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3 hours ago, Tenri said:

I think what is more important than controlling devices honestly is controlling scenes and controlling the teleportation of the player.

A lot of things use ... I forgot the name something to do with defeat, to know when not to run, but not enough mods that could benefit from it activate it, and not enough that should be watching for it watch for it.

You're right. I don't think the issue is how the keywords are used. Both BlockGeneric and QuestItem have essentially the same function. They tell other mods to leave the device alone.

The bigger problem in my eyes are mods that mess with other mods by taking too much control of the player.


3 hours ago, Tenri said:

Back on the topic of the yokes from dcl loot, I had a similar issue with them.

The issue isn't necessarily that the yokes have the block generic keyword but that block generic yokes are in the generic device lists, meaning you can get them easily when you are not in a situation to jump through the hoops needed to remove it. Sure you can get high security items from traps too, but you set high security items chance separately from generic items.

I understand why she did it though. It's a nonstandard yoke with a specific way to escape and the keyword makes sure that other mods don't touch it. I don't think it's weird to want control over your own content.

I know it can be annoying to suddenly get trapped in a restraint that's much tougher than normal, but that's that nature of DCL and it's why it's so highly customisable.

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3 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I know it can be annoying to suddenly get trapped in a restraint that's much tougher than normal, but that's that nature of DCL and it's why it's so highly customisable.

I have been trying something else lately; timed restraints. Recompiling zadEquipScript with DeWired's fix + new defaults for Devious Devices i could make nearly all restraints default to being timed, unless its script properties override those values. Quest items are still not timed so no worries, the Laura's shop questlines worked fine (they weren't timed except for the red leather set reward etc). The things i changed in source are:


Float Property LockShieldTimerMin = 72.0 Auto ; Can't use keys for 3 days.

Float Property LockShieldTimerMax = 72.0 Auto ; You could set these lower if you want possibility for earlier release.


Bool Property TimedUnlock = True Auto ; After the time it will unlock without needing a key.


Float Property LockTimerMin = 12.0 Auto ; Random time for device to unlock after 12h to 3 days.

Float Property LockTimerMax = 72.0 Auto

With these there's no chance to get them off early. You can use the normal Skyrim wait feature if you really want them off now, but if you play with realistic needs, Dragonborn in Distress or Body Alteration they should accumulate their debuffs and addictions anyway as the time passes by. As intended.


Do you guys think i should upload this script to some thread or is there no interest? I really had fun playing with it. You can save most keys for freeing those bound girls at inns and towns, with its chance to get em passed on to you (timed) :)  But if it was made into alteration mod, i wouldn't know how to make MCM etc. to change values without recompiling. So anyone feel free to take over idea. With this it's ok if DCL trusses you up in every slot. You get to have your fun for few ingame days but you already know you won't get stuck with them, although when they release you one by one, encountering NPC's while wearing any might give you more. You can make stricter MCM settings for Cursed Loot too, increasing the chance that they add devices and reducing chance of removing them.


I guess it also fits the lore, now they are more like cursed devices.

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On 1/4/2020 at 6:02 AM, tragix said:

How did you make the fix to the pex file without recompiling?

I followed this video: https://youtu.be/x86MmzURI2M
It shows how you decompile a pex file, change it and recompile it.
You get the tools from installing creation kit.
I simply replaced the pex file in my skyrim installation folder and then Vortex asked if I wanted to update the change to the actual mod I have installed and I pressed yes so next time Vortex deploys mods it will not remove the changed pex file.


I attached below the changes I did to the PAS file to fix the bug for me.

Note that all of the tags like _label1675 and temp1079 should be the same as in the code just above the added part. The only tag that should be different is temp1063c which is something I added.

Also note that it seems to me that disassemblies are always a bit different, so labels, line numbers and so do not match.



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7 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I understand why she did it though. It's a nonstandard yoke with a specific way to escape and the keyword makes sure that other mods don't touch it. I don't think it's weird to want control over your own content.

I know it can be annoying to suddenly get trapped in a restraint that's much tougher than normal, but that's that nature of DCL and it's why it's so highly customisable.

I agree that having that yoke as a possible event if fine, in fact I enjoy trying to get NPCs in town to remove it, but as per my example, if I know I am going somewhere where an item like that will basically end with me being unable to progress without cheating I disable the non standard events by setting the min level for them above my current level, but that yoke is in a 'standard event' so I have to disable cursed looting entirely to avoid potentially seeing it, or completely disable yokes which I end up doing during initial configurations now, meaning it (and any other yokes) might as well not exist in my game, not the solution I prefer but it is what is available to me.

