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Paradise Halls Enhanced (pahe) Special Edition with the customary addons

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Thanks for the template. I think it will be the best to go through the quests and scenes from Hooker to hooker, because the conditions for the dialogues have to be modified here and there, too. Especially the training and hiring stuff need a lot of attention....



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1 hour ago, CliftonJD said:

hmm, think i get ya. wonder what's going to happen when there's no sos

if you wish i create a new esp that depend only on zaz, so you can quickly test out :)


let see, best of my knowlage the npcs body as we see its count as a armorpart.


SOS add a new male body armor part that hole in it where the penis is positioned.

if one remove sos  best of my knowlage original male body "return".


This case my unisex solution shuld work well. or i need make a version that only effect the body not effect the slot52 where is sos penis "stored".


my solution force the slave wear a  armor that has no textures and add as armor part the naked bodyparts.


this work well with original bodys but sos add new body parts.


all in all my solution shoud work as long zaz armor not get removed from slave by other mods ( like dd items), or not get oweritten. or at least this is the stiuation best of my knowalge.

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4 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

sorry, i usually choose the mcm option to skip the quest

Do you think that will allow me to be able to do auctions afterwards?... sorry I guess it's a dumb question I guess I'll just try it and see what happens...  I just wanted to know what most people's experience is with that.  Maybe I am missing some sort of crucial thing?


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49 minutes ago, narbzhikaru said:

Do you think that will allow me to be able to do auctions afterwards?... sorry I guess it's a dumb question I guess I'll just try it and see what happens...  I just wanted to know what most people's experience is with that.  Maybe I am missing some sort of crucial thing?



The auction is very script heavy so there a lot of chances for it to bug out, i've found sitting in the second row of chairs and being very patient allows it to run but i only do it for the quest due to it being prone to go wrong, making a save after each successful sale is a good idea since then if it bugs out you can reload


42 minutes ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

If you choose the "questline is optional" MCM option, then basically it just sets everything how it would be if you'd finished the quest.  "Optional" is a misnomer, though; you're no longer able to do the quest if you choose that setting.


You can do the quest line if you tick quest line is optional - done it lots of times

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20 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

i'm familiar with that response, but seems its not even in the dialogue choices for slaves. seems that would be the slave's original voice leaking thru so no need to worry about anger there, actually it makes sense that you're only seeing this in slaves who like you so much...atleast i'm guessing that's the high slen numbers. those things are usually said when you bump a follower. respect > 60 is what's throwing me off on it as if there's still something in pah that's effecting it, but none of the on hit topics are based on respect, they're all expecting to be said to a punishment rather than a bump. greetings or hellos are set to prevent any spoken anger after reaching 60 respect...some of the voices don't have that in yet, but i'm guessing that you're getting this on 1 of the fixed voice types. actually sounds like something from sultry women, but i'm not sure on that, might be condescending. you can check from the mcm for the slave. if its a condescending voice, the fixes are in for them next update so we can get the same respect changes in greetings. additionally if its either sultry or condescending i'm wondering if it could be cuz neither of those voices have onhit topics written for them--so definitely try to catch what the mcm has for their voicetype when they say that


thinking back you mentioned slen info carries over to their twins - there's a spot in the ck when you set options on reference aliases to store text that would save that type of info to the base actor(pahe had to remove that option in a previous version to prevent bugs)--since this is also how pahe sets the voice types, it seems likely that you're getting the original actor voice types thru slen


basically you're saying slen is your conflict

i could look into a fix for slen

it sound like a decent mod



ADDENDUM: I find SLEN very useful, and any fix would be appreciated. Thank you!


Thank you for that reply and a happy new year to you and all others here!

 I lost no 97 and then enslaved one more whom I sold ASAP.

I did this for another and sold her as well.

Both did "runners" at least once before sale.

I then enslaved two bandits for the hell of it and it was quite funny as as soon as I enslaved B the first one A took off. and she was iron top to bottom.

So I reloaded and enslaved the B first and then A and naturally B was 300ms way by then. By the time I had brought her back via teleport the other one was 100ms away.

What was was also curious was that I could not put either in the freezer for later Rez if I simply killed them which i did via my save from before the skirmish.

I doubt that it has anything to do with my PC as I can run RDR II with NPs and run around with 20+ companions.


Now I have a hooker who will NOT interact with me and who is immortal.

