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Hi! I installed new version of DDi, but something goes wrong: I have follower, she almost always wearing a yoke, on older version everything worked fine with MCM's [number of NPCs slotted] option, but on new version she ignores a yoke. FNIS, as always, launched, I've tried to reequip yoke after save-load, I don't know, what else can be done to get it work. MCM option set, so problem isn't here, I think. Can you give me any advice to get it work properly again?

Also somehow I make her to use proper animation, but on a little moment, couple of seconds later she put hands down and her AI became completely frozen (no responding on [Wait here/Follow me] commands, no teleporting after fast travel, etc.)

P.S. which armor used on 6-th screenshot?


Hello, I have the same problem reported by Xenoramos.

I'm using MO and followed the step by step installation procedure.

Downloaded FNIS and Patch, reinstalled them both, changed the GeneratedFnis path (MO installed the new FNIS in a different directory), run FNIS with no errors.

Animations on my character are working fine (combat included), followers though freeze in place around 2 or 3 seconds after the armbinder is equipped (the DDi one).

On equipping the armbinder they switch to the bound animation, but immediately after they change to a standard idle animation, their arms slip out of the armbinder and they freeze in place.

Using EFF Menu to order them around or dismissing doesn't unfreeze them. Taking the armbinder off returns things back to normal.

Forcing bound animations from ZAZ also unfreezes them, but I suspect that's not how it is supposed to work...  :P


I'm using FNIS PCEA2, Sexy Move and Female animation pack. I've also just run FNIS after uninstalling them, but the issue persist and my guess is that somewhere there may be missing or conflicting animations influencing NPCs, just I have no idea where to look for them...


Any help would be appreciated, as I'm really running out of options :s

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Why is that when the hands of my character are bound and she is kneeling, i pres to walk forward and she just slides (floats) on the ground. I ran FNIS a couple of times and still the problem is there.


I use XMPSE and UNP.


I install the SexLab Framework on a new game, register the ZaZ animations, Save, Load and the problem is there.


When I press the "R" key she gets up and start walking but the moment that I stop, she kneels and start floating until I press "R" again..


Sorry if this problem has written solution somewhere but I searched for an hour and still nothing...

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The belts do not block animations with the pussy tag, so you can still masturbate while wearing one. This should be fixed.

THANK YOU GOD! Finally another one with the same problem as me. Dude I feel your pain. It's like everyone here has it going for them with the denial and shit, but here we are. Fully able to masturbate. It must be fixed!!!

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The belts do not block animations with the pussy tag, so you can still masturbate while wearing one. This should be fixed.

THANK YOU GOD! Finally another one with the same problem as me. Dude I feel your pain. It's like everyone here has it going for them with the denial and shit, but here we are. Fully able to masturbate. It must be fixed!!!


Are you experiencing that problem with the new version? It is known to be broken in 2.9.2.

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Hi! I installed new version of DDi, but something goes wrong: I have follower, she almost always wearing a yoke, on older version everything worked fine with MCM's [number of NPCs slotted] option, but on new version she ignores a yoke. FNIS, as always, launched, I've tried to reequip yoke after save-load, I don't know, what else can be done to get it work. MCM option set, so problem isn't here, I think. Can you give me any advice to get it work properly again?

Also somehow I make her to use proper animation, but on a little moment, couple of seconds later she put hands down and her AI became completely frozen (no responding on [Wait here/Follow me] commands, no teleporting after fast travel, etc.)

P.S. which armor used on 6-th screenshot?


Hello, I have the same problem reported by Xenoramos.

I'm using MO and followed the step by step installation procedure.

Downloaded FNIS and Patch, reinstalled them both, changed the GeneratedFnis path (MO installed the new FNIS in a different directory), run FNIS with no errors.

Animations on my character are working fine (combat included), followers though freeze in place around 2 or 3 seconds after the armbinder is equipped (the DDi one).

On equipping the armbinder they switch to the bound animation, but immediately after they change to a standard idle animation, their arms slip out of the armbinder and they freeze in place.

Using EFF Menu to order them around or dismissing doesn't unfreeze them. Taking the armbinder off returns things back to normal.

Forcing bound animations from ZAZ also unfreezes them, but I suspect that's not how it is supposed to work...  :P


I'm using FNIS PCEA2, Sexy Move and Female animation pack. I've also just run FNIS after uninstalling them, but the issue persist and my guess is that somewhere there may be missing or conflicting animations influencing NPCs, just I have no idea where to look for them...


Any help would be appreciated, as I'm really running out of options :s



I have a limited amount of gameplay since updating to 3.0, but I didn't seem to come across that problem


In your L/H MO pane, have you got the load order set in such a way that there are definitely no conflicting overwrites, eg a mod with a higher priority number overwriting your FNIS user profile or DDIntegration 3.0?  


