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Im kind of having a few problems.

I started a rescue quest and killed everyone in there, I didnt attack the victim, however I cant talk to her and she keeps doing the covering animation while looking at me. Kinda stuck there, any way to fix or end the quest via console command?



Secondly if I get kidnapped by enemy npcs, after the first or even during the first scene one or more of the enemies will start attacking me, which at that point will also include the person from the first scene, also any way to boost the ratio of males? My character is female, and lesbian isnt really my thing <.<


Thiiiird! Is it normal that after the first scene random ppl will start having sex? I dont have a random sex mod installed that would trigger that, but after waiting trough mine and then 2 more scenes that didnt include myself Im kind of feeling "left out".



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Two problems I ran into, one isin't really specifically this mods problem but just pointing it out for others. 

One slight issue, if you go to the Dainty Sload and you kill the bandits for the kidnapped rescue quest, then you'll be left with no bandits on the ship for Simple Slavery Devious Cidhna questline. 

The 2nd issue is that the kidnapped quest keeps assigning me to go rescue someone in underground area of the solitude church, which is blocked off until the Potema quest, I dont see how or why a kidnap victim would be there, unless the church was doing funky things, but it's potema quest area so that's a bit confusing. 

Otherwise great mod, thanks for your hard work! 

Two problems I ran into, one isin't really specifically this mods problem but just pointing it out for others. 

One slight issue, if you go to the Dainty Sload and you kill the bandits for the kidnapped rescue quest, then you'll be left with no bandits on the ship for Simple Slavery Devious Cidhna questline. 

The 2nd issue is that the kidnapped quest keeps assigning me to go rescue someone in underground area of the solitude church, which is blocked off until the Potema quest, I dont see how or why a kidnap victim would be there, unless the church was doing funky things, but it's potema quest area so that's a bit confusing. 

Otherwise great mod, thanks for your hard work! 

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Whole new-ish problem I ran into. Remember how I said certain settings weren't working on the existing saves for Kidnapped so I started a new game & it started working mostly fine but other settings still weren't working? Sadly it's gotten worse. Not only are the settings for what groups will ambush me still aren't working, but now trying to disable kidnappings entirely doesn't work anymore like before. I was ambushed in the middle of a Defeat rape session I set up so I reloaded a save, disabled kidnappings & set the chances to 0% & the penalties up to max. But I still got ambushed in the middle of the session so I turned off Ai detection in the console to prevent it from interfering a third time, which worked but it's still annoying for them to show up. I disabled Kidnapped originally before leaving the Alternate Start room which is why the problems from the first existing saves I had stopped & I still have saves from before I re-enabled Kidnapped for the first time so I can go back to them when I'm ready to stop using it or update it but if updating the mod doesn't fix anything, you might wanna make sure that forcing the settings we choose to actually take effect is a priority in the next update.

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I noticed that I could get up while I was kidnapped by pressing space and then then no more aggressors came(no pun intended). I could have walked out of the dungeon if I wanted.

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I noticed that I could get up while I was kidnapped by pressing space and then then no more aggressors came(no pun intended). I could have walked out of the dungeon if I wanted.


you could. is a possible escape mechanism, but enemies will turn hostile again the minute you change cell

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I love this mod and the MCM menu has just gotten better with each update.  But I am having some issues with the outdoor sex scenes.  Last time I got kidnapped, I had a dragon just plop down and watch, the area was then overrun with Mammoths, wolves, foxes, and horses.  It makes it somewhat of a hassle when a scene triggers.  Other than the massive amounts of animals that just show up randomly, I like this mod and can't wait to see where you go with it. :)


 And followers join the mess. It's Anoying. 

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I noticed that I could get up while I was kidnapped by pressing space and then then no more aggressors came(no pun intended). I could have walked out of the dungeon if I wanted.


you could. is a possible escape mechanism, but enemies will turn hostile again the minute you change cell



But that's not realistic. Why would they just let you escape? How about, if you get up, the kidnappers turn hostile within a few seconds(when they notice you are going for the exit). You could also add a stamina penalty to every assault, to simulate that you get near exhaustion after awhile. Then it would actually be hard to escape instead of abusing a glitch in the program. All of this could be an option in the menu, in case people still want more control. It depends on how much you are willing to work to make the mod coherent of course.


If I want to turn off the escape option myself, how would I do that?