I cannot speak to her, nor can I recruit her.

She is unkillable despite me attempting via console, daedric bow/katana, or via Proteus NPC killable/kill.

She is neither protected nor essential. I had her down to 1% several times but back she came.

(this rings a bell from before when it was an escaping slave and i lost my temper IIRC..1 >>100% in secs)

I tried disable/enable etc with no effect.

I tried recycle actor, prid, moveto player and back she came naked and resumed bonking my client companion, (which i had thoughtlessly interrupted) as if nothing had happened.

Mind you she is in Old Hrodan and should be rightfully annoyed, both by my neglect as well as the location.


But WTH do i do as she is still on my map as one of the 15-20 non city hookers? And yes, I have rebooted/restarted and it did nothing.

This mod'd game has always been a bit of a challenge but lately it is beginning to really try my patience


However! WRT the disappearing slaves:


I found a reddit page with the same "disappearing slave" problem and will post it below.

Is there a Mia's Lair PAH patch?

I have dl'd several but am uncertain as to which one is relevant.


11 mo. ago
Hey guys I’ve run into a bug with Paradise Halls Enhanced for Skyrim SE where After enslaving a NPC after a bit of time passes I can no longer interact with Them. Their name disappears and I no longer have the option to interact with them. I’ve tried resetting the slave In the MCM and it does it’s thing in the top left of the screen but it does not fix the NPC and the MCM then shows no name in the NPCs slot on the MCM I can still select them in it to reset them again but the name is no longer present. I’m not sure if it’s directly related but last time this happened I left it and kept playing and it resulted in Paradise halls showing as Stopped in the MCM and it would refuse to start up again which attempting to re save the save file with the scripts removed to try and get it to start again does indeed get it to start up again but breaks all other NPCs that didn’t have the interact problem and were currently enslaved by it or in holding in the Paradise Halls HomeSweetHome camp so I had to just roll back to a old enough save from before i enslaved the bugged NPC as at first I thought it was the NPC that was the problem but it has Since happened with most others. From googling I came across someone with a similar issue with the older version of the mod for Oldrim and from my understanding it was caused by something with the version of Jcontainers but the problem was resolved in the SE version of paradise halls and I am using the version it says to. I am seriously at a loss as I can not figure out how to fix this any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Here is my mod list via mod watch: https://modwat.ch/u/savagecaliber

11 mo. ago reply
Usually this is due to the mia’s lair patch not being installed. I saw that in your load order so maybe try reinstalling it or check to make sure you are running the right patch (there is a flower girls one too). Also the Pahe support thread is still active. The mod author was answering questions a few days ago






Edited by Will55
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1 hour ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

Really?  How?  Whenever I've used that MCM option, Pardo doesn't have the relevant quest dialogue anymore.  Are you enabling that option at the start of your playthrough, or after starting the quest?


The quest doesn't start with Pardo, last time i did it the first quest to catch criminals and sell to the mines was started by talking to the Jarl of Falkreth although i think you will have needed to do his vanilla quest to go kill random bandit leader (other go kill random bandit leader quests can stop that appearing) beforehand to have him become your friend


Looking via SSEEdit at the HSH ESP it looks like other Jarls might work but i've always done it with the Falkreth one, mainly as he sends you a letter via courier




Ticking the quest line is optional should just allow you to get into the restless hunter and get the rewards etc (so you can speak to Pardo, buy items and so on)

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15 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

in the dialogues that i've setup for it so far, i've tried to make it work for either gag if you have the dwarven suits plugin installed as well, but in the scripting i've only set it up for the dd gags

zaz gags all have zbf in the name like zbf gag ball or zbf gag ring...

Ok, that helps, I'll try out the ones without the zbf in the name and see how that goes. I do indeed have the dwarven suits plugin active.


15 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

dwarven slave suit provides sex training for the slave and forces the slave to accept the request for combat "From now on you will fight for me."

dwarven pet suit provides the same sex training for the slave, but additionally provides the highest in combat training

both suits also have some decent enchantments to help the slave in combat

So the slave suit doesn't provide any combat training? Is it only the pet suit that works for combat? Also how long after putting them into one should I start noticing their sex training going up? Does it go up passively or does it only go up in combat or how does that work, still abit confused on the dwarven suits tbh. I've had one slave in the normal slave suit for a few hours now and haven't noticed their sex training go up nor their combat training. So yeah still confused. :(

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19 hours ago, narbzhikaru said:

I am seeming to be having trouble finishing the Noble Desires quest when I hand over three slaves to him and the auction starts he just stands there with the book and quill in his hand and doesn't do anything... Is this a common bug or am I doing something wrong?