FWIW: in my setup :


- there are no files overwrite FNIS 6.2, other than the User Generated Profile ones (on that score, rather than overwrite the previous one, I created a completely new FNIS User Generated Profile after reinstalling updating FNIS 6.2, updating for the patch and then installing DDIntegration 3.0)


- there are no files overwriting anything in DDIntegration 3.0


May be teaching egg sucking but, if not, may be worth a look?

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FNIS 6.2 ERROR too.

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" 
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 
Installing FNIS PCEA2
Reading 0SA_0Sex_MF_Cn V?.? ...
Reading 0SA_ESG V?.? ...
Reading AnimationsByLeito V1.0 ...
Reading ArmBinderCombat V1.03  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 59 alternate animations) ...
Reading DDAlternat Animation prefix used twice
ERROR(2011): OLD FNIS version? Wrong line in Animation List, line  32 (..\..\meshes\actors\character\animations\DD\FNIS_DD_List.txt):  AAprefix abc
in game,it seems the new Animations did not work。
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FNIS 6.2 ERROR too.

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" 
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 
Installing FNIS PCEA2
Reading 0SA_0Sex_MF_Cn V?.? ...
Reading 0SA_ESG V?.? ...
Reading AnimationsByLeito V1.0 ...
Reading ArmBinderCombat V1.03  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 59 alternate animations) ...
Reading DDAlternat Animation prefix used twice
ERROR(2011): OLD FNIS version? Wrong line in Animation List, line  32 (..\..\meshes\actors\character\animations\DD\FNIS_DD_List.txt):  AAprefix abc
in game,it seems the new Animations did not work。



You are encountering that error because you used 'ArmbinderCombat'. That mod is now obsolete, having been cleaned up and merged in to Integration proper.


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Very Interesting update, I'm wondering if there are any alternate.. alternate animations or a way to use the new Integration while toggling between previous offsets? for the walking/running/idle when bound? The overly sexualized animations are pretty demeaning to certain non-sexual character persona's.


Perhaps someone knows an easy way to smash an animation and an offset together to make a single animation? I suck with animating (tried many times in both max and maya).


I feel the same.

The standing idle looks really nice, but the walking and running are too much for my taste.


+1 from me on the bound walk and run idles as well. I always avoided those type of animations like the plague to be honest.


Having had a look at the folder structure I imagine it would be fairly simple to copy my usual walk and run idles, rename them to match the DD ones, and then drop them in to replace them. They always worked well with armbinders, yokes and wristbinders before, so I'd assume they would still be fine.


Other than that though, great update. Thanks!



That would be fine yeah but would defeat the purpose of this mod as the animations would no longer be bound animations. If my understanding of the new system is correct, then most if not all movement related animations have been directly replaced with bound ones when your character is bound.

As opposed to the previous version where an offset was applied to whatever animations you had (better for gameplay immersion imo, but obviously not functionally better).

I guess that means there are bound animation sets for restraints, armbinder and yoke meaning quite a bit of work to make a full set with a better walk/run/idle.

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FNIS 6.2 ERROR too.

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" 
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 
Installing FNIS PCEA2
Reading 0SA_0Sex_MF_Cn V?.? ...
Reading 0SA_ESG V?.? ...
Reading AnimationsByLeito V1.0 ...
Reading ArmBinderCombat V1.03  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 59 alternate animations) ...
Reading DDAlternat Animation prefix used twice
ERROR(2011): OLD FNIS version? Wrong line in Animation List, line  32 (..\..\meshes\actors\character\animations\DD\FNIS_DD_List.txt):  AAprefix abc
in game,it seems the new Animations did not work。



You are encountering that error because you used 'ArmbinderCombat'. That mod is now obsolete, having been cleaned up and merged in to Integration proper.



thankyou,,i'll try it later.

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Very Interesting update, I'm wondering if there are any alternate.. alternate animations or a way to use the new Integration while toggling between previous offsets? for the walking/running/idle when bound? The overly sexualized animations are pretty demeaning to certain non-sexual character persona's.


Perhaps someone knows an easy way to smash an animation and an offset together to make a single animation? I suck with animating (tried many times in both max and maya).


I feel the same.

The standing idle looks really nice, but the walking and running are too much for my taste.


+1 from me on the bound walk and run idles as well. I always avoided those type of animations like the plague to be honest.


Having had a look at the folder structure I imagine it would be fairly simple to copy my usual walk and run idles, rename them to match the DD ones, and then drop them in to replace them. They always worked well with armbinders, yokes and wristbinders before, so I'd assume they would still be fine.


Other than that though, great update. Thanks!



That would be fine yeah but would defeat the purpose of this mod as the animations would no longer be bound animations. If my understanding of the new system is correct, then most if not all movement related animations have been directly replaced with bound ones when your character is bound.

As opposed to the previous version where an offset was applied to whatever animations you had (better for gameplay immersion imo, but obviously not functionally better).


I guess that means there are bound animation sets for restraints, armbinder and yoke meaning quite a bit of work to make a full set with a better walk/run/idle.

