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Sexlab Aroused Redux December 05 2016

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I did try Lovers Victim whit this and My self and all others get raped all the time. So i flushed it.


But i have one issue.

Is it possible to stop the Arouse to affect children?


And I did use Immerse_Arousal before as one plugin for RND it did work up to V14 would be nice if Aroused can do the same as Immerse_aroused did.


Children are not currently affected.


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I did try Lovers Victim whit this and My self and all others get raped all the time. So i flushed it.


But i have one issue.

Is it possible to stop the Arouse to affect children?


And I did use Immerse_Arousal before as one plugin for RND it did work up to V14 would be nice if Aroused can do the same as Immerse_aroused did.


Children are not currently affected.




I do get that, dont like it. Perhaps its some other mod then that perhaps do some strange overwrite.



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I did try Lovers Victim whit this and My self and all others get raped all the time. So i flushed it.


But i have one issue.

Is it possible to stop the Arouse to affect children?


And I did use Immerse_Arousal before as one plugin for RND it did work up to V14 would be nice if Aroused can do the same as Immerse_aroused did.


Children are not currently affected.




I do get that, dont like it. Perhaps its some other mod then that perhaps do some strange overwrite.





If you have any mod that makes children killable it might be what's causing your conflict.

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Thanks for suggestion Fizzybut. But i dont have any mod that do that.

But I need to check little more.

It can be only the children from BF mod, not sure.

Did find one error in my loadlist that not Loot or WryeBash did find. But Tsvedit did.

But it was related to RND. But who know.

I will check.


But first DL the new Sexslaves :P

Thanks for your work Fishburger67.

Damn i think i need to learn how to mod.

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I think this comes under 'strange requests'. I downloaded the sexlab aroused monitor widget (this: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/39770-sexlab-aroused-monitor-widget/) which is really nice, but it refuses to show the arousal level for osmund. I am sort of guessing this is somehow related to the issue that at one time, aroused redux wasn't increasing the arousal for J'Zargo or Osmund (both in the mages guild). But the author said I might do better to ask in this topic why his widget didn't get aroused levels from the faction of these people.


*blush* I have no idea how any of this works. But it would be really nice if they worked together. But I don't really know what to do at this point, other than prettily ask you two wonderful people to get together.


Also I am unable to stop giggling right now because there's a dwemer sphere near me at the moment that has an arousal level of 46 and I'm not undressed.

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Bug report: This mod gives you an ENORMOUS mannequin fetish. Walking into my Adventurer's Tent and seeing my seven mannequins of naked, hard 'wood' pushed my character from 7 arousal to 100 in under a minute. You need to exclude mannequins from the update, they all count as instances of the same naked npc.

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So I looked through the thread and didn't see this mentioned anywhere so...


Using SARV15a


I'm having a problem where arousal stops increasing after having sex. Specifically, looking through the logs it appears the scan script stops firing when sex begins (which i believe is intentional) but after the sex act the scan script never fires again. I've confirmed that the scan was working before having sex ( i have it set to fire every 30 seconds) but it no longer scans after the sex act no matter how long i stand around. I can get it to start up again by saving and reloading the game, but the same thing happens every time after sex regardless of who is involved or what mod triggers the act. This is also the case for a new game.


Has anyone else experienced this or even noticed if its happening in their game? Im just trying to figure out if this is a bug, problem on my end, or some compatability problem. Im going to redownload V12 and see if the same error occurs.


update: V12 seems to work fine with the scans continuing after sex so i believe something added in v15 is causing my grief. I wonder if the intended 10 second delay after sex is somehow not passing or hanging up...

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Bug report: This mod gives you an ENORMOUS mannequin fetish. Walking into my Adventurer's Tent and seeing my seven mannequins of naked, hard 'wood' pushed my character from 7 arousal to 100 in under a minute. You need to exclude mannequins from the update, they all count as instances of the same naked npc.


Given that I don't have yoiur mod, can you tell me how to recognize these mannequins?  They must be actortypenpc, what would differentiate them that can be used in a dialog exclusion.  I am way too busy to download your mod to find out for myself.

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So I looked through the thread and didn't see this mentioned anywhere so...


Using SARV15a


I'm having a problem where arousal stops increasing after having sex. Specifically, looking through the logs it appears the scan script stops firing when sex begins (which i believe is intentional) but after the sex act the scan script never fires again. I've confirmed that the scan was working before having sex ( i have it set to fire every 30 seconds) but it no longer scans after the sex act no matter how long i stand around. I can get it to start up again by saving and reloading the game, but the same thing happens every time after sex regardless of who is involved or what mod triggers the act. This is also the case for a new game.


Has anyone else experienced this or even noticed if its happening in their game? Im just trying to figure out if this is a bug, problem on my end, or some compatability problem. Im going to redownload V12 and see if the same error occurs.


update: V12 seems to work fine with the scans continuing after sex so i believe something added in v15 is causing my grief. I wonder if the intended 10 second delay after sex is somehow not passing or hanging up...


