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Conspiracy Theory

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10 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Let it fly... :P


And let's see how fast we can shut this thread down. I will say that our 'obstacles" are politics and religion. So the 'challenge' if you will is to say what you want in as 'roundabout' a manner as you can. Game on. :grin:


I'll start- 9/11 may have been a conspiracy all along. How else would you explain that emails were sent out before the eve of the attack warning people to stay away.

-Add to that people's account of escaping the towers and reporting explosions- not from above where the planes hit, but below them in the tower's substructures.

-Add to that there had been a rather large new insurance policy paid for months before the attack on the entire site.

-Add to that there had been an interview with the one of the heads of security for the towers just weeks prior asking specifically how the towers would hold up to say.... an attack from the air from planes loaded with fuel- which strangely enough, the interviewee replied "It could withstand such an attack".

I'm surprised a moderator hasn't had this shit shut down yet. Kudos for keeping this going for so long.

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45 minutes ago, Sir Bron said:

?? AGW ?? haven't seen this abbreviation before. what does it stand for? 

Anthropogenic Global Warming - Man-made GW. Used to be all the rage but has been quietly dropped in favour of 'climate change' after a series of failed predictions, e.g. the melting of the ice cap at the North pole (predicted on several occasions but never came close).


Fun Fact #1

I read a lot of scholarly books about ancient history and since all this climate change malarchy began the academics always try to get in a mention or three of climate change even though it has nothing to do with human activity.


Fun Fact #2

I have subscribed to the theory of catastrophism for a couple of decades. The theory in various shapes and sizes has been around for at least 2,000 years. Mainstream scholars/scientists have always derided and pooh-poohed the notion. However, over the last decade or two scientists have been constantly spewing press releases about near-misses by asteroids.

The evidence for an impact at the Younger Dryas boundary has steadily mounted over the years.



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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

Man-made GW. Used to be all the rage but has been quietly dropped in favour of 'climate change' after a series of failed predictions, e.g. the melting of the ice cap at the North pole (predicted on several occasions but never came close).

I would politely disagree with you there, the Antarctic is loosing some massive ice shelves and the Arctic is thinning to the point of a Fabled Northern passage opening up.

Global warming is caused primarily by putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when coal, oil, and natural gas are burned to generate electricity or to run our cars.

Carbon dioxide spreads around the planet like a blanket, and is one of the main gases responsible for the absorption of infrared radiation (felt as heat), which comprises the bulk of solar energy.

Ozone depletion occurs when chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons—gases formerly found in aerosol spray cans and refrigerants—are released into the atmosphere.

Ozone sits in the upper atmosphere and absorbs ultraviolet radiation, another type of solar energy that's harmful to humans, animals and plants. CFCs and halons cause chemical reactions that break down ozone molecules, reducing ozone's ultraviolet radiation-absorbing capacity.


1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

The evidence for an impact at the Younger Dryas boundary has steadily mounted over the years.


I just watched a documentary on the Younger Dryas and agree that was caused by some type of object from space be it Comet, Asteroid or Meteors.

Edited by Sir Bron
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2 hours ago, deadjester226 said:

I'm surprised a moderator hasn't had this shit shut down yet.

Why, Global warming isn't a Political, Governmental, or Religious topic. I am sorry your thread was canned.

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14 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Let it fly... :P


And let's see how fast we can shut this thread down. I will say that our 'obstacles" are politics and religion. So the 'challenge' if you will is to say what you want in as 'roundabout' a manner as you can. Game on. :grin:


I'll start- 9/11 may have been a conspiracy all along. How else would you explain that emails were sent out before the eve of the attack warning people to stay away.

-Add to that people's account of escaping the towers and reporting explosions- not from above where the planes hit, but below them in the tower's substructures.

-Add to that there had been a rather large new insurance policy paid for months before the attack on the entire site.

-Add to that there had been an interview with the one of the heads of security for the towers just weeks prior asking specifically how the towers would hold up to say.... an attack from the air from planes loaded with fuel- which strangely enough, the interviewee replied "It could withstand such an attack".


There's all kinds of odd things about 9/11. I don't buy into the stuff that includes thermite, or det cord, or CGI stuff with actors (apparently that's a thing), however I do think there could be a conspiracy though not as grand as the ones most people seem to subscribe to. That stuff is utterly absurd to me.


What I do know is that planes hit the Pentagon and the Twin Towers and were responsible for bringing them down, I know that the Air Force was flying scenarios that centered on the exact kind of hijacking attack that was taking place that day (which would have made for a ver good diversion), and I know that the parts describing how burning jet fuel caused the collapse check out. I weld for a living, so I know some things about the durability of steel when it's exposed to heat, so basically it wasn't just the fact that the towers were on fire a number of windows had been blown out and at the height the planes hit there were strong winds, which when drafting through the holes the planes made would have caused a bellows type effect making the fires burn a lot hotter in some areas which is not good for steel girders that are trying to support several tones of building above them. The towers were built hollow in the center to make room for elevators and stairs, so it makes sense that they would want to collapse in on themselves since, structurally, that would be the weakest point for a domino effect to occur.


