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First off - Really, really impressed by this mod: the idea, the scope, everything about it is extremely cool! This had to take a lot of time, and I believe the effort was well worth it!

But I can't use this as long as guards keep attacking an invisible 'you': it breaks immersion completely (for me personally, that's a thing). I'd been trying to fix it in my load order, before I finally searched the forum and found out the issue is with other mods and that the only solution seems to be asking mod authors to fix it - sadly, I don't think that's really a solution at all.


The mod is seriously impressive, and I applaud your hard work. This is fantastic! I hope that compatibility issues will be resolved at some point.

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First off - Really, really impressed by this mod: the idea, the scope, everything about it is extremely cool! This had to take a lot of time, and I believe the effort was well worth it!


But I can't use this as long as guards keep attacking an invisible 'you': it breaks immersion completely (for me personally, that's a thing). I'd been trying to fix it in my load order, before I finally searched the forum and found out the issue is with other mods and that the only solution seems to be asking mod authors to fix it - sadly, I don't think that's really a solution at all.


The mod is seriously impressive, and I applaud your hard work. This is fantastic! I hope that compatibility issues will be resolved at some point.


Does this happen with 1.3.4 ?


'You' is supposed to be present only if PC is involved in sex and teleport away otherwise. Also he teleports away if he is hit. Plus he is in all the neutral factions so guards should not attack him. Anyway I need to do play testing with that but atm im not interested to play skyrim.


The way to avoid this is to mark PC itself excluded. Then You should not appear.

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First off - Really, really impressed by this mod: the idea, the scope, everything about it is extremely cool! This had to take a lot of time, and I believe the effort was well worth it!


But I can't use this as long as guards keep attacking an invisible 'you': it breaks immersion completely (for me personally, that's a thing). I'd been trying to fix it in my load order, before I finally searched the forum and found out the issue is with other mods and that the only solution seems to be asking mod authors to fix it - sadly, I don't think that's really a solution at all.


The mod is seriously impressive, and I applaud your hard work. This is fantastic! I hope that compatibility issues will be resolved at some point.


Does this happen with 1.3.4 ?


'You' is supposed to be present only if PC is involved in sex and teleport away otherwise. Also he teleports away if he is hit. Plus he is in all the neutral factions so guards should not attack him. Anyway I need to do play testing with that but atm im not interested to play skyrim.


The way to avoid this is to mark PC itself excluded. Then You should not appear.



I'm running into problems with You as well.  Sometimes literally.


Part of it may be the factions themselves.  You is set to prey factions, and the most common instance of You being attacked is when something happens to make bandits or other hostiles non-aggressive (such as enslavement through SD+).  Bandits attack rabbits, and since You is classified as a rabbit, they still attack him/her/it.  I don't know if this is a vanilla behavior or something added through a mod, but given my rather large list of mods I'm willing to accept that this might just be a mod incompatibility if bandits don't hunt prey in the base game.


The other issue I've noticed is really more of an infrequent nuisance than anything, but You actually takes up physical space in the game world.  Nine times out of ten this goes completely unnoticed, but on a few occasions I've had to wait for a SLSL scene to finish before I could pass through a doorway because You was blocking the path.  Not really a big deal, but if there's any way to fix that it would be appreciated.


I do run Requiem, so all versions of You are touched by the patcher that makes everything play nice with Requiem.  Looking at it in TES5edit, the only thing this does is add the REQ_NPCData script to You and add all the relevant Requiem perks (mass, attack speed adjustment, armor penalties, etc.).  Anyone else running Requiem and running into these problems as well?

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Part of it may be the factions themselves.  You is set to prey factions, and the most common instance of You being attacked is when something happens to make bandits or other hostiles non-aggressive (such as enslavement through SD+).  Bandits attack rabbits, and since You is classified as a rabbit, they still attack him/her/it.  I don't know if this is a vanilla behavior or something added through a mod, but given my rather large list of mods I'm willing to accept that this might just be a mod incompatibility if bandits don't hunt prey in the base game.


The other issue I've noticed is really more of an infrequent nuisance than anything, but You actually takes up physical space in the game world.  Nine times out of ten this goes completely unnoticed, but on a few occasions I've had to wait for a SLSL scene to finish before I could pass through a doorway because You was blocking the path.  Not really a big deal, but if there's any way to fix that it would be appreciated.


I have confirmed both bugs above with SLSL 1.3.4.