But I would say a 'generic' set of animations would be definitely be better to not take from the immersion any more than a fixed set of animations already does.


I've attached a set of animations I put together should a generic set be needed for making an alternate set of bound anims. Included are (Idle, Walk and Run (No Sprint)) that I think are fairly generic whilst still being of a higher quality than Vanilla. Fairly Unisex too.


Animation Set.zip

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Hi! I installed new version of DDi, but something goes wrong: I have follower, she almost always wearing a yoke, on older version everything worked fine with MCM's [number of NPCs slotted] option, but on new version she ignores a yoke. FNIS, as always, launched, I've tried to reequip yoke after save-load, I don't know, what else can be done to get it work. MCM option set, so problem isn't here, I think. Can you give me any advice to get it work properly again?

Also somehow I make her to use proper animation, but on a little moment, couple of seconds later she put hands down and her AI became completely frozen (no responding on [Wait here/Follow me] commands, no teleporting after fast travel, etc.)

P.S. which armor used on 6-th screenshot?


Hello, I have the same problem reported by Xenoramos.

I'm using MO and followed the step by step installation procedure.

Downloaded FNIS and Patch, reinstalled them both, changed the GeneratedFnis path (MO installed the new FNIS in a different directory), run FNIS with no errors.

Animations on my character are working fine (combat included), followers though freeze in place around 2 or 3 seconds after the armbinder is equipped (the DDi one).

On equipping the armbinder they switch to the bound animation, but immediately after they change to a standard idle animation, their arms slip out of the armbinder and they freeze in place.

Using EFF Menu to order them around or dismissing doesn't unfreeze them. Taking the armbinder off returns things back to normal.

Forcing bound animations from ZAZ also unfreezes them, but I suspect that's not how it is supposed to work...  :P


I'm using FNIS PCEA2, Sexy Move and Female animation pack. I've also just run FNIS after uninstalling them, but the issue persist and my guess is that somewhere there may be missing or conflicting animations influencing NPCs, just I have no idea where to look for them...


Any help would be appreciated, as I'm really running out of options :s



I have a limited amount of gameplay since updating to 3.0, but I didn't seem to come across that problem


In your L/H MO pane, have you got the load order set in such a way that there are definitely no conflicting overwrites, eg a mod with a higher priority number overwriting your FNIS user profile or DDIntegration 3.0?  


FWIW: in my setup :


- there are no files overwrite FNIS 6.2, other than the User Generated Profile ones (on that score, rather than overwrite the previous one, I created a completely new FNIS User Generated Profile after reinstalling updating FNIS 6.2, updating for the patch and then installing DDIntegration 3.0)


- there are no files overwriting anything in DDIntegration 3.0


May be teaching egg sucking but, if not, may be worth a look?



Hello and thank you for your reply. :)


Everything you mentioned looks fine, I double and triple checked that nothing is overwriting DDi and it's dependencies. Also, I made sure to unflag the previous "overwrite" MO mod before running FNIS and then used the new instead of the old one.


On my character everything works just fine, all the new bound animations (combat included) are working fine. Just as soon as I put a joke or armbinder on any NPC, they assume the correct position and freeze in place.


When trying to talk to them, the dialog menu works normally, so I tried to order a follower to "wait there": she moved with normal animation (not bound) to that spot and didn't resume the bound idle. After that a "follow me" command didn't make the follower to move at all, still frozen and posing in the unbound, standard idle.


It's like NPCs are all missing the new animations, or they are conflicting with the standard ones.


The only place where the new animations from DDi have been installed is C:\Mod Organizer\mods\DeviousDevices-Integration-3.0.beta1\meshes\actors\character\animations\DD\,

FNIS doesn't give any error (and they work on the player character), is there a different directory for NPCs animations (I don't think so) ?


I will try to start a new game with as few mods as possible and see what happens, although I already did it earlier uninstalling PCEA2, SexyMove,  Female Animation Pack and all mods with Devices, like Deviously Cursed Loot, DD Equip, etc. to no avail... :(

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Hey can someone help me with a problem?

I'm using Devious Regulations & the rest of the required masters.

So I equip a vaginal and anal plug, then the chastity belt from Devious Regulations.

But when I save and reload, the vaginal plug disappears from my player's appearance. It's still in the inventory with all the effects, but the visual appearance is gone???
It's not a huge deal, but it breaks immersion. Can someone help? I set all device hiders to none, and left the device hider as the default slot.

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Hi! I installed new version of DDi, but something goes wrong: I have follower, she almost always wearing a yoke, on older version everything worked fine with MCM's [number of NPCs slotted] option, but on new version she ignores a yoke. FNIS, as always, launched, I've tried to reequip yoke after save-load, I don't know, what else can be done to get it work. MCM option set, so problem isn't here, I think. Can you give me any advice to get it work properly again?

Also somehow I make her to use proper animation, but on a little moment, couple of seconds later she put hands down and her AI became completely frozen (no responding on [Wait here/Follow me] commands, no teleporting after fast travel, etc.)

