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Should the gender check and message be happening just the once or on every game load as i'm currently getting it on every game load for a male character (although to be fair it auto disabling is a lot easier than me turning stuff off for when i want to play a dude :) nice new feature )


It happens on every game load.



Okay i've been through the MCM and everything has the new disabled bit on it


I'm still getting keys from flowers etc which isnt an issue as they are useful for NPC's but thought i'd mention it incase that should also be turned off while male/ineligible race


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Should the gender check and message be happening just the once or on every game load as i'm currently getting it on every game load for a male character (although to be fair it auto disabling is a lot easier than me turning stuff off for when i want to play a dude :) nice new feature )


It happens on every game load.



Okay i've been through the MCM and everything has the new disabled bit on it


I'm still getting keys from flowers etc which isnt an issue as they are useful for NPC's but thought i'd mention it incase that should also be turned off while male/ineligible race




The auto-disable would still let you finish quests etc, which is why you can still find keys. It's using the same code as the "temporary suspend" button.


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I am not using Cursed Loot feature itself at all, but this feature rich mod still managed to climb up one of my favorites.


I am starting to think that name is a bit misleading. Kimy's Devious Contraptions and Evil Giggles Compendium might be closer the truth.


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Been looking for the original Spearhead page, saw the outfit the other day even downloaded it but there was nothing about an author or credits where it came from.  I'm keeping an eye out for more stuff.



You can get the Spearhead Catsuit on the Nexus (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55581/?).Looks like it was made by bananbro. He created the catsuit because he was trying to learn Blender, and I think it came out really great.






kimy why did you blacklist Non-essential children? Why are you making my choices for me D:


A lot of the content in Cursed Loot makes checks whether or not the NPC is an adult (e.g. for them making device comments or displaying the solicitation dialogue). Non-essential Children eliminates the very flag Skyrim implemented to tell apart children characters from adults. While there is still no way that a child character would ever get used in a SL scene, the thought that they would make device comments etc. sent shivers down my spine. I was faced with the choice to either spend hours and hours to implement alternative checks to make Cursed Loot remains compatible with a mod I quite frankly have zero desire to support in any shape or form (a mod whose only purpose is to allow children to be killed? I mean...really?), or just to tackle the problem at the source and make sure that these two mods just don't run together. It was a very easy choice to make, really.


Sorry for the inconvenience.



Seems like a situation where i could easily disable the mod if it bugged me.  now i cant use cursed loot without messing up my game since i had non-essential installed (if i never hear 'wow, another person come to lick my fathers boots' again, it will be too soon)


thanks for that i guess?



side note, it seems like that mod adds the keyword "ActorTypeChild" to child npcs.   seems easy enough to check for.



Yeah, Non-Essential Children actually seperated the Child NPC's from the rest of the Adult NPC's. Ironically the Non-Essential Children mod makes fltering only Child NPC's even easier.



To quote the author of the Non-Essential Children mod:

Technical Details:

Created a new Keyword ActorTypeChild. Assigned this keyword to the childraces. Set the children furniture to activate only for children. I therefore removed the ActorTypeNPC from them which made them use everything.




Spearhead catsuit: Looks awesome and is free to use, but doesn't have a Bodyslide conversion (which is a requirement for anything that goes into Cursed Loot). Some nice soul make one, and it's in! :)


NEC: <blunt mode> The person who wrote it made seriously invasive changes to Skyrim vanilla assets that completely broke a standard library function in the process many mods (including mine) rely on. Then they replaced said standard function with a custom one that would force 3rd party mods to set at least a soft dependency on NEC to use, and spend their own time just to repair the damage NEC inflicted on the standard API. Is this person for real? To be frank for a second, I have absolutely ZERO respect for making invasive changes like this that affect potentially hundreds of other mods out there and break stuff they rely on working correctly. And just to get this out of the way once and for all, I will absolutely -not- spend any more of my time than I already had to repair the damage done by this mod and the crude and reckless changes it made to vanilla assets. I don't respect that mod enough to do that and I couldn't care less if I am not compatible with it. </blunt mode>





Suit that turns the wearer female for all other intensive purposes, until they can get out of it again.


