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Is it possible to disable some of the guard interactions when you have abounty?  A bounty of one coin gives quite a penalty, and it's much rarer to talk my way out of things.  I just want to disable some of the more annoying options like the walk of shame.


I shouldn't have to go through hell because I tossed an item I don't need into somebody's barrel without permission.  Espcially since the walk of shame glitches and sometimes removes important items from my inventory that I can't get back.  (not game important, stuff that is important to me).

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1 hour ago, RedDotGecko said:

hey, i'm not enirely sure if that belongs here but since some time i have abnormus laggs, mostly when i'm in an area with a lot of npc's and loot. i have Coursed loot and devius chest, could it be that that is because of that? that they are bugging them somehow?

As far as I understand you should only have one of these. They have similar functions

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Possibly a bug?


Combat defeat can occur in Skuldalfn, resulting in teleport to regular Skyrim locations to complete LBA etc.

There is no legitimate way to return to Skuldalfn however.

A similar problem occurs with the Sovngarde battle.


It can be fixed with console cheats, but some users might need help with that.



As there are other locations like this, could it be possible to have an alternate mechanic for defeats in "no return" dungeons?


One option, though I'm sure others have better ideas:

Long rape scene, followed by pop-up "You break free of your enemies. Turn the tables on them!"

And then it's just back to combat as normal. I guess that is no better or worse than death and reload.


As a workaround, players can disable combat defeat manually during that kind of content.

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6 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Possibly a bug?


Combat defeat can occur in Skuldalfn, resulting in teleport to regular Skyrim locations to complete LBA etc.

There is no legitimate way to return to Skuldalfn however.

A similar problem occurs with the Sovngarde battle.


It can be fixed with console cheats, but some users might need help with that.



As there are other locations like this, could it be possible to have an alternate mechanic for defeats in "no return" dungeons?


One option, though I'm sure others have better ideas:

Long rape scene, followed by pop-up "You break free of your enemies. Turn the tables on them!"

And then it's just back to combat as normal. I guess that is no better or worse than death and reload.


As a workaround, players can disable combat defeat manually during that kind of content.

Couldn't agree more. 


I'd like to use DCL's combat defeat, but it's ability, if you get really unlucky, to bounce you round Skyrim 3 or 4 times in half an hour's gameplay is funny the first time, but if you play a 'no cheating' type of game - ie NO fast travel (except carriages and boats) - it gets very tiresome trying to get back to the last dungeon etc that you got booted out of.  And when you find that can't get there anyhow, it's a bit soul destroying ?


Some sort of 'local' combat resumption, like that in Defeat, would be a great improvement

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50 minutes ago, donkeywho said:

Couldn't agree more. 


I'd like to use DCL's combat defeat, but it's ability, if you get really unlucky, to bounce you round Skyrim 3 or 4 times in half an hour's gameplay is funny the first time, but if you play a 'no cheating' type of game - ie NO fast travel (except carriages and boats) - it gets very tiresome trying to get back to the last dungeon etc that you got booted out of.  And when you find that can't get there anyhow, it's a bit soul destroying ?


Some sort of 'local' combat resumption, like that in Defeat, would be a great improvement

While we are at it, maybe limit "teleport to inn" Only to inns I ever visited? Or if too hard to program, to the riverwood in which is the first inn in most gameplays?

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23 minutes ago, thedarkone1234 said:

While we are at it, maybe limit "teleport to inn" Only to inns I ever visited? Or if too hard to program, to the riverwood in which is the first inn in most gameplays?

But why? Presumably some stranger rescues you, and for reasons unknown drops you ... wherever?

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37 minutes ago, donkeywho said:

Couldn't agree more. 


I'd like to use DCL's combat defeat, but it's ability, if you get really unlucky, to bounce you round Skyrim 3 or 4 times in half an hour's gameplay is funny the first time, but if you play a 'no cheating' type of game - ie NO fast travel (except carriages and boats) - it gets very tiresome trying to get back to the last dungeon etc that you got booted out of.  And when you find that can't get there anyhow, it's a bit soul destroying ?


Some sort of 'local' combat resumption, like that in Defeat, would be a great improvement

me too!

I tried so many defeat mods and none had the ability to play a defeat scene without borking the current gamescene.

Common results are instantly dying because the mods essential setting does not work proper, porting from an area you can´t go back to, porting to another crowd of hostile bastards or another nasty outcome like staking so much punishments towards your toon till the game crashes.