P.S. which armor used on 6-th screenshot?


Hello, I have the same problem reported by Xenoramos.

I'm using MO and followed the step by step installation procedure.

Downloaded FNIS and Patch, reinstalled them both, changed the GeneratedFnis path (MO installed the new FNIS in a different directory), run FNIS with no errors.

Animations on my character are working fine (combat included), followers though freeze in place around 2 or 3 seconds after the armbinder is equipped (the DDi one).

On equipping the armbinder they switch to the bound animation, but immediately after they change to a standard idle animation, their arms slip out of the armbinder and they freeze in place.

Using EFF Menu to order them around or dismissing doesn't unfreeze them. Taking the armbinder off returns things back to normal.

Forcing bound animations from ZAZ also unfreezes them, but I suspect that's not how it is supposed to work...  :P


I'm using FNIS PCEA2, Sexy Move and Female animation pack. I've also just run FNIS after uninstalling them, but the issue persist and my guess is that somewhere there may be missing or conflicting animations influencing NPCs, just I have no idea where to look for them...


Any help would be appreciated, as I'm really running out of options :s



I have a limited amount of gameplay since updating to 3.0, but I didn't seem to come across that problem


In your L/H MO pane, have you got the load order set in such a way that there are definitely no conflicting overwrites, eg a mod with a higher priority number overwriting your FNIS user profile or DDIntegration 3.0?  


FWIW: in my setup :


- there are no files overwrite FNIS 6.2, other than the User Generated Profile ones (on that score, rather than overwrite the previous one, I created a completely new FNIS User Generated Profile after reinstalling updating FNIS 6.2, updating for the patch and then installing DDIntegration 3.0)


- there are no files overwriting anything in DDIntegration 3.0


May be teaching egg sucking but, if not, may be worth a look?



Hello and thank you for your reply. :)


Everything you mentioned looks fine, I double and triple checked that nothing is overwriting DDi and it's dependencies. Also, I made sure to unflag the previous "overwrite" MO mod before running FNIS and then used the new instead of the old one.


On my character everything works just fine, all the new bound animations (combat included) are working fine. Just as soon as I put a joke or armbinder on any NPC, they assume the correct position and freeze in place.


When trying to talk to them, the dialog menu works normally, so I tried to order a follower to "wait there": she moved with normal animation (not bound) to that spot and didn't resume the bound idle. After that a "follow me" command didn't make the follower to move at all, still frozen and posing in the unbound, standard idle.


It's like NPCs are all missing the new animations, or they are conflicting with the standard ones.


The only place where the new animations from DDi have been installed is C:\Mod Organizer\mods\DeviousDevices-Integration-3.0.beta1\meshes\actors\character\animations\DD\,

FNIS doesn't give any error (and they work on the player character), is there a different directory for NPCs animations (I don't think so) ?


I will try to start a new game with as few mods as possible and see what happens, although I already did it earlier uninstalling PCEA2, SexyMove,  Female Animation Pack and all mods with Devices, like Deviously Cursed Loot, DD Equip, etc. to no avail... :(



Unfortunately, you seem to be right about this! I guess that I had just never encountered the problem :-/


I have tried most of the same things as you, and also added use of the 'gender' patch in FNIS, as I saw someone somewhere else say this was needed, disabled 'bound combat', and so on, and you're correct, as soon as one adds a Devious Devices Integration or Expansion item to a follower's outfit,  the follower fails to use any of the bound animations and, worse still, the follower 'breaks'. 


FWIW, I use AFT and its Outfit Management to add gear, and I select the restraint objects ingame using the menu additem mod


Got the same issues using DDi and DDe armbinders, yokes and gloves.  On 'talking' to the equipped follower, sometimes they adopted the bound pose for a second or two, sometimes not, but they did so more consistently with the yokes than the other two


If you apply the items in an interior cell, then on exiting, the follower will appear 'outside', but is then stuck, and won't move.  On returning to the 'interior' cell, they refuse pointy blank to come with you.  I guess they feel mistreated.  :)  


Oddly, on using AFT's follower 'catch up on drawing weapon', I did once get a fleeting 'ghost' appearance of the 'stuck' follower but on returning to where they had been left, they had vanished completely, and no longer were registering in DCL's follower management section as current follower.  Weird. 


Another thing I noted was that after adding an item to the follower, on removing them, there seemed to be some inconsistency as to whether or not a 'key' was required to 'take them off'.  Sometimes, the message appeared that it had been used, sometimes it was just a straight 'the armbinder has been removed' message.  This seemed to be true of items selected from both DDi and DDe

If, however, you try to equip the followers with Zaz cuffs or yokes, the bound animations work perfectly, with appropriate movement restrictions.  Insofar as option to override animations is concerned, I have DDi's set to override, and the Zaz mod option deselected


FWIW, I am using FNIS 6.2 + patch, FNIS Sexy Move, DDi 3.0beta, DDA 2.9.0, DDe1.2.3.  I don't use PCEA.  I also have this installed, but there are no overwrites shown against it  http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53396/? 


