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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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All this crying about anti-sjws. It's everywhere I go.  Trying to see a review, oh, those anti-sjws. It's a lot easier to avoid the anti-sjws themselves when I don't want to hear about it. It seems to be always about the same few sources. If it bothers you, don't go there. If it seems interesting, I will watch them. If I disagree, I backbutton. It's that simple.

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32 minutes ago, Daedric_Cat said:

All this crying about anti-sjws. It's everywhere I go.  Trying to see a review, oh, those anti-sjws. It's a lot easier to avoid the anti-sjws themselves when I don't want to hear about it. It seems to be always about the same few sources. If it bothers you, don't go there. If it seems interesting, I will watch them. If I disagree, I backbutton. It's that simple.

So we don't like SJw's or anti-sjws? I read an article here about some guy hiring a woman to play the man's part in a game.

It aroused ire.

So Games are prolly a lot like me right now, "wtf do they want"

or was it just boring on a saturday afternoon, hmm


Anyway I'm not pissed anymore, so nevermind

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4 minutes ago, 2dk2c.2 said:

So we don't like SJw's or anti-sjws? I read an article here about some guy hiring a woman to play the man's part in a game.

It aroused ire.

So Games are prolly a lot like me right now, "wtf do they want"

or was it just boring on a saturday afternoon, hmm


Anyway I'm not pissed anymore, so nevermind

Sometimes we need a break from all of it.

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Corporate riding my ass (and that of my coworkers) because I have to work over eight hours a day to finish all the overflow work they accepted from local hospitals. We're not gods, we can't bend the laws of reality to make things go faster. And we can't even hire more people to help because we're a tiny lab at max capacity. I really, really hate this for-profit system of healthcare in the US.

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what really pisses me off- or comes the closest...


If I send you a message, and I see that you read it... but after lets say a few hours or days,.,.,, you couldn't find 20 seconds to at least say "remind me later, busy atm"


atleast when its my family,,,,,  ive come to expect it on all internet forums, to include FB messenger..


There are alot of things that I don't know what its like to ______... but i've worked 70+ hours a week for years,  all outdoors, all in the south... I always had the ability to find at least 5 seconds to say "message received, remind me again later"


then again, I could just be an asshole for expecting the same "decency" I attempt to show those who reach out to me specifically.


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10 minutes ago, Sillius_Maximus said:

then again, I could just be an asshole for expecting the same "decency" I attempt to show those who reach out to me specifically.

Nope, it's not you, it's the way society in general is going.  And yes, it stinks.

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On 4/19/2020 at 2:02 PM, 2dk2c.2 said:

The proverbial Anti-SJW has wrapped himself in a banner of "We're right" to counter the SJW's or become some themselves.

I can't talk like you all, but it sure-as-hell looks like pot-vs-kettle on both my front pages.

Yeah I mostly read front pages, gotta problem with that?

Better than reading the bowels of 4chan.

I'd like to pretend to be pontius Pilate for the cameras and say (something appropriate, couched in correctness)

This is how we wash our hands.

No wait, that would promote filthiness.




Don't kiss me with that potty mouth. Your face, your choice, just stay the hell away.

Health is Mine, saith most people 

don't force your sickness on me (but it's too medical, you cannot conceive of it)




I like to call all of those people recreational outrage merchants.

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"The anit-SJWs are terrible."  Okay.  Please explain what about this is okay: (Aside from the reaction bit, which, while amusing, is not what I consider to be on point.) 





I'm not going to go around saying anything other than this: TAKE SOME GODDAMN RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR CHOICES. 


Also, how does that even work? How can you marry yourself...and who would perform the ceremony? And what government body would accept the marriage license? 

Is this another Mario Mario and Luigi Mario situation?  Father and son, brothers, and cousins all at the same time? (Yes, I'm referencing the Nostalgia Critic's Super Mario Brothers movie review and I'm being farcical.)


