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3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Hey if I want to wear two bikinis then I should be able to, and God damnit I will!!

Just like in real life you get to decide what goes with what. 

Honestly always found that one of the biggest strengths of TAWoBA or other multi-part armors, especially in relation to DDs, is how many slots they take up.  Mainly due to minor DD's slowly replacing minor bikini armor pieces to the PC's detriment, while at the same time losing a major armor slot is less of an issue.  The various rebalancing efforts have really helped with that aspect as well, and as long as the player is willing to police themselves they can probably find a reasonable slot usage between locked DDs and available bikini armor pieces that doesn't clip too badly.


One idea to ease some comparability issues with regards to SLS knowing if an armor is "bikini-ish" enough for the mod's purposes - would it be reasonable to add an MCM menu option that when selected causes all non-clothing armor to be treated as if it was bikini armor?  Essentially taking the position that "proper" female armor simply isn't made, and that all female armor is fashioned in the "bikini" style (with all the benefits and vulnerabilities associated with that).


Reason I suggest this is that in my game there is no such thing as non-slooty female armor - but only a small subset of what I encounter in-game would be detected as bikini-like for the purposes of SLS/STA.  Many of these armors are actually bikini armors themselves, but are unique items that simply share the same models (and unfortunately don't have the keywords without making SLS a master).  Vanilla armors are all using female mesh replacers, and my bandits are either wearing bikini armors or Skimpy Immersive Armor.


Mostly a suggestion just so that non-bikini armor only users could mark their game as "bikini-only" for the purposes of SLS/STA and any mechanics or content related to that (cat-call/spanking/ect).  It has some obvious failings, such as making the bikini curse and regular armor licenses moot.  It also makes a lot more sense if someone is running MWA, so that they can't kill a male bandit and have their iron chest-piece magically turn into a bikini when equipped. 


4 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I balanced all the TAWoBA parts to almost add up to the equivalent of a full armor when all slots are equipped. It took fucking ages and I don't blame anyone for not bothering. I'd offer up my version but some of the bodyslides are not perfect. 

If you've put that effort in, perhaps it would be worth offering a .esp override patch just so users could install an additional .esp and get your armor changes, without needing for it to be a complete package.  

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5 hours ago, BlueLight said:

My best middle ground solution is using shock piercings. I don't think piercings slots are often used for quest, so you shouldn't have to worry preventing to many features from other mods. Themeatically it makes more sense since you're not cutting off magic like the collar but punishing someone for using it(former being a new feature, latter is standard DDE feature). Maybe add a spell effect that reduced mana pool by 50% while worn. It's not something that out right stops mage builds but does punish them.

Well piercing keys are a lot rarer in my game than restraint keys so you're upping the difficulty there. Also, I'm not 100% certain on this but I think shock piercings on their own don't trigger when casting magic. You need a plug for that. And only specific types of plugs do. As a mage character I have, from time to time, equipped shock piercings myself to try to keep my characters arousal down and I wouldn't have done that if the annoying vibration event happened every time I cast. 


Also wouldn't a 50% magicka pool reduction effectively disable summoning spells anyway as a low level character? I can't remember vanilla conjuration casting costs but I can barely summon anything as a level 1 mage as the costs are so high.

5 hours ago, BlueLight said:

I think I know where to find at least one quarter master (unlike that other time i thought i knew where to find one), it makes more sense from a game play point stance to have the gate keepers sell the permits. Unless there is some well design reason or atmospheric reason why not to, it's more of an annoyance for the players to find this vague "quarter master" and annoyance for you, to explain where they are. At the very least i'd move them to location i'd expect to find them in skyrim, which is in the Jarls' throne room. 

It's not that difficult. They're always in a barracks. Makes sense to me that an administrator/boss guy wouldn't be standing at the gates all day like one of the plebs and eventually I could probably add some things to that effect like a desk or his own room etc. It also allows me to add the guys name to the licence. Instead of just 'Toll collector'. 