IIRC the auction doesn't actually start til a few minutes after midnight, and if I am there watching the event if it's close to midnight I usually wait an hour while downstairs and then the auction starts the way it's supposed to.

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14 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

i think sometimes after telling the slave to "strip and set outfit"

I thought we weren't supposed to use that option for the time being due to some bug it causes? Some of my slaves don't even have that option at all. Biggest problem I'm having with them and their outfits are keeping their collars on, I keep most of mine naked and for whatever reason I find a few not wearing their collars and I'm having to tell them to "put their clothes back on" constantly, not sure why as it doesn't seem to affect all of them, just a handful of them.

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13 hours ago, Nonseen said:

if you wish i create a new esp that depend only on zaz, so you can quickly test out :)


let see, best of my knowlage the npcs body as we see its count as a armorpart.


SOS add a new male body armor part that hole in it where the penis is positioned.

if one remove sos  best of my knowlage original male body "return".


This case my unisex solution shuld work well. or i need make a version that only effect the body not effect the slot52 where is sos penis "stored".


my solution force the slave wear a  armor that has no textures and add as armor part the naked bodyparts.


this work well with original bodys but sos add new body parts.


all in all my solution shoud work as long zaz armor not get removed from slave by other mods ( like dd items), or not get oweritten. or at least this is the stiuation best of my knowalge.

The only problem I see with this is that the body only has a select number of available slots to use, and anyone using DD will be even more limited as to what body slots they can use as DD is using all slots except 3, so a conflict is almost unavoidable. Slot 54 isn't used by DD neither is slot 60 and 61 is used by FX in the base game with slot 52 being used by DD SOS compatibility. So that leaves only slot 54 or 60 available to use and with the 3BBB HDT/CBPC physics using slot 60 for compatibility with DD that limits it even further to the only available slot to use that won't conflict with DD is slot 54. One would have to go thru every single mod that they have that strips either the PC or NPCs or both and make sure that slot 54 isn't stripped so if you decide to go with that slot it doesn't conflict with it and remove the naked armor you are adding.


Yes the naked bandit bug is a pain, but it doesn't happen all the time nor does it happen to every single user of PAHE either. Disabling the naked outfit does indeed seem to help with the bug and for the most part solve the issue, with the downside of having less flexibility and sometimes but not always causing issues "keeping a slave naked". To be honest tho as I have kept up with the progress and development of this since it was first mentioned, with the existing complications with slot conflicts of DD and possible conflicts with other mods that honestly can't be foreseen or known cause everyone's mod list is different, I think adding another armor piece to try to solve a bug that may or may not be caused by an armor piece just imho seems to be adding to the possibility of bugs instead of removing them. It's kinda like having a headache and someone stomping your foot to take your mind off of your headache, the "fix" in the end hurts more then helps. But this is just my humble opinion and in no way meant to diminish your attempts or lessen what you have tried to do, I just think at this point with all the possible conflicts and issue it could cause, to me it seems futile and not worth the headache of troubleshooting the conflicts when they arise, and with only one actual free body slot available there will be conflicts, bugs and issues. But just my opinion for what it's worth.

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9 hours ago, Will55 said:

Thank you for that reply and a happy new year to you and all others here!

 I lost no 97 and then enslaved one more whom I sold ASAP.

I did this for another and sold her as well.

Both did "runners" at least once before sale.

I then enslaved two bandits for the hell of it and it was quite funny as as soon as I enslaved B the first one A took off. and she was iron top to bottom.

So I reloaded and enslaved the B first and then A and naturally B was 300ms way by then. By the time I had brought her back via teleport the other one was 100ms away.

What was was also curious was that I could not put either in the freezer for later Rez if I simply killed them which i did via my save from before the skirmish.

I doubt that it has anything to do with my PC as I can run RDR II with NPs and run around with 20+ companions.


Now I have a hooker who will NOT interact with me and who is immortal.

I cannot speak to her, nor can I recruit her.

She is unkillable despite me attempting via console, daedric bow/katana, or via Proteus NPC killable/kill.

She is neither protected nor essential. I had her down to 1% several times but back she came.

