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Massively votes TESO be biggest FLOP!


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its about what you expect from tes, xenic. tes and mmo is like mixing pizza with icecream. both my have their special kind of flavor, but if you put them into a blender the result most likely makes you vomit.


if you didnt play the older games before you might not understand why this is a major clusterfuck for fans of the franchise though...

This isnt necessarily true.There's nothing wrong at all with the idea of a TES MMO, but it needs to be imbued with the spirit of games like Ultima Online.   


 I remember how MMOs were before the slick cookie cut theme park style came to dominance.That's the problem, TESO seems to be an identikit theme park mmo with false pretensions of innovation (hello TOR,GW2) rather than the sandbox game it really needed to be if it could hope to live up to the things that make TES really stand out in the open world RPG crowd. 


I was in the last beta w/e, I've done a lot of betas in my time and this one wasn't any more or less problematic than those were, I expected issues and got them.


Of the two hours of gameplay I managed to squeeze in between those typical issues, I wasn't remotely impressed with anything I saw...because I've seen it all before with different art assets. Darkfall has more in common with TES than TESO does at this point.That's all I'll say for now. 

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Note to husband: The focus of that particular beta event was to test PvP, not to dick around and try out the game, which is why the survey was largely PvP questions... that was that test's purpose.


They made that pretty clear with their Goals they posted for that beta which were all PvP oriented goals.



To be fair to said husband, all I saw on various forums throughout the internet was that no-one could get into Cyrodiil during the January beta.

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Note to husband: The focus of that particular beta event was to test PvP, not to dick around and try out the game, which is why the survey was largely PvP questions... that was that test's purpose.


They made that pretty clear with their Goals they posted for that beta which were all PvP oriented goals.



To be fair to said husband, all I saw on various forums throughout the internet was that no-one could get into Cyrodiil during the January beta.



The PvP beta was November.


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Guest endgameaddiction

Getting into TES games and playing Skryim.. TES Online to me is going to be a massive fail. Skyrim has so many countless quest bugs alone it's ridiculous. Apart from the animation and other flaws I've seen. Not sure why they would even consider making a MMO when they can't even make a game bug free on official release.


My vote is clear. TESO = fail. Good luck to those who get sucked into that. Not dumping my money into that garbage.

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Wouldn't there also have to be an "instant respawn" so that the thrill a millisecond crowd didn't get bored with being dead?


They could take a cue from the latest batch of mobile phone games and charge $1.50 for an instant resurrect, otherwise you will have to wait four hours to log back in again...



The mechanic in place for respawn is to reappear in a ghostly form at your location and after about 5 seconds you become whole again. The longer version is to come back at a way shrine. It kind of fits in with the, " you have no soul" thing, but even that is a bit strange. It's almost as if you are a soul disconnected from your body but using it like it's on remote.

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I think with the amount of negative press that's building up about ESO, that those who would otherwise be interested will stick to WOW.


They will get the skyrim crowd, I'd say at least half the skyrim sales were from people who never played Morrowind or Oblivion and don't know any better.

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Guest Ragna_Rok


I think with the amount of negative press that's building up about ESO, that those who would otherwise be interested will stick to WOW.


They will get the skyrim crowd, I'd say at least half the skyrim sales were from people who never played Morrowind or Oblivion and don't know any better.


I AM THE NEREVARIIIIINE! ALL TRIBES UNDER MOON AND STAR!!! ... wow, it sounds still awesome after all those years :)

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I'm one of the guys who were able to play the beta and i can tell you it's got potential.. if they do shit right it MIGHT be revolutionary.


I'm one of those extreme elder scrolls nerds and i found some shit here and there where i didn't agree with in the game only to find some random book in skyrim that proved my thoughts wrong. However it made me realize, again, that there's so much stuff in elder scrolls which we don't see in the games... i wish they'd get so freakin in depth with that shit, and the next game ( i hope there will be one....) will blow minds.



Random recommendation: Read some books in skyrim/oblivion/morrowind if you don't do. You'd be surprised how cruel tamriel actually is in contrast to what we see in the games.