Like I said, it checks out. The supposed thermite was only observed in chemical teats on, more or less, contaminated samples. Thermite is basically (if I remember) two parts iron oxide (rust) to one part aluminum powder, plus an accelerant and ignition source, chemically speaking you would get rust from the steel girders themselves and aluminum from the plane body and possibly other sources, and I'm sure jet fuel probably has some similarities with the kinds of accelerant that would be used in "military grade thermite".


"But the explosions" yeah, yeah, it was hectic that day I'm sure people either misremembered or misheard things.


From my perspective there are two possible avenues for a conspiracy to have taken place, and they are pretty simple. The first and least likely is the government rigged the planes to be flown around remotely and flew them into the Pentagon and Twin Towers and all of the reports we hear about people on their phones on board the hijacked planes was fabricated, OR and I think this is the most likely, the government KNEW about the planned attacks and let them happen, like they have apparently been doing with "mass shootings" of you do any research on those. The reason I think those two are the most likely scenarios for a conspiracy is because they are easier to explain away and cover up.


Also I think the plane that "crashed" near Camp David was in fact shot down by the Air Force.


Anyway, will talk more, got to get back to work.

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1 hour ago, Sir Bron said:

I would politely disagree with you there, the Antarctic is loosing some massive ice shelves and the Arctic is thinning to the point of a Fabled Northern passage opening up.

The Antarctic ice shelves are just that - huge shelves of ice which protrude out over the ocean. Huge chunks break off all the time and always have done. The Antarctic itself never gets close to 0 degrees.

The Arctic thing is another of those prophesies which have been around for years.


On a related note, the Maldives are rising not being submerged. The old high-water mark is clearly visible way up the beach from the current one. I have that from a docu I once watched about a Norwegian scientist who had spent most of his academic life studying the islands.


In any case, as I said I subscribe to climate change and always have but correlation and causation aren't the same thing.


The YD event isn't the only one although it was probably the biggest/worst. The dates for it line up nicely with the dates for Gobleki Tepi and Plato's Atlantis which is another ancient tale that modern scholars misrepresent because it goes against their 'true' scholarship.


Another catastrophe, and the one I study the most is the Late Bronze Age collapse (circa 1200 BCE). Personally think it was a few hundred years earlier (c. 800 or so) as it is partly what is going on in Iliad and Odyssey. The Trojan War is another ancient story which the experts were 100% confident that it was fiction, then it was mostly fiction but based on some distant/vague/muddled accounts. Now thanks to actual evidence (mostly Hittite but also Luwian and others) it is fairly certain that there was a major (coalitions on both sides) war going on in that part of Anatolia around that time. Even some of the names are being found in the records.


I think it's still the case that the 'official' account of the Atlantis story maintains that it is a garbled memory of the eruption on Thera/Santorini.

Thera is east of the Greek mainland and is a relatively small island which is still there today and well known in Greece (it's named after a Lacedaemonian called Theras who settled there).

Plato describes Atlantis as the largest island in a chain and says it is to the west beyond the pillars of Herakles and sank beneath the waves. Plato described elephants and coconuts being present. He said you sail through the straits past one island group then on to the Atlantis group and beyond this group on the far side of the ocean is a huge continent. Plato said the Med was just, in effect, a large gulf of the ocean proper (i.e. the Atlantic). He also clearly differentiates between the sea (the Med) and the ocean (the Atlantic).

During Critias' telling of the story Socrates states three times that it is true (Plato uses the word 'logos' (true account/narrative) rather than 'muthos' (story/tale)).

IMO Plato would not put false words into the mouth of Solon (who brought the story back from Egypt) or Socrates.

See the Azores for further details. ?


Randall Carson is your man if you want a roller-coaster ride on catastrophism. Loads of his vids out there.

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20 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

What I do know


21 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

I know that


22 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

and I know that


23 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

if you do any research on those.


All of that without one shred of evidence being provided. ?


24 minutes ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

The towers were built hollow in the center to make room for elevators and stairs, so it makes sense that they would want to collapse in on themselves since, structurally, that would be the weakest point for a domino effect to occur.

As an ex-joiner who has worked on reinforced concrete buildings I can tell you that the central lift shaft is called 'the core' (at least here in the UK). That is the strongest part of the building not the weakest. The walls of these type of buildings are often 'curtain walling', i.e. precast panels which are bolted to the edge of the floor slabs. The floor slabs are not bolted to the core they are of one piece.


Not saying I'm right; just saying.

