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SexoutNG - Stable Release '97

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I take a break from Skyrim and I decided to take Fallout New Vegas and have fun with some mod LoversLab.

Forgive me this and how SexLab does nothing by itself in need of additional mod.

I do not see dependencies of some species of FNIS for animations I'm wrong.

To play the best I question the need also I believe SCR.


You don't need anything like FNIS.

You do need NVSE, and the most current NXextender though. (think of it as the SKSE scripts used in Skyrim. )


There are links in my Sig for BruceWaynes Tutorial. I would suggest you start with this get a working base. Add Sexkey or something that don't require SCR and test. If you can have sex you have a functonal base. Then you can use my SCR Resources Tutorial to create all the resources (sort of a merged mod pack however there will be no scripts, or esp/esms just resources) then add SCR. If you want add Pregnancy and other mods on top after testing a few times.


Most Sexout mods here work but some are old and might have some scripting issues so it is advised to test a few at a time on perfectly a clean FNV install with only Sexout installed to be sure no other mods are conflicting.


In my sig I also have other links that can give info. The primary mod manger for Fallout is FOMM. Advised to use the one hosted here.


That should get you started. ;).


Thank you for your prompt response.

I installed the mod with all its dependencies and in the game can have a masturbation and also something that vibrates.

They are still in the first village I do not know what other caretteristiche can I have to check.

Well I'll try immediately Sexkey, and I thought even submit.

For thanks, probably I follow his tutorial is SCR.



Glad I could help.

some mods to check


Closest thing to Submit.


Closest thing to Death Alternative.


This is getting a bit off topic from this thread so if need more pointers for which mod to substitute for which perhaps create a new thread.

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Sorry if this has been answered, I used search and could not find anything.  Any way, how do you make the clothing list talked about in the MCM.  I have a small neck seam on my toon, that is covered up by a necklace, but during sex the necklace is removed.  I want to make a list that leaves the necklace on for everything.

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Guest tomm434

I added Grad's mask in FalloutTTWQuestIverhaul using formlists



AddFormToFormList xx05F43A yy000000

xx - load order of sexout


xx05F43A - form list for female character

xx05F439 - form list for male character



yy000000 - form id of your necklace

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I added Grad's mask in FalloutTTWQuestIverhaul using formlists



AddFormToFormList xx05F43A yy000000
xx - load order of sexout


xx05F43A - form list for female character

xx05F439 - form list for male character



yy000000 - form id of your necklace

So is the form list what you take off, or what you leave on?

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I think there might be a conflict with the Someguy Series. Animations went a little haywire until I uninstalled them, then they worked like a charm. Figured I'd leave that piece on information here, maybe someone knows what's causing the incompatibility.

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If the sex starts when my character already naked, he stay naked(and no erected) during all act. Otherwise, if he had something equipped(except weapon) erect body applying correctly. I have bodysuit installed and nothing overrides it.

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I added Grad's mask in FalloutTTWQuestIverhaul using formlists



AddFormToFormList xx05F43A yy000000
xx - load order of sexout


xx05F43A - form list for female character

xx05F439 - form list for male character



yy000000 - form id of your necklace

So is the form list what you take off, or what you leave on?

I found the clothing eval mod, and it worked for my problem.


Thank you to everyone that replied to my question.

I found the clothing eval mod, and it worked for my problem.


Thank you to everyone that replied to my question.

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I think there might be a conflict with the Someguy Series. Animations went a little haywire until I uninstalled them, then they worked like a charm. Figured I'd leave that piece on information here, maybe someone knows what's causing the incompatibility.


The most common reason why a mod can create incompatibilities concerning animations is because it contains a certain record that wasn't erased  by the modder. There are some mods that tend to solve this problem for any other mod, if you put them lower on your load order; or you can do it on your own, there was a tutorial around here... I don't recall where... maybe in Bruce Wayne's signature.

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Hey i need help i don't know  why but my animation has stop working it was working before and running just fine but now it not doing them no more i removed them and then uploaded them back but it still didn't fix what do i need to do to fix it?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been having problems with the male bodies since these last 2 updates/mods. when the men get naked their dicks will stretch out to infinity in one direction till they redress. the way I've fixed this is I loaded up Breezes New Vegas Males (erect) this seems to fix the problem. Other than that no problems that I'm aware of.

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I've downloaded the SexoutNG bodies a few times now, each time thinking/hoping what ever is wrong with won't be there. My issue is that it won't install. I used FOMM from HERE and NMM. It crashes FOMM instantly and does some odd eternity "install" with NMM.


