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5 hours ago, Monoman1 said:


Looks interesting. 

Do you use it? What's it like? 

I'd be afraid that it'd be overly complex and difficult to comprehend what's going on exactly (says the guy with some complex and difficult to comprehend mods...)


Initially what I was suggesting was: 

Object equipped. Is object too heavy? Unequip. 

And this would have been on an individual object level. Eg if the weight limit was 3 then you could equip an item of up to weight 3 in any/every slot. It's simple and easy to understand. 


But the cumulative worn weight idea IS interesting. But I think, ideally, you'd need a readout in the inventory screen to tell you immediately what your worn weight is: (12/20) or something like that. And I don't know if I can do that. 

And instead of just unequipping, apply speed and weapon speed debuffs. 

Isn't this already in the mod? :P


I haven't played around with it extensively but it is pretty straight forward.  Each material type has a skill requirement for you to use weapons/armor effectively.  As an example we'll use steel weapons and armor with a skill requirement of 20.  A level 1 Imperial with 1 handed, block, and heavy armor starting at 20 can use steel one handed weapons, shields, and armor without penalty.  If they tried using a steel greatsword they would have penalties including the weapon throwing them off balance and reduced attack swing until they raised their 2 handed skill to 20.


An Altmer on the other hand with no bonuses to weapons would find all steel equipment unwieldy and would have increased encumbrance (the armor gains weight as you aren't used to wearing that kind of heavy equipment) when wearing the armor, increased stagger when blocking with the shield and weapon penalties using the sword as Altmer start with 15 in each of those skills and need training to be able to use those items effectively.  Once at 20 in the stat in question you no longer have the penalties.  


By contrast your system seems much more complex by comparison.  Iron daggers weigh 1.5 carry weight.  An ebony one handed sword by comparison weighs 15 carry weight.  With your weight system if you start at .5 carry weight for used weapons/armor you can't even wear clothes for the most part, if you start higher then you might as well have no restriction at all anyway in regards to weapons and you will likely never be capable of wearing normal armor beyond very basic armor with steel weighing in at 35, which would require level 70 under the weight idea you had before being able to use.  By that time you have several skills that are already legendary.  To make the system sensible you'd have to create your own weight system independent of the regular weight system.

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Okay this was an interesting glitch. My character was entering Whiterun with a female follower (Aleena from the Damsels in Distress mod). My character has weapons and a bikini armor license, but no magic license. The gate guards stop them and claim they are confiscating magical items - whereupon they take Aleena's armor. Aleena's armor was just basic fur armor and hide boots, nothing enchanted on either. Seems either they were misidentifying  the armor as magical when it was not, or maybe the dialog said they were confiscating magic items when they really meant Aleena was wearing regular armor and not bikini armor. (Of course it might have just been a shakedown by lecherous guards that wanted to see Aleena naked.)

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8 hours ago, user9120975435 said:


Or, if you can't pay them, they tie you up and leave you in a dungeon, lol, like my follower kept promising with Sexist Guards mod.


But that's almost stepping into Devious Followers territory.

DF has a lot of features I hardly use and followers dont have any lewd features before you fell in debt which i thought was a bummer. The slavery part of it was too strict for regular play so never used like over half of the mod *shrug*

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10 hours ago, mikaalice said:

So, most of the mod seems to work, but the MCM options (as well as the mechanics) for Licences seem to be missing. Is there a dependency that requires?

I assume you have both SKSE and SkyUI installed? If leaving the menu and waiting a few seconds doesn't help you can try Jaxons MCM kicker. But I think it's for menus that don't load at all. Try it from a save where SLS didn't exist before, unless you want start a new game. Once a menu has failed to load completely there is a chance that it will never load. I got that problem with the SexLab menu once. I tried to access it in the middle of something, and it was locked after that.

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15 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I think the best place to dump shit is on a dead bandit etc.

Oddly enough, Whiterun is not populated with dead bandits.