Throne rooms are fairly contentious spots among mods. Many like to place shit in there and it gets crowded IMO. And lets not forget that civil war fights end up in there too. Why not add reasons for you to visit other places. Places some people never even knew about. :)

5 hours ago, Reverendmax said:

Im wondering how to open mouth during sex if anyone can assist ty

Install SLSO.

Install the additional scripts from the DL page here. 

Press the open mouth key. 

You'll swallow all male orgasms if your mouth is open regardless of the position of the males so it's up to you to use it correctly. It was chiefly made to fix animations that don't flag the players mouth open at the appropriate stage. 

There's also seems to be a bug where your mouth is open at the start of sex. Still haven't tracked that one down yet. 

4 hours ago, Tyrygosa said:

I'm currently using oldest unfinished Killer Keos skimpy replacer

I too use this as my base armor for females. Fairly revealing but still somewhat respectable. 

3 hours ago, Reesewow said:

One idea to ease some comparability issues with regards to SLS knowing if an armor is "bikini-ish" enough for the mod's purposes - would it be reasonable to add an MCM menu option that when selected causes all non-clothing armor to be treated as if it was bikini armor?  Essentially taking the position that "proper" female armor simply isn't made, and that all female armor is fashioned in the "bikini" style (with all the benefits and vulnerabilities associated with that).

I'd be very reluctant to make any changes. There are so many different checks that something will inevitably go wrong. And if you add more and more options things become messy. 

3 hours ago, Reesewow said:

(and unfortunately don't have the keywords without making SLS a master).

Unfortunately some things can not be done without a hard coded keyword that can use built in condition checks. The bonus to armor rating for bikini armors (and only bikini armors) based on your bikini experience is one. 

3 hours ago, Reesewow said:

If you've put that effort in, perhaps it would be worth offering a .esp override patch just so users could install an additional .esp and get your armor changes, without needing for it to be a complete package.  

It's not that simple. There are additional parts in my version - bracers (not hand slot), knee guards, shin guards, elbow guards. And the slots in my esp are bound to be different to your bodyslide meshes = invisible armors. 

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5 hours ago, Tyrygosa said:

CT77 replacer imo looks worse, as unlike BD that mostly uses bikini tops from TaWOBA, CT77 straight up uses iron/steel/other plate meshes from vanilla heavy armor tops that looks ridiculous with HDT bounce which all of those have. I'm currently using oldest unfinished Killer Keos skimpy replacer, it looks skimpy while not being straight up slooty, but I'm thinking on just going back to vanilla armors bodyslided, because those have an option for having HDT only where it makes sense.

Sure. People like what they like.

I have my CT77 set up to fix the HDT, and I don't believe that HDT all-over is even a default, you have to ADD it.


I had Killer Keos at some point too. I can't even remember why I removed it (or Tiwa's "minidresses"). Boredom probably.

Maybe it was when I was flipping back and forth between UUNP and CBBE all the time.


Same with slot use. Some people think it's a win. I just think it's busywork, and subverts my Burdens of Skyrim too.


I'm not so sure about nipple piercings being "safe". DCL and DF both use them for ... things that may matter. If you don't use those mods ... more important what mods you DO use really.

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15 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

- Swallowing cum provides a PSQ succubus with an energy boost. Load size counts so bigger balls = more cum = more energy. Cum fullness also applies. 

Hey, appreciate it!

15 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

- You can gag yourself now to stop yourself automatically sucking creature cock. Ring gags obviously won't do the job.

and No shouts?

15 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

1: 'Give all Npcs a bikini'. 

2: 'Replace vanilla armor with equivalent bikini'

will not go well with other re-placers out there eg: Prettier bandit


spanks will compensate pain level for fellow masochist maybe...


oh, please do not confiscate quest items. I lost two of my Gauldur amulets.

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22 minutes ago, Sucker343 said:

and No shouts?

