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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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Was watching hbomberguy's video about ads and brands and was mostly agreeing with him, as in big corporations aren't your friends and that the outrage that often follows 'progressive' ads is calculated. However, when he summarized the Gillette ad as 'don't be sexist' it struck me that he was consciously misrepresenting the discussion that followed the ad in order to paint anyone who criticized it as an apologist for sexism. Sure, I won't deny that there were enough shitheads either way, but I also saw a lot of people who didn't oppose the fact that sexism is considered a bad thing, the criticism was usually that the ad held all men responsible for what some men do by turning the whole thing upside down - not some men are doing bad things, no, some men do the right thing and that some is not enough. Which in turn of course means that most men are chauvinist pigs that bully everyone into submission. Which isn't reflective of reality and nobody would accept such a narrative if it would target a 'protected' group.

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10 hours ago, nonusnomeni said:


I'm waiting for the 10 year old Otherkin to receive a major social push. The resultant chaos from everyone and everything being able to self-identify as part of another species or even life state will likely cause a new generation to have to make a bunch of tough choices that will either make them stronger or weaken the USA enough to allow some other country (or species) a chance to shine.

Somebody will benefit from it one way or another. Extreme conditions create the greatest opportunities,after all.

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I find it pretentious that people talk about childhood sexuality in definite terms when there hasn't been a formal study that actually involved talking to minors (anyone 17 or younger) about sex and sexuality since the Kinsey Report in '60. But what would I know? I'm not a parent, or a sexologist, or a scientist of any kind. I'm just a lemming who likes to think for myself. I'm not "qualified" to comment. :classic_tongue:

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8 hours ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

I find it pretentious that people talk about childhood sexuality in definite terms when there hasn't been a formal study that actually involved talking to minors (anyone 17 or younger) about sex and sexuality since the Kinsey Report in '60. But what would I know? I'm not a parent, or a sexologist, or a scientist of any kind. I'm just a lemming who likes to think for myself. I'm not "qualified" to comment. :classic_tongue:

As with any change it takes a few tries and a few severed heads to find a working solution.


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"Organizer mods"

"Keyword mods"

"Framework mods"


Mod creators that decide to create some kind of 'framework', breaking the game and forcing other modders (like me) to implement their shitty frameworks.


Ok, so I created Reginald's Prefab ShackfFest. Then people start complaining..


"Oh so cool.. Can you make it WR compatible?"

"This really must be adjusted to fit the SCCM framework"

"Can you make this a plugin for Sim Settlements?"

"This doesn't work because I'm using this mod that completely fucks up vanilla menus and can you fuck up your mod as well, make it dependent on some shitty other 'framework' mod that will be discontinued soon, or is updated every other week so you are forced to update your shit as well.."


So what pisses me off?


Exactly this SHIT.

"Framework" MY ASS.


I'm not, NOW, NOR EVER, going to make my mods dependent on OTHER SHITTY mods.

I'm not NOW, NOR EVER, going to install those shitty mods and frameworks to make my mods compatible with them.


This is the shame shite as with Ivy's AFT all over again.


I see these framework mods as highly toxic to the modding community. They seemingly 'help' but all they do is get abandoned and broken at some point, at which time another 'framework' pops up and the shit starts all over again. This is especially true for 'organizers', 'companion frameworks' and the likes.

Not so much for the animation frameworks as without them.. well animation wouldn't even happen.

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Sorry I'm not done with my rant on Framework mods.. Just got asked if I can make my mod 'SMM' compatible, meaning this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24204/


How to add SMM support to your mod:

Create a quest and check "Start Game Enabled"
Attach SettlementMenuManager:MenuInstaller.psc to it.
Set the PluginName, ModName, and Author properties on the script.
Add a struct for each menu you want SMM to add to the game. The ModMenu value in each struct needs to be either a keyword or a formlist. TargetMenu is where SMM will put your menu.


Alternatively you can simply copy the quest from SMM_Example_Plugin.esp and change properties as in steps 3 and 4 above.
In addition to a notice, it would probably be a good idea for you to add SMM as a requirement on your mod page.


NOW I suddenly need to add scripts and quests to my Workshop mod?



And that's what you wanted, right? Get all other workshop mod authors to become dependent on your mod?
This is like playing monopoly in modding country. It pisses me off. It's like maffia practices, seriously, just like that!

"We'll protect you if you pay us"
"You can make workshop mods, but if you do you need to use these frameworks".

Blergh.. it makes me want to vomit.

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13 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

I hear ya Reginald, but the problem also happens in Early Access games, where the screaming minority sometimes determines the course a game takes, and in the end results in a poor game overall. Just do your thing, the way you envision it, and let the cry babies, cry. ;)


It is also funny that people who lack creativity usually tell creative people how to be "creative". It's like a youtuber telling a mod maker his work sucks but lacks the capability to make a mod him/herself. The other end is the patreon support, which also irritates me, a youtuber generally makes more income from reviewing mods than the mod maker him/herself. It makes no sense, to me at least, but it does happen in other industries as well, and not just gaming. 

That's a really interesting subject you touch upon. I never ask money for my mods. I have a job, that's where I make my money to live. Yet I've been modding for 20 years now, first in the Doom and Quake communities, then in the Doom3 communities and then here. I've release many mods, many of them were reviewed and hosted on sites that make a lot of revenue and income through bannering. Indirectly my mods made those sites a lot of money. It was (FAR) worse in the past.


