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Is there a easy way to upgrade from JC .67.5 and Slavetats 1.0.3?  When I try and upgrade many of the characters that had .67.5 end up broken.  They end up with pink bodies and no way to apply new tatoos or to fix them?  Whats the best way to upgrade when you have several NPC's wandering around with tats?

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hey just out of curiosity if i want to request for a particular kind of tattoo where would i post for that?


Here's probably as good a place as any. Anyone can add new tattoos now, so there's a good chance you'll find somebody who will give it a shot.

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What would be great to see with this mod is it used as immersion in a similar way as how the devious series stuff is used. PC getting captured and being branded/tattooed for example. Or perhaps being caught committing a crime and being punished by having the act tattooed on.

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What would be great to see with this mod is it used as immersion in a similar way as how the devious series stuff is used. PC getting captured and being branded/tattooed for example. Or perhaps being caught committing a crime and being punished by having the act tattooed on.


I think the Quick As You Like mod here on LL does exactly that if you have SlaveTats installed.  I haven't tried it yet but that's what the first post in that mod's thread says.


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What would be great to see with this mod is it used as immersion in a similar way as how the devious series stuff is used. PC getting captured and being branded/tattooed for example. Or perhaps being caught committing a crime and being punished by having the act tattooed on.


I think the Quick As You Like mod here on LL does exactly that if you have SlaveTats installed.  I haven't tried it yet but that's what the first post in that mod's thread says.



And the brand has an... extra special effect.

Try it!

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I'm having trouble with, I think the new version - it's hard to tell honestly. But for some reason my hand and foot overlays aren't working. :/ I'm using a UNP based texture set, face and body are working fine. I was working on a set of custom tattoos and didn't realize that it wasn't my textures until I checked the hand overlays from the basic set and ... well. Nothing.


Figured it out, never mind. Turns out it was an issue with my hand meshes. Fixed it, working like a charm now.


Thought some people might like to see what I've been putting together using the framework. I'm a big Saints Row fan, so... had to give some designs based on that a try. Only two so far but I'm gonna round it out later. I've been learning to use the projection stencil in Mudbox and the results have been just. Awesome.



Edited by xarathos
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Hey I recently upgraded to the newer mod from 0.9.13 (I think) I believe it might be .96 not to sure but when I used the two previous versions 9.13 & .96 I only had this glitch show up every once in a while.  The glitch is the body texture turning orange or yellow or whatever color and no tats showing.  Well  I started a new game upgraded everything (Sexlab, Slavetats, and so on) and now if I apply any tats the texture turns light blue and I get no tats.  I will try to trouble shoot but the only thing I have that adjusts the texture is Race menu and I don't have any tats being used.  I don't even have any AK or RM overlays installed at this time.


Edit: I reinstalled the mod, one of the other mods or just human screwup erased a few files.  Reinstalling fixed the problem and the Tats look good.  The only problem I've had is I wanted the Rutah tats for my PC's left breast and Pubic area.  The mod will let me choose full body variant a, b or c but if I choose any other art tag it defaults to one of the first three.  I'm not complaining because I can work with the three tats but you might want to look at the files or the JContainer  or whatever to figure out what is wrong.

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Edit: I reinstalled the mod, one of the other mods or just human screwup erased a few files.  Reinstalling fixed the problem and the Tats look good.  The only problem I've had is I wanted the Rutah tats for my PC's left breast and Pubic area.  The mod will let me choose full body variant a, b or c but if I choose any other art tag it defaults to one of the first three.  I'm not complaining because I can work with the three tats but you might want to look at the files or the JContainer  or whatever to figure out what is wrong.


I can't move the Rutah tats to places where Rutah didn't put them, 'cause they're not mine to mess with.


On the other hand, if you're telling me that selecting one of the Rutah tats is giving you the wrong tattoo, well, that's a problem. Which of the Rutah tatpacks are you using?


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ok my tattoo request is this. i am attaching a pic. i want a tattoo of a erect dog penis that ejaculation. i want that tattoo to be a back tattoo. the pic is for reference. i'd like the dog penis to be straight and vertical not horizontal like in the pic. this pic was the best example of a dog penis thats cumming that i could find sorry. please let me know if its possible to make thanks for your time




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ok my tattoo request is this. i am attaching a pic. i want a tattoo of a erect dog penis that ejaculation. i want that tattoo to be a back tattoo. the pic is for reference. i'd like the dog penis to be straight and vertical not horizontal like in the pic. this pic was the best example of a dog penis thats cumming that i could find sorry. please let me know if its possible to make thanks for your time




Any takers for making this texture?

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I recently upgraded to the latest slavetats from a versioh that used an old version of jcontainers. I am confused as to how the new version works. Do I need to download slavetats AND a variety of tattoo files? Or is slavetats alone enough? I downloaded slavetats and two files (draconic and Chinese), and I can target an NPC and designate the body, but when I click section nothing happens. It is as if there are no tattoos to load. Have I installed it wrong?

