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Paradise Halls Enhanced (pahe) Special Edition with the customary addons

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41 minutes ago, Nonseen said:


i found a solution keep male saves naked if sos installed and slave get restrained no matter it is mcm outfit disable option enabled or not.

as long slave wear this outfit slave keept nude.


PAHENoNakedFix.esp 4.41 kB · 0 downloads


this on sale in riverwod inn ( sleeping giant inn)



to keep males nude i use a trick i see in use zaz 8.0 rev3  the male ball strecher items used similar trick.

basicly i add a invisible aror pice to the character body. to males adding a penis texture that owerites sos clothing.

this item keyworded like a zaz divice item to preverent removal by normal means.


not tested with dd just alone.


I hope it some way help you find a better solution :)

feel free to use any way you see fit.

ok, thanks

does it use the existing sos textures tho or is it something we need worry about a texture difference between them

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2 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

since you're describing the total number of slaves in the game and not just the slaves on the roster, the only limit is how much your pc can handle. since you're now having trouble keeping your tied slaves, i think you may have exceeded what you can handle. your best move at this point for continuing that save, would be to disable/enable aygas from your load - remove it from your load order, save the game, wait 5 minutes, clean the save, then re-add aygas

ok, remind me after this update goes out

ok, i'll take a look at them


yes, i've manged to hit the slave cap, its 128 btw not 129, and i must have been the first to reach the cap cuz i had to lower it to that number from 130 when i reached the array size limit of 128. the trick to how many slaves you have is about how many are with you at the time. in Le i kept 5 followers and 8 slaves most times. if i exceeded that for a fresh capture, i'd need to restrain them to prevent issues with exiting doors. i had to lower that even further if it was coming up the elevator from blackreach or i'd get pushed out the door and need to go back thru the long way next time. on se so far i still have the same issue coming up from blackreach, but aside from that i've found dd5 to be more memory intensive than pahe slaves. i think comparatively 13 slaves following in se is about what 5 followers and 10 slaves following was in Le. you'll know you're hitting your limit when you go to cast the slave info spell and it takes 3 to 5 times to respond or you try to tie a slave and nothing happens or try to sex them up. sometimes its something else going on tho so you might be able to save/quit/reload and everything works fine again, but usually that still means you're close to the limit to watch it closely. i'm using a custom gaming rig, but i built it over 10 years ago so with your newer gaming computer, you should be able to handle everything mine could as a starting point to finding your limits---oh and thats pahe slaves, i never get far as a modder with aygas alaves before i need a  new game cuz i'm not patient enough to deal with them saying "not interested"

depends on how well trained he was when you released him. by default any who haven't been trained are set to be removed from the game. if he stood there in limbo, it means he was expecting to be an eligible follower --that's the part i added, but for some reason it hasn't worked as intended. i think with so  many running overpopulation from aygas slaves, what i'll need to do for the next time i fix the release function will be to first make it a separate dialogue to still have the option for slaves to be erased, then work out a new system for the slaves to be eligible followers. imo aygas should only be there as a means for getting an income from selling the ex-slave, it shouldn't be the only means of removing your slaves


if you can handle devious devices, the dd gags are also set for faster respect training

i've found selling at the hsh auctions has the advantage of removing the ugly slaves from the game (or atleast until the game respawns them). if you're looking for a bag on the face mod, try the devious hoods (from dd or dd expansion)


Thank you for that reply and the work that all replies required.

I have (I think) solved the problem: As I had a vacant (male slave 0ms away) slot and in my 97 current slaves, I finally worked it how to recount them (before it was by accident) and the recounting showed 97 slaves with no males.  However, I will be keeping the number, in future below 100 as now as I am progressing in HSH.

I am using black leather pet suits and ball gags to push pose and to shut up the 14 extremely difficult to handle, rez;d slaves (mostly witches and hags)


What I find strange is that I have elsewhere,  4+ SLEN slaves who still snap "watch it!" when I bump them by accident and their respect is >60.

Is this an anger management thing? If so, then is there an easy way to increase it as I do not wish to hurt them or upset them unduly (gag, pet suits and restraints generally seem to have no or minimal effect upon SLEN) by so doing?