Yes, the zipsuit will not be an alternative to the existing catsuit, I will rather use the skin for a new item. I do like your ideas btw., except that a suit that turns the wearing into a female doesn't make too much sense for a mod that exclusively supports female characters only. :D

Thanks, though the female suit idea came mostly from me reading the messages of some responding negatively about disabling the mod for male characters. It got me thinking, maybe some guys are into that ya know? And since you admit its for female characters a "magically made into a female suit" seemed a nice idea to include more possible kinkyness for male characters while they were wearing it. Throw in some locks to make getting out of it rather hard and some other deviousness and they could have some fun too.


Yes, I will add an override button for the automatic suspension, so people who really want it can play the mod with male characters again. However, my basic stance hasn't changed: I will not actively support male characters and will never add features geared them, as I just have no personal interest in it. And while a few people requested the override for Cursed Loot, the overall interest of the LL community in male support for DD content is actually SUPER low - just look at the activity (or lack thereof) in the DD For Him thread. 'nuff said.




I've got a very concerning bug to report: On my adventure I found a lucky protective amulet of some sort which promised to keep my PC safe from nasty traps. I naturally equipped this item right away, only to be sorely disappointed that it did not immediately explode into an assortment of devious bondage items, which I surely would have expected to automatically equip on my PC, leaving her bound and helpless.


Instead, it apparently functioned exactly as described, protecting my PC from a devious trap, and breaking in the process. I can't even begin to describe my disappointment!


This is entirely unlike your usual style, Kimy, so I can only assume that this terrible oversight will be corrected in the next patch. I will be waiting with bated breath!


I took a day off from evil and pretended to be nice. Don't worry, it won't last. :D



An idea just floated into my mind for that: Maybe build in two amulets: One nice protective one, and one that only promises to be protective, but then ...

Maybe with a little hint, so both could be golden amulets, one with a green jem in the middle and one with a red gem. Eventually that then woulöd teach me again also to check the items themselves and not only their value when looting :D



I like it!


cursed doors :rolleyes: . what's next?maybe cursed books and pillows? XD


You must have read my mind! :D



cursed doors :rolleyes: . what's next?maybe cursed books and pillows? XD


It won't be long till we get cursed food or cursed scrolls or cursed potions... *shivers*






It won't be long till we get cursed food or cursed scrolls or cursed potions... *shivers*


I am already thinking on disabling doors and... plants. I mean, come on... There must be a limit to something before it crosses to ridiculous.



There is a reason why there are so many MCM toggles and sliders in Cursed Loot - so everyone can disable features they don't like. Cursed Loot is a "Build you own bondage experience" mod more than anything. :)




I am not using Cursed Loot feature itself at all, but this feature rich mod still managed to climb up one of my favorites.


I am starting to think that name is a bit misleading. Kimy's Devious Contraptions and Evil Giggles Compendium might be closer the truth.



I love all those toggles! But they're getting overwhelming. I'm gonna ask for a Huge Favor, and if it's one you've decided against already sorry that I missed it. 


Could you create a profile saver, pretty please? FISS, or the way Defeat is doing it, or something? I'd love to be able to switch, easily, from a murderous cursed environment where DCL is primary, to one where it's very light and I can focus on game progression. 


I know that building that would be a big job, maybe for 5.0?

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I am not using Cursed Loot feature itself at all, but this feature rich mod still managed to climb up one of my favorites.


I am starting to think that name is a bit misleading. Kimy's Devious Contraptions and Evil Giggles Compendium might be closer the truth.




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I am getting overwhelmed with all the options in the MCM.


I started a new game real quick to see if an issue I had was reproducible.  LAL start in Breezehome walk over to Warmaidens.  Finish Loading into the store blam PC undresses equips DD gear, The guy behind the counter finishes saying "Now you my girl loo...." PC gets raped.


0,0 I just wanted to see the new inventory changes I made in the TesVedit.


Wouldn't mind if the only thing that was set to default was good ol devices plus chests.

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I am getting overwhelmed with all the options in the MCM.


I started a new game real quick to see if an issue I had was reproducible.  LAL start in Breezehome walk over to Warmaidens.  Finish Loading into the store blam PC undresses equips DD gear, The guy behind the counter finishes saying "Now you my girl loo...." PC gets raped.


0,0 I just wanted to see the new inventory changes I made in the TesVedit.