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10 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I know it seems that the rule implies the reason (do not remove this item) but then when can the item be removed? And by what?

As I understand those guidelines (and DDi code with item removal), blockGeneric doesn't mean that other mods can't remove item - it means "Stop, and think about it". So, you can examine item more thoroughly, check it's FormID against some known forms, and then perhaps remove it, while adding something else - in case of DF, debt bigger then normal ("generic") seems appropriate. This way, you aren't providing PC with a way to escape intended item consequences, but rather provide alternative set of consequences. Yes, if you do it for Heavy Yoke when "CiC" is already running, it will break at least immersion. I don't think it will break the quest itself. Theoretically, quest needs to be patched to provide failure path - PC deliver the message but without starting restraint that provided secrecy, so PC clearly did something bad.

This way, you can circumvent this discussion about "proper keyword assignation" and return to work ? Because, clearly, this can be debated for days and weeks - and don't go anywhere because keyword changes are clearly not matter of patches and totally belong to Kimy.


P.S. Same argument can be made for removing Laura's Bondage Shop "Seeking the Curse" items - they can be unequipped by DF with bigger then normal debt addition, but then it needs to be changed on LBS end, to accept items not worn for quest completion.



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21 hours ago, Laura 'Lokomootje' said:

I understand why she did it though. It's a nonstandard yoke with a specific way to escape

The point I am making is that the only thing non-standard about it is that keyword. You can unlock it with regular keys.


If it had:


a) not worked with keys

b) always triggered the quest ... DUM DUM ... Quest status message appears "Escape from the Heavy Yoke ... Talk to vendors until one of them offers to remove the yoke in return for completing a little task."


...it would make a lot of sense to be BlockGeneric.


As it is, coming from the "authority" on what these things mean, it creates some confusion over the appropriate use of BlockGeneric.


But instead, you can get it without any fanfare, rather often, from traps. Then remove it, yourself, with DCL restraint keys.

At least, that's what I found in two different installs, one a 250+ LO with around 650 mods merged into it in MO, and another with a very minimal setup in NMM.



But as the consensus seems to be removing BlockGeneric is OK as long as it's not a gift to the player...


I will update DF so that the follower will remove items while BlockGeneric is present (could be the BlockGeneric item, or a different one), but only while the location is a dwelling, and while the follower has max lives, and the player will need to take a new deal with no debt relief for each item removed.


If the BlockGeneric item is a trivial one that DF doesn't remove anyway, they won't be able to get rid of it, but they will still be able to remove crippling items that aren't BlockGeneric, at the aforementioned cost, and then they can pursue removal of the BlockGeneric by whatever means they please.



i.e. they must pay a deal per item removed, and they can't do it in a dungeon or with a tired follower.

If the first item removed is the BlockGeneric, then good for the player. If not ... deals are fun.

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Hi, I have a quick question regarding combat surrender and NPC sex sequences not engaging properly. So I have convinced a female opponent to surrender and the DCUR options menu pops up saying I can loot her, kill her, or tie her up. After I choose tie her up, the option appears to rape her but the cutscene never starts. Now the rape scene works just fine on a male opponent but not a female one, she just stands there instead. Now according to my papyrus log, segment of which is included below, it can't find any bound animations. I have run FNIS and it says there's over 600 from the DD family alone, not to mention the PC getting raped in bondage gear quite a few times.Can anybody help me out with what's wrong? Thank you as always.


[01/06/2020 - 03:48:30AM] [DCUR] - Sex with player:
[01/06/2020 - 03:48:30AM] [Zad]: Selecting DD-aware animations.
[01/06/2020 - 03:48:31AM] [Zad]: Actor(s) are bound. Trying to set up bound animation.
[01/06/2020 - 03:48:31AM] [Zad]: Error: no valid bound animations could be found.
[01/06/2020 - 03:48:31AM] Error: Cannot cast from None to sslBaseAnimation[]
    [zadQuest (0F00F624)].zadbq00.SelectValidDDAnimations() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 551
    [zadQuest (0F00F624)].zadlibs.SelectValidDDAnimations() - "zadLibs.psc" Line 706
    [dcur_mainlib (31024495)].dcur_library.SexWithPlayer() - "dcur_library.psc" Line 5110
    .dcur_npcsurrender_rape.Fragment_0() - "dcur_npcsurrender_rape.psc" Line 9
[01/06/2020 - 03:48:31AM] [DCUR] Sex Scene aborted. No valid animations found.