I have travelled with > 20 follow/slaves but it is unwieldy and combat just blurs. Right now I tend to use 3-4 followers. 3 hookers (slaves or not) & 3 guard slaves. That number seems easier to handle although it is I rather than my PC who dislikes the larger numbers as I keep having to count heads to see if someone is missing (yesterday, one was: a guard slave and she was fighting a minotaur lord alone. Just as well that I looked for her as these can really hurt even my 113 lev char in melee. How she stayed alive I do not know as she was not essential as I had to make her so afterwards. But as soon as the girls arrived it was over in secs).


PAH is a real work of art and with TDF make another game entirely for which Skyrim is just the foundation.

Edited by Will55
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2 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

i've found selling at the hsh auctions has the advantage of removing the ugly slaves from the game (or atleast until the game respawns them). if you're looking for a bag on the face mod, try the devious hoods (from dd or dd expansion)

The game has executioner hoods available.

Not certain if they can be made as I picked up mine via the DB hut quest (3) and in rescuing wenches (5).

Or and as well as the DD ones the Maids has one as well while DD has masks as well IIRC.

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40 minutes ago, CliftonJD said:

ok, thanks

does it use the existing sos textures tho or is it something we need worry about a texture difference between them

i use only existing textures.


to precise:

2 my solution work a bit different:

unisex effect only boudy slot this case i not use any texture other than the base texture in use. this means if you use cbbe you get different result if you use uunp or other body and body textures


the male ony variant use sos texture on male genitals on female case use nothing == use base texture.

the textures found in the armor item, linked armor parts. (take me lot of time figure out my own how this tings works)


all in all my solutions useing existing textures, this solutions not add any new to the game. but need installed sos with vertox penis ( the deafult chose as installing sos)


i hope this is not confusing to you, i try provide match information as i can.

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18 minutes ago, Will55 said:

The game has executioner hoods available.

Not certain if they can be made as

i estimate 15-30 minutes work to make this thing sold in the traders of skyrim and make fully playible.

if one need it i can do it, and make keyworded way that sl framewok know not strip it as sex happening.

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3 hours ago, Nonseen said:

i estimate 15-30 minutes work to make this thing sold in the traders of skyrim and make fully playible.

if one need it i can do it, and make keyworded way that sl framewok know not strip it as sex happening.

No need for you go to that much trouble for me. 

But a heartfelt Thank You! for the offer.

However, some others may well like such.

From my experience using my hoods, the slaves really do not like them.

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5 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

imo aygas should only be there as a means for getting an income from selling the ex-slave, it shouldn't be the only means of removing your slaves

I would say that AYGAS is there for RP and worldbuilding reasons—income, schmincome.  If you're just trying to make money, you can use HSH auctions or the Fellglow slave camp.  AYGAS is the only integrated way to have ambient slaves in the world so that the PC's slaving activities don't stick out like an unimmersively sore thumb.  You can use Ambient Slaves or Hydra Slavegirls or whatever, but they're not integrated with your activities at all, so it doesn't feel as immersive—they're just decorations.  And roleplaying as a slaver is a lot more interesting if you see some impact of your activities in the world around you, which you don't get with other means of selling slaves. 


This may get even better in the future with some DoM integration that is somewhere in the dev pipeline, by the way; I can't speak for @TrollAutokill, but when I mentioned the idea, he said he'd quite like to do it, but it wouldn't be coming near-term.  We'll see what form it ultimately takes, but the idea is basically for slaves sold to AYGAS to remember their DoM relationship to the PC and to have dialogue based on that instead of the generic "leave me alone" that you hear from every AYGAS slave currently.  For example, a slave that was "in love" or "loyal" and whose current owner is fully satisfied with her might whisper "Nice to see you again, Mistress."  If they were "in love"/"loyal" and their new owner is not fully satisfied, they may beg you to buy them back.  Or a slave who was disgusted with you, they may bemoan that, even after being sold, they still can't get away from you.  