Price you have to pay I suppose if you want to un-become a cum addict. 

28 minutes ago, Sucker343 said:

will not go well with other re-placers out there eg: Prettier bandit

You'll be able to turn it off. Off will be default I'd imagine. 

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So I flew completely off the rails last night and made a shout mod. It's shit and you shouldn't download it. But if you want to test it and give some feedback that would be nice. 


Pooled Shouts.7z

Shouts are pooled together. Unlike vanilla where you need to wait for the cooldown to expire and unlike individual shout cooldown mods where each shout cools down separately, with pooled shouts you can use the same shout more than once. So for eg you can do a wuld, another wuld and then do a fus ro dah in quick succession as long as you have enough 'voice pool' remaining. It's more like casting spells from a mana pool. This might allow for interesting combos. Because of the implementation of using an unused actor value as the 'shout pool' it might also allow for the creation of potions and enchantments that increase the size of the voice pool or increase the regen rate of the pool or instantly restore a portion of the pool. Or vice versa, debuffs to those aspects. You could gain shout experience by starting off with a small pool and gain pool size every time you learn a shout. This would mean you couldn't immediately go to high gate ruin and learn storm call because you wouldn't be able to cast it anyway. 


The mod uses an unused actor value (LastFlattered) as the voice pool. 



The mod will 'allow' you to shout up to the max word you've learned even if you don't have enough pool to cover the cost of that word but the actual spell effect fired will only be what the pool can cover. 

Eg: You know all 3 words of Fus Ro Dah but only have enough pool to cast Fus. You can hold down the button and she will say 'Fus Ro Dah' but only Fus effect will be fired.

I can not find a way to limit the number of words your character speaks when she shouts but at least the effect fired is correct. SetNthWord does not appear to work. I'm not sure I'd use it even if it did as it'd probably change the description in the magic menu and confuse people. 


There's no way at present to tell how much pool you have remaining. You can use 'Player.GetAv LastFlattered' to find out. LastFlattered is set to 100 when the mod is installed. So 100 is the cap. Which means that any shouts with longer cooldowns won't be able to be spoken. You can mess about with LastFlattered if you wish using SetAv.


What is badly needed:

First and foremost, widgets!! If anyone has any experience in creating widgets can you share some of your knowledge. Even guides on the topic are hard to come by and I'm not sure looking at existing widgets from the likes of SLSO, defeat, PSQ will help all that much. I think ideally there might be 3 widgets that fill depending on the equipped shout representing the 3 words of the shout. When widget one is filled then widget two begins to fill, meaning that you can use the first word of the shout now and the second is still filling. If the pool can cover the full cost then all widgets will be full when you equip that shout. 


Or perhaps a single widget that changes color once the word thresholds are reached. 


A separate shout widget would also be useful for SLS because of the map mechanics. 


Also need a way to figure out when the 'LastFlattered' regen rate changes to update the voice recovery time without running continuous updates which I'm against using except for short amounts of time. I think I can do this with another magic effect. 


Why bother?

For lolz I guess. I think it might be a little more interesting this way.

Vanillas cooldown is a bit boring. And it's got the 'elixir of life' effect. Meaning you build this mentality of only using shouts when you need them because otherwise they'll be in cooldown and you'll be fucked. And so you kind of end up never using them. 

Individual shout cooldowns I find pretty OP. Enter combat, cast absolutely every shout you have and obliterate the enemy with a massive alpha strike. All shouts cooldown separately so you might as well. The sooner you shout the sooner you'll be able to use that shout again. 


I think pooled shouts might strike a more balanced strategic effect where you can still be badass when you want to. 

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5 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I'd be very reluctant to make any changes. There are so many different checks that something will inevitably go wrong. And if you add more and more options things become messy. 


Unfortunately some things can not be done without a hard coded keyword that can use built in condition checks. The bonus to armor rating for bikini armors (and only bikini armors) based on your bikini experience is one. 