(this rings a bell from before when it was an escaping slave and i lost my temper IIRC..1 >>100% in secs)

I tried disable/enable etc with no effect.

I tried recycle actor, prid, moveto player and back she came naked and resumed bonking my client companion, (which i had thoughtlessly interrupted) as if nothing had happened.

Mind you she is in Old Hrodan and should be rightfully annoyed, both by my neglect as well as the location.


But WTH do i do as she is still on my map as one of the 15-20 non city hookers? And yes, I have rebooted/restarted and it did nothing.

This mod'd game has always been a bit of a challenge but lately it is beginning to really try my patience


However! WRT the disappearing slaves:


I found a reddit page with the same "disappearing slave" problem and will post it below.

Is there a Mia's Lair PAH patch?

I have dl'd several but am uncertain as to which one is relevant.


11 mo. ago
Hey guys I’ve run into a bug with Paradise Halls Enhanced for Skyrim SE where After enslaving a NPC after a bit of time passes I can no longer interact with Them. Their name disappears and I no longer have the option to interact with them. I’ve tried resetting the slave In the MCM and it does it’s thing in the top left of the screen but it does not fix the NPC and the MCM then shows no name in the NPCs slot on the MCM I can still select them in it to reset them again but the name is no longer present. I’m not sure if it’s directly related but last time this happened I left it and kept playing and it resulted in Paradise halls showing as Stopped in the MCM and it would refuse to start up again which attempting to re save the save file with the scripts removed to try and get it to start again does indeed get it to start up again but breaks all other NPCs that didn’t have the interact problem and were currently enslaved by it or in holding in the Paradise Halls HomeSweetHome camp so I had to just roll back to a old enough save from before i enslaved the bugged NPC as at first I thought it was the NPC that was the problem but it has Since happened with most others. From googling I came across someone with a similar issue with the older version of the mod for Oldrim and from my understanding it was caused by something with the version of Jcontainers but the problem was resolved in the SE version of paradise halls and I am using the version it says to. I am seriously at a loss as I can not figure out how to fix this any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Here is my mod list via mod watch: https://modwat.ch/u/savagecaliber

11 mo. ago reply
Usually this is due to the mia’s lair patch not being installed. I saw that in your load order so maybe try reinstalling it or check to make sure you are running the right patch (there is a flower girls one too). Also the Pahe support thread is still active. The mod author was answering questions a few days ago






From everything I've been reading about your issues and AYGAS, I would be willing to bet good money that the cause and root of your slave issues has nothing to do with your PC or PAHE, but is caused by NPC script overload which is caused by AYGAS overpopulating the game, which causes the game engine to have a heart attack. Unfortunately the game engine can only handle so big of a script load at a time, and with potentially hundreds of slave scripts of hundreds of slaves all running at the exact same time is going to overload the game engine. The only real solution I can see is to remove as many of the AYGAS slaves that you can from that particular save file which should reduce the script load and stop your PAHE issues. If you want an "immersive" reason you could use to justify "removing" the slaves you could say that some of the owners freed them after becoming fond of them and they moved on to other parts of Tamriel, or you could say that some owners grew tired of their slaves and resold them to other slavers in other parts of Tamriel. I would also if at all possible turn off the slave auction function that slow over time populates Skyrim with AGYAS slaves, as that would just cause your issues all over again. I do not know if that is possible or not but I would look into it and find out.



As to your "immortal" slave issue, I had that and went as far as to take that npcs ref id from the console and look it up in xedit. NPC was not set to essential nor protected nor invulnerable according to both xedit and the CK. Sadly the only real solution I was able to find was to completely remove that npc from the game via the commands disable then markfordelete. After using those commands on the trouble npc and changing cells a few times, then waiting 3 days in game the problem never happened again. Unfortunately from my experience once their AI bugs out like that they can't be recovered or fixed and deleting them is the only course of action to avoid further issues.



I am abit confused about Mia's Lair tho, because on the mod page itself the author says it's for development purposes only and to not use it on an existing save and not use it with any other type of Alternate Start mod. So really confused as to why your using that one instead of it's predecessor Love Slaves? If your wanting to have the location of Mia's Lair in your game anyway that is.