Wouldn't mind if the only thing that was set to default was good ol devices plus chests.



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Hello Kimy, I have an idea - it's not something mandatory, but it's kind of a "low hanging fruit" where you can achieve a relatively unique feature with very little effort.



The support for beast races is generally poor in the Devious Devices community, because most people play human females. Still, there are some of us who just enjoy the more unusual race choices - and besides, it's perfectly Elder Scrolls canon that Khajiit females are seen by many as slaves or exotic prostitutes. Perfect for tying them up and subjecting them to public sex and nudity! ;)

And when you look into it, 90% of all devices actually work perfectly fine on the beast races. Just two kinds do not: gags and blindfolds. The head mesh is the only thing that's actually different.

Now there are a small few number of items that happen to work well on beast race heads. For example the ZAP wood bit gags and the ZAP cloth hoods. Unfortunately they're not properly set up as Devious Devices - the gag works, but doesn't lock. The hood is only cosmetic and doesn't lock either.

Then there's mods like Devious Extras, which make these things fully featured Devious Devices... but... Cursed Loot won't select them to apply to my character! :P

So here's my actual suggestion: add just one of those wood bit gags and just one of those cloth hoods, and make them fully featured, locking DD gag and blindfold respectively. Then, whenever a Khajiit or Argonian player or follower is the target of a Cursed Loot event, and a gag or blindfold (or both) is selected, only equip these two items instead of the regular DD gags and blindfolds.

A MCM menu checkbox like "use beast race gags and blindfolds" could let the player toggle the functionality.

This way, with adding just two items for which the models already exist, and modifying one function call with a conditional statement, you can add support for two previously unsupported vanilla races to have properly fitting, non-immersion-breaking and fully functional head restraints sprung onto them by your myriad evil traps and tribulations.

...at least, that would be my amateur understanding of the problem :P It's probably more complicated than I think, but hey, I figure that asking never hurts! Even if you're not terribly into beast races, if the effort involved is so low...

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It depends. The feature in Cursed Loot is a lot more lightweight and implemented a bit differently. If you're happy enough with it to no longer desire the full DH, nothing will keep you from removing it. If you want to keep DH around, nothing will prevent you from doing that either. It's really just a matter of taste. :)


Just going to ask since I kinda have to. 

You said its a lot more lightweight and implemented differently. 


Exactly what is difference between the DCL implementation of DH to DH in general?


Edit: If you don't get what I mean't, then here's a simpler version of my question.

"What's the difference between the two of them?"


Now bumping my own questions.



DH is much more detailed, bandits will detect you and chase you down if unarmed and not in sneak mode (or if they spot you ). Prices can change depending on what DDi devices you have fitted, Draugr will give a "special" present and there are additions to DDi which make plugs go off, cause trips if you have leg cuffs or boots and weapon fumbles for arm cuffs. There's also a chance to get fitted with more devices.


It complements DCL perfectly though the continuity can get a bit jumbled if a sex attack and DH fire off at the same time. However it doesn't cause a crash or anything but you might start off with a normal DCL sex attack and finish with DH fitting some extra DD items :lol: but it's never caused me any problems. If you use it make sure you also download the patch Xaz made so you don't lose the binds in ZAP 6.04.


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Hi again. I just started a new game to clean out various mods i had tried, so my installation is now superclean, but i have to ask...


Is it just me or do the default settings trigger events every few minutes? I go to steal from the jarl's house at Falkreath. I go the bedroom, in the wardrobe i get the message "you found restraints and can't resist the temptation to put them on" (or something like that). I think "oh well, bad luck". I decide to leave. As i go out of the door, new trigger event and i end up with a total of 6 devices.


I reload. I go to the shop to sell my thieve's loot. I realize that the gag is causing the prices for my stuff to drop a lot. So i decide to unlock the gag with my only key. I get out of the shop and open twice a barrel where i stash stuff. Trigger event again, new devices on. I mean, i 've got a level 2 character. I can't walk 100 meters without getting new event? 


Do you other guys actually play with default settings? I think i must decide on how to nerf this. Arousal was only 21 too, so i wonder, what will happen at arousal 60? Anything you touch is trapped? I think i will decrease the arousal's importance as triggering event.