If I kill a kidnapper with the console(I don't want females with strapons), would that break the assault chain, or will the mod pick another spectator?


Edit: Found some bugs that I should report. I have a mod called fairies of skyrim and kidnapped keeps drawing fairies from that mod when I only have bandits and silver hands enabled. It should not mix creatures with bandits like that. Another time I was ambushed by 3 npcs, but in the dungeon there is only 1. It also happens a lot that I get transported to an outside cell. Is that supposed to happen? The mod is too inconsistent right now.

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Hey there,


Modders request !


I thought about to integrate Kidnapped Redux into my own mod.

A good idea is to provide some mode events for that purpose, but I missed the possibility to hand over some parameters for this events.

Parameters should be for example the three ambushers (or three fakeambushers) and also which teammates should be used as additional victims, maybe something else (disable abandoned houses ?). With the option to specify the ambushers there is

the possibility to indirect define where the "orgy" will take place ! 


The most conveniant way to handle over parameters I guess is using the storageutil features.


So in the argument string of the event the keyname for the necessary list can be handled over, the same name can be used for formlist, stringlist, floatlists etc.


Other events can be helpful too, maybe someting to get and set  some MCM values, since these are all numbered it should be quite easy.

Last event instead of triggering the ambush as an alternative trigger the body of the onhit event in the playeralias script immediate ?


Direct hooking into the api functions of the playeralias script in a new and still living mod, that is not your own mod, maybe is not the best idea.

Everytime the API changes maybe adaptions in my own mod will be necessary.


One last point i'am worrying about in the new version, although it solves some other problems maybe produce new ones.

    Actor FakeAmbusher = PlayerREF.PlaceActorAtMe(Ambusher.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase, 1)

I once read this article here on loverslab: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25591-warning-about-using-placeactoratme/


Do not know if that is true for your mod also.


With kind regards

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The mod broke my Thieve's Guild Questline. It would be a good idea to blacklist some locations so it doesn't cause any questline issues. One time my character got kidnapped they were brought to Irkngthand when I haven't even begun the Thieve's Guild stuff. It fucked up the questline so much it flung me to near the end of it all, and the npcs were broke as fuck so I couldn't finish it to make it like nothing happened. One of the npcs is required to progress the Main questline but I couldn't get the dialogue because of how broke he was.

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Okay, so. I just noticed that for some reason the game registered a second SL Kidnapped Redux MCM. Tried reinstalling everything, starting a new save, but it still registers two MCMs for the mod. I'm using MO and I looked for any files that might be similar to the SL Kidnapped Redux files, but there is absolutely nothing there. For now what I did was I put the exact same values for both menus, but disabled Kidnapping in one just in case and seems to be working fine for now. It's still annoying since I don't know what's going on there, or if there are going to be issues in the future resulting from this. Maybe it's some compat issue with some other mod. Just asking in case someone had this happen to them before.

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Don't know if you can help with this but it came during your mod:


So I managed to get another kidnapped scenario to my preferences to work (yay me) but something REALLY weird happened that I didn't notice for a while. I have the option to integrate Devious Devices into Kidnapped & they are being used, the problem is certain devices fuck my character up for some reason. I have never seen these devices used anywhere in any of the other sex mods I have installed & played with, (SD+, Maria Eden, Simple Slavery, SexLab Defeat, AP, & Flower Girls), & they screw around with my character's model.


The device "Black Restrictive Gloves" make my hands disappear & "Chastity Bra" make my tits smaller. The Chastity Belt keeps the kidnappers from having sex with me even though the mod says they're supposed to & other outfits like the Corset appear only in the inventory as equipped but they don't show up on my character. At a certain point after multiple devices were on me, I was unable to move in 3rd person & jumping no longer took me out of the downed state. The 1st time a while back I got Kidnapped to work, they only used me for 3 animations and placed a gag, cuffs, and an anal plug then kicked me out of their hideout when they were done. But with the gag equipped, I can't talk to a mage or smith to remove it or the cuffs & I have to use the Safe Word function (which I was avoiding as a cheap fix & immersion breaker). This time they kept me longer because I figured out the mod's Perversion/Exhaustion mechanics which led to them taking me for longer but the longer the scenario lasted, the more new devices & outfits were being equipped on me, resulting in these issues I've been having.