15 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I'm certainly noticing that men are harder to down and women are more squishy with inequality at least. 

Could be placebo effect.


15 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Carry weight is still quite important IMO. If you could carry every piece of crap back to sell then you probably would. You'd at least be increasing your speech skill if not earning a whole lot of gold. 

You wouldn't be able to "carry every piece of crap back to sell" because you would have items over your "soft" carry limit removed from your inventory.


They could (for example) be put in a container a wilderness location - so if anything important is removed you can go and get it.

They could (for example) be dumped on the ground.

They could (for example) be given to your follower, if you have one, and they have room, and they will carry that kind of thing.


Don't worry about it though. I like it so much I'm going to put it in SLD ... eventually :) 

It's the answer to the whole broken carry capacity mess that prevails at the moment.

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51 minutes ago, DarmanSejuk said:

I just noticed that when you ask a person for something to wear and you perform the act the only thing given is lactaid. I've tried this with almost everyone in whiterun and it is the same thing. Just stating this as this option should be giving something to wear,

That's odd.  Do you have Skooma Addict or Milk Addict?

Just a stretch but do you have your rape settings to give Lactacid? I do but turned way down as a chance, same as post rape drugging.

My problem is 99% of the time given clothing does not fit or is wrong gender. But that is tied to Mortal Weapons and Armor. 

'course I tend to not beg for clothes much, since most of the time some dude will come cut them off anyway for lack of license. <shrug>


25 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Could be placebo effect.

Doubtful. Using it with no OP mods, or ones that start that way fixed,  my female is much squishier.

I did have to tone down my settings from your mod Disparity, as it allowed my character to make inequality moot. Actually I turned it off for now, the temptation to make life even harder as opposed to easier was to great. ? 

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15 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Eh, no I've no idea what you mean. More confused than usual

The top eight bits of any FormID are the exact same thing as the two hex digits that identify the mod ID when you look at the form ID.



Let us imagine that the loaded instance of DCL has mod ID 147 (decimal) 0x93 hex. Which you discovered from the SKSE function to check that the mod is loaded in the first place.

The value that function returns isn't just junk (.e.g. it's not just 255 means not loaded), it's the mod's load position, which is used for the top eight bits of all its form IDs to make them unique to that mod.


That means that if you look at a form ID such as  0x91000022 you know right away it's not from DCL.

And if you look at a form ID such as 0x93000031 you know it IS from DCL.


And you can test this exact thing by masking the form ID and comparing it against the Mod ID.


e.g. logically ...


Int modID = Game.GetModByName("SomeMod.esp")

Int formID = formOfInterest.GetFormID()


If Math.LeftShift(modID, 24) == Math.LogicalAnd(0xFF000000, formID)

    ... do something like always make the items for females only ...



I didn't use Math.RightShift() on the form ID because it's not obvious to a reader of the code whether that function is a signed or unsigned shift.

I believe it's signed, but by avoiding the question, I (and the reader) don't need to care. If it was signed, I'd need a long constant like 0x00FFFFFF anway, so no gain from doing it. If you don't get why there could be a gain, don't worry, not your problem.


Does that explain it?

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On 9/11/2019 at 11:06 AM, Monoman1 said:

1. Idea

Someone suggested not being able to equip heavy weapons. How about a weight limit per item you can equip because of your girly physique . So any item you equip would need to be under a certain weight - weapons and armors. Another encouragement to use bikini armors. Say:

Base weight slider (your starting equip weight, probably 2 which would allow you to equip clothes and iron daggers at least at least)


Weight per level slider (probably default 0.5 weight per level?)


Two handed weapons then would be double that.

Might be interesting?

Late as fuck but I like the new idea, as usual. I'm not entiiiiirely sure what I'm reading because I'm completely scatterbrained for mathematics - would this be an entirely new MCM integer/value that gets adjusted as you progress, and you wouldn't be able to equip any item that weighs more than that set value?