As for releasing slaves, this seems like a good excuse to flesh out and share an idea the beginnings of which I've had sitting in my notes for a while.  It wouldn't be targeted at the overpopulation problem, but I'd guess that's a pretty rare edge case that most people never really deal with—I've certainly never come close in my many hundreds of hours with PAHE—and you could build a solution to that into this system, anyway.  The basic idea is that released slaves can become ordinary citizens.  They'd be given basic AI packages to have lives in the city—some kind of daily routine, basically—and be equipped with appropriate items.  But the key thing would be that there would be different versions depending on where you release them and what you give them before doing so—not sure if you can check the combined value of their inventory, or else you could just use straight gold septims.  


For example, if you give them (next to) nothing and release them in a city, they become beggars.  Outside the city with nothing, maybe they become highwayman.  Give them a decent start, say between 500 and 5,000 gold, and they become a commoner—maybe their AI package includes some manual labour like chopping wood or repairing buildings if inside the city, or working in the fields if outside the city.  Give them a bit more, say 5,000–20,000 gold, and they join the middle class, with better clothes and maybe they mostly spend time in the market or with a smith's apprentice package (à la Hermir Strong-Heart) or the like.  Set them up with considerable means—more than 20,000 gold—and they become a member of the gentry, with fine clothes and jewellery and an AI package that spends a lot of their time in the palace.  


When you release them, you could have dialogue for whether they should stay in Skyrim or try their luck in another province—the latter effectively just removing them from your game.  Maybe, if you tell them to leave Skyrim, but you don't provide them with enough recourses to make the journey, you can find their body somewhere in the world in the future.  Or maybe they turn to banditry in Skyrim since they were unable to get out, and you can encounter them again in the future.  


I'm sure this wouldn't be trivial to implement, but I don't really know exactly how much work it would be.  I don't know how many of the elements—mostly the AI packages, I guess—would have to be made bespoke for this feature versus how much could utilise existing assets.  Anyway, I think it'd be a really cool, interesting feature to have; it'd certainly appeal more to the "Classical slavery model" portion of the playerbase than the "chattel slavery model" portion, though.  And we can always use a late-game money sink, especially with how much income AYGAS generates.  Especially with DoM integration similar to the AYGAS integration described above, it'd be especially cool as something to do with slaves you really like when you have too many slaves you really like to keep them all with you, so you could meet them in your activities and they'd remember you and be happy to see you.

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1 hour ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

I would say that AYGAS is there for RP and worldbuilding reasons—income, schmincome.  If you're just trying to make money, you can use HSH auctions or the Fellglow slave camp.  AYGAS is the only integrated way to have ambient slaves in the world so that the PC's slaving activities don't stick out like an unimmersively sore thumb.  You can use Ambient Slaves or Hydra Slavegirls or whatever, but they're not integrated with your activities at all, so it doesn't feel as immersive—they're just decorations.  And roleplaying as a slaver is a lot more interesting if you see some impact of your activities in the world around you, which you don't get with other means of selling slaves. 


This may get even better in the future with some DoM integration that is somewhere in the dev pipeline, by the way; I can't speak for @TrollAutokill, but when I mentioned the idea, he said he'd quite like to do it, but it wouldn't be coming near-term.  We'll see what form it ultimately takes, but the idea is basically for slaves sold to AYGAS to remember their DoM relationship to the PC and to have dialogue based on that instead of the generic "leave me alone" that you hear from every AYGAS slave currently.  For example, a slave that was "in love" or "loyal" and whose current owner is fully satisfied with her might whisper "Nice to see you again, Mistress."  If they were "in love"/"loyal" and their new owner is not fully satisfied, they may beg you to buy them back.  Or a slave who was disgusted with you, they may bemoan that, even after being sold, they still can't get away from you.  




As for releasing slaves, this seems like a good excuse to flesh out and share an idea the beginnings of which I've had sitting in my notes for a while.  It wouldn't be targeted at the overpopulation problem, but I'd guess that's a pretty rare edge case that most people never really deal with—I've certainly never come close in my many hundreds of hours with PAHE—and you could build a solution to that into this system, anyway.  The basic idea is that released slaves can become ordinary citizens.  They'd be given basic AI packages to have lives in the city—some kind of daily routine, basically—and be equipped with appropriate items.  But the key thing would be that there would be different versions depending on where you release them and what you give them before doing so—not sure if you can check the combined value of their inventory, or else you could just use straight gold septims.  