Think I've done everything in the guidance, but could easily have missed/misunderstood something :s


Anyone else got these issues or, better still, had them and fixed it!  :shy:


EDIT: At one point, when I tested the update originally, these items worked on my PC, but that also seems to be glitching now.  I have no idea why. 

EDIT EDIT:  On that last point, I found out that on a rerun of FNIS, for some reason it created a user generated profile that had 140+ files less than the previous one, that all the individual creature etc animation folders and so on were missing, as were a whole pile of other things.  Reversion to an earlier User Gen Profile sorted out the PC animations OK.  The NPC ones are still squiff, tho....  :s   

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Found a bug, don't know if you know about it: I was on the Forbidden Tomes quest and found Zed for the first time. As he tried to change my bindings he .... failed to remove the 'Spideregg cluster' I wasn't able to get rid of, thanks to limited knowledge on my part, and refused to finish his questconversation with me after the pop-up window (soulgem plug also failed to equip, naturally). Afterwards troubleshooting proved to be futile, because the belt blocked everything, even console commands.

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Hi! I installed new version of DDi, but something goes wrong: I have follower, she almost always wearing a yoke, on older version everything worked fine with MCM's [number of NPCs slotted] option, but on new version she ignores a yoke. FNIS, as always, launched, I've tried to reequip yoke after save-load, I don't know, what else can be done to get it work. MCM option set, so problem isn't here, I think. Can you give me any advice to get it work properly again?

Also somehow I make her to use proper animation, but on a little moment, couple of seconds later she put hands down and her AI became completely frozen (no responding on [Wait here/Follow me] commands, no teleporting after fast travel, etc.)

P.S. which armor used on 6-th screenshot?


Hello, I have the same problem reported by Xenoramos.

I'm using MO and followed the step by step installation procedure.

Downloaded FNIS and Patch, reinstalled them both, changed the GeneratedFnis path (MO installed the new FNIS in a different directory), run FNIS with no errors.

Animations on my character are working fine (combat included), followers though freeze in place around 2 or 3 seconds after the armbinder is equipped (the DDi one).

On equipping the armbinder they switch to the bound animation, but immediately after they change to a standard idle animation, their arms slip out of the armbinder and they freeze in place.

Using EFF Menu to order them around or dismissing doesn't unfreeze them. Taking the armbinder off returns things back to normal.

Forcing bound animations from ZAZ also unfreezes them, but I suspect that's not how it is supposed to work...  :P


I'm using FNIS PCEA2, Sexy Move and Female animation pack. I've also just run FNIS after uninstalling them, but the issue persist and my guess is that somewhere there may be missing or conflicting animations influencing NPCs, just I have no idea where to look for them...


Any help would be appreciated, as I'm really running out of options :s



I have a limited amount of gameplay since updating to 3.0, but I didn't seem to come across that problem


In your L/H MO pane, have you got the load order set in such a way that there are definitely no conflicting overwrites, eg a mod with a higher priority number overwriting your FNIS user profile or DDIntegration 3.0?  


FWIW: in my setup :


- there are no files overwrite FNIS 6.2, other than the User Generated Profile ones (on that score, rather than overwrite the previous one, I created a completely new FNIS User Generated Profile after reinstalling updating FNIS 6.2, updating for the patch and then installing DDIntegration 3.0)


- there are no files overwriting anything in DDIntegration 3.0


May be teaching egg sucking but, if not, may be worth a look?



Hello and thank you for your reply. :)


Everything you mentioned looks fine, I double and triple checked that nothing is overwriting DDi and it's dependencies. Also, I made sure to unflag the previous "overwrite" MO mod before running FNIS and then used the new instead of the old one.


On my character everything works just fine, all the new bound animations (combat included) are working fine. Just as soon as I put a joke or armbinder on any NPC, they assume the correct position and freeze in place.


When trying to talk to them, the dialog menu works normally, so I tried to order a follower to "wait there": she moved with normal animation (not bound) to that spot and didn't resume the bound idle. After that a "follow me" command didn't make the follower to move at all, still frozen and posing in the unbound, standard idle.


It's like NPCs are all missing the new animations, or they are conflicting with the standard ones.


The only place where the new animations from DDi have been installed is C:\Mod Organizer\mods\DeviousDevices-Integration-3.0.beta1\meshes\actors\character\animations\DD\,

FNIS doesn't give any error (and they work on the player character), is there a different directory for NPCs animations (I don't think so) ?


I will try to start a new game with as few mods as possible and see what happens, although I already did it earlier uninstalling PCEA2, SexyMove,  Female Animation Pack and all mods with Devices, like Deviously Cursed Loot, DD Equip, etc. to no avail... :(



Unfortunately, you seem to be right about this! I guess that I had just never encountered the problem :-/


I have tried most of the same things as you, and also added use of the 'gender' patch in FNIS, as I saw someone somewhere else say this was needed, disabled 'bound combat', and so on, and you're correct, as soon as one adds a Devious Devices Integration or Expansion item to a follower's outfit,  the follower fails to use any of the bound animations and, worse still, the follower 'breaks'. 