Something like that can really fuck around with the sexiness of getting your girl pegged a group of female kidnappers so I really need help with this! The Devious Devices mods I have are Devious Framework, Assets, Expansion, Integration, & Devious Framework Support. I noticed in Kidnapped's description it says to batch build DD stuff into BodySlide but my BodySlide was a manual install from Nexus & does NOT have any outfits from DD mods which were installed through NMM. Not even vanilla outfits from the base game are listed in my BodySlide unlike in Fallout 4 where I installed BodySlide through NMM & it has all the outfits. Do you think you can help or is this something the DD mod authors can only help me with?

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I think this version is broken...
My char. did absolutely nothing & she managed to dodge all the ambushes everytime so she just slaughters everyone...
Quite disappointed, please tell me I did something wrong so i can at least blame myself over it...


And yes, I have Defeat, it didn't work, everybody just keep hitting my char til she dies while she's in bleedout stage.

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Okay, just got it to work, it seems because of a confusing label I disabled dodge chance (because obviously I don't want my char. to be able to dodge her kidnappers). But that's not what it meant, that's the "How many seconds after ambush before you're kidnapped". I don't get it why it's even here...

So, about the kidnapping. It seems there should be some serious work on the tags. I tried with trolls & werewolves, but my char. was kidnapped & raped by anything BUT trolls & werewolves. For the werewolves, she's sent to a Silverhand lair & she's raped by all the Silverhand members & nothing else. For the trolls, all the NPCs in Skyrim traveled long distances just to come & rape her. I thought the game bugged out because absolutely nothing happened at the troll kidnap until I saw a tiny spider crawling towards her from the horizon!

I also noticed there's a bug in this mod when I try to send my char. to be kidnapped by orc strongholds. The mod keep sending me to Chief Burguk (the Orc with 3 wives). The chief is stuck in aggressive mode & went on to kill his own people & all his wives (except the forge wife who is flagged essential). This makes all the orcs running away from him while there is this 1 orc dude fighting him, blocking the doorway. When either one of them dies, guessed who is the criminal. Yep, my char. have to pay the fine or all the orcs who were running away from their chief got so brave all a sudden & want to reenact Shakespeare's Caesar with my char. Something even weirder, only the Burguk wives will rape my char. All the dudes just watch or running around, cowering in fear as Burguk tries to kill them.

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Don't know if you can help with this but it came during your mod:


So I managed to get another kidnapped scenario to my preferences to work (yay me) but something REALLY weird happened that I didn't notice for a while. I have the option to integrate Devious Devices into Kidnapped & they are being used, the problem is certain devices fuck my character up for some reason. I have never seen these devices used anywhere in any of the other sex mods I have installed & played with, (SD+, Maria Eden, Simple Slavery, SexLab Defeat, AP, & Flower Girls), & they screw around with my character's model.


The device "Black Restrictive Gloves" make my hands disappear & "Chastity Bra" make my tits smaller.

Bra: turn off scalind in DDi. Gloves: can you test it when you manually equip them via AddItemMenu or something?

The Chastity Belt keeps the kidnappers from having sex with me even though the mod says they're supposed to

Turn restrictions off in DDi , no idea about the corset & other outfits like the Corset appear only in the inventory as equipped but they don't show up on my character. At a certain point after multiple devices were on me, I was unable to move in 3rd person & jumping no longer took me out of the downed state.

Not beeing able to move: change blindfold mode in DDi. The 1st time a while back I got Kidnapped to work, they only used me for 3 animations and placed a gag, cuffs, and an anal plug then kicked me out of their hideout when they were done.

But with the gag equipped, I can't talk to a mage or smith to remove it or the cuffs

What do you mean you can't talk? Is ME installed? & I have to use the Safe Word function (which I was avoiding as a cheap fix & immersion breaker). This time they kept me longer because I figured out the mod's Perversion/Exhaustion mechanics which led to them taking me for longer but the longer the scenario lasted, the more new devices & outfits were being equipped on me, resulting in these issues I've been having. 

Something like that can really fuck around with the sexiness of getting your girl pegged a group of female kidnappers so I really need help with this! The Devious Devices mods I have are Devious Framework, Assets, Expansion, Integration, & Devious Framework Support. I noticed in Kidnapped's description it says to batch build DD stuff into BodySlide but my BodySlide was a manual install from Nexus & does NOT have any outfits from DD mods which were installed through NMM. Not even vanilla outfits from the base game are listed in my BodySlide unlike in Fallout 4 where I installed BodySlide through NMM & it has all the outfits. Do you think you can help or is this something the DD mod authors can only help me with?