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On 4/21/2020 at 1:43 PM, Ernest Lemmingway said:

Corporate riding my ass (and that of my coworkers) because I have to work over eight hours a day to finish all the overflow work they accepted from local hospitals. We're not gods, we can't bend the laws of reality to make things go faster. And we can't even hire more people to help because we're a tiny lab at max capacity. I really, really hate this for-profit system of healthcare in the US.

True... and people actually die instead of getting needed medicines and treatment due to the fact that they can't pay.

On 4/21/2020 at 2:29 PM, Sillius_Maximus said:

what really pisses me off- or comes the closest...


If I send you a message, and I see that you read it... but after lets say a few hours or days,.,.,, you couldn't find 20 seconds to at least say "remind me later, busy atm"


atleast when its my family,,,,,  ive come to expect it on all internet forums, to include FB messenger..


There are alot of things that I don't know what its like to ______... but i've worked 70+ hours a week for years,  all outdoors, all in the south... I always had the ability to find at least 5 seconds to say "message received, remind me again later"


then again, I could just be an asshole for expecting the same "decency" I attempt to show those who reach out to me specifically.


I agree. If you are busy and can't keep up a conversation let 5 seconds to tell them. Let them know what you can do.  A couple of seconds to respond to someone that is important or even semi important to you is trivial. If that person is shit to you, just let them know it and stop the pretense.

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On 4/18/2020 at 8:02 PM, Horatius_PL said:

Aurora C# drama/debacle/shitstorm.

And the fac tthat i just lost 20hour Rimworld save to a weird bug.

There is a controversy? Can you quickly explain what happened or link to where problems are explained without going OT too much here?

I projected to start playing this this weekend, because I have had a longgg history of VB Aurora over some years. It would be a shame if it isn't in working condition yet. The official forum seems tame to me though, so what happened?

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7 hours ago, s.kirmish said:

Can you quickly explain what happened or link to where problems are explained without going OT too much here?

Basically the game creator said no to mods and some fucker never got hugged by his daddy and told "no" so they had to press the issue and made a shitstorm.


Fortunately shit resolved itself and Steve allows approved mods now for C#.

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26 minutes ago, Horatius_PL said:

Basically the game creator said no to mods and some fucker never got hugged by his daddy and told "no" so they had to press the issue and made a shitstorm.


Fortunately shit resolved itself and Steve allows approved mods now for C#.

Ah, thank you. Interesting that this game is being modded now. Though I think I would stay with original here to keep synchronization with community, and be able to log and read stories.

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6 minutes ago, s.kirmish said:

Ah, thank you. Interesting that this game is being modded now. Though I think I would stay with original here to keep synchronization with community, and be able to log and read stories.

Its minor thing like persistent windows, changine colours, windows resizing etc. Its pretty cool.

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Local pizza place wants us to order online. Fine. Orders online. 


Local pizza place sends me a coupon. Okay, 10% off is nice, I'll use that. :classic_happy:


Local pizza place wants us to order online. Okay, I'll use my coupon. Local pizza place's website doesn't take their own damn coupons. 


Either don't send me the coupon or fix your damn website. PICK ONE. :rage:

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XCOM Chimera Squad


On one hand I'm very annoyed that Firaxis thought borrowing from Marvel's new 'New Warriors' was a good idea, i.e. taking the idea of woke college kids pretending to be heroes so far that it's more or less a parody in itself.


On the other hand I'm annoyed at people pretending to be XCOM fans who complain about the aliens not being wiped out after XCOM 2. Have you even played the game? It's made very clear at the end of the game that the Elders are behind the invasion and that every other alien species that invaded the earth were species that had their worlds subjugated and assimilated into the machinery the Elders created in order to stop a much bigger threat hinted at at the very end of XCOM 2. By no means are the aliens innocent, but they're essentially what would've happened to humans if the Elders won. Seeing as all the aliens are now liberated from the mind control and brainwashing of the Elders, why would humans want to genocide them?

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4 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

XCOM Chimera Squad


On one hand I'm very annoyed that Firaxis thought borrowing from Marvel's new 'New Warriors' was a good idea, i.e. taking the idea of woke college kids pretending to be heroes so far that it's more or less a parody in itself.