People would take (my) mods, put them on disc, then sell the discs..

I once bought a 'mod' disc and found my own mod on it!!!!!


Yet the other side of that is that without those sites and reviews no one would have found my mods, so it's a two-way relationship you enter.

Look at Ivy, because everybody REFUSES to review her (youtubers are very scared of mature content), she has been downloaded and used far less than for instance Heather was.


I still don't care to release it on Nexus of fear of a political shitstorm, or banning by Nexus personnel.

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14 hours ago, RavinBeast said:

The Idiots In Our Community Who Say Sex Isn't "Lore-Friendly" In A Fallout Game! Fallout 2 Let You Become A Fucking Pornstar You Stupid Fucks!

? How is this possible?


Even Fallout 4 has sex lol, let alone the New Vegas and 3, and of course the old games.


Do they played the game ? xD

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3 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

I'm not, NOW, NOR EVER, going to make my mods dependent on OTHER SHITTY mods.

I'm not NOW, NOR EVER, going to install those shitty mods and frameworks to make my mods compatible with them.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I HATE that so many mods are slavishly made with those framework, keyword mods. I have a small list of mods that I am going to strip of third party keywords in the CK.


Every time I see a workshop mod or an armor, weapon mod that looks interesting- gotta check the requirements!

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That this nonsense is practically reaching epidemic levels is one thing but to kill one's pets as part of a Hate Crime hoax is a step too far.


That old saying about how one should take care, when hunting monsters, not to become a monster oneself holds as true today as it ever has. Defining oneself as being in opposition to a thing leaves one empty and one's life meaningless in the absence of one's anti-thesis.

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3 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

That old saying about how one should take care, when hunting monsters, not to become a monster oneself holds as true today as it ever has.

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Friedrich Nietzsche.


I fear that's the path of all SJWs, especially as people stop giving them the attention they so crave or actually begin tearing their arguments apart with facts and logic. Their extremism is identical to that of religious terrorists the world over and eventually a few of them are going to take that next logical step to make themselves heard. How many innocents--people and animals alike--will die because sheeple were too afraid to stand up and say, "Enough?"


Speaking of SJWs, Rotten Tomatoes has removed their poll to determine what percentage of people want to see any given movie and given a truly pathetic excuse. Right on the heels of Captain Marvel getting a record low of 26% wanting to see it according to folks who voted on their site. What few comments have been approved by moderators are all extremely critical regarding this change, and the emoji poll about is overwhelmingly "Angry." This is already blowing up in their faces and it's been less than twenty-four hours since the change.

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36 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:


Yups.. ++ 


If I was unable to use pictures or movies of porn, I could still "get my jollies" off of literary erotica (I did that for a few years) So can reading pornographic material be "addictive"? I find this can apply to Facebook, Twitter, Imgur, Pinterest. etc  Something that Ernest mentioned a few posts back that of this: 

I wonder if this applies to fantasies or (wet) dreams conjured up in your mind. 

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Honestly imagination is strongest thing what can "get off" someone, way better than porn videos wich actually lacks of it :P .


Aside of that I think those kind of vids aim for porn addiction, and addiction usually damaging you regardless what is it, humans barely tolerate too much from anything in period :P .


You also need count your libido makes think these kind of stuffs, regardless how you jack off or what :P , if you run on testosteron.

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Oh, yes. The Millennials whining that "Porn destroyed my sex life/libido!" They refuse to admit that it wasn't the porn, it was their overindulgence. So they cry, bitch, and make a lot of meaningless noise to avoid facing the fact that they themselves did the damage. In the end, if they don't make things worse for everyone else, they never make things better for themselves.


And it is an addiction of sorts. In the same way caffeine or social media can be addicting. They don't think about the consequences, they don't take time out to ask themselves if they're taking in too much, they never simply take a break from it, and then they wind up hurting themselves and blaming everyone/thing else for their own lack of moderation. But not taking responsibility is nothing new. Sheeple never take responsibility for their own actions. Sheeple blindly do what everyone else is doing because everyone else is doing it. It's sheeple that wind up jumping off the proverbial cliff with everyone else without ever asking, "Why?"


Thank Dog I'm a lemming. If I jump off a cliff and into the water, I'm doing it for a reason. Usually to get away from the sheeple.

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How many of your thoughts are actually your own, though? And how many of them have been implanted into your head by the consumption of media or simply talking to others? And how many things you believe simply because you want them to be true? As far as the unironic use of the term sheeple goes, there's a fitting comic strip from xkcd about that. You know the one.

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11 minutes ago, GrimReaper said:

How many of your thoughts are actually your own, though? And how many of them have been implanted into your head by the consumption of media or simply talking to others? And how many things you believe simply because you want them to be true? As far as the unironic use of the term sheeple goes, there's a fitting comic strip from xkcd about that. You know the one.


that one?

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3 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

Huh. Never heard of that comic before. I heard the term from my father. He taught me to think critically and to question everything. Which is rather easy when you're an aspie. I don't get swept up into a herd mentality, which caused me a lot of grief growing up when I failed to keep up with whatever fad was hot or I just didn't get interested in sports, cars, and whatnot. People seem to feel genuinely threatened by someone who prefers to go their own way. "What? My way of life/of thinking/of doing something isn't good enough for you?!"


Or something I say, or the way I say it, just sets them off and they decide they don't like me. I've dealt with that my entire life.

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