If so, I'm in favour, though I suspect it won't do much on Requiem setups like ours outside of some really bizarre alienation of 'armor' that really doesn't reasonably match its weight; for example, the Thieves Guild armor in Requiem weighs 6 units and is basically just a loose jerkin with lots of pockets. I have a hard time believing any human would need to 'train' up to level 9 just to wear that, purely on the grounds of physical frailty. I'd propose being able to adjust the weight capacity per level in the MCM. Heavy armor in regular Requiem generally isn't viable without external support until around level 20 anyway.


I'm probably nitpicking again; it's hardly a dealbreaking contrivance and would do a good job of slowing down people using vanilla leveling. Perhaps it could scale dynamically somehow, like taking into account hunger/thirst/tiredness, or even using body weight? (Not that it'd mean much, since the weight slider for Racemenu adjusts big muscles for men and big boobs for women). Actually scratch that, something would probably break in that suggestion.


Rambleramble. Anyway, the idea's cool, so if the technical side isn't too much of a mess, why not? Go for it and see how it turns out. Your ideas pretty much always turn out for the better anyway.

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2 hours ago, Bushi Neko said:

That's odd.  Do you have Skooma Addict or Milk Addict?

Just a stretch but do you have your rape settings to give Lactacid? I do but turned way down as a chance, same as post rape drugging.

My problem is 99% of the time given clothing does not fit or is wrong gender. But that is tied to Mortal Weapons and Armor. 

'course I tend to not beg for clothes much, since most of the time some dude will come cut them off anyway for lack of license. <shrug>


Doubtful. Using it with no OP mods, or ones that start that way fixed,  my female is much squishier.

I did have to tone down my settings from your mod Disparity, as it allowed my character to make inequality moot. Actually I turned it off for now, the temptation to make life even harder as opposed to easier was to great. ? 

I meant that the reward for the action is only lactaid instead of giving an item.

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22 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

Btw., there is an interesting mechanic in Kingdom Come: Deliverance : if a guard catches you at night without a torch he will fine you heavily cause only "dishonorable" people would sneak around without torch at night. Hint hint nudge nudge ?

And if your left hand happens to be chopped off? :P

Guard: "You better equip a torch right now missy!"

Dragonborn: "But... <holds up stump>"

Guard: "I don't care girl, put the torch in your other hand"

Dragonborn: "I don't know how ?"

22 hours ago, kiesu said:

Go rob a noble at the middle of the night, step on a creaky plank and wake the house = they immediately lock the door behind you, keep you as bedwarmer till morning, leave you tied to their bed, take your stuff, fill you with lewd stuff and so on and so forth.. maybe chance percentage for simply vanilla outcome to "get out before I report you!", or chance to get thrown strait to jail (maybe that is hard without conflicts since so many mods modify prison events?).

Hmm. I'd have to look into it. I've no idea how the trepassing thing works. 

22 hours ago, kiesu said:

Since gatekeepers require follower to pass as well, it'd be cool to have a light "follower demands payment" while X conditions are met with time cooldown. Like clear a dungeon or rest in bed during night time "Time for my payment!" and they'd require X payment in gold or in nature. Maybe they'll let you choose how to pay them, maybe they don't. Maybe they'll take a freebie when in safe place and over X arousal. Could have chance to postpone payment by few hours if you're in a silly spot for forced scene.

I don't know about this one. A lot of overlap with DF. + it'd be more suited to a follower mod of the dominant type. (that I keep banging on about)

18 hours ago, mercplatypus said:

I haven't played around with it extensively but it is pretty straight forward.  Each material type has a skill requirement for you to use weapons/armor effectively.  As an example we'll use steel weapons and armor with a skill requirement of 20.  A level 1 Imperial with 1 handed, block, and heavy armor starting at 20 can use steel one handed weapons, shields, and armor without penalty.  If they tried using a steel greatsword they would have penalties including the weapon throwing them off balance and reduced attack swing until they raised their 2 handed skill to 20.