Yea, I had somewhat expected that would be the case, thanks for the response anyway.


My suggestion for those in a similar situation to myself would then likely be to just use armor licenses and price them like bikini licenses (with inequality if needed to nerf player stats) or to disable the bikini curse and expect to lose a few pieces of scrounged gear when meeting an enforcer/toll guard.


I'm going to be doing a game restart soon, so I'll likely try my hand at using the automated tools to keyword the biggest armor-adding mods in my load order (Book of UUNP, Immersive Armors).  The wench mods can stay unkeyworded, since most of them have gear that is OP enough that I essentially ignore it in my game as an option.

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3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I think pooled shouts might strike a more balanced strategic effect where you can still be badass when you want to. 

Not really in a position to test atm, but that does sound more interesting than the vanilla cooldown.  The ability to rapid-cast a handful of shouts while resources are available sounds interesting.  


Also, that sounds like a great attribute to be able to manipulate through cum effects.  I could see getting a buff to your shout pool through the use of nord<draugr<dragon priest<dragon cum.


One question - I use Thunderchild (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41376) which adds a boatload of additional shouts.  That mod gets around the vanilla shout restrictions through various passives and daily powers (things like resetting your shout cooldown out of combat if under a certain duration).  Any likelyhood pooled shouts would function with mod-added shouts, or is it hard coded around vanilla shouts?  I'll give it a quick and dirty test later today on an old save.

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37 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

I'm going to be doing a game restart soon, so I'll likely try my hand at using the automated tools to keyword the biggest armor-adding mods in my load order (Book of UUNP, Immersive Armors).  The wench mods can stay unkeyworded, since most of them have gear that is OP enough that I essentially ignore it in my game as an option.

Btw it is almost as easy to remove a specific keyword using AT as it is to add. It requires slightly more work but if all you're doing is blanket removing a keyword you can do pretty quick. 

24 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

One question - I use Thunderchild (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41376) which adds a boatload of additional shouts.  That mod gets around the vanilla shout restrictions through various passives and daily powers (things like resetting your shout cooldown out of combat if under a certain duration).  Any likelyhood pooled shouts would function with mod-added shouts, or is it hard coded around vanilla shouts?  I'll give it a quick and dirty test later today on an old save.

In general it should be compatible. Shout recovery times are read at runtime and aren't hard coded and so any mod added shouts should be ok.

That reset out of combat though sounds like it might throw things off. 

Edit: Might be easy enough to write a compatibility patch. All you'd have to do is detect Pooled Shouts and instead of reseting the voice recovery time you'd 'PlayerRef.RestoreAv("LastFlattered", HoweverManyPoints)'

Since the unused AV is a skyrim av it is available to all mods (This is also a potentially source of conflict if other mods use LastFlattered for something else)

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8 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Unfortunately some things can not be done without a hard coded keyword that can use built in condition checks. The bonus to armor rating for bikini armors (and only bikini armors) based on your bikini experience is one. 

Just a reminder: Adding Keywords is super easy and you can add hundreds of keywords to outfits in a matter of minutes



Open mod in TES5Edit select as many items as you want (after adding the keyword mod as a master) using shift click or hold ctrl




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Guest AthenaESIV

From this timestamp up to when they are in bed and the throne room party is over is what I picture a SL Survival worthy load order would look like



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4 hours ago, Corsayr said:

Just a reminder: Adding Keywords is super easy and you can add hundreds of keywords to outfits in a matter of minutes



Open mod in TES5Edit select as many items as you want (after adding the keyword mod as a master) using shift click or hold ctrl

  Hide contents



Thank you for posting this!  I was just trying to follow the original directions in the mod description, and it doesn't seem like the 'AT - QuickChange' script is available anymore after choosing 'apply script'.  I'm assuming that was either in an older version of TES5Edit, or I'm simply looking in the wrong place.  I did find one called 'Skyrim - Add keywords' but before i attempted to figure out how to configure that script I decided to come here first.