I'll have to check this out.


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Bug report: This mod gives you an ENORMOUS mannequin fetish. Walking into my Adventurer's Tent and seeing my seven mannequins of naked, hard 'wood' pushed my character from 7 arousal to 100 in under a minute. You need to exclude mannequins from the update, they all count as instances of the same naked npc.


Given that I don't have yoiur mod, can you tell me how to recognize these mannequins?  They must be actortypenpc, what would differentiate them that can be used in a dialog exclusion.  I am way too busy to download your mod to find out for myself.



http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15272/?This is the mod in question. I don't know much about mannequins, just that in vanilla Skyrim Mannequins are technically npc's just like bandits and townsfolk. This is why you can find them in random places around a room, frozen in place when you enter a room after a while -- the mannequins idle-walk around the room when no one's around, kind of like a creepy horror game. They just can't move if they're loaded into visual (you're in the cell) memory.


That mod doesn't have special mannequins, far as I know. It has normal Skyrim vanilla mannequins. I don't know how other modders handle it.

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Thanks for suggestion Fizzybut. But i dont have any mod that do that.

But I need to check little more.

It can be only the children from BF mod, not sure.

Did find one error in my loadlist that not Loot or WryeBash did find. But Tsvedit did.

But it was related to RND. But who know.

I will check.


But first DL the new Sexslaves :P

Thanks for your work Fishburger67.

Damn i think i need to learn how to mod.

Do it!

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Not sure if this is an issue or not.


Using my gameloader save (in first LAL cell) version shows as 15(0), if I change exposure from 2 to 4 then it shows as 4 in status and puppet master.


If I then load the main game the behaviour is different. Version shows as 15(20140124) and the Updated text doesn't show, but if I change the default exposure rate it no longer shows in Status and I have to manually set it in puppetmaster. In effect the default setting has become decoupled from status


To complicate things, I rolled back to the old SA and the same thing happened so it was an issue with the old SA rather than SAR. So my question is, is there a way to reset either SA or SAR?


EDIT: I think I'm chasing a phantom as when you change the setting in puppetmaster it decouples from the default setting. If you then change the default it no longer changes status and puppetmaster


If there's a way to reset the mod it would be handy

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Hello !


I have some kind of big issue with this mod. It seems it's causing me to crash when I load a save (the more often when my character is in interior).

To successfuly load my game, I have no other choice than to load a other save (in exterior) and THEN to load the one in interior. I have no idea why.

The other weird thing is, it seems that I crash when I try to load a game where I equipped a "lantern" from Chesko's mod Wearable Lantern.


Honestly I don't know what's the issue. I just know that when I disable the mod I can load every save, and when it's activate I can't. Which is a shame because I love this mod.

Here's my papyrus log, it seems that I crash during the "sla_main update".


If anyone have an idea...

(I'm currently trying to uninstall Chesko's Wearable lantern, just in case).




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Hello !


I have some kind of big issue with this mod. It seems it's causing me to crash when I load a save (the more often when my character is in interior).

To successfuly load my game, I have no other choice than to load a other save (in exterior) and THEN to load the one in interior. I have no idea why.

The other weird thing is, it seems that I crash when I try to load a game where I equipped a "lantern" from Chesko's mod Wearable Lantern.


Honestly I don't know what's the issue. I just know that when I disable the mod I can load every save, and when it's activate I can't. Which is a shame because I love this mod.

Here's my papyrus log, it seems that I crash during the "sla_main update".


If anyone have an idea...

(I'm currently trying to uninstall Chesko's Wearable lantern, just in case).

KNOWN SKYRIM BUG -- It's nothing to do with any mod as it happens on completely unmodded games.


Bug: The last created save game fails to load and causes CTDs until tried many times. This happens anywhere but more frequently when your player is outdoors than when the player is inside.


Cause: Unknown.


Solution: None.


Workaround: Load any save other than the last save created, then load the last save created. Why this works, especially when creating a new save moves to problem to that new save is a mystery that would have to be solved by Bethesda and they stopped patching Skyrim a long time ago already. Many players will keep their initial early game save just to use it for loading then loading the current save.

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I hate this kind of "Skyrim mysteries".

But still, it's strange that it happens only with SA activated and never when it's not. If you look at the Papyrus log, it's always when this particular mod is loading. It has to be something.


I think it may sometimes  have to do with active scripts and find I have the best luck loading the autosaves first. It doesn't happen all the time when I forget that it is "going" to happen.


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Coincidentally, the same thing just happened to me.  Like plopyck, the last line of my papyrus log said that SAR was initializing.  Took me 5 tries to load the save game without crashing.  I never for a minute even considered uninstalling SAR :cool:


Same here. Once I got used to remembering to load a "safe" save, it wasn't a very large annoyance.

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