It won't be long till we get cursed food or cursed scrolls or cursed potions... *shivers*


I am already thinking on disabling doors and... plants. I mean, come on... There must be a limit to something before it crosses to ridiculous.


Not No! But Hell No!


 I tone it down a lot, turn up the things that I like, and am constantly tweaking it to my personal fantasy level LOL


Gosh! the default setting on a new character would lock you up in a trunk, and keep you there for EvEr!


But I bet some claim that they turn it up even more.. I kind of like to be able to sort of play the game, not be totally roasted all the time.

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Hello Kimy, I have an idea - it's not something mandatory, but it's kind of a "low hanging fruit" where you can achieve a relatively unique feature with very little effort.



The support for beast races is generally poor in the Devious Devices community, because most people play human females. Still, there are some of us who just enjoy the more unusual race choices - and besides, it's perfectly Elder Scrolls canon that Khajiit females are seen by many as slaves or exotic prostitutes. Perfect for tying them up and subjecting them to public sex and nudity! ;)


And when you look into it, 90% of all devices actually work perfectly fine on the beast races. Just two kinds do not: gags and blindfolds. The head mesh is the only thing that's actually different.


Now there are a small few number of items that happen to work well on beast race heads. For example the ZAP wood bit gags and the ZAP cloth hoods. Unfortunately they're not properly set up as Devious Devices - the gag works, but doesn't lock. The hood is only cosmetic and doesn't lock either.


Then there's mods like Devious Extras, which make these things fully featured Devious Devices... but... Cursed Loot won't select them to apply to my character! :P




So here's my actual suggestion: add just one of those wood bit gags and just one of those cloth hoods, and make them fully featured, locking DD gag and blindfold respectively. Then, whenever a Khajiit or Argonian player or follower is the target of a Cursed Loot event, and a gag or blindfold (or both) is selected, only equip these two items instead of the regular DD gags and blindfolds.


A MCM menu checkbox like "use beast race gags and blindfolds" could let the player toggle the functionality.


This way, with adding just two items for which the models already exist, and modifying one function call with a conditional statement, you can add support for two previously unsupported vanilla races to have properly fitting, non-immersion-breaking and fully functional head restraints sprung onto them by your myriad evil traps and tribulations.




...at least, that would be my amateur understanding of the problem :P It's probably more complicated than I think, but hey, I figure that asking never hurts! Even if you're not terribly into beast races, if the effort involved is so low...


I'd really love to try fixing the existing meshes for beast races to wear headgear (possibly collars too, since those clip with the neck pretty badly), but the last time I tried to learn how to even get started with editing stuff I got lost in a twisty maze of frustration. If anyone has links to some easy to understand resources and workflows I might give it another shot some day.

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Hi again. I just started a new game to clean out various mods i had tried, so my installation is now superclean, but i have to ask...


Is it just me or do the default settings trigger events every few minutes? I go to steal from the jarl's house at Falkreath. I go the bedroom, in the wardrobe i get the message "you found restraints and can't resist the temptation to put them on" (or something like that). I think "oh well, bad luck". I decide to leave. As i go out of the door, new trigger event and i end up with a total of 6 devices.


I reload. I go to the shop to sell my thieve's loot. I realize that the gag is causing the prices for my stuff to drop a lot. So i decide to unlock the gag with my only key. I get out of the shop and open twice a barrel where i stash stuff. Trigger event again, new devices on. I mean, i 've got a level 2 character. I can't walk 100 meters without getting new event? 


Do you other guys actually play with default settings? I think i must decide on how to nerf this. Arousal was only 21 too, so i wonder, what will happen at arousal 60? Anything you touch is trapped? I think i will decrease the arousal's importance as triggering event.




It won't be long till we get cursed food or cursed scrolls or cursed potions... *shivers*


I am already thinking on disabling doors and... plants. I mean, come on... There must be a limit to something before it crosses to ridiculous.


Not No! But Hell No!


 I tone it down a lot, turn up the things that I like, and am constantly tweaking it to my personal fantasy level LOL


Gosh! the default setting on a new character would lock you up in a trunk, and keep you there for EvEr!