I already have T6M bnb installed for females and i already had installed the NMM capable Breezes, problem there is that sexout doesn't see the body suits (And i don't know how to make it so that it does. So when a sex scene happens the males body is just gone. Now i can install the erect version and tell sexout not to use body suits, but then I'll see dead, naked, erect penises all over the place. Not very immersive, which is why i wanted to install the sexout bodies, so sexout can use the bodysuits.


Can i get some help please?

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Here is a thread which explains why you cannot go back and forth between using FOMM and NMM to manage the same game and why you will likely get more support from this forum if you use FOMM:



Here is a Gopher video showing how to get FOMM working again after using NMM to manage the same game:








I use FOMM. When installing Sexout, I ask it to install Breeze bodies and armor fixes. I then enable the sexout option in MCM to enable the use of the sexout body suit (as you apparently have). Like you, the only naked, erect male I want to see is my player character when he is having sex and not some dead fiend or crucified powder ganger. What I have done to allow that is to replace the upperbody.nif (the erect male version) which is installed by Sexout bodies in data/meshes/characters/_female with the Breeze underwear version. You will need to do this manually regardless of which manager you use. The erect version will still be in data/meshes/armor/sexoutbodysuits so that if you enable that in MCM, your character will be naked and erect during sex.

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Here is a thread which explains why you cannot go back and forth between using FOMM and NMM to manage the same game and why you will likely get more support from this forum if you use FOMM:



Here is a Gopher video showing how to get FOMM working again after using NMM to manage the same game:


Just to make it clear I wasn't using both NMM and FOMM to mod FONV. I was using NMM exclusively till I wanted to install sexout bodies. I only installed FOMM thinking that it would be that one mod from here that i would have to install with FOMM.


FOMM works even without doing gophers fix, but i did it anyway again thinking maybe that one slight difference is the issue. The moment i try to add the fomod FOMM crashes. Here's the crash dump.



Thursday, May 28, 2015 - 12:59:00 PM


OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1


System.ArgumentException: Unrecognized file format.

Parameter name: p_strPath

at Fomm.PackageManager.FomodBuilder.FomodFromSourceBuilder.BuildFomodFromSource(String p_strPath)

at Fomm.PackageManager.PackageManager.AddNewFomod(String p_strPath)

at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)

at Fomm.Controls.SplitButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)

at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)




How big is the SexoutNG - Bodies 1.0.0.fomod suppose to be? The one i keep getting is only 36.4 KB... Seems really small for a body mod. I think it might be corrupted, but I deleted and downloaded it again a few times and it still comes up like that.

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The Sexout bodies fomod is small. All it does is place the breeze erect body nif in a folder called sexoutbodysuit in Data/meshes/armor and the same nif in data/meshes/characters/_female. In my edited post above I explained how I changed the nif in the second folder.  As to you FOMM issues, I do not know the answer. I occasionally get a crash dump when launching FOMM, but if I try again it launches fine. My crash dump is different because we have a different OS, but mine is just an annoyance. Sexout bodies would be an easy manual install anyway if you are only wanting to get FOMM working to do that, and want to use NMM otherwise.

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Ok so here is what i did since sexout bodies doesn't like me. I installed breezes again, used undies and installed the bodysuits. I then moved the erect bodysuit into data/meshes/armor/sexoutbodysuits, ( only that folder wasn't there so i made one) and dropped it in. In game i got my body and undies, good. I turned on sexout bodysuits in MCM and went to nail the first girl i saw, I'm now a disembodied head and hands... Damn it. Do i need to rename the nif or is the folder named wrong?

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In my game, the name of the sexout body suit is outfiterect.nif and is 324kb in size. In data/meshes/characters/_female, the name is upperbody.nif and the size is 307kb. If you install the sexout body suit as packaged, upperbody.nif would also be 324kb. You might want to just download the archive linked here, install that manually and see what happens. If you make no changes, you and all males will be naked. Then you could replace the upperbody.nif with the underwear one.


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Just been wondering, I have several Sexout oriented perks. Are those already implemented?

Cause the last time I checked was 2013 and those've been nothing more than placeholders.


Have there been any changes and if yes, how do they play out?


Someone correct me if I am wrong here but they are just there as part of the sexout framework, unless you have an additional mod that uses or calls these perks they are still unused as sexout does not use them directly.

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Just been wondering, I have several Sexout oriented perks. Are those already implemented?

Cause the last time I checked was 2013 and those've been nothing more than placeholders.


Have there been any changes and if yes, how do they play out?


Someone correct me if I am wrong here but they are just there as part of the sexout framework, unless you have an additional mod that uses or calls these perks they are still unused as sexout does not use them directly.


Yes. or directly add them to your character by console..

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