For example, if you give them (next to) nothing and release them in a city, they become beggars.  Outside the city with nothing, maybe they become highwayman.  Give them a decent start, say between 500 and 5,000 gold, and they become a commoner—maybe their AI package includes some manual labour like chopping wood or repairing buildings if inside the city, or working in the fields if outside the city.  Give them a bit more, say 5,000–20,000 gold, and they join the middle class, with better clothes and maybe they mostly spend time in the market or with a smith's apprentice package (à la Hermir Strong-Heart) or the like.  Set them up with considerable means—more than 20,000 gold—and they become a member of the gentry, with fine clothes and jewellery and an AI package that spends a lot of their time in the palace.  


When you release them, you could have dialogue for whether they should stay in Skyrim or try their luck in another province—the latter effectively just removing them from your game.  Maybe, if you tell them to leave Skyrim, but you don't provide them with enough recourses to make the journey, you can find their body somewhere in the world in the future.  Or maybe they turn to banditry in Skyrim since they were unable to get out, and you can encounter them again in the future.  


I'm sure this wouldn't be trivial to implement, but I don't really know exactly how much work it would be.  I don't know how many of the elements—mostly the AI packages, I guess—would have to be made bespoke for this feature versus how much could utilise existing assets.  Anyway, I think it'd be a really cool, interesting feature to have; it'd certainly appeal more to the "Classical slavery model" portion of the playerbase than the "chattel slavery model" portion, though.  And we can always use a late-game money sink, especially with how much income AYGAS generates.  Especially with DoM integration similar to the AYGAS integration described above, it'd be especially cool as something to do with slaves you really like when you have too many slaves you really like to keep them all with you, so you could meet them in your activities and they'd remember you and be happy to see you.

I like it. Not sure I like the idea of them turning to banditry or dying in terms of the lore but I suppose that could be toggleable in the theoretical mod 

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12 minutes ago, Antiope_Appolonia said:

Well what else would you expect to happen if you leave someone on their own with no money or resources in such a dangerous place? O_o If you don't want that to happen, make sure they're provided for!


How does the woman tending the shrine of azura survive? Besides this isn't about realism its that by that point in the game I have done enough work in the game that I have already earned it.

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7 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

ReferenceAlias Property HookerFree03REF Auto

in there twice

HookerHookerFree01REF is undefined

seems all the way upto 20, instead of HookerFree01REF, you have HookerHookerFree01REF

aside from that, its good tho:

aibb_tif__040316dd.psc 32.55 kB · 0 downloads

aibb_tif__040316dd.pex 31.48 kB · 0 downloads

i'll take look rest those later tho

Ok... I will check the Hooker01...Basically this is all copy and paste and search and replace, I might have left some errors... I thought that I fixed all HookerHooker entries.... 


For the jarl scenes: I wondered, why the Jarl scenes didn't have the same user count as the city scenes and as I checked the script fragments I found, that they don't have properties. but the Fragments look the same as those of the city scenes. That makes me wonder if the fragments for the jarls had been ok. I also found, that some of my fragments are not looking so good(?!) If the fragments are all the same, we just need one good version for all. 


The practical experience is a bit tricky....


I started to work on the additional following Hookers and saw, that they all run on the same scripts. I haven't checked the fragments. I didn't find an easy way of copying the dialogues, so I have to rebuild them piece by piece, which will take a lot of time. But I have a few days off now, so I think that I will get the quests and scenes done in about a week.  


As far as I understand it we (just) have to add OtherHooker3,4 and 5. I think I will add them all at once. I will be much easier to fix the scripts once than add one and rewrite everything again to add 2 more. 