  1. Even calmed or 'friendly' (by faction) bandits could attempt to attack 'you' once she/he/it comes nearby (for NPC-PC scene).  The easiest way to check this problem is to start as 'outlaw in the wild' by Live Another Life and to try to get intimate with your fellow bandits. In the current ver, it is no way to have a scene of SLSL with them, I suppose. So far, except for such originally 'hostile' NPCs, I have not noticed such sort of problem. Maybe I should check this bug with hunters in the wild...
  2. While 'You' problem seems to me largely settled in SLSL 1.3.4, 'You' sometimes annoys me when my PC hit her/him/it with the taunt: 'Hey Cheese!'. 
  • [edit]: I checked the bug (1) with heavily modded environment (Yup, I forgot to disable Master of Disguise that tweaked various factions), but the relationship between the bandit faction and the hare (rabbit) faction seemed to be untouched as vanilla, as far as I know (from TES5edit). 
  • [edit2]: I removed prey factions from the actor record of three 'You' (she/he/it) by TES5edit, but no avail. Whenever 'you' (only belonging to player faction) appeared in the game nearby, the bandit got alarmed and didn't give up (to be relaxed again). So this problem seems to have something to do with  the detection/combat AI of the bandit (apparently not shared by all kind of NPC), rather than the relationship between the factions.
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Sent 05 August 2015 - 05:37 AM

sorry to interrupt you but this mod has some problems. This mod will respawn an invisible pc called "you". All the npcs will talk with that invisible pc but nothing to dragonborn. when making love the npcs is dealing in the air,and when fight with others the enemies will blade the "you "in the air too.So....is the "you"  indeed necessary? Can he be deleted?

And most of the npc sex perfence is not following the percentage you made. Most npcs are gay or les and few npcs with nomal perfences are always below the arousal setting(I changed the setting to the smallest number 20 but useless).I have played for 6 hours and succeed....4 times.So would you like to give us a choice to customlize the percentage? many people dislike les/gay and if we can control the globle rate setting by ourselves that must be sweet!


At first i thought only I myself meet the problem.but....You know I am your permitted translator and many Chinese players gave me the feedback.So I think the "mod conflict" reason can be excluded for none of the modlist is the same but few players succeeded in running the mod smoothly.We all like your mod and come on we are waiting for your great job! Thank you! XD


Putting this PM here so I won't forget it.

Not leave us Doodge!!


Dooge not leave pack!





So You is designed to act this way. Please report if the behavior does not go this way:


He lives in a isolated space outside the game world. Only teleports next to player to speak when the PC speaks, and then teleports away when speaking is done. If he is hit, he teleports away.

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So You is designed to act this way. Please report if the behavior does not go this way:


He lives in a isolated space outside the game world. Only teleports next to player to speak when the PC speaks, and then teleports away when speaking is done. If he is hit, he teleports away.




My experience:


You works as you describe.  There is no instance of You until SLSL selects the player as A2.  If the player is selected, You shows up and lingers, even if the check doesn't result in any actions taken.  You arrives in anticipation of being needed, and then leaves once it is no longer needed.


You seems to work fine.  However, it is how the rest of the world works around You that seems to have some issues.  Earlier today I ran into two situations that should help explain this.


1:  I was sneaking into a bandit camp, intending to pick off the bandits one by one.  SLSL fired, a bandit was chosen as A1 and I was chosen as A2.  This caused You to enter the world, which caught the attention of the bandits, who then proceeded to attack the air.  You DOES leave after being attacked, but unfortunately that means the whole camp is on guard and in disarray instead of just existing in blissful ignorance.


2:  I was walking down the road near Falkreath and noticed a bear on the path ahead.  I stopped to scan the area for other bears (with my mod list, there is never just one bear), and there must have been a wandering NPC somewhere because SLSL picked them up and paired them with my character.  You spawned and the bear, sensing a rabbit, attacked You.  You disappeared, but then the now aggressive bear turned its attention on me (which didn't end well for me).


Are there any NPCs that enemies just flat-out ignore?  Maiq or the Greybeards perhaps?

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So You is designed to act this way. Please report if the behavior does not go this way:


He lives in a isolated space outside the game world. Only teleports next to player to speak when the PC speaks, and then teleports away when speaking is done. If he is hit, he teleports away.




My experience:


You works as you describe.  There is no instance of You until SLSL selects the player as A2.  If the player is selected, You shows up and lingers, even if the check doesn't result in any actions taken.  You arrives in anticipation of being needed, and then leaves once it is no longer needed.


You seems to work fine.  However, it is how the rest of the world works around You that seems to have some issues.  Earlier today I ran into two situations that should help explain this.


1:  I was sneaking into a bandit camp, intending to pick off the bandits one by one.  SLSL fired, a bandit was chosen as A1 and I was chosen as A2.  This caused You to enter the world, which caught the attention of the bandits, who then proceeded to attack the air.  You DOES leave after being attacked, but unfortunately that means the whole camp is on guard and in disarray instead of just existing in blissful ignorance.


2:  I was walking down the road near Falkreath and noticed a bear on the path ahead.  I stopped to scan the area for other bears (with my mod list, there is never just one bear), and there must have been a wandering NPC somewhere because SLSL picked them up and paired them with my character.  You spawned and the bear, sensing a rabbit, attacked You.  You disappeared, but then the now aggressive bear turned its attention on me (which didn't end well for me).


Are there any NPCs that enemies just flat-out ignore?  Maiq or the Greybeards perhaps?



OK this is very useful feedback, as said, I haven't played myself with this or any mods.


You is in 3 factions. Playerfaction, ChickenFaction and HareFaction.