Hope this info helps mate, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

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2 hours ago, Martok73 said:

From everything I've been reading about your issues and AYGAS, I would be willing to bet good money that the cause and root of your slave issues has nothing to do with your PC or PAHE, but is caused by NPC script overload which is caused by AYGAS overpopulating the game, which causes the game engine to have a heart attack. Unfortunately the game engine can only handle so big of a script load at a time, and with potentially hundreds of slave scripts of hundreds of slaves all running at the exact same time is going to overload the game engine. The only real solution I can see is to remove as many of the AYGAS slaves that you can from that particular save file which should reduce the script load and stop your PAHE issues. If you want an "immersive" reason you could use to justify "removing" the slaves you could say that some of the owners freed them after becoming fond of them and they moved on to other parts of Tamriel, or you could say that some owners grew tired of their slaves and resold them to other slavers in other parts of Tamriel. I would also if at all possible turn off the slave auction function that slow over time populates Skyrim with AGYAS slaves, as that would just cause your issues all over again. I do not know if that is possible or not but I would look into it and find out.



As to your "immortal" slave issue, I had that and went as far as to take that npcs ref id from the console and look it up in xedit. NPC was not set to essential nor protected nor invulnerable according to both xedit and the CK. Sadly the only real solution I was able to find was to completely remove that npc from the game via the commands disable then markfordelete. After using those commands on the trouble npc and changing cells a few times, then waiting 3 days in game the problem never happened again. Unfortunately from my experience once their AI bugs out like that they can't be recovered or fixed and deleting them is the only course of action to avoid further issues.



I am abit confused about Mia's Lair tho, because on the mod page itself the author says it's for development purposes only and to not use it on an existing save and not use it with any other type of Alternate Start mod. So really confused as to why your using that one instead of it's predecessor Love Slaves? If your wanting to have the location of Mia's Lair in your game anyway that is.


Hope this info helps mate, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D


i think you correct about limitations of my solution for a very minior problem.


i know solution of mine inperfect and can cause more bead things than good,. at the time of writing this is the best i can do :( with my limited knowlage about how thigns work.

i hope this way i can help clifton find a solution make better pahe. and fix a minior problem. 

probably not going implemented, but mabye help come up with a better one. :)

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2 hours ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

Uh, you know you can multiquote, right?  Five in a row is kinda... a lot...

I try to do that most of the time but unfortunately it does not always work and I am left with multiple post sadly. But I do try like this time it worked just fine but the last time I tried it  didn't do anything at all resulting in mutli-posts :(.



43 minutes ago, Nonseen said:


i think you correct about limitations of my solution for a very minior problem.


i know solution of mine inperfect and can cause more bead things than good,. at the time of writing this is the best i can do :( with my limited knowlage about how thigns work.

i hope this way i can help clifton find a solution make better pahe. and fix a minior problem. 

probably not going implemented, but mabye help come up with a better one. :)

Yeah it's unfortunate but sometimes that is how it goes. Look at it this way tho at least you are trying to help, which trying and failing is better than not trying at all as long as nobody gets hurt in the process :).

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4 hours ago, Martok73 said:

From everything I've been reading about your issues and AYGAS, I would be willing to bet good money that the cause and root of your slave issues has nothing to do with your PC or PAHE, but is caused by NPC script overload which is caused by AYGAS overpopulating the game, which causes the game engine to have a heart attack. Unfortunately the game engine can only handle so big of a script load at a time, and with potentially hundreds of slave scripts of hundreds of slaves all running at the exact same time is going to overload the game engine. The only real solution I can see is to remove as many of the AYGAS slaves that you can from that particular save file which should reduce the script load and stop your PAHE issues. If you want an "immersive" reason you could use to justify "removing" the slaves you could say that some of the owners freed them after becoming fond of them and they moved on to other parts of Tamriel, or you could say that some owners grew tired of their slaves and resold them to other slavers in other parts of Tamriel. I would also if at all possible turn off the slave auction function that slow over time populates Skyrim with AGYAS slaves, as that would just cause your issues all over again. I do not know if that is possible or not but I would look into it and find out.

 Installed last night: Actor Limit Fix at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) So,?"great minds think alike?"  Thank you nonetheless. 

If that does not work I will try the culling of theirs and mine. TBH every time i visit a slave city now there are more and more slaves from the auctions  present who are not from my cellars. I wonder if AYGAS has blown its bolt here and is now the primary culprit(other than myself )?