I have no idea what NMM can or can't, but don't mix manual install with mod managers. See how to install bodyslide properly, it's neither vinfamys task nor the DD devs to teach you that, pretty sure there are enough tutorials for NMM too.

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Don't know if you can help with this but it came during your mod:


So I managed to get another kidnapped scenario to my preferences to work (yay me) but something REALLY weird happened that I didn't notice for a while. I have the option to integrate Devious Devices into Kidnapped & they are being used, the problem is certain devices fuck my character up for some reason. I have never seen these devices used anywhere in any of the other sex mods I have installed & played with, (SD+, Maria Eden, Simple Slavery, SexLab Defeat, AP, & Flower Girls), & they screw around with my character's model.


The device "Black Restrictive Gloves" make my hands disappear & "Chastity Bra" make my tits smaller.

Bra: turn off scalind in DDi. Gloves: can you test it when you manually equip them via AddItemMenu or something?

The Chastity Belt keeps the kidnappers from having sex with me even though the mod says they're supposed to

Turn restrictions off in DDi , no idea about the corset & other outfits like the Corset appear only in the inventory as equipped but they don't show up on my character. At a certain point after multiple devices were on me, I was unable to move in 3rd person & jumping no longer took me out of the downed state.

Not beeing able to move: change blindfold mode in DDi. The 1st time a while back I got Kidnapped to work, they only used me for 3 animations and placed a gag, cuffs, and an anal plug then kicked me out of their hideout when they were done.

But with the gag equipped, I can't talk to a mage or smith to remove it or the cuffs

What do you mean you can't talk? Is ME installed? & I have to use the Safe Word function (which I was avoiding as a cheap fix & immersion breaker). This time they kept me longer because I figured out the mod's Perversion/Exhaustion mechanics which led to them taking me for longer but the longer the scenario lasted, the more new devices & outfits were being equipped on me, resulting in these issues I've been having.

Something like that can really fuck around with the sexiness of getting your girl pegged a group of female kidnappers so I really need help with this! The Devious Devices mods I have are Devious Framework, Assets, Expansion, Integration, & Devious Framework Support. I noticed in Kidnapped's description it says to batch build DD stuff into BodySlide but my BodySlide was a manual install from Nexus & does NOT have any outfits from DD mods which were installed through NMM. Not even vanilla outfits from the base game are listed in my BodySlide unlike in Fallout 4 where I installed BodySlide through NMM & it has all the outfits. Do you think you can help or is this something the DD mod authors can only help me with?

I have no idea what NMM can or can't, but don't mix manual install with mod managers. See how to install bodyslide properly, it's neither vinfamys task nor the DD devs to teach you that, pretty sure there are enough tutorials for NMM too.

All my installed mods were through NMM except BodySlide & CBBE because those 2 refused to work as an NMM install. Not even their authors on Nexus were able to help me. And by not being able to talk, I mean when my character has the gag equipped, I can't talk to anyone because there's a damn gag covering her mouth like its supposed to work & I don't know what you mean by ME (unless you're referring to Maria Eden, in that case yes it's installed I mentioned that earlier). None of the devices equipped from Kidnapped come off on their own after they're finished with me so if I get a gag, no one can remove anything from me & the Safe Word from DD doesn't remove it. If I get the belt, I have to go through that long ass quest to get it off unless I have a save to revert to. And I tried looking for tutorials but couldn't find anything, that's why I made this post & a few others in case someone knows something. Plus I never demanded them to help me like it's their responsibility, I asked for help because I don't know who else to ask when I can't find anything else to help, don't assume everyone who asks modders for help is trying to force them into helping them.