But I bet some claim that they turn it up even more.. I kind of like to be able to sort of play the game, not be totally roasted all the time.


i personally configure it so that it is realistic :). the only exception to that rule is when i want to test certain items to see if they work.  but realistic in the specific boundaries of deviously cursed loot of course. and that means i will still have to be extremely careful about my next move. because evil lurks at every corner. oh and door apparently :lol:  

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Getting occasional CTDs and I get this as my last line in the log

[DCUR] Periodical update starts

I get this walking around outside in the wilderness. Any way to diagnose?


There is a bug in this version that can cause excessive script lag, so that might explain it. It will be gone with the next patch. :)

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Getting occasional CTDs and I get this as my last line in the log

[DCUR] Periodical update starts

I get this walking around outside in the wilderness. Any way to diagnose?


There is a bug in this version that can cause excessive script lag, so that might explain it. It will be gone with the next patch. :)


oh yes!! i got scared that things might stay this way.after the last update every time i loaded a save it seemed like my pc was about to explode :huh:

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DH is much more detailed, bandits will detect you and chase you down if unarmed and not in sneak mode (or if they spot you ). Prices can change depending on what DDi devices you have fitted, Draugr will give a "special" present and there are additions to DDi which make plugs go off, cause trips if you have leg cuffs or boots and weapon fumbles for arm cuffs. There's also a chance to get fitted with more devices.


It complements DCL perfectly though the continuity can get a bit jumbled if a sex attack and DH fire off at the same time. However it doesn't cause a crash or anything but you might start off with a normal DCL sex attack and finish with DH fitting some extra DD items :lol: but it's never caused me any problems. If you use it make sure you also download the patch Xaz made so you don't lose the binds in ZAP 6.04.




Thanks for that, answering my question and all. Also letting me know Xaz updated ZAP (coz seriously, it never notifies).

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There is a definitely a bug with bandits in mines. Now i don't remember the exact mechanics, because it was last night and i was tired, but more or less this is what happened.


- I go to a bandit mine to kill the bandit leader. I trigger a trap with rocks falling and this triggers device message. My character (which i think already had a belt), someohow strips and starts masturbating herself while the bandit is watching. At the end, the Bandit is just standing there and doesn't attack, but you can actually talk with him!




Reloaded. Again something happened with bandits in the same mine, only it was CTD (but i don't remember the details). Problem is, even at 0.1 arousal weight, i get too often events that i can't remember what happened when.  Maybe this is related to the script being laggy though?


EDIT: I forgot. With the 1st case with the bandit, i couldn't open the inventory again... I have no other mod installed, other than Further Lovers Comfort , Hydra slavegirls, Apropos and Arousal Redux. I didn't even install defeat to keep things cleaner.


Also, maybe there is a bug in chance calculation? Apart the fact that i keep finding traps too easily, i find lucky charms too easily too, although i haven't changed the default chance. In 5 consecutive containers, i found 2 lucky charms and 1 heavy yoke key... Then 7-8 containers down the road, again trigger even, when i get new chastity belt, while i already had one. Now in my inventory the old belt results unlocked (i didn't unlock it) and a new high security one is at place. I thought that once you have a belt, you can't get another... And so much for the limit of devices worn...


Now i have this "slave chastity belt", with 5 locks and says i can't open unless i have all keys. Great. Who has the keys? The dead bandits in the mine? i already looted them. I hope the blacksmith can open it...

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In all seriousness, this is where Adrienne dumped me off at and I had to COC out (and of course I'm now perma-stuck in that armbinder). I attached my papyrus log for shits n giggles. There's a lot of stuff in there that I think is related to the Skyrim Live mod.


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Not No! But Hell No!

 I tone it down a lot, turn up the things that I like, and am constantly tweaking it to my personal fantasy level LOL


Gosh! the default setting on a new character would lock you up in a trunk, and keep you there for EvEr!


But I bet some claim that they turn it up even more.. I kind of like to be able to sort of play the game, not be totally roasted all the time.




