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45 minutes ago, hkheung said:

would it be possible / feasible for you to integrate the plugs of the commonwealth mod in the same way as DD and RH?

Should be pretty simple.  I actually downloaded that again yesterday since it is one of the outfit mods Boston Devious Helper can use.  So I'll take a look at adding support for it.

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12 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

The simplest solution might just be to make Violate pause while the player is bleeding out.  I'll play around with it, but I can't guarantee I'll add it to the mod.

I was able to make this work pretty well.  If you are bleeding out when surrender starts, the screen fades to black.  The aggressors surround you like they normally do, and when you come out of bleedout, the screen fades back in and you do the usual surrender animations and dialogue.

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@EgoBallistic great mod, everything seems to work pretty smoothly.  One request, though. 


When using Bad End animations, I notice the PC's eyes remain open and looking around.  This is a bit immersion-breaking given the context.  I know there's a console command:


setunconscious 1


If I do this manually via console, the PC's eyes shut, solving the undead problem.  Perhaps the mod could activate it automatically, at the beginning of the last stage (aftermath) of the Bad End animations? 


EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot, the one problem is this also freezes the camera control until the bool is set to 0 again.  There has to be a way around that though. 

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1 hour ago, MyOtherNameIsKnown said:

Oh yeah, I forgot, the one problem is this also freezes the camera control until the bool is set to 0 again.  There has to be a way around that though. 

Interesting idea.  There are a couple of other ways to do this.  Using the MFG morphs commands (which I added to the LLFP library a while back) either in the animation XML or via script calls could do it.  I'll take a look at adding it to the scripts.  I wouldn't do it for all the executions, but it would be cool for hanging animations for sure, maybe some of the others.

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I have actually been getting Violate to work pretty well for the most part with just the setessential 7 1 console command. Is this just a stroke of luck?

I have auto surrender set at 0% health, and things seem to work as expected; PC health gets depleted, enters bleedout, Violate takes over if enemy is valid. The "catch" is that PC will revive with 100% health either through being left alone for a while and recover or after Violate scene.


Admittedly there were instances where I think a scene should trigger but did not, and I did ran into variations of animations going forever and control never return to the player therefore soft locking the game, but I haven't been able to nail down the details of how and when these things happen, so can't exactly pin that on essential status related, might not even be Violate related.


Knockout Framework used to work with Violate, but with recent versions it seems to have conflict when it comes to starting scenes and returning control back to the player, this is with defer death on to prevent death. Although the revive health function might still work which might let player select how much health should PC revive with.

PlayerUndead never work reliably for me, PC either revive completely or scene might trigger, and the additional message box input kind of breaks the flow.

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On 1/16/2020 at 3:36 PM, deljason said:

I just ran into an issue where Violate seemed to get stuck somehow.   I got the "I need to retreat" after the first round of animations but I could not using a stimpack hotkey or even open the pip boy.   If I go back to the enemy, the animations and "I need to retreat" play again but no matter what it seems to have broken something.  Even reloading a previous save doesnt help, only a full exit of the game gets the pipboy etc unstuck.


In regards to the TAB key not opening the pipboy/inventory. or light... 


I too have experienced this bug, but I am not sure its Violate causing it. (I have a LOT of mods, and I have lost TAB function even with no Violate calls.) 

the other mod i have that some times causes this loss of function is I think Workshop framework... Or maybe faster workshop... (Its the one that enables ghost mode, flight, and stealth when building...)


From my experience, its the Ghost command not releasing correctly, and thus locking you out of the TAB functions. 


However, all is not lost! I have found, in my case at least, that a quick save and reload fixes the issue. As does using the "old skool" crafting menu.... Somehow that seems to reset the TAB functions....

Also note that your other keyboard commands still work. So unless you have remapped it, the "I" key will open your inventory, "J" will open your quest log, and so forth.. (I know, not hat helpful as the TAB key... but in a pinch, till you can save and reload...) 

Not sure if that helps you all or not... 



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2 hours ago, ChocolateThunder2110 said:

Anyone having a problem where your stuck in a blue vault suit while being violated? [This doesn't happen for consensual animations.]

Violate doesn't do any kind of outfit management.  But there have been a lot of changes in AAF's outfit handling recently.  What version of AAF are you using?

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Hello! I am sorry if that was answered already. I need some advice about how to play that mod. I play with Survival mode too.

When I get cought and end up hobbling, handcuffed and/or being gagged, what am I supposed to do? Nobody understands me, they just use me to their hearts or dicks content, until I either die from thirst or infection, or a collar explodes.


What are my options in order to end my fate as a tied and gagged bundle of misery?

Is there a chance to find someone who can help me out of the devices?

Is there any chance I can free myself, which perhaps raises by my efforts?