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19 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

i have several slaves with maxed respect even without dom. devious gags speed up respect training and sometimes either zaz or dd gags tend to have the added side-effect of giving the punishment option for disrespect more often as well

Which works better DD gags or ZAZ gags and how do I tell the difference between them in my inventory? (sadly still haven't figured that out after hundreds of hours using both)


19 hours ago, CliftonJD said:

also found some new combat training bugs with the increased training speeds i broke the faction barrier for storing their training so next update will lower the combat training limit to 150

Having trouble getting combat above 90, been using one of the Dwarven Slave Suits or is it the Dwarven Pet suit, can't remember which I've been using. What is the best/fastest method for getting combat training to at least 100? I'm using PAHE 8.07 atm.

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Ok... I think, I have managed to create (most of) the dialogues and scenes. I (just) have to set them up and add the missing fragments and check for missing scripts. It seems like most the scripts/fragments are already compiled, but they need to be corrected and named. This will be the work for tomorrow.  

the new esp: 


SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp


and the BSA with the scripts:


SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.bsa


My first attempt on adding the missing aliases for the additional Hookers:





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Hmmm I spoke too soon above as I just lost a slave to the deceased fugitive slave problem. What makes it interesting was that she was "Slave Jane" from the mod and I deliberately used her to test: she was number 97 of 97 slaves.


When I logged back on, I noticed that the slave number was 96. An MCM check showed that she was missing.

Using her refid I tried " prid, moveto player". No effect. 

So I tried the sequence: prid, resurrect, disable, enable, moveto player, and of course, she appeared still running despite a black leather pet suit and HDT iron shackles, saying: "I am so tired". She is not the only one.

The ONLY possible conversation was the "you have tried to escape etc." and the two conversation choices. She failed totally to interact to anything, even to that.

This cannot be my PC or the total slave count, mine or Skyrim's.


It has to be a bug as she had +4 SLEN was dressed and treated decently. She was restrained as her sub/pose were too low to allow her into a house. 

On the last 18 slaves (and difficulty with the three before then), I have found that NOTHING will restrain them totally: dwarven pet/slave suits, leash collars. iron/steel collars. anklets, wristlets... all fail. Pose and sub are slowly increasing as I just rinse and repeat every login, as there is a lag between restraint and them freeing themselves, but it is really creating a negative aura around slavery within the game AFAIAC.


As a last ditch, I am going to sell 20 slaves just to see what happens. But I doubt that anything will change.

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5 hours ago, Will55 said:

Hmmm I spoke too soon above as I just lost a slave to the deceased fugitive slave problem. What makes it interesting was that she was "Slave Jane" from the mod and I deliberately used her to test: she was number 97 of 97 slaves.


When I logged back on, I noticed that the slave number was 96. An MCM check showed that she was missing.

Using her refid I tried " prid, moveto player". No effect. 

So I tried the sequence: prid, resurrect, disable, enable, moveto player, and of course, she appeared still running despite a black leather pet suit and HDT iron shackles, saying: "I am so tired". She is not the only one.

The ONLY possible conversation was the "you have tried to escape etc." and the two conversation choices. She failed totally to interact to anything, even to that.

This cannot be my PC or the total slave count, mine or Skyrim's.


It has to be a bug as she had +4 SLEN was dressed and treated decently. She was restrained as her sub/pose were too low to allow her into a house. 

On the last 18 slaves (and difficulty with the three before then), I have found that NOTHING will restrain them totally: dwarven pet/slave suits, leash collars. iron/steel collars. anklets, wristlets... all fail. Pose and sub are slowly increasing as I just rinse and repeat every login, as there is a lag between restraint and them freeing themselves, but it is really creating a negative aura around slavery within the game AFAIAC.


As a last ditch, I am going to sell 20 slaves just to see what happens. But I doubt that anything will change.

Remember, the AYGAS system will keep slaves loaded and a drain on your computer's resources, Sell the slaves through the auction house or the mining camps from Home Sweet Home to release pressure on the system.

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Hey, loving you mod but i got some questions, what is the best way to update the mod from Version 7.5.8 to the latest, did i understand correctly, in future updates there will be added the others voices, like argonian and khajiit, (lusty argonian maid) ftw.....  Could it be ok for someone else to do a voice patch with xVASynth while we wait for the others voices?


Loving the mod, and have a great new year!

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I am seeming to be having trouble finishing the Noble Desires quest when I hand over three slaves to him and the auction starts he just stands there with the book and quill in his hand and doesn't do anything... Is this a common bug or am I doing something wrong?