4 hours ago, Martok73 said:



As to your "immortal" slave issue, I had that and went as far as to take that npcs ref id from the console and look it up in xedit. NPC was not set to essential nor protected nor invulnerable according to both xedit and the CK. Sadly the only real solution I was able to find was to completely remove that npc from the game via the commands disable then markfordelete. After using those commands on the trouble npc and changing cells a few times, then waiting 3 days in game the problem never happened again. Unfortunately from my experience once their AI bugs out like that they can't be recovered or fixed and deleting them is the only course of action to avoid further issues.

  I shall try that: a real pity though: gorgeous, wearing 30+K gear and >100sex exp ☹️

ADDENDUM: I did a trial without Mia's Lair but it had no effect. BUT! I lost the gear but saved the girl and I did so by duplicating her via Proteus NPC and then, "markfordelete" for the original. She still has her skill set and I will repeat, rehire her, rename her and re-equip her when I go back there as this was a test in an older save.


I am a bit confused about Mia's Lair tho, because on the mod page itself the author says it's for development purposes only and to not use it on an existing save and not use it with any other type of Alternate Start mod. So really confused as to why your using that one instead of it's predecessor Love Slaves? If your wanting to have the location of Mia's Lair in your game anyway that is.

Hmm, I had no idea that Mia's lair which is installed is related to Love Slaves and I still have no idea of what it does and in fact I only realized that it was installed when I found a hunting Lodge above bard's leap. When I began here I boggled at what was available. As I have not interacted within the mod I might be able to unclick it without disaster : ) I must look at the page. TBH since the hooker/slaver business began to take over I have scarcely looked at my installed other LL mods.

ADDENDUM: Mia's lair IS Sex Slaves...I looked at the Sex Slaves page and ALL downloadable files were labelled "Mia's lair'. No matter, I have unticked them all and will see what happens.

4 hours ago, Martok73 said:


Hope this info helps mate, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

yes it has. Thank you and a happier brighter, healthier new year to you!

Edited by Will55
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The first scripts to compile:


The missing stuff for the roaming hookers:





For the new following hookers:

This one is for resetting/unistalling the mod.



I added the missing properties, The missing aliases, and everything related to resetting the scenes and quests here. (I added a lot of stuff, I need a 2nd pair of eyes here...) 



For all pimping quests:






For the old PimpingQuests Branch01Topic01





For PimpingQuest4






For Pimpingquest5






For PimpimgQuest6






For PimpingquestBranch02Topic01 the script looks universal. can this be recycled?


with PimpingQuestBranch02Topic02 I'm a bit helpless: I don't understand it...  It has to be expanded with the additional Hookers, but I think that it could be recycled afterwards. I really need your help here. 


The rest of the scripts in this Branch seems to be recyclable, too.  



 BB_PimpingQuestDialogueBranch04 : same as PQ02T02


Edit: Happy new year...


The newest .esp:


SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp





Edited by Pfiffy
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To Pfiffy:

As above, I markedfordelete my hooker Samanta at Old Hrodan and replaced her with her duplicate Samantia.

But now TDF has TWO hooker called Samanta at Old Hrodan on the map (that was the original name of the clone even though refid differed.)

It is no biggie but I am not happy about losing a hooker slot to a no longer existing hooker who was removed by markfordelete as she was unkillable and would not interact.

Strangely I also freed a +4 SLEN slave there ages ago also who does not respond to interaction except to say: "I hope the wild gets you" ( I really appreciated that) and IMHO that place has to be buggy.

I doubt that anything can be done about the lost slot but I had to ask.

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15 minutes ago, Will55 said:

To Pfiffy:

As above, I markedfordelete my hooker Samanta at Old Hrodan and replaced her with her duplicate Samantia.

But now TDF has TWO hooker called Samanta at Old Hrodan on the map (that was the original name of the clone even though refid differed.)

It is no biggie but I am not happy about losing a hooker slot to a no longer existing hooker who was removed by markfordelete as she was unkillable and would not interact.

Strangely I also freed a +4 SLEN slave there ages ago also who does not respond to interaction except to say: "I hope the wild gets you" ( I really appreciated that) and IMHO that place has to be buggy.

I doubt that anything can be done about the lost slot but I had to ask.

Which version of TDF?



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10 hours ago, Will55 said:

 Installed last night: Actor Limit Fix at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) So,?"great minds think alike?"  Thank you nonetheless. 

