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13 hours ago, obviouslyincognito said:

How can I remove collars with chains from the list of possible magic curse collars? The option to disable them in the menu doesn't work for me, and I can't find the old list of devices to delete from the DeviceList.json file.

Any time I look for this bug I can not find it. You don't by some chance have DeviceList.json set as read only?

The device list is here: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AtnUA3sbcEnggQTkCxp2jJMHA2wQ?e=gSFiWa


While I'm here. Does anyone know is there a conversion of BD UUNP Armor and clothes replacer. Specifically a conversion from replacer to standalone armors anywhere?

I have a CBBE bodyslide I think but I'm not happy with it replacing my existing stuff. Plus it would add nice variety via the bikinifier. 

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I am having an issue with the latest version that I didn't before. I use a ring that casts light (instead of carrying a torch) from"Henrys Ring of Light" mod. Although I make Survival its master and add the keyword, I get the Bikini curse. I have added the keyword to all the "World of Bikini Armor" armors and they work correctly. Its just the ring that is an issue. Any thoughts?

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56 minutes ago, dePog said:

I am having an issue with the latest version that I didn't before. I use a ring that casts light (instead of carrying a torch) from"Henrys Ring of Light" mod. Although I make Survival its master and add the keyword, I get the Bikini curse. I have added the keyword to all the "World of Bikini Armor" armors and they work correctly. Its just the ring that is an issue. Any thoughts?

Bikini licence menu will tell you what triggered the curse. Note the formid, load tesedit, and search for the formid to try and figure out what it is. 

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50 minutes ago, dePog said:

I am having an issue with the latest version that I didn't before. I use a ring that casts light (instead of carrying a torch) from"Henrys Ring of Light" mod. Although I make Survival its master and add the keyword, I get the Bikini curse. I have added the keyword to all the "World of Bikini Armor" armors and they work correctly. Its just the ring that is an issue. Any thoughts?

taking a quick look at some others i edited for the bikini license what i think (i could be wrong here) is it needs certian keywords


1 - armorjewelry

2 - vendoritemjewelry (so it can be bought and sold by some vendors)

3 - clothingring (so game knows its a ring)

4 - _SLS_BikiniArmor (for bikini license to cover it)


another ring i edited has those keywords and works (it is bought and sold by bikini vendors, the license works for it, and the bikini random distribution deploys it like the rest)


hope this helps


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Bikinifier sample outfit rolls, this time for regular armor. This is an outfit group I created consisting of Vanilla Iron armor (Keos), Remodeled iron armor + boots, gloves from both and with the boots and gloves from bikini armors added in. With 25% chance of a helmet. You'll have to blow up the picture to notice the differences. 



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23 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

In general, before asking for help with MCMs I'd recommend: 

1. saving and loading. Some things might only run 'OnPlayerLoadGame'. If you just started a new game that event would not have fired yet. 

2. Leaving the alternate start cell or Helgen and wait 1 min. RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime() will only work once the main quest has advanced past this part. So some quests might be waiting for the quest stage to change which can hold the whole show up depending on how it's done. Mcm included. I've fallen into this trap before.


Generally I don't trust SetStage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1

I'd have a sneaky suspicion there's something wrong somewhere if you need to do that. 

Or try Jaxonz MCM Kicker.

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Guest AthenaESIV

Looks awesome, and look forward to having it in my game!


Most of my interest in SLS is usually more invested in features which lead to more SL scenes; increase sense of vulnerability; or introduce punishments that do not have cell transfers / load screens and where those punishments do not take a long time like Prison Overhaul. But this level list system you have looks great.


Also, while I always look forward to your newest updates, I just finished customizing your last version so take your time on this one :P

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Guest AthenaESIV

Mono, messing around in xEdit / CK and wondering...


Say I wanted to add SL Arousal as a master to SLS, and say I wanted to make it so the "Please, I need help" begging root topic only showed up when Arousal > 60 (for example... I might add other conditions as well), would you be able to help me with that? If I could do it for this I could do it for tons of other mods too \o/


I'd actually like to edit a lot of mod's dialog so it does a check vs several mods, like "<Arousal over 50> Please, I need help." or maybe something like "<Pregnancy Fame over 50> Going to get knocked up again?" (using SL Fame for example), I'm wanting to do this with lots of different mods


Am I missing how this all works? Or is it a rather straight forward, yet mind numbing tedious, thing to add into mods?

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20 minutes ago, AthenaESIV said:

Say I wanted to add SL Arousal as a master to SLS,

SLAX is becoming a master anyway. It already is in my dev version

20 minutes ago, AthenaESIV said:

say I wanted to make it so the "Please, I need help" begging root topic only showed up when Arousal > 60 (for example... I might add other conditions as well), would you be able to help me with that? If I could do it for this I could do it for tons of other mods too \o/

Add a GetFactionRank check versus the faction sla_Arousal "SLA Arousal" [FACT:0303FC36]

Use a global if you want to be able to configure the arousal level required for the dialogue to show. Or a script variable. Global is probably easier starting off. 


Note that quite often on freshly loaded npcs that their arousal has not yet been set by SLA. And their rank will be -2

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12 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Any time I look for this bug I can not find it. You don't by some chance have DeviceList.json set as read only?

The device list is here: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AtnUA3sbcEnggQTkCxp2jJMHA2wQ?e=gSFiWa


While I'm here. Does anyone know is there a conversion of BD UUNP Armor and clothes replacer. Specifically a conversion from replacer to standalone armors anywhere?

I have a CBBE bodyslide I think but I'm not happy with it replacing my existing stuff. Plus it would add nice variety via the bikinifier. 