Edited by narbzhikaru
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18 hours ago, Farsh-nuke said:

Remember, the AYGAS system will keep slaves loaded and a drain on your computer's resources, Sell the slaves through the auction house or the mining camps from Home Sweet Home to release pressure on the system.

I am already in the HSH system for selling and have almost abandoned AYGAS.

I am going to try a test run where I will "murder" some 20 slaves (20 of mine, then 20 AYGAS sold ones in the next trial) to see if this actually makes a difference. If it does I will reload and just mass dump slaves via Fellglow and HSH. If not, I will just cease enslavement and kill all bar uniques.

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1 hour ago, Will55 said:

I am already in the HSH system for selling and have almost abandoned AYGAS.

I am going to try a test run where I will "murder" some 20 slaves (20 of mine, then 20 AYGAS sold ones in the next trial) to see if this actually makes a difference. If it does I will reload and just mass dump slaves via Fellglow and HSH. If not, I will just cease enslavement and kill all bar uniques.

I think, that all the slavery mods will bring a computer to its knees, when you try to push them to the max. I really hope that TDF will not have the same problem when I'm done. 


@CliftonJD: I hope you have some spare time for compiling...


As I made my way through the quests and Scenes I found a lot of fragments. Some may be grouped and replaced by one, others have to be edited. I will make a list. 




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On 12/30/2021 at 2:32 AM, Will55 said:

What I find strange is that I have elsewhere,  4+ SLEN slaves who still snap "watch it!" when I bump them by accident and their respect is >60.

Is this an anger management thing? If so, then is there an easy way to increase it as I do not wish to hurt them or upset them unduly (gag, pet suits and restraints generally seem to have no or minimal effect upon SLEN) by so doing?

i'm familiar with that response, but seems its not even in the dialogue choices for slaves. seems that would be the slave's original voice leaking thru so no need to worry about anger there, actually it makes sense that you're only seeing this in slaves who like you so much...atleast i'm guessing that's the high slen numbers. those things are usually said when you bump a follower. respect > 60 is what's throwing me off on it as if there's still something in pah that's effecting it, but none of the on hit topics are based on respect, they're all expecting to be said to a punishment rather than a bump. greetings or hellos are set to prevent any spoken anger after reaching 60 respect...some of the voices don't have that in yet, but i'm guessing that you're getting this on 1 of the fixed voice types. actually sounds like something from sultry women, but i'm not sure on that, might be condescending. you can check from the mcm for the slave. if its a condescending voice, the fixes are in for them next update so we can get the same respect changes in greetings. additionally if its either sultry or condescending i'm wondering if it could be cuz neither of those voices have onhit topics written for them--so definitely try to catch what the mcm has for their voicetype when they say that


On 1/1/2022 at 1:18 AM, Will55 said:

It has to be a bug as she had +4 SLEN was dressed and treated decently. She was restrained as her sub/pose were too low to allow her into a house. 

On the last 18 slaves (and difficulty with the three before then), I have found that NOTHING will restrain them totally: dwarven pet/slave suits, leash collars. iron/steel collars. anklets, wristlets... all fail. Pose and sub are slowly increasing as I just rinse and repeat every login, as there is a lag between restraint and them freeing themselves, but it is really creating a negative aura around slavery within the game AFAIAC.


As a last ditch, I am going to sell 20 slaves just to see what happens. But I doubt that anything will change.

thinking back you mentioned slen info carries over to their twins - there's a spot in the ck when you set options on reference aliases to store text that would save that type of info to the base actor(pahe had to remove that option in a previous version to prevent bugs)--since this is also how pahe sets the voice types, it seems likely that you're getting the original actor voice types thru slen


basically you're saying slen is your conflict

i could look into a fix for slen

it sound like a decent mod

On 12/30/2021 at 3:01 AM, Nonseen said:

i use only existing textures.


to precise:

2 my solution work a bit different:

unisex effect only boudy slot this case i not use any texture other than the base texture in use. this means if you use cbbe you get different result if you use uunp or other body and body textures


the male ony variant use sos texture on male genitals on female case use nothing == use base texture.