An Altmer on the other hand with no bonuses to weapons would find all steel equipment unwieldy and would have increased encumbrance (the armor gains weight as you aren't used to wearing that kind of heavy equipment) when wearing the armor, increased stagger when blocking with the shield and weapon penalties using the sword as Altmer start with 15 in each of those skills and need training to be able to use those items effectively.  Once at 20 in the stat in question you no longer have the penalties.  


By contrast your system seems much more complex by comparison.  Iron daggers weigh 1.5 carry weight.  An ebony one handed sword by comparison weighs 15 carry weight.  With your weight system if you start at .5 carry weight for used weapons/armor you can't even wear clothes for the most part, if you start higher then you might as well have no restriction at all anyway in regards to weapons and you will likely never be capable of wearing normal armor beyond very basic armor with steel weighing in at 35, which would require level 70 under the weight idea you had before being able to use.  By that time you have several skills that are already legendary.  To make the system sensible you'd have to create your own weight system independent of the regular weight system.

More restrictive maybe but surely not more complex? I've no idea where you are getting the numbers for your first two examples. 

What I proposed was a base carry weight (which you can set yourself), say I don't know around 6.0/7.0 - which should allow you to equip clothes + boots + gloves + snazzy scarf + a dagger. PLUS
+ another slider weight per level (which you can also set) which I just eyeballed to be around 0.5, so at level 10 your allowable weight would be around 14/15. 


There are all sorts of balancing questions though. This favors mages immensely for example. 

21 hours ago, glebbus13 said:

I think I'm still unable to sell magic items with magic licence disabled. Tried to sell Amulet of Stendarr, for example.

Hmm. I'd no problem selling an amulet of stendar just now with the magic licence off... :S

14 hours ago, firebinder said:

Okay this was an interesting glitch. My character was entering Whiterun with a female follower (Aleena from the Damsels in Distress mod). My character has weapons and a bikini armor license, but no magic license. The gate guards stop them and claim they are confiscating magical items - whereupon they take Aleena's armor. Aleena's armor was just basic fur armor and hide boots, nothing enchanted on either. Seems either they were misidentifying  the armor as magical when it was not, or maybe the dialog said they were confiscating magic items when they really meant Aleena was wearing regular armor and not bikini armor. (Of course it might have just been a shakedown by lecherous guards that wanted to see Aleena naked.)

Seems kind of random. But I'll keep an eye out for it. 

9 hours ago, DarmanSejuk said:

I just noticed that when you ask a person for something to wear and you perform the act the only thing given is lactaid. I've tried this with almost everyone in whiterun and it is the same thing. Just stating this as this option should be giving something to wear,

Yea. I asked for clothes the other day and got nothing so at least you got something. 

Looking at the logs later the game got a None for the clothes to give me. Followed up looking at the script but couldn't find anything wrong. 

Needs investigating but checking the begging dialogue is time consuming. 

9 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Oddly enough, Whiterun is not populated with dead bandits.

True. You could I guess:

Player.PlaceAtMe StupidBandit



Dump your shit on him and go on your way. Mobile trash disposal bandits. 

9 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Could be placebo effect.

Nope. There's even a visual indication as women's health bars start lower and mens health bars don't start depleting immediately (Their buffed health isn't displayed by the bar). 

7 hours ago, Sam0016 said:

Anyway, the idea's cool, so if the technical side isn't too much of a mess, why not? Go for it and see how it turns out. Your ideas pretty much always turn out for the better anyway.

Yea I might try it anyway. It'll obviously be optional so who cares really.  

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9 hours ago, Bushi Neko said:

My problem is 99% of the time given clothing does not fit or is wrong gender. But that is tied to Mortal Weapons and Armor. 

That shouldn't happen any more. 

Any armors you're given by survival should be sent through MWA and made to fit you: 

- Added mod event to _MWA_Api to add an object to an actor that will fit and have a specified durability. Used in SL Survival v0.50 for begging for clothes/boots. 