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And thanks to Chloe’s maniacal refusal to back down in the face of overwhelming superiority, I have suffered no less than three combat surrenders, repeated rapes, and ended up in pretty much every DD device in the inventory. Somebody finally had the brilliant idea to TIE UP the crazy bitch with the greatsword before dumping us off near Morthal so they can lick their wounds. ?

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Hi. Had a question about the Damsel in Distress quest. So I started the quest, my character was hogtied in a cage. Got out of the hogtie. Got out of the armbinder. Got out of the cage, but then I'm not sure what to do. There's a camp nearby, but if I go over to it, a Hagraven attacks and my character still has her wrists tied by iron shackles and cannot fight back. I tried avoiding the little camp and walking down to a nearby farm, and some of the NPCs are able to remove a piece of the gear, but inevitably, they become very unhelpful. Am I supposed to have my character just walk around all day, asking for help out of the bindings, or did I miss something?

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50 minutes ago, M1g17 said:

Hi. Had a question about the Damsel in Distress quest. So I started the quest, my character was hogtied in a cage. Got out of the hogtie. Got out of the armbinder. Got out of the cage, but then I'm not sure what to do. There's a camp nearby, but if I go over to it, a Hagraven attacks and my character still has her wrists tied by iron shackles and cannot fight back. I tried avoiding the little camp and walking down to a nearby farm, and some of the NPCs are able to remove a piece of the gear, but inevitably, they become very unhelpful. Am I supposed to have my character just walk around all day, asking for help out of the bindings, or did I miss something?

as far as I remember you need to loot chests, barrels or any containers (even plants) for keys. and these are not regular keys. keys such as Hand, Body, Leg and Head restraint keys. and with that you can unlock the restraints. 

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Hello, I try to use this mod with other mod (like Be a cow or slave reloaded)
but It seems that this mod has compatibility issue with Zaz Animation 8 or 8+, which make player using wrong animation or ignoring bondage restraint


I'm not quite sure how to fix it, so in the end I just disabled this mod when I trying other mod

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3 hours ago, qoop272 said:

Hello, I try to use this mod with other mod (like Be a cow or slave reloaded)
but It seems that this mod has compatibility issue with Zaz Animation 8 or 8+, which make player using wrong animation or ignoring bondage restraint


I'm not quite sure how to fix it, so in the end I just disabled this mod when I trying other mod

the breaking animations is actually coming from Slaverun Reloaded, there is a fix for it posted in the thread there, I posted a link to it recently.

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On 5/30/2019 at 4:27 PM, Zaflis said:

I can't remove Yoke of Shame, when clicking on inventory i only get "Carry on" option. I had a message that it can now be removed and it's been even some days more. I tried

player.removeitem 490aec4e 1


player.removeitem 490aec4d 1

in both orders. Removing script first makes the visual disappear but item is still on me. Removing the item brings both script and the item back on. Removing item first doesn't do anything. So is there some quest involved, and is that the case with all timed items? Using "Free Me" would be problematic considering i have PetProject quest items on.


Checking TES5Edit, deviceQuest refers to zadQuest "Chastity Belt" [QUST:0500F624]. Am i on the right track here, yoke and chastity belt share a quest?

Edit: Actually Free Me was a fine solution, and that didn't remove the other mod quest items.


BUG detected. Yoke of shame device message link to DeviousYoke, but yoke itself is DeviousYokeBB.  As such, unlock option doesn't work.


In TES5Edit, Message \ xx0D9312 <dcur_yokeofshameDeviceMSG> before:





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Having trouble with installation of these mods with a mod manager. My esm files aren't inserted automatically from each folder with the mod manager tries putting everything where it thinks it belongs. It sticks the 00Base, 00Core, and other folders all into the data folder. How do I resolve this please?

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7 hours ago, xkira1995 said:

Having trouble with installation of these mods with a mod manager. My esm files aren't inserted automatically from each folder with the mod manager tries putting everything where it thinks it belongs. It sticks the 00Base, 00Core, and other folders all into the data folder. How do I resolve this please?

NMM propably doesn't know how to handle FOMOD installers. MO1, (MO2 what i prefer) or Vortex are the modern mod managers. You will get an actual installer that will put everything where they belong based on what you choose in it.