the textures found in the armor item, linked armor parts. (take me lot of time figure out my own how this tings works)


all in all my solutions useing existing textures, this solutions not add any new to the game. but need installed sos with vertox penis ( the deafult chose as installing sos)


i hope this is not confusing to you, i try provide match information as i can.

hmm, think i get ya. wonder what's going to happen when there's no sos

On 12/30/2021 at 5:35 AM, ismiismi said:

so for the MHiYH patch, all i need to do is to put the .esp into the "pahe_lives_on" folder right?

i usually install to my data folder, so the important thing here is no matter how you choose to install it, that it gets to your data folder or that your mod manager reads it as if its in there

On 12/30/2021 at 7:10 AM, Antiope_Appolonia said:

As for releasing slaves, this seems like a good excuse to flesh out and share an idea the beginnings of which I've had sitting in my notes for a while.  It wouldn't be targeted at the overpopulation problem, but I'd guess that's a pretty rare edge case that most people never really deal with—I've certainly never come close in my many hundreds of hours with PAHE—and you could build a solution to that into this system, anyway.  The basic idea is that released slaves can become ordinary citizens.  They'd be given basic AI packages to have lives in the city—some kind of daily routine, basically—and be equipped with appropriate items.  But the key thing would be that there would be different versions depending on where you release them and what you give them before doing so—not sure if you can check the combined value of their inventory, or else you could just use straight gold septims.  


For example, if you give them (next to) nothing and release them in a city, they become beggars.  Outside the city with nothing, maybe they become highwayman.  Give them a decent start, say between 500 and 5,000 gold, and they become a commoner—maybe their AI package includes some manual labour like chopping wood or repairing buildings if inside the city, or working in the fields if outside the city.  Give them a bit more, say 5,000–20,000 gold, and they join the middle class, with better clothes and maybe they mostly spend time in the market or with a smith's apprentice package (à la Hermir Strong-Heart) or the like.  Set them up with considerable means—more than 20,000 gold—and they become a member of the gentry, with fine clothes and jewellery and an AI package that spends a lot of their time in the palace.  


When you release them, you could have dialogue for whether they should stay in Skyrim or try their luck in another province—the latter effectively just removing them from your game.  Maybe, if you tell them to leave Skyrim, but you don't provide them with enough recourses to make the journey, you can find their body somewhere in the world in the future.  Or maybe they turn to banditry in Skyrim since they were unable to get out, and you can encounter them again in the future.  


I'm sure this wouldn't be trivial to implement, but I don't really know exactly how much work it would be.  I don't know how many of the elements—mostly the AI packages, I guess—would have to be made bespoke for this feature versus how much could utilise existing assets.  Anyway, I think it'd be a really cool, interesting feature to have; it'd certainly appeal more to the "Classical slavery model" portion of the playerbase than the "chattel slavery model" portion, though.  And we can always use a late-game money sink, especially with how much income AYGAS generates.  Especially with DoM integration similar to the AYGAS integration described above, it'd be especially cool as something to do with slaves you really like when you have too many slaves you really like to keep them all with you, so you could meet them in your activities and they'd remember you and be happy to see you.

the idea sounds good, will have to see how much of it can be implemented after i fix the release to follower feature...remind me

On 12/30/2021 at 10:37 AM, Pfiffy said:

For the jarl scenes: I wondered, why the Jarl scenes didn't have the same user count as the city scenes and as I checked the script fragments I found, that they don't have properties. but the Fragments look the same as those of the city scenes. That makes me wonder if the fragments for the jarls had been ok. I also found, that some of my fragments are not looking so good(?!) If the fragments are all the same, we just need one good version for all. 

this made me curious so i opened the 2 side-by-side. falkreath and falkreath jarl scripts. the properties assigned in the non-jarl scenes aren't being used, they're just left-overs from before the scripts were rewritten and i remember some huge messes in 1 of the earlier fragments i looked at, might even be the script that nonseen reported as 1 of the errors in the log. basically it still had all the original code in there so you could see why the properties were assigned when they're no longer used. the other difference i'm seeing between the city script and the jarl script is the second fragment code, but i don't think that'll hurt the script to have unused fragments. only down-side i see to using the same script for both would be that you would need to clean up all the properties from the dialogue as well since it wasn't done originally with the script change.