Thanks. Well, i had to ask, because usually, mods are tuned by default for "balance" and to allow people who actually want to play the normal game, to game on. I mean, the mod author knows what is balanced. The user doesn't. I have set arousal weight to 0.1 and modifier also to 0.1 and of course disabled cursed collar and reduced some "multiple/dozens lock items" to a very slim chance and i HOPE i have made this playable. The trouble is that this mod has too many options and the documentation isn't enough to understand which is what. Like in "sex attacks" there are are like 3 different sectors of configuration, which i have still to understand what different sex attack refer to.  If i fail to make this playable i will look to another mod i saw, called "deviously enchanted chests", which seems simpler from the description.  This one is more complete, but should come with "user manual" to understand what's happening, the different keys, which can be removed by who etc.


For example, i got the slave belt, which needs "5 custom keys". When i first talked to a blacksmith about it, he said he can't do anything. I happened to ask him again to "help with restraints" and he removed it at once and without even getting paid for it!  So i am completely at loss here...



P.S: the quoting format in this forum is the most terrible i 've seen. I can't seem to be able to quote only the person's comment.

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Hello Kimy, I have an idea - it's not something mandatory, but it's kind of a "low hanging fruit" where you can achieve a relatively unique feature with very little effort.



The support for beast races is generally poor in the Devious Devices community, because most people play human females. Still, there are some of us who just enjoy the more unusual race choices - and besides, it's perfectly Elder Scrolls canon that Khajiit females are seen by many as slaves or exotic prostitutes. Perfect for tying them up and subjecting them to public sex and nudity! ;)


And when you look into it, 90% of all devices actually work perfectly fine on the beast races. Just two kinds do not: gags and blindfolds. The head mesh is the only thing that's actually different.


Now there are a small few number of items that happen to work well on beast race heads. For example the ZAP wood bit gags and the ZAP cloth hoods. Unfortunately they're not properly set up as Devious Devices - the gag works, but doesn't lock. The hood is only cosmetic and doesn't lock either.


Then there's mods like Devious Extras, which make these things fully featured Devious Devices... but... Cursed Loot won't select them to apply to my character! :P




So here's my actual suggestion: add just one of those wood bit gags and just one of those cloth hoods, and make them fully featured, locking DD gag and blindfold respectively. Then, whenever a Khajiit or Argonian player or follower is the target of a Cursed Loot event, and a gag or blindfold (or both) is selected, only equip these two items instead of the regular DD gags and blindfolds.


A MCM menu checkbox like "use beast race gags and blindfolds" could let the player toggle the functionality.


This way, with adding just two items for which the models already exist, and modifying one function call with a conditional statement, you can add support for two previously unsupported vanilla races to have properly fitting, non-immersion-breaking and fully functional head restraints sprung onto them by your myriad evil traps and tribulations.




...at least, that would be my amateur understanding of the problem :P It's probably more complicated than I think, but hey, I figure that asking never hurts! Even if you're not terribly into beast races, if the effort involved is so low...


I have no clue about the beast races, but if that helps, I can add it to my to-do list. :)


Is it possible that the script lag from Cursed Loot causes severe fps drops? I am having drops that i don't recall having before.


That would surprise me. The most common symptom for excessive script lags are CTDs. The Papyrus engine doesn't take heavy load very well. It usually crashes before anything else does. :D











In all seriousness, this is where Adrienne dumped me off at and I had to COC out (and of course I'm now perma-stuck in that armbinder). I attached my papyrus log for shits n giggles. There's a lot of stuff in there that I think is related to the Skyrim Live mod.


Holy moly! That's one messed up log! I'd blame that one on a corrupted save game, me thinks.

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I was trying to test the new combat option and i got the message i have a child character or whatever and the mod have been disabled -.-



I use a VANILLA CBBE imperial character

With Goddess follower (sophitia from soul edge :( from STEAM so its 100% safe)


Also EFF with only 1 follower limit so i am quite sure.



I also have the plugin to make the child killable since i run RCOTS enemies and expansions ....(will remove them :/)

Or maybe its Dibella sisterhood mod conflicting >.<


Why did you even put something like that when there is already Sexlab and also vanilla skyrim excluding children from everything?


Attached load order :(


P.S. and i definitly am almost sure that this mod have serious issues when 2 different mods call sexlab on the same moment...

Happened again triggering pet collar + solicitation that sexlab stopped working.....

Never happened with any 2 other mod launching SL at the same time.



P.P.S. Further tests... i told my follower to wait (but didn t uninstall it...) and uninstalled HostilesNPC-RCOTS v1.8  for now i didn't get the error.



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