I made you purely chicken for the next update 1.3.5, as the only chance compared to 1.3.4


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Well "You" has gotten quite assertive and talkative as well as kinetic. :)  There is a voiced invisible chicken that blocks my way and remarks on my nudity and other offers and observations. This is with the update on a game where I'm already excluded. Rolled back the update and the scary chickenman with the young nord voice is gone. Otherwise I think you have done a great job with this. I'm running this beside SLEN and the world is a lively place!

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Hey Dooge,


Since you're back wanted to let you know I'm hearing the voice files in the ADCMain that are attached to the dialog.  They are triggered every time Sexlife makes a connection for two characters.  Happens with the Onscreen notification.  Could those be made silent so I don't hear them?


Also as above with this last ESP 1.3.5 "You" talks to my PC.  lol 





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I keep getting the following repeating over and over in the top of my screen


"Sexlife: a1: a2"

"Sexlife OnUpdate Start work function"

"Sexlife OnUpdate Past Timeout"

"Sexlife OnUpdate While Still Running"


Waited about 10 minutes real time and saved,  updated files and its still happening.


Tried moving the Poll Frequency to max, no effect alongside the toggled the on screen functions off.


Any idea whats going on or how to get rid of this?


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I actually don't know why you're adding the "you" individual to the chicken faction or the player faction, maybe it's for something internal? Factions only affect how other factions react to them, they don't affect the affected individual aggressiveness. Like it's not making "you" behave like a chicken. The chicken faction is actually the prey faction, so what this means is that even though the bandit faction doesn't have the prey faction listed as an enemy it's neutral to it by default, but since bandits are aggressive by behavior they will still attack "you". Even Hunters in the wild are enemies of the chicken faction, so "you" is most likely gonna be attacked on sight by them probably. There's also the issue with the player faction in that it also has a bunch of enemies listed on it. Which will always be aggressive to it when it spawn.


A solution I'm gonna try and I'm gonna start a new game to test this stuff out, is adding "you" to the "dunprisonerfaction" exclusively which is actually a friend to most if not all enemy factions in the game, while simultaneously not being an enemy of the friendly factions. This should keep "you" from being attacked by things, but ti could also mean it might decide to join in on some fun if any other mod like say defeat call for "you" to take advantage of the player.


EDIT: actually I just tested it on an existing game and the factions seem to update fine, and having "you" being a member of the "dunprisonerfaction" caused my test bandits to ignore "you" just fine.

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Interesting about the invisible "YOU".  That explains what I've been experiencing.  Started as a vampire (not sure that had anything to do with anything) and frequently, when entering a new area with people, NPC's would start attacking an invisible NPC in my general vicinity.  Thought my game was totally bugged.  Glad to finally know what was happening.

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I spent an hour trying to get this mod working. I finally realized there was no scripts in the archive for 1.3.5. Can you please put a note on the main page or on the archive that it is not the full mod. The only place indicating this is in the change log. Most other authors will put a (patch) after the archive name or some such, thanks. 


edit: I'm not trying to sound mad about it at all, it's just very confusing and will help in the future to not clog up the support topic, like this post :)

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More reporting on You:


You is not consistently disappearing when attacked.  Sometimes it vanishes, other times it joins the fight.  Sometimes it runs and yells for help, sometimes it fights back.  If the player hits You, You becomes hostile to the player, and that's a battle that never ends.  Been difficult to pinpoint anything specific with You's behavior.  Going to do what ttpt recommended above, just to see what happens.


Also, a request:  Is it at all possible to exclude actors in combat?  It seemed odd that the mercenary that had been trying to kill me decided to flirt with me, it seemed even more odd that I agreed, especially since my follower and an invisible assailant named You were busy killing all of said mercenary's friends.  Interrupting the battle for a round of consensual sex seemed a little unusual.

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Something I noticed about "You", that might help get rid of it in some limited combat situations.  Drop a weapon on the ground.  "You" likes to pick them up, at which point you can open the console and click on the (now floating) weapon and thereby target "You" for console commands.


Might it be possible for a future version to exclude "You" entirely if one checks the exclude box for the PC?

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Also, a request:  Is it at all possible to exclude actors in combat? 


At least the target scanner of this mod originally excluded the target actor in combat, well, more exactly speaking, the target drawing the weapon/ spell on her/his hand. 

Please also check the conditionals shown by Dooge from the following post:



I also remember that my PC had been treated as 'excluded' several times by SLSL scanner when she/he tried to cast a buff (even non-hostile) spell in the city.  

I'm not sure, however, whether the scanner conditionals have been changed somewhat since then...


[edit]: You are right. I have confirmed that the latest build (1.3.5) doesn't excluded the actor drawing the weapon/spell in one's hands.

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Also, a request:  Is it at all possible to exclude actors in combat? 


At least the target scanner of this mod originally excluded the target actor in combat, well, more exactly speaking, the target drawing the weapon/ spell on her/his hand. 

Please also check the conditionals shown by Dooge from the following post:



I also remember that my PC had been treated as 'excluded' several times by SLSL scanner when she/he tried to cast a buff (even non-hostile) spell in the city.  

I'm not sure, however, whether the scanner conditionals have been changed somewhat since then...



Something must have changed because I get selected in combat and I also get selected while sneaking.

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