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4 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:


More restrictive maybe but surely not more complex? I've no idea where you are getting the numbers for your first two examples. 

What I proposed was a base carry weight (which you can set yourself), say I don't know around 6.0/7.0 - which should allow you to equip clothes + boots + gloves + snazzy scarf + a dagger. PLUS
+ another slider weight per level (which you can also set) which I just eyeballed to be around 0.5, so at level 10 your allowable weight would be around 14/15. 


There are all sorts of balancing questions though. This favors mages immensely for example. 


If you are referring to the numbers for skills they would be the base starting skills for imperial and high elf respectively.  If you are referring to the weight of different items those come from the wiki page for quick reference.


The skill based system runs a check when equipping an item to check your current skill level i.e. your two handed skill when equipping a 2 handed sword.  Based on the material used if your skill level is too low the system applies debuffs such as stagger you getting staggered when you swing at something or armor gaining carry weight to make it heavier.  As long as you have the requisite skill at the appropriate level you are good.


If we use the numbers for your weight system starting at 7 you would be capable of only a dagger and some clothing.  Assuming level one gives you your first increase making the effective weight limit 7.5 by level 10 your carry weight would be 12 (the calculation would be 10*0.5+7).  That would allow you to equip a steel shield and quite literally nothing else.  You would gain the ability to be able to carry an actual steel/imperial sword at weight 9 and nothing else by level 6.  In order for you to wear full steel armor, available at level one, with a steel sword and shield would be a combined carry weight of 74 carry weight.  74- base carry of 7= 67.  67/0.5 (equip weight gained per level)=144.  In other words with the numbers you are looking at for your starting point you are looking at needing to reach level 144 to be able to wear level one gear for a regular fighter type character.  That is assuming the check is done on your total carry weight as opposed to checking each item individually requiring you to only need an equipping weight on the heaviest worn item to wear.  In that case it would be the steel armor at 35 carry weight, minus seven for your base allowed equip weight to 28 divided by 0.5 for amount gained per level, and you end up at level 56 for basic level 1 gear. If any kind of DD item is equipped on you then you need to strip because your new chastity belt usually weighs 3 carry weight, requiring an additional 6 levels to account for he added allowed equip weight.


Then comes the problem of forced equip items from mods like cursed loot.  If you have a belt and bra from DDi you literally can't equip anything else at all unless you add in something to make those items not count toward your equip weight.  You now also have to account for what happens when you get saddled with DDi items from any mod that total an amount that exceeds your max allowed equip weight.  I know what some of those items weigh but don't have a comprehensive list in front of me.  Either way this is an additional factor that can't reasonably be ignored.


Unless you get the heavy armor perk (or light armor perk if that is what you are going for) that allows worn armor to be weightless, in which case the equip weight now has virtually no impact on the game anymore as those perks literally set the weight of the item to 0.  You still have problems from force equipped DDi items but armor would be a non issue for that character.


The weight system complexity would not necessarily be in implementation but in figuring out what the ideal progression would be and what a reasonable starting point is.  With the current notional starting numbers of 7 + 0.5/level you literally are incapable of playing any kind of armored character until you reach a point where, from skills gained, you are ripping apart the entire world with relative ease.  While everyone understands this is a notional start and by no means would be the final amounts when implemented we can see a severe limitation in possible play style if your starting base and gain per level are too low.  Conversely set them too high and the weight system might as well not be there in the first place.


I hope this post is a little clearer on what I think the pit falls of going by weight would be.  Either you need to do a seriously heavy amount of math to figure out what a good starting point would be or you need to implement a ton of other checks and balances to get it to work within an equipped weight framework including accommodating for things like when SD+ or DCL forces you into items that can't be removed.  You'd probably need to do both to be honest.