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OK, I think I know the cause of my problem. When I upgraded Slavetats I did not know that I had to remove tattoos from NPCs in my game. In the upgraded game, my follower now has a purple body. I am pretty sure that this is because Skyrim is looking for tattoos that are no longer there (they were deleted with the old Slavetats). But I am unable to remove the non-existent tattoos (the purple skin) with the new Slavetats because the MCM will not respond. I cannot get beyond the very first stages. Is there a workaround or am I screwed?

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Murfk, is there any way possible you could add a transparency/opacity option to slavetats.

As in one for each tattoo slot like you currently have the color, glow, and glossy options?



A fading tattoo would be kinda cool...



-DOH EDIT-  Great mod by the way... I'm enjoying this Mod along with QAYL :)


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OK, I think I know the cause of my problem. When I upgraded Slavetats I did not know that I had to remove tattoos from NPCs in my game. In the upgraded game, my follower now has a purple body. I am pretty sure that this is because Skyrim is looking for tattoos that are no longer there (they were deleted with the old Slavetats). But I am unable to remove the non-existent tattoos (the purple skin) with the new Slavetats because the MCM will not respond. I cannot get beyond the very first stages. Is there a workaround or am I screwed?


Well, opening the MCM and targeting the affected character should fix the purple problem, so we just have to figure out how to get you there.


First step, make sure everything is up to date: SlaveTats, JContainers, SKSE, SkyUI, and anything else you can think of.


Second, install at least one tattoo pack, because they aren't bundled with the core package anymore.

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Murfk, is there any way possible you could add a transparency/opacity option to slavetats.

As in one for each tattoo slot like you currently have the color, glow, and glossy options?



A fading tattoo would be kinda cool...



-DOH EDIT-  Great mod by the way... I'm enjoying this Mod along with QAYL :)


Cool, glad you like it :)


As for alpha channel, yes, I could do that, but if I'm honest, I can't say that it really excites me. What's the point? The alpha channel on the textures is already supported.


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What would be great to see with this mod is it used as immersion in a similar way as how the devious series stuff is used. PC getting captured and being branded/tattooed for example. Or perhaps being caught committing a crime and being punished by having the act tattooed on.


I think the Quick As You Like mod here on LL does exactly that if you have SlaveTats installed.  I haven't tried it yet but that's what the first post in that mod's thread says.



And the brand has an... extra special effect.

Try it!


 Has anyone recompiled the scripts in Quick  to use Jcontainer 3.01?

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could someone make somehing with whipmarks? I Always found it annoying that they dissappeared so quickly. I know there was soemthing you could change so they would stay longer but then the rest stays longer too (blood splatter,...).


So my question could someone make something for slvetats that enables to have wearable scars and slashes from whips?

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As for alpha channel, yes, I could do that, but if I'm honest, I can't say that it really excites me. What's the point? The alpha channel on the textures is already supported.


It's just we've been talking about combining QAYL ass-cheek tats to save slots. Only thing is it makes them a bit too easy to clean up, so I'm thinking of having some that need multiple applications of solvent to remove.


Plan A was to have multiple versions of each tat texture, and that still works. Being able to re-apply them at a higher transparency would save on the number of files though.


No big deal, plan A will still work :)




Has anyone recompiled the scripts in Quick  to use Jcontainer 3.01?


There's a loose pex file on the QAYL thread somewhere where I did that. It's buggy though - it gets the indices wrong for the tats.


I might see about getting another one built and stick it on the download page


[edit edit]


Now I think about it, it's the QAYL json files that are buggy. The new version takes its slot numbers from the json files, and the ones I supplied count from one when they should count from zero. That's fixable with a text editor

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To show my appreciation for this mod, I thought I'd post a couple of shots of my current PC. She's a young Breton girl who was captured by slavers. They had a special order from a particular person in Markarth, who was willing to pay extra for a virgin Breton girl. For the extra gold he paid, though, he wanted her marked to clearly show first, that she was a slave, and second, that she was HIS property. So he asked for "Slave" on both her cheeks, "Property of" on her belly/pubis, "Owned" on her lower back, and the daedric "slave" on her upper back and right arm.






The storyline is why I earlier suggest a tat "Reserved for (name)". Any suggestions for other possible tats to show a master's ownership of his slave would be a good addition to the mod, IMHO. Perhaps the ability to place the master's initials on the left and right butt.


I can carve 'property of' on character's skin. But i can't do 'master' initial on my character.

How i do property of master to carve on my character's skin?

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The only problem I had with this mod...and it only happened once, I went to use it and after it was done it made my character drunk >.> .. I mean totally wasted drunk. I use realistic needs lol. It kind of freaked me out cause I wasn't even near booze. As I said though, it only happened once :P


What I would like to see is more... Branding. Things that are more scar or burned in ....Honestly, it is alot easier to stick a hot brand to someone then to have them sit still long enough to tattoo " Property of This guy who can afford cutting edge ink and apparently powerful drugs to keep this tattoo'ed slave still long enough for me to write a journal on her / him" ....

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