I can't go into detail here though because of this.. what's it called? stfu-agreement. i dunno, you know what i mean.

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I got to play the beta this weekend and I can say I liked it, but I can see how it won't appeal to a younger audience. The funny thing is I was running around thinking "damn I need and armor mod." lol



dont forget, the only sex youre gonna see there will be groups of kiddos tea-bagging you :D



I was exactly thinking what ragna wrote.


Remember the day in morrowind when you first found M'aiq the Liar ? He said there will never be an Elder Scrolls Multiplayer game, because he does not want to meet the Nord "Rolf-The-Uber" and the argonian "Im-Leet". I instantly understood what the devs were referring to with that. Reality is.. it actually happened. The names i saw in the game.... i might take this a bit too personal but fuck me, i wish i could transfer my fist through the internet to hit all those darn xxxkillerxxx fuckhats.


As a matter of fact, what ruins the mmorpgs are often the developers itself.. often but not always. What ALWAYS ruins it for me, is the community.

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The game does have potential; I just have concerns with it turning out to be yet another generic themepark.


If that's the case then I'll just stick with TOR and TSW if I ever decide to go back. I'm really torn on it but just cannot shake my doubts. However, I have to admit if this thing manages to flop and that relaunch of Final Fantasy turns out to be a success I might just lose it from an objective standpoint. I don't even see how that mess is any better than TOR given all the bad rap that game got. If that's the case I've probably misread the mmo community entirely or underestimated Square's fanbase. Maybe a combination of both. Still, If paying a 15 dollar sub to herd raid groups through weekly, instanced content is what qualifies as a success I'm out.


Now concerning the community I do wonder if they will ever implement that feature that would filter out the malcontents. I read about it a long ways back in some article. They would ask you several questions on how you'd typically play an mmo after character creation or something. Can't recall all the fine details but say if you were into grouping and rp it would pair you up with others who do so too. Since they are doing this megaserver thing I would want all the tools possible to be as far away from the general asshats that would populate that place.

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As a matter of fact, what ruins the mmorpgs are often the developers itself.. often but not always. What ALWAYS ruins it for me, is the community.



This. As soon as an MMO finally gets a mob population inevitably there will be the screaming in the forums.

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It cost 200M to produce, Skyrim sold 20M, if 10M people buy eso, it costs what? 40-60 up front, it is already paid for, plus subscriptions, plus micro-transactions and after it's gone free to play. It won't flop.

That would work if it weren't for how it's obviously not that simple. There's server maintenance, maintaining a team to work on bugfixes, creating new content on a near-constant basis... MMO's aren't fire-and-forget, there's a bunch of other costs and considerations that go into it. You don't just "make your money back".


They will get the skyrim crowd, I'd say at least half the skyrim sales were from people who never played Morrowind or Oblivion and don't know any better.

Oblivion? Really?


You do remember Oblivion, right? The awful facegen, the lazy character models, the bad and generic and boring art design, the mostly mediocre quests? Oblivion was objectively worse than Skyrim in a number of areas, and only marginally better in others. Using Oblivion as the minimum bar to pass to be a TES fan who "knows better" is laughable. It was the first TES game to truly suffer at the hands of consoles, and nobody whose only TES gaming experience is Oblivion and Skyrim knows what a TES game is supposed to be.

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 nobody whose only TES gaming experience is Oblivion and Skyrim knows what a TES game is supposed to be.



I don't really get this, since TES games tend to change quite a lot from edition to edition. I mean there are surface similarities for sure but well from memory Daggerfall was quite a bit different from Morrowind (although yes it was quite a while ago since I've played either).


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I sense much negativity in you as of late, @Jexsam, what happened?




Good, good...


You can't really say you love something unless you can accept and acknowledge its flaws. And boy was Oblivion flawed. But I still played the hell out of it, enjoyed every minute. Just like Skyrim.


All I's sayin' here is, if people are gonna be elitist about ESO, they need to set an accurate standard for it, and Oblivion is not that standard.

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