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16 hours ago, kiesu said:

DF has a lot of features I hardly use and followers dont have any lewd features before you fell in debt which i thought was a bummer. The slavery part of it was too strict for regular play so never used like over half of the mod *shrug*


I loved that mod, was just sad development has ended and that there weren't more surprise events like follower "tripping" and slipping pony stuff on you or the pet-suit and so on.


And for some reason it breaks eventually. I keep trying to get followers and add them as devious through the debug and they're not demanding money nor do they have the deals dialogue option anymore.

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17 minutes ago, user9120975435 said:


I loved that mod, was just sad development has ended and that there weren't more surprise events like follower "tripping" and slipping pony stuff on you or the pet-suit and so on.


And for some reason it breaks eventually. I keep trying to get followers and add them as devious through the debug and they're not demanding money nor do they have the deals dialogue option anymore.

Hmm, cant speak for eventualities, but only one follower can be your devious follower at a time, this is the reason for the additional followers increases debt per day setting. So if the problem is you manage to dismiss your DF and no new followers become a DF then yeah that is a bug, if it is you have a DF and can't cause some other follower to be your DF that is completely normal.

Generally the first one you hire will be picked unless you have it disabled at the time, if you enable it with 2 or more followers I don't know how it picks one.

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1 hour ago, Tenri said:

Hmm, cant speak for eventualities, but only one follower can be your devious follower at a time, this is the reason for the additional followers increases debt per day setting. So if the problem is you manage to dismiss your DF and no new followers become a DF then yeah that is a bug, if it is you have a DF and can't cause some other follower to be your DF that is completely normal.

Generally the first one you hire will be picked unless you have it disabled at the time, if you enable it with 2 or more followers I don't know how it picks one.


I don't have any followers, I even used that console command to clear followers several times.

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12 hours ago, DarmanSejuk said:

I meant that the reward for the action is only lactaid instead of giving an item.

I know. I believe at some point I was trying to break things.. and  after items from those mods were triggering when the act was an aggressive. For some reason I am recalling setting those down helped for the reward. But it's been a bit, so I could be fuzzy. 

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2 hours ago, sixth of year said:

What does being tired actually do if you have the Sleep Deprivation box checked?


It's the only option in the Needs section of SL Survival's MCM not greyed out because I don't have RND or iNeed installed.


Is there a dependency or something that's supposed to debuff you if you're tired because I didn't find any.

It debuff's you in carry, stamina and I believe under RND2 it affects disease resist and magika. 

But yes, it's tied to iNeed and / or RND. None of the other things really do to much other than the hunger scaling and salty cum causing thirst, or overindulging in stomach content.  But you must have one of the ' needs ' mods to actually have any interaction.

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6 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

That shouldn't happen any more. 

Any armors you're given by survival should be sent through MWA and made to fit you: 

- Added mod event to _MWA_Api to add an object to an actor that will fit and have a specified durability. Used in SL Survival v0.50 for begging for clothes/boots. 

Sadly I ve not had any play time of late as you know. And so no begging for clothing at all. No chance to actually break that again.. I mean give you a firm field test.  < shrug > I ll break something or not I guess. ;) 

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7 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

True. You could I guess:

Player.PlaceAtMe StupidBandit



Dump your shit on him and go on your way. Mobile trash disposal bandits. 

Nope. There's even a visual indication as women's health bars start lower and mens health bars don't start depleting immediately (Their buffed health isn't displayed by the bar). 

Yea I might try it anyway. It'll obviously be optional so who cares really.  

Or just use that barrel.. you know.. that barrel in Whiterun. One of those barrels all over towns.  Or dump them in Ysolda's house. She doesn't talk about it. But she obviously likes them. She never complains. Jarl B. likes 'em too.


I just run with.. my girls get their asses handed to them much more often, while not dinging the dudes so much. Repeated over and over vs dudes I used to wipe off my arrows or short swords on in so many plays. Of course, it's also a matter of that annoying Skyrim spawn thingy. Get your butt handed to you.. wait. Come back. Ding them as your tougher now and they are idiots. 

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