I do have 1 question, is it still necessary to make 'SL Survival.esp' a Master of the armor mods I want to change?  I'm not sure exactly why the original directions indicate to do that, but I'm still a novice with these tools...

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7 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

In general it should be compatible. Shout recovery times are read at runtime and aren't hard coded and so any mod added shouts should be ok.

That reset out of combat though sounds like it might throw things off. 

Yea, at a glance likely would need some sort of compatibility patch.  Did a *very* quick and dirty install on an old game with the shouts unlocked, and the Thunderchild scripting still seemed to be in control of the shout cooldowns to a point.  Which honestly isn't that surprising as I had forgotten the ability list, which that save had unlocked:


List of abilities

These are unlocked by completing quest objectives.

  • Storm Crown: Shout cooldown is removed when you enter or leave combat.
  • Thundering Echoes: The first shout you use in combat has no cooldown.
  • Way of Peace: Shouts have a greatly reduced cooldown out of combat.


I could confirm that the lastflattered AV was being manipulated down on usage of the modded shouts - it just wasn't blocking the usage of shouts or removing their cooldowns as dictated by Thunderchild.  I'll leave it to mod organizer users to test it out in a clean environement.

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22 minutes ago, Marg597 said:

I do have 1 question, is it still necessary to make 'SL Survival.esp' a Master of the armor mods I want to change?  I'm not sure exactly why the original directions indicate to do that, but I'm still a novice with these tools...

Yes and no


The short answer is yes, because the Keyword has to be defined for you to add it to an armor part. That definition requires the form id.


The much longer answer is, you could inject the form into something like Update.ESM but it would require a new game (as some Form IDs would have to change, and that would corrupt a saved game), and also some form IDs would have to change and that can fuck up a LOT of things. (did I mention that some form IDs might have to change and that can cause trouble?)* ?


So it is not an undertaking to be taken lightly. You REALLY REALLY need to have a very good reason to not go the super easy route of just making SLS a master for the armor mod. 





*This is trouble waiting to happen. Pressing anything other than NO is tempting fate. 




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39 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Now would be the time for suggestions if you have them. Before I put pen to paper so to speak.

For sure -  some suggestions that may or may not be possible with what you are attempting (my knowledge of manipulating leveled lists and outfits via scripting is quite limited).


  • Additional options to have a % chance to increase/decrease the armor tier of NPCs by a level or two.  Could make for some more variety if a handful of npcs end up using rarer sets as a result, or simply stand out in the crowd.  Especially among the evil factions it could be interesting to see armor tiers outside of the players's typical level range and kinda could have a result similar to named enemy NPCs.
  • A debug spell or MCM menu option to re-run the bikinification on a single NPC.  Could be useful for rerolling an npc's outfit if the player isn't happy with what the first pass came up with.
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22 minutes ago, Marg597 said:

Thank you for posting this!  I was just trying to follow the original directions in the mod description, and it doesn't seem like the 'AT - QuickChange' script is available anymore after choosing 'apply script'.

Automation tools does not come with TesEdit. It's a separate download. Most likely you deleted it when updating TesEdit. 

23 minutes ago, Marg597 said:

I do have 1 question, is it still necessary to make 'SL Survival.esp' a Master of the armor mods I want to change?  I'm not sure exactly why the original directions indicate to do that, but I'm still a novice with these tools...

Yes. If you want to reference a form in another mod (Survival's bikini keyword in this case) then that mod needs to be a master. Perhaps Corsayr's fancy, la-de-da :P version of tesedit does it automatically now. 

23 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

I could confirm that the lastflattered AV was being manipulated down on usage of the modded shouts - it just wasn't blocking the usage of shouts or removing their cooldowns as dictated by Thunderchild.  I'll leave it to mod organizer users to test it out in a clean environement.

Baby steps. I wouldn't expect it to work with shout overhaul mods that are manipulating voice recovery themselves. 

