petty and stubborn Ed can be, so no point even requesting that his "features" be turned optional, all i'm asking is honestly, why. I'm past trying to negotiate and converse with Ed, and everyone else idolizing them doesn't help. I just ask what's in their mind, what's their problem with this specific species, and why me, and others, as users of the mod, have to be troubled by whatever personal choice they have-- like you said, "hentai logic", but they push this envelope of "Androids are bad, no lewds for them" as if it was supremely important, vital to the "immersion" of the mod.

But yeah, i'm past requesting the branch, i'm honestly just ranting that this is such a revolving problem that Ed likes to bring up at random to take a stab at something. Whoever cares that he's trying to piss off, isn't the users.


Edit note: No mention of the FTL, yes. Pardon, i got that wrong, indeed.
Still, the point of alien races is indeed in the game. The game realizes there are supposed to be other aliens. So much so, it jokes by having the interaction line "Commented on the lack of aliens", that as far as i know, gets removed by having Alien Races Framework. There is even a "Race" field in the description of a pawn. The game is very well aware and supportive of alien races in the base game, there just are none, and that's probably for the best. Who knows what races would be there, and if they'd be any good. Not everyone would like having them...

But the thing is, without Ed, there wouldn't be RJW. So you and others might be frustrated with some aspects of RJW but at the end of the day, if it weren't for Ed, we would have nothing and this kind of drama is precisely why modders sometimes simply quit. Most modders mod for themselves first and simply share what they've created with everyone else if they so desire. I also get that nobody has infinite time to tinker with everything to their heart's extent and that's precisely why I'm thankful for mods in general. Sure, I might not always agree with all the choices that are being made, but if it were left to me, I wouldn't have any choices at all when it comes to mods because I don't know shit about coding.


That's not to say that you should, as you say, idolize everything a modder does, critique is fine in my opinion. But people that have the knowledge, perseverance and time necessary to build/maintain projects that are this big a rare, that's something to keep in mind, imo.


Or to stick with your bridge analogy - If there's no other engineer that has any interest in building said bridge, you're somewhat out of luck. RJW has had many devs that stuck with it for a few months at a time, Ed picked it up after everyone else already left. Also I'm sure that RJW isn't really that popular in the first place, at least compared to other adult mods for more graphical games like Elder Scrolls, Fallout or the Sims.

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As always, thanks for updating and mainting RJW Ed. I remember when RJW was dead after B18 so it's good someone is putting effort for this.


On another note, which romance mod are people using? I switched from Psychology to Rational Romance, but I can't see the difference between them other than sexuality and traits. Which is better?



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22 minutes ago, jammers said:

As always, thanks for updating and mainting RJW Ed. I remember when RJW was dead after B18 so it's good someone is putting effort for this.


On another note, which romance mod are people using? I switched from Psychology to Rational Romance, but I can't see the difference between them other than sexuality and traits. Which is better?



Psychology is too complex for Rimworld, I'm afraid. It would work better if an average colony had like 50+ pawns because the many different personality traits cause people to not like each other on average. But if you have like 10-20 colonists the chance of them liking each other are rather slim, in my experience. I haven't played a game yet without Psychology, but I think Rational Romance, Rumours & Deception as well as the Romance Tweaks mod you can find around here are probably a good replacement. With this setup you can tweak romance chances to your hearts content, also the chances of pawns quitting a relationship. The only negative side is that any kind of relationship (friendship, rivalry, romantic) still relies on the arbitrary roll of the dice that is compability but I think this is preferrable to what Psychology does.

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What's going on with nymphs? Randy gave me 3-4 in a bit over year the first try, 3 in less than a year in second attempt. This might be randy being randy + some bug where he picks from a limited number of events and nymphs come up too often or it might be something else. In the end, nymphs are somewhat useless and you can't really reject them joining.

I have some ideas and possible solution. Two types of nymphs. Runaway(or not, like from slave traders) vat-grown sex slaves, the kind made from birth for the purpose. Tribal humpshroom addicts. Former are more functional but lack skills and or passions, latter are more skillfull, but have crippling addiction that is annoying to manage and hard to remove. Also, allow to "refuse" them joining. The usual "pawn chased by slavers" and "crashed pod". "Sorry, we're to busy now". Or capture and make sex-relief slave.


Join in bed is too weird of a mechanic. Is it hook-up? Is it rape? Why visitors join my whores nymphs in bed without paying?


More dedicate "whoring" job would be nice too. Current client chasing is wonky. Whoring in this situation should be like "join in bed" where a "client" comes to dedicated "whore" and pays if an outsider, doesn't if not.


Hook-ups are weird because two pawns keep trying with each other and keep rejecting each other, but that just might be rimworld code.


More explicit sexual compatibility. Huge penis + tight vagina should probably leave someone less satisfied or maybe with a bruise. Size match should give an average result, penis +1 size than the hole should give better for both, smaller is worse. +2 sizes should give better result for the penis-wielder(bonus if bloodlust) and worse result for the hole(unless masochist) + some minor damage to the hole.


I have no idea how "Comfort" works. Or if it does without rape.


Dedicated sex skill? Might compensate for size mismatch cases. Might work great in combination with slavery.


"Inhibition" stat. How willing pawn is to do stuff. More inhibited pawns with limited repertoire, like they wouldn't do rimjobs or even blowjobs and only have sex when married, or at least in a relationship. Less inhibited pawns do more stuff and have less requirements for casual sex, like they don't even have to like the pawn that much, just be horny.