FWIW, I use AFT and its Outfit Management to add gear, and I select the restraint objects ingame using the menu additem mod


Got the same issues using DDi and DDe armbinders, yokes and gloves.  On 'talking' to the equipped follower, sometimes they adopted the bound pose for a second or two, sometimes not, but they did so more consistently with the yokes than the other two


If you apply the items in an interior cell, then on exiting, the follower will appear 'outside', but is then stuck, and won't move.  On returning to the 'interior' cell, they refuse pointy blank to come with you.  I guess they feel mistreated.  :)  


Oddly, on using AFT's follower 'catch up on drawing weapon', I did once get a fleeting 'ghost' appearance of the 'stuck' follower but on returning to where they had been left, they had vanished completely, and no longer were registering in DCL's follower management section as current follower.  Weird. 


Another thing I noted was that after adding an item to the follower, on removing them, there seemed to be some inconsistency as to whether or not a 'key' was required to 'take them off'.  Sometimes, the message appeared that it had been used, sometimes it was just a straight 'the armbinder has been removed' message.  This seemed to be true of items selected from both DDi and DDe

If, however, you try to equip the followers with Zaz cuffs or yokes, the bound animations work perfectly, with appropriate movement restrictions.  Insofar as option to override animations is concerned, I have DDi's set to override, and the Zaz mod option deselected


FWIW, I am using FNIS 6.2 + patch, FNIS Sexy Move, DDi 3.0beta, DDA 2.9.0, DDe1.2.3.  I don't use PCEA.  I also have this installed, but there are no overwrites shown against it  http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53396/? 


Think I've done everything in the guidance, but could easily have missed/misunderstood something :s


Anyone else got these issues or, better still, had them and fixed it!  :shy:


EDIT: At one point, when I tested the update originally, these items worked on my PC, but that also seems to be glitching now.  I have no idea why. 



Great! We did exactly the same tests, we have the same configuration of installed mods and (alas) share the same results too! :P:s:dodgy:


Now, if anyone else would be so kind to test DDi on followers and check if everything is allright, we could at least dismiss that DDi isn't at this stage of beta NPC friendly yet... Developers any insight? pretty please? :D


Anyway, I made the test I was talking about earlier, started a new game with almost no Mods installed, re-run FNIS after unchecking the previous "overwrite" mod from MO, flagged the new one, created a new character and.... everything works on the PC as before, but NPCs still freeze.


And just to be sure, I did double check that NPCs are slotted (up to six, you never know...) and switched back and forth all the ZAZ forced poses and animations (which are working fine on NPCs, just the old fashioned way)...


I'm out of tests to run now. :s



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Found a bug, don't know if you know about it: I was on the Forbidden Tomes quest and found Zed for the first time. As he tried to change my bindings he .... failed to remove the 'Spideregg cluster' I wasn't able to get rid of, thanks to limited knowledge on my part, and refused to finish his questconversation with me after the pop-up window (soulgem plug also failed to equip, naturally). Afterwards troubleshooting proved to be futile, because the belt blocked everything, even console commands.


I have no idea what mod that "spideregg cluster" comes from and I'm no expert, but I suspect that if both you and Zed couldn't remove it, then it may have been a "devious" spider egg and maybe the new DDi and the mod the egg comes from are not compatible anymore...

Maybe try to first remove the egg and then talk to Zed.

Also, ask about this issue and compatibility in the thread created by the author of the mod from which the egg cluster comes from.


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Hey can someone help me with a problem?

I'm using Devious Regulations & the rest of the required masters.

So I equip a vaginal and anal plug, then the chastity belt from Devious Regulations.

But when I save and reload, the vaginal plug disappears from my player's appearance. It's still in the inventory with all the effects, but the visual appearance is gone???

It's not a huge deal, but it breaks immersion. Can someone help? I set all device hiders to none, and left the device hider as the default slot.

please help? I'm stuck in my playthrough without this =/

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I'm out of tests to run now. :s




Yeah, me too, although I did fix my later PC problems.  Edited the post above again - see EDIT EDIT - with what was wrong.  You had any issues like that?


Otherwise, we really need some help from one of the mod maintainers, I fear



EDIT:  One other thing comes to mind,  On the front page it says:


'PCEA2 and FNIS Sexy Move: When bound combat is activated, it will not revert back to the selected alternate animations. You have to do this manually.'


I originally activated that, but switched it off later, and did the 'save & reload' thing.  Is that sufficient, or are we supposed to be doing something else as well?  If so, and we are just being a bit thick :blush:, anyone any idea what that is?

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I'm out of tests to run now. :s




Yeah, me too, although I did fix my later PC problems.  Edited the post above again - see EDIT EDIT - with what was wrong.  You had any issues like that?