On the other hand I'm annoyed at people pretending to be XCOM fans who complain about the aliens not being wiped out after XCOM 2. Have you even played the game? It's made very clear at the end of the game that the Elders are behind the invasion and that every other alien species that invaded the earth were species that had their worlds subjugated and assimilated into the machinery the Elders created in order to stop a much bigger threat hinted at at the very end of XCOM 2. By no means are the aliens innocent, but they're essentially what would've happened to humans if the Eldaes won. Seeing as all the aliens are now liberated from the mind control and brainwashing of the Elders, why would humans want to genocide them?

Okay, I'll bite. I'm annoyed for two reasons.

1. I didn't even know this was going to be a thing. WTF Steam? Out for 4 days and you don't give me any kind of notification about a game that the two predecessors of are in my library?! 

2. Yeah, this looks like a mod. This is why I some times hate the popular mods. Bugthesda sees the settlement type mods for Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim and things "Oh, people like this, we should make this a core mechanic" and, of course, not only do only a small percentage of people like those mods, they fuck it up.  Firaxis sees tons of mods where people can add alien characters to Xcom and thinks, "Let's make a new game where aliens are now part of Xcom because everyone seems to want that!"  And I'm left standing here going, yeah I added new enemies to make the game more interesting and harder, because "With Fire and Bolter, Death to the Xenos!" and all that good shit. Emperor knows GW isn't going to give us a good Deathwatch game, so converting Xcom 2 is about the best as it gets. So does this allow for more than 20 combined Xcom/Alien/Militia units to be on the map at once without the game slowing to the point where I get about 1 frame per minute with a computer that still exceeds the recommended specs by a pretty decent margin? 

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But that's exactly my point - XCOM was never meant to be a corny W40K fanfic nor was it in any way, shape or form setup to become one. It was always about overcoming an alien threat through adaption. That also meant using the technology of the aliens against them, something which the Imperium in 40k wouldn't allow because heresy.


XCOM was always a defensive organization. They never went out of their way to kill aliens. So if the aliens surrender and want to cooperate to stop the larger threat the ethereals spoke about, it wouldn't make much sense to reject their offer. And again, the alien troops you face in nu-XCOM are essentially the same as the ADVENT soldiers that were created on earth, genetically engineered hybrids controlled either directly or indirectly by the ethereals.


I just hope they don't use the whole aliens/humans dichotomy to make a statement about contemporary politics. Having fictional politics that make sense in-universe is fine but for the love of god just don't make it about orange men bad and walls.

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I was told to get a place in a university (from the uni-officer), pretty soon.

One month later and not a single call yet.


It could be my first job.


I'll visit it in May.

But.. yes.


.. Great.



.... O<-<

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1 hour ago, Mr. Trigun said:

The Last Of Us Part II
Not gonna spoil anything here but...JESUS. FUCKING. CHRIST. My interest went from insta-buy to insta-nope/fuck this shit I'm out in a split second after reading what Naughty Dog has done. 

I kinda got that feeling when read some things about it. Shame since the first is such a great game. I'm curious what you read.

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6 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

great game.



OK game with super predictable outcome and AAA voice acting. Naughty Dog is the rote definition of overrated, and that includes Hennig. She's certainly a better writer than her social snowflake literally paid less replacement, but Naughty Dog is ok at best as a storyteller, and their games have zero replay value.

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5 minutes ago, 27X said:



OK game with super predictable outcome and AAA voice acting. Naughty Dog is the rote definition of overrated, and that includes Hennig. She's certainly a better writer than her social snowflake literally paid less replacement, but Naughty Dog is ok at best as a storyteller, and their games have zero replay value.

We have different standards then. I couldn't stop playing the damn thing after I started. Agree about the replay value though.

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7 hours ago, Mr. Trigun said:

The Last Of Us Part II
Not gonna spoil anything here but...JESUS. FUCKING. CHRIST. My interest went from insta-buy to insta-nope/fuck this shit I'm out in a split second after reading what Naughty Dog has done. 



The Walking Dead but most of the women take steroids LMAO

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