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12 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Hmm. Don't know then. Can you start creature animations normally? Does creature fondling work?

By default there's a 50:50 chance it's the keeper versus one of the creatures. You can change the chance in the Mcm.


General traders are guys like Belethor or Lucan Valerius. + the khaajit traders. They usually have 1 or 2 to sell but sometimes they can have none. And if you're really unlucky you can go to a few of the traders and still find none. But most of all you need a TesEdit merged patch otherwise they may never be available. See post #2 in this thread to find out how to build one. It's pretty easy when you get the hang of it. 

It might be that the toggle only affects the magic cursed collars but not plain regular collars they give you as part of paying the toll. 


my tesedit doesnt work, should i disable the compas + map thing in mcm ? will i never buy the thing without tesedit ?

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1 minute ago, A Little Kitten said:

right and what is purpose of having it disabled in first place ?

If you have a mod that can cause you to get robbed, you may lose it and have to make your way across the country side with no map or compass. 


Just little immersive things to make everything feel more real I guess. 

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6 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

If you have a mod that can cause you to get robbed, you may lose it and have to make your way across the country side with no map or compass. 


Just little immersive things to make everything feel more real I guess. 

yeeeea i do, dcl... but still if i have to use cheat t oge tit in first place.. :D

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8 hours ago, Ursur1major said:

Hello, thank you again for the mod, I wanted to post a suggestion.

You did have some good ideas.. but they are actually out there now. :)  


Loans can be easily handled by Loansharks of Skyrim 





 with of course a customizable MCM ;)

Banking is really cool with Imperial Mail and Chequebook to supplement it.

https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63247/   <<< Banking 


and lastly.. investing is altered and handled pretty well with Trade and Barter :)

All good, and existing ways to get some of what your after. And all with an MCM for setting up how you like. 

https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34612  <<< Trade and Barter


Those are in use for my, as you have heard often .. economy @Monoman1   Minus LoanSharks. I just don't use it any more. 




EDIT: Chequebook was known as "Did you pay for that?" and is no longer visible on Nexus for an unknown reason.. :( 

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2 hours ago, Bushi Neko said:

You did have some good ideas.. but they are actually out there now. :)  


Loans can be easily handled by Loansharks of Skyrim 

I am aware of Loansharks of Skyrim and have it in my load order.


It doesn't cover everything I suggested though, even in the loans part, and is in my opinion a bit too finnicky and rough (the fact that you can only change loan amount and repayment increments in the MCM as an example).


The concept of loans was honestly one of the lower priority requests, as my main desire was for more stuff to do in the mid game, whereas the loans would be most beneficial for the early game, but it wouldn't make much sense to introduce a bank without a loan system, and the other gameplay benefits of actually having the bank mechanic be relevant from the start.


Edit because while I read the entire post my brain only registered the first part:


As for the others, they are functional, and I even refered to the banking mod in my post, I just wish they had a bit of a loverslab flaire to them I suppose.

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6 hours ago, A Little Kitten said:

no its the other way around, i overwrote sexlab with latest slo, and then orgasm count was stuck at 0.

when i reinstalled slo, but this time said NO TO MOD for over-writing sexlab, then it began working.


i can over-write sexlab with slo again, but i've got no clue why orgasm is bugged then : /

As you're talking about overwrite as a discrete operation, I'm guessing you are using NMM.


It sounds like problems with NMM and its correct use.

If you modify files without NMM knowing, depending on the changes you make, it will not manage your files correctly after that point.



In any case, if you do not overwrite SexLab with SLSO, you basically do not have SLSO, you have an MCM and a widget that can't actually do anything real.


Probably should move this to the SLSO forum though.

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25 minutes ago, ForsakenTwilight said:

after installing this mod im not able to open the map anymore.. is this intended or a bug?

Sexlab survival requires you to have a map and compass in inventory to use the map feature or have a ui compass visible in game

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14 hours ago, Corsayr said:

Here ya go, no more cheating. You can make your own map and compass. You will need ink, paper, and iron ore. Use a forge. Should be fully merge-able with Wrye Bash. 