This is leaving one bitter question: Why is there no failsafe in all those defeat mods?

What I find the most in many many mods is there is no failsafe in the scripts.

You implement a mod advancing the difficulty: sooner or later your opponents are immortal. Patch! just changed the MCM, calculation fixed, problem solved.

You implement a mod advancing the population in dungeons (SOT): the spwanrate exceeds the space you´re in. *roll eyes*;  minor if/than, problem solved.

You implement a mod advancing the level of creatures (SIC): they slaughter you on sight at certain points. Maybe intended. With level 85 I got those skeleton ghosts.


Just yesterday the conclusion to DiD was: unusable. I have to write my own.


A glimmer of light: the lightweight combat defeat from DCL is working better, than anything else I tested this far. But still I´m not satisfied. Why on earth do we have a BDSM mod, having a connection to slavery mods and still every bastard in Skyrim is just a stupid headhunter sending you to jail? DCL combat defeat currently is working like this for me: rape in town, bounty from a misogynist, bandit or drauger beats my ass, jail = no fun.

The difference between DCL 7.5 and DCL 8.3 Surrender function is the guard setting:


If wasDefeatedByBounterHunter
	libs.notify("You were defeated by a bounter hunter, who is now eager to collect their well-earned reward for bringing you to justice! You offer no further resitance as you are being tied up and delivered to " + CurrentCrimeFaction.GetName(), messagebox = true)
	libs.notify("You were defeated by the law. Due to your violent actions, you are now facing a serious prison sentence...", messagebox = true)
	If CurrentCrimeFaction.GetCrimeGoldViolent() < 1000	; if she didn't have a violent bounty alrady, she will get one now! I am sure doing battle with guards is ok nowhere in Skyrim...


Now everytime you get beaten in a town your bounty is high and you´re sent to jail. No walk of Shame.

Why not just implement settings to take the bounty amount into consideration? e.g. 0-100: random punishment without jail, 251-500: harsh restraints, 501-1000: Walk of Shame, 1001-n: Jail.

Thinking of...

hm... how difficult might that be...



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3 hours ago, Rogwar002 said:

"You were defeated by a bounter hunter, who is now eager to collect their

Isn't that a typo?


It should be "bounty hunter" obviously.



@Rogwar002's thoughts on DLC combat defeat are quite sharply flavoured.

I suspect that if I wrote something like that, the internet would fall on me like a giant rock, instantly crushing me flat.


It isn't easy to have a combat defeat resolve one of those "I can't port you anywhere, I can't kill the enemies and I can't kill you," type of scenarios in an interesting way.


It's one of those problems where you have to revisit thoughts on what the purpose of a defeat mod is.

Is it to?

  • Provide an excuse to rape the PC with draugr?
  • Stop the immersion breaking reload and retry experience?
  • Provide a penalty to the player worse than death? (Hours of wasted time, probably - though they sign up for it on purpose).
  • Provide an easy out for players who don't want the bother of dying?
  • Some other alternative.

How you answer that question leads to the combat defeat penalties.

SL Defeat was probably the first mod to make losing in combat all about sex scenes.

SD+ provided the "fate worse than death".

DCL feels more like immersion + a choice between easy out and fate worse than death. It's got a range of options.


Code Serpent put forward a good solution to NPCs (followers mainly) who start attacking captors for the new DiD.

A solution for cases where unaffiliated/fresh enemies start attacking the PC is also something that helps make defeat stable and reliable, I think.

And of course, resolving situations where the player can't be ported away, or rendered effectively incapable of combat without it becoming a load and retry.

How these things are dealt with follows from the objective the mod starts with.


At the point a mod disconnects from how its audience expects it to behave, it ends up defaulting to load and retry when the player rejects the outcome as useless. Audiences vary. There's always some tolerance of poor outcomes if the good ones are entertaining enough, but when the balance swings towards "mostly useless" the player probably disables the mod.


I've had a good amount of fun from DCL defeats, but plenty of problems too.


It would be nice if there was a mode where it realised you were running through the wilderness, in heavy bondage, and that a defeat in that circumstance might be more fun if it's not a cookie-cutter repeat of the previous outcome that put you in that exact situation. With Frostfall, losing all your clothes in a potentially fatal problem. and that just brings up the difficulty of offering enough choices to let players configure their own way around config-specific issues like that.