If that does not work I will try the culling of theirs and mine. TBH every time i visit a slave city now there are more and more slaves from the auctions  present who are not from my cellars. I wonder if AYGAS has blown its bolt here and is now the primary culprit(other than myself )?

ADDENDUM: Mia's lair IS Sex Slaves...I looked at the Sex Slaves page and ALL downloadable files were labelled "Mia's lair'. No matter, I have unticked them all and will see what happens.

yes it has. Thank you and a happier brighter, healthier new year to you!

I hope that actor limit fix will help you, but honestly until you get AYGAS under control it is only going to slow down the problem for a little while. Sex Slaves is the mod that was made from Mia's Lair it is the continuation of that mod, where the original Mia's Lair has it's own mod page where I referenced the author stating it was for development purposes only and to not install it on a running save nor with any other alternate start mods of any kind. The downloads on the Sex Slaves page listing as Mia's Lair is normal, it's made by the same mod author that made the original that was just named Mia's Lair. Yeah I know it's confusing, confused the hell outta me too until I read both pages for both mods about 10 times and figured it out. Glad to help, and I hope like hell this year is better for my health than last year was. Thanks :)



2 hours ago, Will55 said:

To Pfiffy:

As above, I markedfordelete my hooker Samanta at Old Hrodan and replaced her with her duplicate Samantia.

But now TDF has TWO hooker called Samanta at Old Hrodan on the map (that was the original name of the clone even though refid differed.)

It is no biggie but I am not happy about losing a hooker slot to a no longer existing hooker who was removed by markfordelete as she was unkillable and would not interact.

Strangely I also freed a +4 SLEN slave there ages ago also who does not respond to interaction except to say: "I hope the wild gets you" ( I really appreciated that) and IMHO that place has to be buggy.

I doubt that anything can be done about the lost slot but I had to ask.

I had one of my hookers stop responding it was after cutting them loose, they became invulnerable, uninteractable, and they lost their name to boot. They sandboxed, and talked and such but couldn't interact with her at all. After several suggestions in two different threads here on LL I found this file here that both solved her blank name, and fixed her interact state. I do not remember if it fixed her invulnerability or not tho, if it doesn't fix that part you can still always markfordelete her via console.


Here is the file I used that fixed mine, maybe it can fix yours as well.



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On 1/2/2022 at 7:29 AM, Nonseen said:

if you wish i create a new esp that depend only on zaz, so you can quickly test out :)


let see, best of my knowlage the npcs body as we see its count as a armorpart.


SOS add a new male body armor part that hole in it where the penis is positioned.

if one remove sos  best of my knowlage original male body "return".


This case my unisex solution shuld work well. or i need make a version that only effect the body not effect the slot52 where is sos penis "stored".


my solution force the slave wear a  armor that has no textures and add as armor part the naked bodyparts.


this work well with original bodys but sos add new body parts.


all in all my solution shoud work as long zaz armor not get removed from slave by other mods ( like dd items), or not get oweritten. or at least this is the stiuation best of my knowalge.

ya, your current version uses sos and an sos addon so many still won't be able to use it

On 1/2/2022 at 12:23 PM, Will55 said:

Now I have a hooker who will NOT interact with me and who is immortal.

tdf hookers are marked as essential

On 1/2/2022 at 12:23 PM, Will55 said:


However! WRT the disappearing slaves:


I found a reddit page with the same "disappearing slave" problem and will post it below.

Is there a Mia's Lair PAH patch?

yes, if your disappearing slaves are really just losing dialogue same as the person you quoted and if you are using mia's lair than you should grab the patch for it from the download page. there's a sexslaves version and a flower girl love slaves version, basically those patches are made to prevent mias lair from scanning slaves and prevent causing issues with slaves it scans

On 1/2/2022 at 8:53 PM, Martok73 said:

Does it go up passively or does it only go up in combat or how does that work, still abit confused on the dwarven suits tbh. I've had one slave in the normal slave suit for a few hours now and haven't noticed their sex training go up nor their combat training. So yeah still confused.

this is why it was referred to in the update adding the feature as combat sex training, it sex trains the slave during combat, but if you've already taken your slave into combat and not seeing the benefits...you need to wait for next update's combat fixes to a couple dd keywords checked for during combat

On 1/2/2022 at 9:02 PM, Martok73 said:

