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I try to set PC to A2 and let Sexlife running, I notice that PC always deny all NPC approch.

Is it normal?


I set PC to have all preference marked and have submissive trait.


It can be normal, although I have an personal impression  that actors a bit too strictly observe

their acting principle in accordance with their attribute  in the latest update (v 1.3.x).

I remember that in the previous build even the stubborn 'faithful' sometimes fancied themselves to have a obscene chat...


so is it already safe to use people ? because i got now new save and wanna get at least to lvl 30 lol


At least this mod itself (from the very beginning of the development) has neither corrupted my saves nor worked as an apparent culpit of CTD, I assure.

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Just exclude the PC in the mcm menu.

I can do that!?  :huh:    Duh, now don't I feel smart.  <_<   Thanks for pointing that feature out to me.  :blush:  :lol:  



I should clarify.... I'm back to using 134 and have it set for excluded. I was using 135 with exclusion on but "you" was still active so I rolled back a version.


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Just exclude the PC in the mcm menu.

I can do that!?  :huh:    Duh, now don't I feel smart.  <_<   Thanks for pointing that feature out to me.  :blush:  :lol:  



I should clarify.... I'm back to using 134 and have it set for excluded. I was using 135 with exclusion on but "you" was still active so I rolled back a version.



Ah, I see.  Well for what ever reason.  "You" has not popped in since I ticked the exclusion box.   I am using the latest release too.  It must be my insane good luck with weird things.  Only happens in the silliest of circumstances.   Never when playing the lottery,  only silly stuff.   :lol:   Like mods or computer issues.

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in fetish section does nechrophilia work ? i have activated it and waited around dead female npc:s in left corner appers message death and necrophilia is off , female guard npc aproached dead bandit and raped him tought . does some one know or have suggestions ? i kinda want to test necrophilia fetish with dead female npc if they jump on my pc, it kind of fits my current playtrought.


i waited 30 minutes in rl time near female bandit whose arousal i have setted 30 necrophilia activated in fetish secttion she didnt raise and come fuck my npc XD , left corner message dead and necrophilia is off appeared whew times at left upper corner. is this commonly happened anyone else or is it just a weird bug in my game ? :) .

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SexLife adds an invisible NPC who keeps asking me "Need something?". I attacked him, now there's an invisible screaming NPC attacking me. Halp.


He's from here?  Dude I've been looking for that sob. Heard him in the prison cell from Alt Start and was wondering wtf that was. Unfortunately I installed SexLife with a bunch of other mods so it didn't click. I came here looking to answer a different question.

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Nice mod, damn near perfect. I would say it was perfect if people would go somewhere private before doing the deed. It's cool and all seeing them interact, but when they just do it right then & there, kind'a kills it for me.  Having them head to an inn, house, or some secluded part of the cell would be perfect. idk, maybe that scan function could also determine privacy based on how many npcs it doesn't find in a given radius?



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Well, since I stated that "you" had not showed up....  it/she finally did.   Since I didn't need the NPC interaction with my character any longer (using another mod for interaction).   I just went into ck and removed you from the Azura voice cell.  That's where they hide.  I had to temporarily turn them into Argonians so I could see and remove them.   Yes, it breaks the speaking to Player quest.  However, I no longer have "you" tagging along and everyone else is behaving as they should.   :shy:     So good-bye "you" its been a slice.  :lol:

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Two small bug reports:


- NPCs talk about the Dragonborn long before the dragon is killed at the south west tower in Whiterun. A check for quest stage would be better here.


- Bestiality looks weird when a woman goes to a horse and asks for to get laid... and the horse tells her he is not in the mood :)


Other than that, this mod is in my must-have list already. Great job so far!

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Sorry for the silence hoomans, all is well. I will update the mod, just not right now.


After my holiday I was not motivated, then I had to read two separate trilogies and now I am busy even in the evenings due to my work. Anyway Autumn is good time for coding and I will continue soon enough.

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Sorry for the silence hoomans, all is well. I will update the mod, just not right now.


After my holiday I was not motivated, then I had to read two separate trilogies and now I am busy even in the evenings due to my work. Anyway Autumn is good time for coding and I will continue soon enough.

Come on man, good news.

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Sorry for the silence hoomans, all is well. I will update the mod, just not right now.


After my holiday I was not motivated, then I had to read two separate trilogies and now I am busy even in the evenings due to my work. Anyway Autumn is good time for coding and I will continue soon enough.

Take what time you need.   I know what its like to feel unmotivated.  Especially after  "trying days never ending".  ;)


Big *hug*, I'm glad your beginning to feel better.  I look forward to when the next update appears.  :D

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I'm curious about this one.... do the NPCs "warp" or walk to their target?


And is is possible, with the right settings, to have a female follower (male PC) who will refuse sex with anyone except the male PC (relationship = lovers) and that follower would occasionally approach the male PC for some sexy time?


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I'm curious about this one.... do the NPCs "warp" or walk to their target?


And is is possible, with the right settings, to have a female follower (male PC) who will refuse sex with anyone except the male PC (relationship = lovers) and that follower would occasionally approach the male PC for some sexy time?

You can marry a follower, mark her as "faithful", and maybe mark her as "dominant". That should get her to regularly approach your character for sex as she gets aroused enough. You can also set your character as the only target using the MCM, in which case aroused npcs interested in your character's gender will only approach him / her. 

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OK... installed 1.3.4 and then the esp from 1.3.5.

Keep in mind I've not used this before so for those who have used it a while and know the ins-and-outs you may be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong.


#1 I turned off rape - I'm looking for NPCs to have a sex life, not go around raping their friends and neighbors.


This seems to have pretty much turned off any sex from happening. Lots of genderfails. I went into the bannered mare and went around and boosted everyone's arousal. Spent an entire night there....watching.... waiting.... only 2 approaches that looked like they might result in something. Once when Sinmar approached Hulda, and he used phrases that sounded like he was going to rape her, but she said please don't do this ... blah, blah.... and he walked away. Another time another male approached Ysolda and it looked like things were going to happen and she said something like... you know we're just friends.... and.... nothing. Lots of women approaching women and ending in a conversation about getting pounded by some guy and then they walk away from each other.


And who the fuck ever thought that having some invisible guy pestering the shit out of you was a good idea? :)

"Need something?"... "Hmmm?"... "Need something?""...... shut the fuck up already!


Here's what I'm trying to accomplish... and maybe someone can tell me how I have to set it up to do this....


Male PC with female follower.

I want the follower to only have eyes for me. She's non-vanilla. So we're not technically "married" but we're lovers.


I want other NPCs.... to approach each other for sex. Married or not. I'm afraid if I turn on cheating, that I will defeat what I'm trying to do for my follower.

I also set a couple of NPCs with Prostitution enabled and never once saw them try to buy or sell sex.


This mod looks like it could be a lot of fun. So what am I doing wrong? Or is it simply not capable of doing what I'm trying to do? 

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