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18 hours ago, dagobaking said:

New AAF Release: Beta 73


## [Beta 73] - 2019-3-30
### Added
- Companion browser window. For viewing companion AAF stats and dismissing companions.
- Companion stats listed in stats mode.
- Add companion stat blocks to the GUI when companions are added by non-AAF mods.
- Facelight support for doppelganger. (no thanks to Rufgt)


## [Beta 72] - 2019-3-27
### Added
- Beginnings of companion features. You can now add companions through a scan/wizard menu (Unlimited Companion Framework by Expired must be installed).

### Fixed
- Actors occasionally getting stuck gathering (issue introduced in 71).

Thanks for the update as usual! :)


I'm very interested in updating to Beta 73 mostly because of the companion feature that you've implemented, but I'm a little bit concerned by it at the same time. It says that UCF by Expired needs to be installed as a requirement, but firstly that mod seems to be buggy and hasn't been updated for almost two years now, and secondly if I'm using special companions such as Reginald_001's Insane Ivy, shouldn't I be worried about conflicts/incompatibilities? I guess I'd like to know what this new feature's main purpose is as it pertains to AAF. 


One last thing, "Facelight support for doppelganger", does that mean that facelight now works for both actors in the scene? And if so, is there a requirement (such as this one)?


EDIT: I also didn't mean to knock on Expired's mod. I respect him as a creator and I've used many of his mods in the past, before I get any flakk lol.

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2 hours ago, HentaiGnome said:

Thanks for the update as usual! :)


I'm very interested in updating to Beta 73 mostly because of the companion feature that you've implemented, but I'm a little bit concerned by it at the same time. It says that UCF by Expired needs to be installed as a requirement, but firstly that mod seems to be buggy and hasn't been updated for almost two years now, and secondly if I'm using special companions such as Reginald_001's Insane Ivy, shouldn't I be worried about conflicts/incompatibilities? I guess I'd like to know what this new feature's main purpose is as it pertains to AAF. 


One last thing, "Facelight support for doppelganger", does that mean that facelight now works for both actors in the scene? And if so, is there a requirement (such as this one)?


EDIT: I also didn't mean to knock on Expired's mod. I respect him as a creator and I've used many of his mods in the past, before I get any flakk lol.

Thank you HentaiGnome.


The reason for requiring UCF is that UCF enables adding multiple followers at the same time. Without that functionality, the AAF companion features wouldn't make much sense.


As far as I can tell, UCF accomplishes that capability in the least intrusive way. The other follower mods add features on top of it that users may or may not want. So, UCF seemed more like a modders resource (and I trust Expired's work more than most). I know it's an older mod. But, I was not aware of any known bugs with it (other than maybe the issues it describes in the description). Are there other bugs in UCF that you can report?


I don't believe that UCF is incompatible with Ivy. I haven't tested that. But, I was told by someone in-the-know that it should work.


The companion features in AAF will expand over time. For now, it adds some GUI controls so that you can add/remove companions through a UI and also see their AAF stats on-screen. If other mods add companions, AAF should live-update the list of companions in your "crew" if you are in stat mode.


Yes. Facelight support means that your PC will retain the facelight effect during animation scenes. But, this is only if you have the facelight mod installed and activated.

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31 minutes ago, dagobaking said:

Thank you HentaiGnome.


The reason for requiring UCF is that UCF enables adding multiple followers at the same time. Without that functionality, the AAF companion features wouldn't make much sense.


As far as I can tell, UCF accomplishes that capability in the least intrusive way. The other follower mods add features on top of it that users may or may not want. So, UCF seemed more like a modders resource (and I trust Expired's work more than most). I know it's an older mod. But, I was not aware of any known bugs with it (other than maybe the issues it describes in the description). Are there other bugs in UCF that you can report?


I don't believe that UCF is incompatible with Ivy. I haven't tested that. But, I was told by someone in-the-know that it should work.


The companion features in AAF will expand over time. For now, it adds some GUI controls so that you can add/remove companions through a UI and also see their AAF stats on-screen. If other mods add companions, AAF should live-update the list of companions in your "crew" if you are in stat mode.


Yes. Facelight support means that your PC will retain the facelight effect during animation scenes. But, this is only if you have the facelight mod installed and activated.

You don't need UCF to use the latest version of AAF do you?. I hope not cause I could care less about the companions thing.

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20 minutes ago, walkin said:

You don't need UCF to use the latest version of AAF do you?. I hope not cause I could care less about the companions thing.

No. If you don't have UCF installed it just disables the companion add/remove capability.

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11 hours ago, TheDestroyerOfWorlds said:

bu 2 kelimeden daha yazmanız gerekecek, ayrıca F4SE’yi de yükleyeceksiniz.

sorry i do not know english

i install F4SE but penis flaccid and this problem is not solved i tried all everything not solved


edit : i install aaf compatibility patches didn't work

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14 hours ago, dagobaking said:

Thank you HentaiGnome.


The reason for requiring UCF is that UCF enables adding multiple followers at the same time. Without that functionality, the AAF companion features wouldn't make much sense.


As far as I can tell, UCF accomplishes that capability in the least intrusive way. The other follower mods add features on top of it that users may or may not want. So, UCF seemed more like a modders resource (and I trust Expired's work more than most). I know it's an older mod. But, I was not aware of any known bugs with it (other than maybe the issues it describes in the description). Are there other bugs in UCF that you can report?


I don't believe that UCF is incompatible with Ivy. I haven't tested that. But, I was told by someone in-the-know that it should work.