I thought we weren't supposed to use that option for the time being due to some bug it causes? Some of my slaves don't even have that option at all. Biggest problem I'm having with them and their outfits are keeping their collars on, I keep most of mine naked and for whatever reason I find a few not wearing their collars and I'm having to tell them to "put their clothes back on" constantly, not sure why as it doesn't seem to affect all of them, just a handful of them.

most of us usually have the issue of the slave wearing something else from their old outfit. i added the dialogue to give those more comfortable with the old methods peace of mind that you get full control over what your slaves wear when you set their outfits, but anybody who uses it on an npc you aren't certain is unique, runs their own risks of running into the naked bandit bug later. on the other hand if its lydia or alva or any of those you know for certain are unique, that is what its that dialogue is mainly for, so you can have the benefits of the mcm option on the majority of your slaves preventing the naked bug, and still assign the naked outfit to uniques

On 1/2/2022 at 9:23 PM, Martok73 said:

The only problem I see with this is that the body only has a select number of available slots to use, and anyone using DD will be even more limited as to what body slots they can use as DD is using all slots except 3, so a conflict is almost unavoidable. Slot 54 isn't used by DD neither is slot 60 and 61 is used by FX in the base game with slot 52 being used by DD SOS compatibility. So that leaves only slot 54 or 60 available to use and with the 3BBB HDT/CBPC physics using slot 60 for compatibility with DD that limits it even further to the only available slot to use that won't conflict with DD is slot 54. One would have to go thru every single mod that they have that strips either the PC or NPCs or both and make sure that slot 54 isn't stripped so if you decide to go with that slot it doesn't conflict with it and remove the naked armor you are adding.

you're quoting his topic about fixing sos to see his armor as nude. if you understand already that dd reserves slot 52 for that purpose, why would you suggest to change it to another slot...

On 1/2/2022 at 9:45 PM, Martok73 said:

As to your "immortal" slave issue, I had that and went as far as to take that npcs ref id from the console and look it up in xedit. NPC was not set to essential nor protected nor invulnerable according to both xedit and the CK. Sadly the only real solution I was able to find was to completely remove that npc from the game via the commands disable then markfordelete. After using those commands on the trouble npc and changing cells a few times, then waiting 3 days in game the problem never happened again. Unfortunately from my experience once their AI bugs out like that they can't be recovered or fixed and deleting them is the only course of action to avoid further issues.

her immortal slut came from a tdf setting making it essential while as a slave it should already be "protected". no idea why a slut would need to be marked as essential, but skyrim wasn't designed for them to be set as both protected and essential so that could cause some confusion when trying to kill them. you couldn't find them marked as essential in the ck cuz you would be looking up how the actor was written and not how other mods have interacted with the actor

On 1/2/2022 at 9:45 PM, Martok73 said:

I am abit confused about Mia's Lair tho, because on the mod page itself the author says it's for development purposes only and to not use it on an existing save and not use it with any other type of Alternate Start mod. So really confused as to why your using that one instead of it's predecessor Love Slaves? If your wanting to have the location of Mia's Lair in your game anyway that is.

love slave and sex slaves are both mias lair mods. love slaves was made for use with flower girls and sex slaves was made for use with sexlab

22 hours ago, Nonseen said:


i think you correct about limitations of my solution for a very minior problem.


i know solution of mine inperfect and can cause more bead things than good,. at the time of writing this is the best i can do :( with my limited knowlage about how thigns work.

i hope this way i can help clifton find a solution make better pahe. and fix a minior problem. 

probably not going implemented, but mabye help come up with a better one. :)

i understand you're still learning so its good practice. i think what's best in the long run is basically a copy of the the naked skin the base game already uses, but with a race check to be certain its not using a custom race before applying the nude skin. for sos it seems you've gone thru alot of work to force sos when it already has a revealing keyword designed for that purpose.

20 hours ago, Will55 said:

TBH every time i visit a slave city now there are more and more slaves from the auctions  present who are not from my cellars. I wonder if AYGAS has blown its bolt here and is now the primary culprit(other than myself )?

aygas is designed to use pahe to generate new slaves for auctions

18 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

The first scripts to compile:

i thought you fixed your compiler...oh and another note, ummm that immortal slut listed above is something we might want to change in tdf.. like why our sluts marked essential




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12 hours ago, Martok73 said:

fixed her interact state. I do not remember if it fixed her invulnerability or not tho, if it doesn't fix that part you can still always markfordelete her via console.


just mentioned to pfiffy above

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