Otherwise, we really need some help from one of the mod maintainers, I fear



EDIT:  One other thing comes to mind,  On the front page it says:


'PCEA2 and FNIS Sexy Move: When bound combat is activated, it will not revert back to the selected alternate animations. You have to do this manually.'


I originally activated that, but switched it off later, and did the 'save & reload' thing.  Is that sufficient, or are we supposed to be doing something else as well?  If so, and we are just being a bit thick :blush:, anyone any idea what that is?



Glad to hear you sorted it out at least for the PC. :)


I think that FNIS "knows" what files are missing and need to be processed comparing the current mod configuration to the last one. It happened to me too, but even if the FNIS files output was smaller I didn't notice any issue.


Regarding PCEA2, the only small issue is that after unequipping a device the PC switches to the standard NPC animations instead of the PCEA2 ones, so you need to refresh PCEA2 animations through its menu. Not a big deal.


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I'm out of tests to run now. :s




Yeah, me too, although I did fix my later PC problems.  Edited the post above again - see EDIT EDIT - with what was wrong.  You had any issues like that?


Otherwise, we really need some help from one of the mod maintainers, I fear



EDIT:  One other thing comes to mind,  On the front page it says:


'PCEA2 and FNIS Sexy Move: When bound combat is activated, it will not revert back to the selected alternate animations. You have to do this manually.'


I originally activated that, but switched it off later, and did the 'save & reload' thing.  Is that sufficient, or are we supposed to be doing something else as well?  If so, and we are just being a bit thick :blush:, anyone any idea what that is?



Glad to hear you sorted it out at least for the PC. :)


I think that FNIS "knows" what files are missing and need to be processed comparing the current mod configuration to the last one. It happened to me too, but even if the FNIS files output was smaller I didn't notice any issue.


Regarding PCEA2, the only small issue is that after unequipping a device the PC switches to the standard NPC animations instead of the PCEA2 ones, so you need to refresh PCEA2 animations through its menu. Not a big deal.




ah, OK.  Ever hopeful, I guess   :-/  


@ Min

@ Princessity

@ Kimy


Any help that you can offer to Xenoramos, psword, or myself on our problems - see prior posts - with NPC animations, pls?  :s






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Hey can someone help me with a problem?

I'm using Devious Regulations & the rest of the required masters.

So I equip a vaginal and anal plug, then the chastity belt from Devious Regulations.

But when I save and reload, the vaginal plug disappears from my player's appearance. It's still in the inventory with all the effects, but the visual appearance is gone???

It's not a huge deal, but it breaks immersion. Can someone help? I set all device hiders to none, and left the device hider as the default slot.

please help? I'm stuck in my playthrough without this =/



Are you using the latest DDI 3.0? Because like you I have had this problem in the past with 2.9.2  unfortunately I don't know much about the subject and the people who make this mod aren't really looking to answer any question or acknowledge them for the most part.

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Hey can someone help me with a problem?

I'm using Devious Regulations & the rest of the required masters.

So I equip a vaginal and anal plug, then the chastity belt from Devious Regulations.

But when I save and reload, the vaginal plug disappears from my player's appearance. It's still in the inventory with all the effects, but the visual appearance is gone???

It's not a huge deal, but it breaks immersion. Can someone help? I set all device hiders to none, and left the device hider as the default slot.

please help? I'm stuck in my playthrough without this =/

There are no known problems that would cause your issue. Post a copy of your Papyrus.0.log in which you duplicate the problem, as per the "troubleshooting" section in the OP.





I'm out of tests to run now. :s




Yeah, me too, although I did fix my later PC problems.  Edited the post above again - see EDIT EDIT - with what was wrong.  You had any issues like that?


Otherwise, we really need some help from one of the mod maintainers, I fear



EDIT:  One other thing comes to mind,  On the front page it says:


'PCEA2 and FNIS Sexy Move: When bound combat is activated, it will not revert back to the selected alternate animations. You have to do this manually.'


I originally activated that, but switched it off later, and did the 'save & reload' thing.  Is that sufficient, or are we supposed to be doing something else as well?  If so, and we are just being a bit thick :blush:, anyone any idea what that is?



Glad to hear you sorted it out at least for the PC. :)


I think that FNIS "knows" what files are missing and need to be processed comparing the current mod configuration to the last one. It happened to me too, but even if the FNIS files output was smaller I didn't notice any issue.


Regarding PCEA2, the only small issue is that after unequipping a device the PC switches to the standard NPC animations instead of the PCEA2 ones, so you need to refresh PCEA2 animations through its menu. Not a big deal.




ah, OK.  Ever hopeful, I guess   :-/  


@ Min

@ Princessity

@ Kimy


Any help that you can offer to Xenoramos, psword, or myself on our problems - see prior posts - with NPC animations, pls?  :s



It would seem that NPC's intermittently use a set of animations that we are not able to replace via the alternate animation system - hence the issue you are encountering. This will require fixing on our end, it is not something you can address yourselves. We will need to use the old offset animation on NPC's to avoid this issue. Will be fixed next release. Thank you all for the reports.