Survival Make a Map and Compass.7z 455 B · 5 downloads

Tut tut. Can't say I agree with this :P

1. Seems a bit easy too build. Components too readily available. But I suppose I could just add a recipe myself for people that want it. But I'd argue that it would make the entire feature pretty moot (it's intended to be disruptive and get you in more trouble - Force you to go to town to get one (avoid licence guys). Stumble into a bandit camp. No enemy radar. Get lost in general. Stop the game being a map marker clearing exercise that so many modern games have become etc).

2. Doesn't change the fact that a TesEdit patch is practically required for other things in SLS. So they should really just fix TesEdit and make one really. Anyone running more than a handful of mods should be using a merged patch IMO. 



I too use loansharks but it really could use some more love. It's another mod that was on my potential tweak list. If only to add selectable amounts via dialogue. 

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11 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Force you to go to town to get one (avoid licence guys)

Still have to go into town to make one, unless you know of any forges just sitting around in a field. 


Also Ink, and paper are not as common as you might think. Do you know where to reliably get some if you need it? You might have some sitting in a junk drawer if you are a hoarder, but otherwise you would have to buy these items from someone like... Belathor. ?


I toyed with adding the requirement of having a quill in your inventory. 

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6 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

I too use loansharks but it really could use some more love.

I keep adding it to my games, but then don't end up using it.


It's a cheat compared to DF. Borrow easy money off the innkeeper to pay the follower in an emergency, then stall the innkeeper with risk free sex.


I guess the way money works in Skyrim isn't necessarily very interesting. Looting and selling to get it can become dull.

SLS and DF can eat up a lot of excess money, but they're quite predictable in how they do it, so it's just a matter of whether you can raise that much or not.


I'm still trying to come up with some alternative to cash that you can pay followers with. The best suggestion so far is soul gems, which would be ... ok ... but feels a bit esoteric.

There should be something more obvious, more intuitive, but apparently, there isn't :) 


In my TitD game, I haven't worried about money at all. I don't need lots of it, and I don't get lots of it either. I can focus on TitD quests and ignore dungeon farming. Makes a nice change.

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10 hours ago, Ursur1major said:

As for the others, they are functional, and I even refered to the banking mod in my post, I just wish they had a bit of a loverslab flaire to them I suppose.

Sadly, other than loan sharks they do not inherently have that.. ? as you know.  But depending on how you play ( as often is the case ;)  ) you can at least make them work for you.  

I swear by Banking in Imperial mail. Being able to dump money in a safe place is a blessing if your able to lose your money, and you can jack the bank fee's up to make it more oppressive. The Investments are a bit.. meh.. but still better than core I think. But I never invest at all anyway.  I generally only go as far as a yard sale with Marketstall. 


At any rate.. anyone can refer to those links now since it came up, who may not be familiar with the mods ;) 

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Map & Compass:


Perhaps an option to start with these in your inventory when the mod first loads?  Depending on your start, it could be reasonable to already have them, and vendor inventories will have time to update before you need to buy them again. 


Loan Sharks:


I had looked at this one a while back and walked away.  As noted earlier, the money is easy and payment can be deferred.  Worse, if you actually allow the enslavement to trigger, that mod doesn't check your status.  It will enslave you even if you're already a slave, quite possibly breaking whatever mod had enslaved you first and potentially placing you in a better position.  A good loan mod would be interesting, but I think it would have to written from scratch with careful attention to game balance and enforcement.

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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I keep adding it to my games, but then don't end up using it.


It's a cheat compared to DF. Borrow easy money off the innkeeper to pay the follower in an emergency, then stall the innkeeper with risk free sex.


I guess the way money works in Skyrim isn't necessarily very interesting. Looting and selling to get it can become dull.

SLS and DF can eat up a lot of excess money, but they're quite predictable in how they do it, so it's just a matter of whether you can raise that much or not.


I'm still trying to come up with some alternative to cash that you can pay followers with. The best suggestion so far is soul gems, which would be ... ok ... but feels a bit esoteric.

There should be something more obvious, more intuitive, but apparently, there isn't :) 


In my TitD game, I haven't worried about money at all. I don't need lots of it, and I don't get lots of it either. I can focus on TitD quests and ignore dungeon farming. Makes a nice change.