This is NOT the only mod you find that will have install archives like this. FNIS has one, XPMSE, DD-Assets and many other mods in Nexus, etc... You can't blindly just extract all files anymore.

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6 minutes ago, Zaflis said:

NMM propably doesn't know how to handle FOMOD installers. MO1, (MO2 what i prefer) or Vortex are the modern mod managers. You will get an actual installer that will put everything where they belong based on what you choose in it.


This is NOT the only mod you find that will have install archives like this. FNIS has one, XPMSE, DD-Assets and many other mods in Nexus, etc... You can't blindly just extract all files anymore.

NMM deals with FOMOD just fine. To be honest, I am still using it and whenever people complain about problems they have with NMM, I don't have them. Tried to switch to MO2 once and it broke my game, reverted to NMM and so far everything is fine

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17 hours ago, Tenri said:

the breaking animations is actually coming from Slaverun Reloaded, there is a fix for it posted in the thread there, I posted a link to it recently.

oh yes, thank you, that fixed a part of problem

then I found the other part is actually a bug about "obsidian" item
In leon's quest, after you got full bondage, if you select obsidian chastity belt then masturbate, it will play Yoke's struggle animation instead of armbinder one

also does leon's bondage gear (the item that has "obsidian" name) included in bodyslide profile?

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4 hours ago, qoop272 said:

oh yes, thank you, that fixed a part of problem

then I found the other part is actually a bug about "obsidian" item
In leon's quest, after you got full bondage, if you select obsidian chastity belt then masturbate, it will play Yoke's struggle animation instead of armbinder one

also does leon's bondage gear (the item that has "obsidian" name) included in bodyslide profile?

Choosing to masturbate via belt options has done many odd things to me. I once got myself an Estrus Dwemer animation playing (at least it didn't render me exhausted like the real one does)

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8 hours ago, Zaflis said:

NMM propably doesn't know how to handle FOMOD installers. MO1, (MO2 what i prefer) or Vortex are the modern mod managers. You will get an actual installer that will put everything where they belong based on what you choose in it.


This is NOT the only mod you find that will have install archives like this. FNIS has one, XPMSE, DD-Assets and many other mods in Nexus, etc... You can't blindly just extract all files anymore.

Took a while, but I found a way around many of the errors I was getting. Apparently some mods have to be installed as folders and some as zips for Vortex. It's picky.

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On 1/8/2020 at 7:38 AM, darktej said:

as far as I remember you need to loot chests, barrels or any containers (even plants) for keys. and these are not regular keys. keys such as Hand, Body, Leg and Head restraint keys. and with that you can unlock the restraints. 

Thanks for the info, but I'm not sure that's the problem. Every piece of equipment on the character says it cannot be unlocked until the hood is removed, and the hood says it cannot be removed with bound hands. The only thing on the character's hands are Iron Shackles, and every time I click on them, they say "this item cannot be unequipped"

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40 minutes ago, Pixeletta said:

I'm currently prancing around in the full slave rubber set, but the chastity bra and belt are poking through the suit. Not sure how to fix this.

That's DDI's devicehider's job to hide devices under bodysuits or armors. It's possible that it "forgets" to do its thing sometimes but then refreshes later. You might be able to force that refresh by clicking on the catsuit or bra/belt in inventory, but otherwise i'm not sure what's the "proper" way to do it.


Still, i'm not sure if it should look like that after you have done Bodyslide batch build correctly. I'd expect the bra to show almost completely in front of the suit instead of clipping that badly.

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52 minutes ago, M1g17 said:

Thanks for the info, but I'm not sure that's the problem. Every piece of equipment on the character says it cannot be unlocked until the hood is removed, and the hood says it cannot be removed with bound hands. The only thing on the character's hands are Iron Shackles, and every time I click on them, they say "this item cannot be unequipped"

Struggling with the gloves will remove the shackles, and then the leather cuffs, and then I think another set of cuffs and only then the gloves, but the point is you need to always struggle with the gloves (Choose the "unlock" option and read the message you get upon failure to see if you are missing a key or need a sharp item. each stage is different)

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1 hour ago, Pixeletta said:

Does anyone know what body slot the catsuits occupy?


I'm currently prancing around in the full slave rubber set, but the chastity bra and belt are poking through the suit. Not sure how to fix this.


There is sometimes a bug that deforms catsuits after loading a save. Usually using showracemenu and exiting it solves this. Sometimes the same deformation happens to the body while reloading a save with breast yokes

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