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Hello there

I am having a problem starting the Leon Quest. When i speak to him at the Bannered Mare there are no options besides asking him to be my follower even though I havent completed the quest... Would devious followers, Sexlab Survival, or another mod be overwriting this? I have tried disabling both and still nothing. Any help is appreciated1

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On 4/30/2022 at 12:10 PM, bubba999 said:

It's been awhile since I played DCL.... are there any patches available since 9.0?

I am also wondering the same thing and if it is ever going to be updated again. There has been a lot that has been broken since  DCL 9.0,  3 restraints  is a full set,  damsel in distress quest is still broken, rubber doll quest doesn't work even if you force start it you can't finish it, restrictive corset and belt still needs fixed. Everything else is fine, I think. It would be nice to see DCL all working again as it once did.

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14 minutes ago, yippikiyaymofo said:

Anyone know the quest id for the bound queen?

For what reason you need it? Never ever manipulate with quest variables and stages - it will broke all in DCL and nothing fixes.

If you want manipulate with quest you need carefully learn quest into xedit or CK and then only manipulate with things what not broke anything.

Example: Chloe quest - never do set stage as it not fix anything.

If you stuck in stage wher eneed search dungeon for clue just add quest item Torn note and read it - it goes to next stage without anything broke. Most of quest stages goes to next by changing some variables in dialogues, so there no fix.

If you want start quest The Bound Queen in DCL 9.0 you need complete all previous quests to it. Only then you can start it.


Anyway there it is dcur_royalchastity "The Bound Queen" [QUST:1008428D]


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8 minutes ago, Elsidia said:


The 10 part of 1008428D is not useful as that only shows load order location, for me the quest FormID would be 5608428D as it's at location 56 (in hex) in my load order.

Edited by ptmc2112
fixed my derps
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2 hours ago, Elsidia said:

If you want start quest The Bound Queen in DCL 9.0 you need complete all previous quests to it. Only then you can start it.

Thats not actually true, the quest is still written to start when you read the book, so all you have to do to start it (and skip everything before it) is give yourself the book "The Bound Queen" via console.  After you finish it you can turn it in to Melanie and get the Cursed Collar next.

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4 hours ago, yippikiyaymofo said:

Anyone know the quest id for the bound queen?

From years of playing DCL I know now where the bugs are in the quests and how to avoid them. You don't necessarily need to use the console if you get stuck.

If for example you finish courier in chains quest and you get stuck in the yoke, or bondage adventure doesn't start  or finish correctly you can simply set the slider for bondage adventure quest to 100 in mcm , enable combat surrender then simply run into a bandit camp and let DCL do the rest. This method fixes most stuck quests and devices for me.


Edited by flobalob
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19 hours ago, Elsidia said:

doesn't have any yoke equipped ....

I wasn't  just referring to Bound Queen quest. Courier in chains is the one where you have to go to a blacksmith to remove a heavy yoke and he/she sends you off on errand to someone else before it gets unlocked. Sometimes I get bondage adventure quest the wrong way round. PC gets locked in heavy bondage but the journal comes up bondage adventure quest completed when it should be started and you have no marker to any blacksmith so your character is stuck. Best way out of that is not to use console but try to trigger bondage adventure quest again by running into a bandit camp and letting DCL do the rest and it will reset.

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14 minutes ago, flobalob said:

Courier in chains is the one where you have to go to a blacksmith to remove a heavy yoke

Oh i got it)

dcur_courierinchainsquest "Courier in Chains" [QUST:1010FE63] is main quest line The bound of Skyrim and it's second quest after Chloe. Without any yoke.


dcur_yokeerrand "Courier in Steel" [QUST:1003DDD8] is repeatable quest where instead of unlock Yoke you can delivery a message to inn.


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On 5/5/2022 at 3:15 PM, Elsidia said:

Oh i got it)

dcur_courierinchainsquest "Courier in Chains" [QUST:1010FE63] is main quest line The bound of Skyrim and it's second quest after Chloe. Without any yoke.


dcur_yokeerrand "Courier in Steel" [QUST:1003DDD8] is repeatable quest where instead of unlock Yoke you can delivery a message to inn.


You are right, I have been confusing the two. The repeatable one is the one I sometimes have trouble with.

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Is there any way to view/set the timer on the chastity belt of shame or the yoke of shame? I like the concept of these items but I am always reluctant to continue playing after getting them if I don't have a lot of time to spare without being able to do anything about them (this is more a problem with the yoke compared to the belt)

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I got the rubber collar (I think it is the first time since I got it since 9.0) and it seems some things changed and now the suit doesn't make rapes trigger occasionally or whenever talking to people like it used to, thus the collar essentially functions as a very long rape immunity while it used to be the exact opposite. I am pretty sure whatever happened was not intentional because there is still a message "the suit makes you irresistable", but it simply doesn't. (also since the MCM settings that can make the polling time faster also got removed, it is quite a lenghty time of DCL being mostly disabled)

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9 hours ago, Foot1255 said:

I am having issues downloading mega downloading doesnt work for me it says i have exceded the max downloading capacity is there any other way to download

I guess you can try VPN. Also don't download same things twice as really can't get around the limit per month without paying. I have never reached the limit myself through many years of random use of it, and you don't even need to create an account unless you upload things yourself.


Oh right, could it be your IP is not static? In theory the site could be considering downloads made by other people as yours if they had the same IP within the month.

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Hey, I completed Chloe quest last playthrough before other mods bonked and had to start over. This time I skipped that quest because couldn't be bothered to do it again, question is what quests I can still do other than 2 NPC in Bannered Mare? I went to the shop in Riverwood but couldn't get any quest, does Dollmaker still make me wear collar and go for rope bondage training? 

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