I went through the json and removed the collars with chains. But now I don't get any collar equipped, just the magic curse. And when I toggle the option for chained collars back on, I only get chained collars.


Whatever's happening, it seems like turning off the option for chained collars in the MCM makes the mod try to only equip a chained collar.


And the DeviceList.json file is not set to read only.

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Guest AthenaESIV

I've been testing the global in conditions via CK and xEdit (not too sure how well they work yet - testing is taking time since I am setting these to approach dialogs and it is RNG)


but a root dialog has no place to add conditionals that I see when viewing in xEdit, where would I add that in CK? Can you even add conditionals to roots? Or do they always just kind of show up?

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10 minutes ago, obviouslyincognito said:

I went through the json and removed the collars with chains. But now I don't get any collar equipped, just the magic curse. And when I toggle the option for chained collars back on, I only get chained collars.

Mmm. Run your json through a json checker to check formatting: https://jsonlint.com/

If it's busted it might be best to copy the json from the installer archive and start over. 


Cursed collars are pulled from the 'steelcollars' section only. 

Though other collars (non cursed) may come from the collars section.

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Any chance in a future build to see features like 1) non-Nisetanaka bikini imported lists for loot items, 2) customized inequality settings, 3) customizable bikini skills, and 4) vanilla prison changes?


I handle #1 with crafting/editing, #2 by editing SLS, #3 by also editing SLS, and #4 not at all in any way that seems reasonable just yet. Maybe some simple mod idea I haven't thought of so far? I'm not sure.


I'm not asking for custom features so much as if you have plans for those things so I can plan for my own updates in turn. ?

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4 hours ago, AthenaESIV said:

but a root dialog has no place to add conditionals that I see when viewing in xEdit, where would I add that in CK? Can you even add conditionals to roots? Or do they always just kind of show up?

You can also add global quest conditions, which limit all dialog in the quest.

It's nice when these are well designed to match the quest's dialogue purpose... Yes. That's nice.

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49 minutes ago, SkyAddiction said:

1) non-Nisetanaka bikini imported lists for loot items

there is not a lot of bang for the buck doing anything other than TAWoBA, at best you get one or two bikinis and add another dependency trying to use other sets...



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1 hour ago, Corsayr said:

there is not a lot of bang for the buck doing anything other than TAWoBA, at best you get one or two bikinis and add another dependency trying to use other sets...


I'm basically asking if Monoman has a plan for a way to allocate armor distribution throughout the game world based on the _SLS_BikiniArmor and ArmorMaterialX keywords. ?


I can do it with crafting (which I already do) and/or through leveled lists, which is a bit of a pain and not terribly precise. His method for Nise armor components is much, much more granular, and I would prefer it if he plans to implement such a thing. It might be there already and I just missed it scanning through the scripts - I've no idea, and I'm shit for catching code the first few times through.


Basically, right now I went full "rule of cool" because I wanted to play with some of the really excellent products of people like C5Kev, DeserterX, Harry2135, and Melodic rather than just pull them out of a box every now and then to admire the textures and meshwork. Yes, I can and did make them bikini. Yes, I can and did add them to the leveled lists so they spawn in the world. But the simple fact remains: Monoman's method in the MCM is fucking perfect, and I'd like to know if he has any plans to expand that. No? Cool. Yes? Great! Either way, I know. ?

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51 minutes ago, SkyAddiction said:


Basically, right now I went full "rule of cool" because I wanted to play with some of the really excellent products of people like C5Kev, DeserterX, Harry2135, and Melodic rather than just pull them out of a box every now and then to admire the textures and meshwork. Yes, I can and did make them bikini. Yes, I can and did add them to the leveled lists so they spawn in the world. But the simple fact remains: Monoman's method in the MCM is fucking perfect, and I'd like to know if he has any plans to expand that. No? Cool. Yes? Great! Either way, I know. ?

So maybe something like adding a "Custom Group" option to the bikini distribution % list, and providing a tutorial to add items to a JSON file to populate that custom group for distribution?






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I am having a problem with the enforcers not letting me walk away after a inspection before they start wanting to do another inspection (really sucks when all the enforcers start arriving at the location) started after starting a new game, tried to go back to V0.89 but still happened (seemed fine on old save game with V0,89 but i FKed that save up with another mod so had to restart) (did a clean reinstall of SLS V0.591 that didn't help either

would anyone have a idea of what the problem could be 

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1 hour ago, jodjoe said:

I am having a problem with the enforcers not letting me walk away after a inspection before they start wanting to do another inspection (really sucks when all the enforcers start arriving at the location) started after starting a new game, tried to go back to V0.89 but still happened (seemed fine on old save game with V0,89 but i FKed that save up with another mod so had to restart) (did a clean reinstall of SLS V0.591 that didn't help either

would anyone have a idea of what the problem could be 

Probably something invisible in your inventory. 


1. Get your stuff confiscated.

2. Make some distance between yourself and the nearest enforcer. 

3. When he's definitely begun to chase you down again, open the Mcm on the licence page and press 'Get equipped items', open the equipped list and see what's there. Most likely it's something without a name. Add it to the exceptions list. This probably won't stop the current approach but should hopefully stop it from happening again.


Lupine had problems with SOS pubic hair like this before. This should be fixed in the next version. 


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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

Unless your "bikinis" are not -literally- bikinis. In which case there may be hundreds of outfits you can add.

Unless you are talking about outfit replacer mods then most mods only have 1 one outfit per mod. For MM1 to add those on his level you would be adding too many mod dependencies to get too few new outfits. 


I think the better approach would be to add a custom category and give users the tools to add what they want. 

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