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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:
2 hours ago, Rogwar002 said:

"You were defeated by a bounter hunter, who is now eager to collect their

Isn't that a typo?


It should be "bounty hunter" obviously.

correct. but it is just copy paste from Kimys code. This wording is used a dozend times and more.



And you´re right for the second part, too :(

It is my opinion on how a defeat mod should behave. Worse: I´m aware this is not possible, if I don´t do it myself.

I think I´m just getting tired of playing Skyrim.

I should move on.

More often I´m not playing, but just fiddling with one scene. Like the last hour. Just went to an inn, freed my ass from a bondage quest and kept on going to solicate customers to get the last rank. I just skimmed through it with using the space bar to enhance the scene till it ended...

It is what it is and it is good. I´m just bored.


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27 minutes ago, Rogwar002 said:

correct. but it is just copy paste from Kimys code. This wording is used a dozend times and more.

I didn't say it was your typo.


Maybe Kimy is trying to recreate a vintage John Wayne accent as a sort of in-joke about really old cowboy movies that were full of bounder hunders?

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12 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I didn't say it was your typo.


Maybe Kimy is trying to recreate a vintage John Wayne accent as a sort of in-joke about really old cowboy movies that were full of bounder hunders?


LOL! Good reference. Made me actually laugh.


People don't point them out for her, so they don't get fixed. I know there's one related to DCL public indecency in which the guard tells you to stop "violeting" the indecency law or some such thing. It's been there for years, I notice it every time I have indecency enabled, and I inevitably forget to report it every time I quit the game.

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I ran into an issue that once I hired a follower, the game would crash at the address 0x****622F in 1-2 minutes. (The **** part seems to differ when I install or uninstall some other mods.)  The reason why I believe it is an issue related to DCL is that if I disable DCL then there is no CTD after hiring a follower any more. I have tried disable and enable almost all my mods and  DCL is likely to be the exact mod that makes my game crash. There is no incompatible mod in my mod list ( at least there is no mod in my list whose author say it is incompatible with in description). I am still trying to figure out the detail information about this issue, but I think code about follower might be checked (I guess there might be an overflow bug in follower part?).



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9 hours ago, ZWCCWH said:

... I think code about follower might be checked (I guess there might be an overflow bug in follower part?).

There was some discussion about it, i think Kimy mentioned doing some testing about it for next version some month back. It's been a while but try disabling the player body scaling settings in MCM. The same toggle hiddenly affects followers too and it's propably script heavy. Speaking of that, did you try using "lightweight scripts" option in this mod's MCM too? The more followers you had the worse it got according to others reports.

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10 hours ago, Zaflis said:

There was some discussion about it, i think Kimy mentioned doing some testing about it for next version some month back. It's been a while but try disabling the player body scaling settings in MCM. The same toggle hiddenly affects followers too and it's propably script heavy. Speaking of that, did you try using "lightweight scripts" option in this mod's MCM too? The more followers you had the worse it got according to others reports.

Hmmm.... Things seem to be different on my game. I have never enabled the body scale option when using DCL. And I tried with low performance option on, but the only thing that changed is my game got CTD about 10 minutes after hiring a follower rather than 1-2 minutes if turn low-performance mode off. I guess problems may come frome a script that works on follower at intervals and the reason of the difference is low-performance mode makes the interval longer.  

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2 hours ago, ZWCCWH said:

Hmmm.... Things seem to be different on my game. I have never enabled the body scale option when using DCL.

I think it's enabled by default. So if you never changed the setting it's still on? Arousal based scaling. But that script can't be the only or even the main reason for your crashes, check general guides to make Skyrim more stable. There are loads of things you can do about it and those guides are not found only from this site.

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I have Leon quest bugged in a way that he always removes the slave collar at the beginning. So basically i can just run away. During the prequests i had to add the obsidian slaveboots via console because i couldn't find them anywhere. I doubt that broke anything because the quest still progressed normally?


edit: So i tried to lockpick the collar and the boots before talking to Leon. Now he properly removed the obsidian collar and added the slave collar. Really weird but it worked so problem solved.

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5 hours ago, ThePopato said:

I am also getting the same issue, have you by any chance found a fix?

Sort your load order, most esm files should be at the beginning of it after main master files. You get error like that if cursed loot loads before DD. Also you need DDAssets, DDIntegration and DDExpansion in that order.

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