On 12/30/2021 at 10:37 AM, Pfiffy said:

I didn't find an easy way of copying the dialogues, so I have to rebuild them piece by piece, which will take a lot of time. But I have a few days off now, so I think that I will get the quests and scenes done in about a week.  


As far as I understand it we (just) have to add OtherHooker3,4 and 5. I think I will add them all at once. I will be much easier to fix the scripts once than add one and rewrite everything again to add 2 more.

use this as a template:


all the scenes have been checked and dialogues added for the scenes and the auto packages and all the properties have been checked

On 12/30/2021 at 8:15 PM, Martok73 said:

Which works better DD gags or ZAZ gags and how do I tell the difference between them in my inventory? (sadly still haven't figured that out after hundreds of hours using both)

in the dialogues that i've setup for it so far, i've tried to make it work for either gag if you have the dwarven suits plugin installed as well, but in the scripting i've only set it up for the dd gags

zaz gags all have zbf in the name like zbf gag ball or zbf gag ring...

On 12/30/2021 at 8:15 PM, Martok73 said:

Which works better DD gags or ZAZ gags and how do I tell the difference between them in my inventory? (sadly still haven't figured that out after hundreds of hours using both)


Having trouble getting combat above 90, been using one of the Dwarven Slave Suits or is it the Dwarven Pet suit, can't remember which I've been using. What is the best/fastest method for getting combat training to at least 100? I'm using PAHE 8.07 atm.

dwarven slave suit provides sex training for the slave and forces the slave to accept the request for combat "From now on you will fight for me."

dwarven pet suit provides the same sex training for the slave, but additionally provides the highest in combat training

both suits also have some decent enchantments to help the slave in combat

On 12/31/2021 at 1:09 PM, Pfiffy said:

Ok... I think, I have managed to create (most of) the dialogues and scenes. I (just) have to set them up and add the missing fragments and check for missing scripts. It seems like most the scripts/fragments are already compiled, but they need to be corrected and named. This will be the work for tomorrow.  

the new esp: 


SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp 911.1 kB · 0 downloads


and the BSA with the scripts:


SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.bsa 5.85 MB · 0 downloads


My first attempt on adding the missing aliases for the additional Hookers:


bb_pimpingandplayerquestutilCopy.psc 14.39 kB · 0 downloads



guess i got to it too late, since you're since checking for missing fragments, compare the above template against your 3 new hookers for what's missing


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12 hours ago, Zagrus the old said:

Hey, loving you mod but i got some questions, what is the best way to update the mod from Version 7.5.8 to the latest, did i understand correctly, in future updates there will be added the others voices, like argonian and khajiit, (lusty argonian maid) ftw.....  Could it be ok for someone else to do a voice patch with xVASynth while we wait for the others voices?


Loving the mod, and have a great new year!

ya, would be cool, and can you share what ya can find voicings into

hopefully upgrading should transition from that version smooth

6 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

any idea what might  effect them to re equip their armor after a game restart? this is even after i tell them to strip and set outfit

i think sometimes after telling the slave to "strip and set outfit". you need to open their inventory for the "wear this menu" and loot their armors. if you ever look at your slave's loot and you don't see armor while you're slave is visually wearing them-find that slave from mcm and hit the reclone slave button

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4 hours ago, narbzhikaru said:

I am seeming to be having trouble finishing the Noble Desires quest when I hand over three slaves to him and the auction starts he just stands there with the book and quill in his hand and doesn't do anything... Is this a common bug or am I doing something wrong?

sorry, i usually choose the mcm option to skip the quest

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2 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

I think, that all the slavery mods will bring a computer to its knees, when you try to push them to the max. I really hope that TDF will not have the same problem when I'm done. 


@CliftonJD: I hope you have some spare time for compiling...


As I made my way through the quests and Scenes I found a lot of fragments. Some may be grouped and replaced by one, others have to be edited. I will make a list. 





oh big time saw alot could be recycled. its just a whole lotta turds

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