Will the chance, that someone understands my gag talk, raise the more I try?


Please tell me what I can do, or where I can find information. I don't think that all this was only intended as a painful extension of the death animation.

Thanks a lot!

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26 minutes ago, effrenatus said:

Please tell me what I can do, or where I can find information. I don't think that all this was only intended as a painful extension of the death animation.

Thanks a lot!

A couple of suggestions:

Deviously Cursed Menu lets you change many settings in DD, including difficulty.

Boston Devious Helper allows various NPCs to help you out of your devices - although it may come at a price.

Sex Attributes gives you a chance to break out of your devices if your Willpower is high enough.

Devious Devices places a character named Kimy in the Memory Lounge in Goodneighbor who sells Devious Device keys


I have to admit that playing on Survival with Devious Devices is quite a challenge :)

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1 hour ago, effrenatus said:

Hello! I am sorry if that was answered already. I need some advice about how to play that mod. I play with Survival mode too.

When I get cought and end up hobbling, handcuffed and/or being gagged, what am I supposed to do? Nobody understands me, they just use me to their hearts or dicks content, until I either die from thirst or infection, or a collar explodes.


What are my options in order to end my fate as a tied and gagged bundle of misery?

Is there a chance to find someone who can help me out of the devices?

Is there any chance I can free myself, which perhaps raises by my efforts?

Will the chance, that someone understands my gag talk, raise the more I try?


Please tell me what I can do, or where I can find information. I don't think that all this was only intended as a painful extension of the death animation.

Thanks a lot!

I play on survival but had the same hard time with the devious devices, as Egoballistic states above those mods can help u out from that situation, if devious devices is so hardcore for u try just the real handcuffs addon, it haves lock picking feature to get out of bonding for u and your followers, I dont use the Devious devices utill naw with Boston Devious Helper, maybe u need to mix the experience with CSA integrated withj violate in order to recive food for good behaviour and have food and not die faster, that and harship allow u to ask stuff from people to survive in situations like that

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I've got a mod stack that basically consists of minor gameplay balance adjustments + devious devices + AAF.  The only AAF mods I'm using so far are Violate, Bad End Purgatory, and Raider Pet.  (Trying to make sure everything works before I add RSE etc.) 


Very frequently when my character is assaulted by a group, the sequence breaks during or after a round, with a message that says something along the lines of "Violate scene aborted".  Rather than the events proceeding to the next round or a bad end, there is a small delay and then all raiders become hostile again (usually killing the player character instantly).  The bug seems to happen more when I turn up the probability of Raider Pet outcome. 


I've tried to play with the probabilities set like so:


Robbery 100%

Raider Pet 50%

Bad End 30%


Despite robbery and devices working every time, I've never had a successful Raider Pet outcome.  It only resolves as escape, Bad End, or the sequence breaking bug.  The only time I've seen Raider Pet dialogue was when I ran back into a raider camp unarmed after escaping to try to get my stuff back, and I assume that was the standard Raider Pet detection kicking in, not Violate. 


What might be the problem?  Is there any way to get Raider Pet and Bad End and Violate to all work together? 

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2 minutes ago, MyOtherNameIsKnown said:

Very frequently when my character is assaulted by a group, the sequence breaks during or after a round, with a message that says something along the lines of "Violate scene aborted"

This isn't a bug in Violate.  When you see that message, it means that Violate asked AAF to play an animation, but AAF sent back an error message.  Rather than risk getting stuck in a broken animation, Violate ends the scene.  At that point you have about 10 seconds to run away. 


When this happens, Violate puts the AAF error code up on the top left of the screen - the message looks like "AAF OnSceneInit [X]" where X is some number.  If you could post what that it it would help figure out what is going wrong.

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@EgoBallistic just thought I’d let you know of a minor conflict between Violate and Advanced Needs 2 if you weren’t already. In AN2 there is an optional setting called “Sexual Damage”. With this setting on if your character has sex with a non-human creature (like a Deathclaw for example), your character will take a small amount of damage because well that cock was never meant to go there.


If your character is below the auto surrender threshold this damage will trigger a Violate scene which will then trigger more sexual damage leading to an endless loop (or your character eventually dies).


The work around is obvious: disable “Sexual Damage” in AN2 if you’re also running Violate.


I don’t know if there’s anything that can but done to address this conflict but I figured it’s best to have it and it’s associated work around noted.

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4 hours ago, Number24 said:

@EgoBallistic just thought I’d let you know of a minor conflict between Violate and Advanced Needs 2 if you weren’t already. In AN2 there is an optional setting called “Sexual Damage”. With this setting on if your character has sex with a non-human creature (like a Deathclaw for example), your character will take a small amount of damage because well that cock was never meant to go there.