I'm part way through a second recent df+sls playthrough.  I see similar in my games.  My gold intake is fairly reliable but gold spent is fairly predictable.  You end up on either a smooth upwards slope or a downwards slope, or you get smashed by something into instant poverty, usually one of dcl's "equip everything" events (which i've been disabling more and more).


Things I've tried

-iNeed:  With or without SLS removing all the easy food pickups, you never need to spend gold on food

-SLS: licenses were pretty good, scheduled large payment that you could prepare for but sometimes not if an emergency hits right before.  The problem with licenses is that they were pretty gameover if you missed them, especially the magic ones.

-SLS: tolls... I mean they were fine but pretty unexciting.  I don't have any sneak out of town mods, maybe that would make them better? I also found that they kind of chopped out the "run through town in bondage" experience.  Since when things go catastrophically wrong I often need to avoid towns.

-Mortal weapons and armor:  Awesome but too unreliable.  Getting your armor torn to shreds or having to run because your weapon breaks are fantastic mechanics.  The only problem is that it made spending gold on gear an even worse idea than normal skyrim.  Durability seemed to wear down at a fairly random rate, and bought items are only very marginally better than the stuff you pick up off every other  dead body.  So like iNeed it's not really a gold sink.

-DF: When I first read the boredom system I was like "that's lame" it's grown on me though. I really like the idea of payments creeping up when things are going well, but not when they are going badly.  The main problem  is there is really limited feedback on boredom, if there is any dialogue related to it, I haven't seen it yet.

-YPS fashion:  The addiction system has a similar end result to SLS and DF, steadily increasing scheduled payments,although it has really good implementation


I think the key similarity between all these mods is that they put things on a schedule.  Maybe something not scheduled? Maybe even something that's beneficial?


-Sudden Cravings: The PC has a sudden urge or need for something, maybe a specific food? wear armor of a certain material? increase a specific skill? The PC has a sudden urge to hire a teacher of a certain skill, or maybe a DF demands it?

-Fear of missing out: There's a two for one sale at skill trainers (or whatever)! quick spend all your money!

-Dress codes: specially ones that aren't naked "The jarl is throwing a party! you must wear glass" "must wear certain jewelry" "must wear heels" "must wear makeup/styled hair" w/e


This isn't the DF thread but in regards to alternate payment, I don't think it should be a specific item all the time, just a mini "quest" for something.  Ideally I think it should be something that involves actually going somewhere, and that is not normally horded.  Randomize the demand and set a time limit.


-Dwemer stuff

-Ancient Nord burial tools

-Unworn devious devices

-Specific pottery

-Specific animal hide

-Specific jewelry

-Custom items: spawn them in a boss chest in a specific dungeon? or maybe just the next boss chest you open? 

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On 3/19/2020 at 10:00 AM, Monoman1 said:

Nothing fancy about it as far as I can see: 




I know that the first time it happens it's always the keeper as it's an 'introduction' of sorts. But after that the slider applies. So what happens exactly? Is it always the keeper or do scenes just fail to start at all? 

sorry for delay, lately strange thing happen in my game so i decided to clean it up and start a new game. i'll give you info soon as possible. thanks?

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2 hours ago, RaptorVz said:

Would be nice if you could make it so we could use "support" magic such as the restoration tree without a magic license.

You can probably achieve it by modifying the effect applied so that it subtracts 500 or so from the magic skills you want spoiled.

The skill will still cap at 0, it can't go below that.


I don't recall whether this will stop you casting them entirely, but it will certainly make them less effective.

You can try it out with SLD.


If you want a Tes5Edit free way of doing it, you could link the skill modifications in SLD to wearing a collar.


That would make all collars have the effect, but that might not be a big problem. Depends how many other collars you wear.

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7 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

You can probably achieve it by modifying the effect applied so that it subtracts 500 or so from the magic skills you want spoiled.

The skill will still cap at 0, it can't go below that.

Another option would be to multiply the spell cost by 200 or so for anything outside the Restoration school.  That could be done with an associated perk.  Of course there are mods that add damaging spells to the Restoration tree so you'd have to exercise restraint for things like that. 

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