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8 hours ago, jammers said:

As always, thanks for updating and mainting RJW Ed. I remember when RJW was dead after B18 so it's good someone is putting effort for this.


On another note, which romance mod are people using? I switched from Psychology to Rational Romance, but I can't see the difference between them other than sexuality and traits. Which is better?



I prefer to use psychology with the rumour has it mod (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=46165.msg443181#msg443181) because it spices up the potential conversations that can be had between pawns and I only used rational romance because of the hookup mechanic back when rjw's hook ups were way more broken. But it seem to work fine now. Also psychology has the mayor mechanic that I like adds some more difficulty and content to the game socially.



Join in bed is too weird of a mechanic. Is it hook-up? Is it rape? Why visitors join my whores nymphs in bed without paying?


Hook-ups are weird because two pawns keep trying with each other and keep rejecting each other, but that just might be rimworld code.


I have no idea how "Comfort" works. Or if it does without rape.


Dedicated sex skill? Might compensate for size mismatch cases. Might work great in combination with slavery.


Yea the hookup mechanic from rational romance seems to work better I spent days trying to replace the rjw hook up stuff with the rational romance one but I couldn't do it. You can make someone "comfort" if they are a masochist e.g. they "agree" to being used and raped, otherwise it's only available for prisoners.

I really like the idea of a sex skill it would improve on the pricing mechanic for whoring but a lot but I can't see a way for it to be useful/used outside of that and increase the amount of sexual satisfaction gained from an encounter. Maybe the size of the genitals/chest could change the speed of the increase in sex skill/ add a base number to the sex skill if any of those are possible.

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10 hours ago, Ed86 said:

3nd - this is mine fork, that i developed for a year and share with community, with some features implemented(and abondoned) by other people, you/or anyone else cant and have no right to demand anything

4th - if you want something done, you can do it your self or suggest here/discord and maybe someone might implement it

I just wish it was still possible to make any colonist a comfort prisoner/breeder. As it is now because I'm shit at coding I just made it so I can make every colonist able to be a hero. I remember you said that pawns wouldn't agree to It. (so you only allowed it for zoophiles and masochists but then when getting random colonts with the number of ttait added to the game nearly every colonist you get has designations disabled so it very rarely has any baring on the game.)  However the only time you can't completely control a pawn in when they are having a mental break otherwise you can make them strip and go out into -200 degree weather and just stand there if you really want to. Don't get me know I still really appreciate all the work you put into the mod and I'm sure nearly of the RJW users feel the same way but I feel like it would be even better if there where more options so the player is free to have the RJW he wants. Not trying to stir shit or slating you, just sharing my thoughts.

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3 hours ago, Dracolule said:

So you can use Rational Romance at the same time as Romance Tweaks More Options ? Is there any point to it ?

Rational Romance has stuff like less stupid romance attempts that can lead to a tantrum spiral because pawns ask again and again, just to be rebuffed again and again. It also adds dates for couples much like psychology does, which makes it easier for them to maintain the relationship. As I said, psychology is theoretically the superior option, but it's too complex for the limited scope Rimworld offers. I've had colonies where people spend years together and they were still at +-0.

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1 hour ago, qwertyqwertyqwertyqwerty said:

I just wish it was still possible to make any colonist a comfort prisoner/breeder. As it is now because I'm shit at coding I just made it so I can make every colonist able to be a hero. I remember you said that pawns wouldn't agree to It. (so you only allowed it for zoophiles and masochists but then when getting random colonts with the number of ttait added to the game nearly every colonist you get has designations disabled so it very rarely has any baring on the game.)  However the only time you can't completely control a pawn in when they are having a mental break otherwise you can make them strip and go out into -200 degree weather and just stand there if you really want to. Don't get me know I still really appreciate all the work you put into the mod and I'm sure nearly of the RJW users feel the same way but I feel like it would be even better if there where more options so the player is free to have the RJW he wants. Not trying to stir shit or slating you, just sharing my thoughts.

that sounds boring but i guess i can add toggle

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Hi, I have a local git branch where I added breast growth recipes but I am having trouble creating a pull request. Could I get permission to create branches on rjw so I can create a pull request? My login on gitgud is Mewtopian.

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great mod man,


I wish the size of genitals had impact on their counterparts


E.G constant penetration of tight genitals with large/huge genitals -> leads to loose genitals eventually.


Also, Please add toggles for "joining in Bed" to enable/disable. In my games it often leads to silly situations. e.g prostitute/gigolo trying to hook up a client all day , he/she refuses all the time , but the moment the prostitute/gigolo goes to bed he/she "joins the bed". 

Or another example , having a rapist , who raped the target all the time , joining the bed for casual sex as if the victim consented, is silly.

Generally , the joining in bed function is a too easy way for pawns to reduce their sex need -> a rapist will rape less , a John will hook up less.


Keep up the great work man, this mod is the sexlab of rimworld.

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I'd like to ask how the mod handles choosing where a non-exhibitionist masturbates. I've lost several pawns, because for some reason, the "fap spot" of the base seems to be to spend 12 hours leaving the mountain base, going around the entire mountain, then going to a little nook and behind it, outside of the home area to fap, then walk back. The area is, not counting walls and rock, close to the base, but counting obstructions is a full day's trip there and back, and there seems to be no way for a pawn to realize that deciding to embark on a full trip 1 hour before bedtime is a bad idea, then throw a fit cause they get tired.

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