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All my installed mods were through NMM except BodySlide & CBBE because those 2 refused to work as an NMM install. Not even their authors on Nexus were able to help me. And by not being able to talk, I mean when my character has the gag equipped, I can't talk to anyone because there's a damn gag covering her mouth like its supposed to work & I don't know what you mean by ME (unless you're referring to Maria Eden, in that case yes it's installed I mentioned that earlier). None of the devices equipped from Kidnapped come off on their own after they're finished with me so if I get a gag, no one can remove anything from me & the Safe Word from DD doesn't remove it. If I get the belt, I have to go through that long ass quest to get it off unless I have a save to revert to. And I tried looking for tutorials but couldn't find anything, that's why I made this post & a few others in case someone knows something. Plus I never demanded them to help me like it's their responsibility, I asked for help because I don't know who else to ask when I can't find anything else to help, don't assume everyone who asks modders for help is trying to force them into helping them.


Appearently you're the only one who can't use bodyslide with NMM, but i don't use it so i can't give any advice. You could still use MO in case of doubt, i don't know. DDi requires bodyslide, don't expect it working if you can't install it. Or any mod that uses DDi.

And yes, i mean Maria Eden. You are able to talk with gags equipped, that you can't is because of ME which is not really compatible with any mods using DDi, but that is not the fault of this mod. If that's a problem for you, you have to choose. It's no bug either but a decision by zaira, he just prefers his own system for ME instead of DDi.


Reporting bugs/problems with a mod while your poblems don't have anything to do with that mod is bad imho. Time of modders is limited and i prefer vinfamy dealing with his mods instead of your unrelated problems, nothing you reported has anything to do with kidnapped. At least learn the features of the mods you're using to tell apart which mod is causing what before reporting it, or ask in a general section if you don't know.

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Appearently you're the only one who can't use bodyslide with NMM, but i don't use it so i can't give any advice. You could still use MO in case of doubt, i don't know. DDi requires bodyslide, don't expect it working if you can't install it. Or any mod that uses DDi.

And yes, i mean Maria Eden. You are able to talk with gags equipped, that you can't is because of ME which is not really compatible with any mods using DDi, but that is not the fault of this mod. If that's a problem for you, you have to choose. It's no bug either but a decision by zaira, he just prefers his own system for ME instead of DDi.


Reporting bugs/problems with a mod while your poblems don't have anything to do with that mod is bad imho. Time of modders is limited and i prefer vinfamy dealing with his mods instead of your unrelated problems, nothing you reported has anything to do with kidnapped. At least learn the features of the mods you're using to tell apart which mod is causing what before reporting it, or ask in a general section if you don't know.

Well the reason I asked here is because as i said in my original post, this all started during Kidnapped because it's the only mod that's been using these devices while the other sex mods I have never used them, that's why I was surprised they were even in my game. Only the chains, gags, blindfolds, & collars have been used so until this point, I didn't see any gloves or corsets, etc. so I figured they came in another mod that I would find later on. I hoped since I can't talk with the gag equipped, there'd be a function in Kidnapped to remove the devices automatically after the kidnapping is over, just like the one that places them on me in the first place (add that to list of other bugs/problems I've run into with Kidnapped which sucks cuz Vindamy's FO4 mods & other authors Skyrim mods I have don't give me nearly as much trouble as Kidnapped does).


Moving on, I turned off scaling for the bra but for the gloves, I don't have the AddItemMenu mod because I never heard about until now. It's not a hard requirement for any of my current installed mods either so even if I did, I never had a reason for it. Is there another way to get the devices without using it or going through Kidnapped again?


There's nothing in DDi's MCM with the word "restrictions" so don't know what to do there. The belt section for Devices tab where the bra/blindfold settings are only has arousal settings As for the blindfold mode, I had the default setting for that so does it matter what I switch it to?


If there's a detailed video or something on how to make sure the devices actually appear on my character somewhere, please link it to me cuz I haven't found one & that's probably the only actual solution for all of this. I checked the Assets mod page listed in Kidnapped & it says they don't add anything in-game, then I checked Integration & they don't say anything specific on how to build the items to BodySlide either.

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No mod ever requires AddItemMenu, it's just a small little, but very useful mod. You can also use console, but especially with DD that more complicated.


Like mentioned, the not-talking is due to ME and it's really not recommended to use that mod with any mods using DDi. Without ME there is no reason for a save word, if you mix them it's your own risk. Console might help here either, but again not that easy.


No idea how it's actually called, restrictions, filters, something like that. A menu with 3 points, aggressive animations is in the middle, turn the other two off if you want sex with belts equipped.


And you don't need a detailed video how to build devices - it won't help you. What you need to do is installing bodyslide properly, there is no way around that.

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