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6 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

The much longer answer is, you could inject the form into something like Update.ESM but it would require a new game (as some Form IDs would have to change, and that would corrupt a saved game), and also some form IDs would have to change and that can fuck up a LOT of things. (did I mention that some form IDs might have to change and that can cause trouble?)

Ah survival would not recognize this injected keyword because it's in Update.esm and the scripts will not check for it. Nor will the condition checks. It's a completely different form. 

You COULD do it but you have to change all the existing references in SLS to it. 

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2 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Perhaps Corsayr's fancy, la-de-da :P version of tesedit does it automatically now.

It's just the most recent version! ?


Don't hate me cuz I update! ?


I actually don't use a lot of tes5edit scripts What i would use is the inject forms into master feature 



But as previously mentioned SLS and Update share something like 3257 (of it's total 6512) form IDs that would have to be changed. Not a good idea, maybe if there was a common master that didn't share any form IDs it would be easy... But SLS doesn't have any such master so it isn't. ?


Injecting forms into master is the best way to make merge mods for followers and outfits. 

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1 minute ago, Monoman1 said:

Ah survival would not recognize this injected keyword because it's in Update.esm and the scripts will not check for it. Nor will the condition checks. It's a completely different form. 

You COULD do it but you have to change all the existing references in SLS to it. 

When you inject the form into master it KEEPs the form ID from SLS so the SLS Keyword record would actually become an ITM 

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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

Before I put pen to paper so to speak.

Clearly, there are more factions than that. I guess those are just examples?



On the other topic, injecting large numbers of forms into Update.ESM is a horrible idea.

There is no ownership or contention resolution on that.

Beth could (probably never will) even issue a patch or update that uses those IDs.

Some mainstream Nexus mod could use them.


There's a time and a place for it, but for every ID you add, you increased the chance of a clash with another mod, that will prove troublesome to wind back from either mod's perspective.


If I inject new forms for SLAX right now, how can I be sure that Kimy, or Monoman aren't using those IDs?

No way to know until the problem manifests as trouble.

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35 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

Additional options to have a % chance to increase/decrease the armor tier of NPCs by a level or two.  Could make for some more variety if a handful of npcs end up using rarer sets as a result, or simply stand out in the crowd.  Especially among the evil factions it could be interesting to see armor tiers outside of the players's typical level range and kinda could have a result similar to named enemy NPCs.

Not sure I like that idea. Besides not knowing how it would 'fit' I also think it's open to exploitation. Eg: getting a set of ebony armor on a weakling bandit. Mods are full of OP value/weight/armor items anyway so I suppose it's unavoidable to a certain extent. 

35 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

A debug spell or MCM menu option to re-run the bikinification on a single NPC.  Could be useful for rerolling an npc's outfit if the player isn't happy with what the first pass came up with.

This will possibly be a thing.

21 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

When you inject the form into master it KEEPs the form ID from SLS so the SLS Keyword record would actually become an ITM 

Sure about that? You could be right. But this looks like an injected record to me:



That's DFs willpower global. It's index is 01 (update.esm) not 09 (DF)

I've always created injected records by renumbering the formid index. 


In fact TesEdit log spits this when loading DF:

[00:02] Background Loader: <Note: _DWill [GLOB:0101A2A7] was injected into Update.esm>

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4 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Sure about that? You could be right. But this looks like an injected record to me:



That's DFs willpower global. It's index is 01 (update.esm) not 09 (DF)

I've always created injected records by renumbering the formid index. 


In fact TesEdit log spits this when loading DF:

[00:02] Background Loader: <Note: _DWill [GLOB:0101A2A7] was injected into Update.esm>

Very sure! 


The feature actually takes the "Copy as override" feature and makes it an upstream enabled option. So after prepping by doing the Inject into master pre-step, you then do a copy as override into the master so it is the SAME form. 


TES5Edit magic! ?

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