Thanks.  It's not actually damage causing it -- the damage effect spell AN2 is bugged and never gets applied, and Violate ignores spell damage in any case.  But AN2 also cripples the player's legs, and that causes the loop because Violate isn't checking whether you are in combat when you get crippled.  I added that check for the next update.  In the meantime, you can either disable that sex damage as you discovered, or you can turn off Cripple Surrender in Violate.

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On 2/2/2020 at 2:07 AM, EgoBallistic said:

Thanks.  The issue is that the F4SE plugin that comes with AAF is not loading.  You have AAF beta 97 installed and the plugin that came with that won't work with the latest version of F4SE.  AAF, Real Handcuffs, AAF Family Planning Enhanced, and Violate all need that plugin or they won't work properly.


Your game version is 1.10.163 so you should be running the latest version of F4SE.  Update AAF to the latest version (AAF Beta 110) and make sure you are using the latest version of LooksMenu, and everything should start working.

Thanks, I updated all the things you mentioned and it fixed a lot of issues I didn't even know I was having... I took a few days to play test and tweak some things, but now instead of the assault happening and then everyone standing around the assault happens and then I get a crash.

I really tried to do my due diligence on this and read that the cause may be a bad XLM file in one of the sets of animation themes I have installed but I honestly have no idea what that means or how to diagnose or correct that issue.


I have attached my most recent log. Any help you can offer again is most appreciated. 




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38 minutes ago, vipersaim said:


I have attached my most recent log. Any help you can offer again is most appreciated. 

It looks like you surrendered to a raider, your character got violated, then when it was piper's turn the log stopped.  I don't see anything particular to violate that was going wrong there.

However, you have a ton of errors from mods that have been removed from the save. 

(hundreds more lines like this above)
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function fpvf_main_script..::remote_AAF:AAF_API_OnAnimationStop in stack frame 0 in stack 722995 doesn't exist in the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..OnTrackedStatsEvent in stack frame 0 in stack 761790 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..CheckUpdate in stack frame 1 in stack 867909 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..RegisterEvents in stack frame 2 in stack 867909 doesn't exist in the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..CheckUpdate in stack frame 1 in stack 1008660 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..RegisterEvents in stack frame 2 in stack 1008660 doesn't exist in the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] Errors occurred while loading the Papyrus save game data

Some of these mods are acting on AAF events, like Vanilla Fudge.  So it's entirely possible that something is still running in the background and crashing the game when AAF animations start.


I would try starting a new game just to see how things work without all those script errors.

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5 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

It looks like you surrendered to a raider, your character got violated, then when it was piper's turn the log stopped.  I don't see anything particular to violate that was going wrong there.

However, you have a ton of errors from mods that have been removed from the save. 

(hundreds more lines like this above)
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function fpvf_main_script..::remote_AAF:AAF_API_OnAnimationStop in stack frame 0 in stack 722995 doesn't exist in the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..OnTrackedStatsEvent in stack frame 0 in stack 761790 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..CheckUpdate in stack frame 1 in stack 867909 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..RegisterEvents in stack frame 2 in stack 867909 doesn't exist in the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..CheckUpdate in stack frame 1 in stack 1008660 differs from the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] warning: Function FPVF_FindSpeech..RegisterEvents in stack frame 2 in stack 1008660 doesn't exist in the in-game resource files - using version from save
[02/08/2020 - 10:18:32AM] Errors occurred while loading the Papyrus save game data

Some of these mods are acting on AAF events, like Vanilla Fudge.  So it's entirely possible that something is still running in the background and crashing the game when AAF animations start.


I would try starting a new game just to see how things work without all those script errors.

I was afraid you would say that... Thank you for looking it over for me.


And if I hadn't mentioned it before, the reason I have stuck with it this long is because Violate is a great mod. Thank you for all the work you do and the efforts you go to help people afterward.


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I don't know why, but some animations doesn't start and I get the "onsceneinit [4]" message instead.

I've searched and it should be the missing animations warn, but I have some pack installed and they works good.

I tried with a vicious dog, with the "surrender" nothing happened, but with the "prostitution" i worked...


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4 hours ago, nanashi50 said:

When Violate uses AAF animations, does it disable the controls?


Pressing END twice isn't working, which is the AAF control for ending an animation early.

You can't see the AAF menu, but hit "Home" then "end". A lot of the time Violate will close the AAF menu at the start and sometimes between scenes.

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For some reason I stopped getting errors with Raider Pet and Bad End + Violate as soon as I knew what to do with the error codes.  Oh well? 


A question though.  Does anyone know of a retexture or adjustment for the fluids in the Bad End animations?  They're really bright/solid looking for the fluids they're meant to represent. 


Also - @EgoBallistic is there a way to limit which animations are used from the Bad End pack?  In the interest of muh immersion, I'd want to disable the machine ones. 

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