The companion features in AAF will expand over time. For now, it adds some GUI controls so that you can add/remove companions through a UI and also see their AAF stats on-screen. If other mods add companions, AAF should live-update the list of companions in your "crew" if you are in stat mode.


Yes. Facelight support means that your PC will retain the facelight effect during animation scenes. But, this is only if you have the facelight mod installed and activated.

Thanks for the clarification :)


To be honest, I avoided UCF because I saw some bugs listed under the "forums" tab on Nexus. But then again, just about any of the other follower mods have their own sleuth of reported issues, so I've actually just stuck with the vanilla companion system. But I can go ahead and test out UCF and see if anything comes up. (May as well since I've always wanted to bring along more than one companion.)


Awesome to hear about Facelight! Totally can't wait to see it in action now lol


Again, thanks for the heads up and please keep up the good work :)

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I need a bit of help calling an API function from AAF



Scriptname SACJumperGunHit extends activemagiceffect


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

        actor target = akTarget
        actor caster = akCaster


AAF:AAF_API.ApplyOverlaySet(target, "Body")





fails compilation with "cannot call the member function ApplyOverlaySet alone or on a type, must call it on a variable"


the AAF_API.psc is present in the correct folder (source\user\AAF)


Thank you!

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2 hours ago, SAC said:

I need a bit of help calling an API function from AAF



Scriptname SACJumperGunHit extends activemagiceffect


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

        actor target = akTarget
        actor caster = akCaster


AAF:AAF_API.ApplyOverlaySet(target, "Body")





fails compilation with "cannot call the member function ApplyOverlaySet alone or on a type, must call it on a variable"


the AAF_API.psc is present in the correct folder (source\user\AAF)


Thank you!

Should be something like this:

Scriptname SACJumperGunHit extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

        actor target = akTarget
        actor caster = akCaster

AAF:AAF_API AAF_API = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F99, "AAF.esm") as AAF:AAF_API

AAF_API.ApplyOverlaySet(target, "Body")



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2 hours ago, VonHelton said:

Also, lowering Dogmeat's Quest Priority works, but should be considered a TEMPORARY FIX until the animators INCREASE theirs.



Animations don't have quest priorities, because animation mods don't have quests.  If a quest is interfering with animations, it is interfering with AAF's quests or possibly with the calling mod's quests.

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6 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

Animations don't have quest priorities, because animation mods don't have quests.  If a quest is interfering with animations, it is interfering with AAF's quests or possibly with the calling mod's quests.

Well, it's well above my paygrade to fix.......



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1 hour ago, SAC said:

Thank you, my overlay-applying-wannabe script now compiles, but I still don't get the overlay applied in-game. I tried to clone Polistiro's xml, but I'm doing something wrong


The overlay is fine, I am able to apply it manually in Looksmenu


Attaching my xml and the relevant json, I am trying to apply the overlays from this mod


SAC_overlays.xml 326 B · 0 downloads


overlays.json 32.5 kB · 0 downloads

I just set up a test with that function to apply the "poultry_pride" example overlay available in Looksmenu downloads. It worked.


Your XML looks ok. So, I think the problem is somewhere between the json and how the overlays are set up in the CK, etc. That isn't an area I'm too familiar with as I always just tested this feature with the pre-built poultry_pride example files.


Maybe start by testing with that file. Get it working like I did, then adjust those files as they are to point to different art, etc. incrementally until you have a full working workflow.

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10 hours ago, dagobaking said:

I just set up a test with that function to apply the "poultry_pride" example overlay available in Looksmenu downloads. It worked.


Your XML looks ok. So, I think the problem is somewhere between the json and how the overlays are set up in the CK, etc. That isn't an area I'm too familiar with as I always just tested this feature with the pre-built poultry_pride example files.


Maybe start by testing with that file. Get it working like I did, then adjust those files as they are to point to different art, etc. incrementally until you have a full working workflow.


Nope :( Poultry pride is not working either for me. It does work if I apply it from LM


Here are the json (it's the original), and the xml






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23 minutes ago, dagobaking said:

The AAF side is working. So, must be some external factor outside of that.


How are you applying the magic effect, or spell, or whatever you are using? I am using an enchanted gun for testing

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2 minutes ago, SAC said:


How are you applying the magic effect, or spell, or whatever you are using? I am using an enchanted gun for testing

I set up a hotkey and use LLFP to populate the target actor. So, it's running from a Quest script.

Actor targetActor = LastCrossHairActor()


You may need to do some testing to make sure AAF_API and the actor reference you are sending in are being populated, etc.

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33 minutes ago, dagobaking said:

I set up a hotkey and use LLFP to populate the target actor. So, it's running from a Quest script.

Actor targetActor = LastCrossHairActor()


You may need to do some testing to make sure AAF_API and the actor reference you are sending in are being populated, etc.


I am sorry to insist, but how have you set up the hotkey, and how did you integrate with LLFP?


Do you still use an xml file, or do you reference the json directly?


What I have done so far:

- added a notification to the AAF_API script, and it is showing up, so the AAF_API is indeed firing on demand, no idea what it is sending to LM so far

- added a messagebox to the same script, for the target actor refid, but here I get a decimal value instead of the actual hex one, so no idea if it is populating correctly



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1 hour ago, Fridolin0815 said:

good afternoon 


perhaps someone have an idea why the AAF-Homebutton not work for me if i wear an powerarmor?

Without it works fine, and no i dont have any mods that change the UI :)


Best regards

Upgrade to v.73........My Home button didn't work either.





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