Are you using the latest DDI 3.0? Because like you I have had this problem in the past with 2.9.2  unfortunately I don't know much about the subject and the people who make this mod aren't really looking to answer any question or acknowledge them for the most part.

/me rolls his eyes. Alternatively, we're not "refusing to acknowledge or answer questions". We are busy people, and repeatedly asking people who did not bother to read the troubleshooting section of the opening post to "Post your papyrus.0.log" is tiresome.

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Very Interesting update, I'm wondering if there are any alternate.. alternate animations or a way to use the new Integration while toggling between previous offsets? for the walking/running/idle when bound? The overly sexualized animations are pretty demeaning to certain non-sexual character persona's.


Perhaps someone knows an easy way to smash an animation and an offset together to make a single animation? I suck with animating (tried many times in both max and maya).


I feel the same.

The standing idle looks really nice, but the walking and running are too much for my taste.


+1 from me on the bound walk and run idles as well. I always avoided those type of animations like the plague to be honest.


Having had a look at the folder structure I imagine it would be fairly simple to copy my usual walk and run idles, rename them to match the DD ones, and then drop them in to replace them. They always worked well with armbinders, yokes and wristbinders before, so I'd assume they would still be fine.


Other than that though, great update. Thanks!



That would be fine yeah but would defeat the purpose of this mod as the animations would no longer be bound animations. If my understanding of the new system is correct, then most if not all movement related animations have been directly replaced with bound ones when your character is bound.

As opposed to the previous version where an offset was applied to whatever animations you had (better for gameplay immersion imo, but obviously not functionally better).


I guess that means there are bound animation sets for restraints, armbinder and yoke meaning quite a bit of work to make a full set with a better walk/run/idle.

But I would say a 'generic' set of animations would be definitely be better to not take from the immersion any more than a fixed set of animations already does.


I've attached a set of animations I put together should a generic set be needed for making an alternate set of bound anims. Included are (Idle, Walk and Run (No Sprint)) that I think are fairly generic whilst still being of a higher quality than Vanilla. Fairly Unisex too.

We agree, the development team is not content with the current state of the animations (Which is the primary reason that we released this version as a beta). The walk/run idles are over the top, and have a few issues:

  • Missing skirt bones.
  • Over the top arm swinging/swaying while walking.
  • Leaning while under the effect of a slow-down effect (Skyrim combines Walk + Run animations to 'jog', which due to the over-exaggerated motions causes a lean).

We are hoping that our animator will return soon and finish polishing the new set of alternate animations. If not, we may end up rolling back to an offset-animation based approach.

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Very Interesting update, I'm wondering if there are any alternate.. alternate animations or a way to use the new Integration while toggling between previous offsets? for the walking/running/idle when bound? The overly sexualized animations are pretty demeaning to certain non-sexual character persona's.


Perhaps someone knows an easy way to smash an animation and an offset together to make a single animation? I suck with animating (tried many times in both max and maya).


I feel the same.

The standing idle looks really nice, but the walking and running are too much for my taste.


+1 from me on the bound walk and run idles as well. I always avoided those type of animations like the plague to be honest.


Having had a look at the folder structure I imagine it would be fairly simple to copy my usual walk and run idles, rename them to match the DD ones, and then drop them in to replace them. They always worked well with armbinders, yokes and wristbinders before, so I'd assume they would still be fine.


Other than that though, great update. Thanks!



That would be fine yeah but would defeat the purpose of this mod as the animations would no longer be bound animations. If my understanding of the new system is correct, then most if not all movement related animations have been directly replaced with bound ones when your character is bound.

As opposed to the previous version where an offset was applied to whatever animations you had (better for gameplay immersion imo, but obviously not functionally better).


I guess that means there are bound animation sets for restraints, armbinder and yoke meaning quite a bit of work to make a full set with a better walk/run/idle.

But I would say a 'generic' set of animations would be definitely be better to not take from the immersion any more than a fixed set of animations already does.


I've attached a set of animations I put together should a generic set be needed for making an alternate set of bound anims. Included are (Idle, Walk and Run (No Sprint)) that I think are fairly generic whilst still being of a higher quality than Vanilla. Fairly Unisex too.

We agree, the development team is not content with the current state of the animations (Which is the primary reason that we released this version as a beta). The walk/run idles are over the top, and have a few issues:

  • Missing skirt bones.
  • Over the top arm swinging/swaying while walking.
  • Leaning while under the effect of a slow-down effect (Skyrim combines Walk + Run animations to 'jog', which due to the over-exaggerated motions causes a lean).

We are hoping that our animator will return soon and finish polishing the new set of alternate animations. If not, we may end up rolling back to an offset-animation based approach.



Glad i was not the only one.

I do really love the standing idle though.

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