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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

The YD event

I did not mean to start a word war, I agree that every person has the Right to believe what they do. I respect your position, and agree with some of what you believe, but not all. So let's call a truce, you win, I win.

I did see that the position the earth was in when the YD event happened is approaching again and I believe it with the increased Meteor/Asteroid sightings going on, some are predicting another event as the YD event.   Peace

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8 hours ago, Sir Bron said:

Why, Global warming isn't a Political, Governmental, or Religious topic. I am sorry your thread was canned.

Well, I actually deleted them both because I wasn't going to deal with some moderator getting a hard-on from someone talking about something that wasn't really political, but was insisting that it was.

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9 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:


All of that without one shred of evidence being provided. ?


As an ex-joiner who has worked on reinforced concrete buildings I can tell you that the central lift shaft is called 'the core' (at least here in the UK). That is the strongest part of the building not the weakest. The walls of these type of buildings are often 'curtain walling', i.e. precast panels which are bolted to the edge of the floor slabs. The floor slabs are not bolted to the core they are of one piece.


Not saying I'm right; just saying.


Anyone who is at least somewhat familiar with 9/11 and or some of the conspiracies surrounding it will know what I'm talking about.


Also, I like how you dismiss my claims as not being backed by evidence and then make claims of your own, without providing any real evidence. That seems kind of hypocritical to me, but okay.


The center of the twin towers was basically hollow, and the fires would have been the hottest and most destructive towards the center of the buildings due to a constant draft moving through them and because that's where most of the fuel would have come to rest, if the structural failure started in the center that's where most of the momentum would have been focused, the floors would have sagged inward and collapsed at that point, the weakest and most damaged point, with the floors above collapsing inward to fill the new void. It's simple physics from then on, any object in motion tends to want to stay in motion, and the central shaft in each building would have provided the path of least resistance, which is why both buildings collapsed in on themselves in a similar way. The planes surely did a significant amount of damage to the precast panels you are referring to and any other supporting structures as well when they hit, and that would have been in addition to the fires that would have weakened the steel structures inside the buildings even further. Floors are one continuous slab of reinforced poured concrete over corrugated steel sheets, with a steel truss support structure underneath the whole expanse of each floor, and a system of evenly spaced load bearing columns or girders for additional support. I'm not a builder myself, but I have watched a number of them go up, first hand.


I need sleep.

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14 hours ago, Sir Bron said:

I would politely disagree with you there, the Antarctic is loosing some massive ice shelves and the Arctic is thinning to the point of a Fabled Northern passage opening up.

Global warming is caused primarily by putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when coal, oil, and natural gas are burned to generate electricity or to run our cars.

Carbon dioxide spreads around the planet like a blanket, and is one of the main gases responsible for the absorption of infrared radiation (felt as heat), which comprises the bulk of solar energy.

Ozone depletion occurs when chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons—gases formerly found in aerosol spray cans and refrigerants—are released into the atmosphere.

Ozone sits in the upper atmosphere and absorbs ultraviolet radiation, another type of solar energy that's harmful to humans, animals and plants. CFCs and halons cause chemical reactions that break down ozone molecules, reducing ozone's ultraviolet radiation-absorbing capacity.


I just watched a documentary on the Younger Dryas and agree that was caused by some type of object from space be it Comet, Asteroid or Meteors.

Not to worry, the coming ice age ought to sort that right out. 


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6 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

Anyone who is at least somewhat familiar with 9/11 and or some of the conspiracies surrounding it will know what I'm talking about.

So in other words you have no evidence other that stuff from the web.


6 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

Also, I like how you dismiss my claims as not being backed by evidence and then make claims of your own, without providing any real evidence. That seems kind of hypocritical to me, but okay.

What claims did I make? The stuff about the core and curtain walling? What I wrote is true in terms of general construction, whether it applies to those buildings in NY I don't know.


 You originally said the centre of the building was the weakest part. The core/lift shafts/(concrete) stairs are reinforced concrete all built as one piece. There were concrete columns involved in the construction. The outer walls were mostly glass.


You do not have enough evidence, if you have any, to repeatedly say "I know this" and "I know that".


I read all about this back then and I was left with lots of questions. I didn't fill in the blanks with conspiracy 'theories' from the web, I just filed it under 'don't know'.

Edited by Grey Cloud
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5 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

Not to worry, the coming ice age ought to sort that right out. 




It has a UN sanctioned "fact check" message on it. so I'm going to say Dr Spock, (if that is his real name), was just pandering to the long lost bobbly hat beardy men of the past. We have more diverse representatives these days wearing everything but the bobbly hat. This is a sure sign of the correctness in the scientific arts employed by such persons.

Edited by spoonsinger
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3 hours ago, spoonsinger said:



It has a UN sanctioned "fact check" message on it. so I'm going to say Dr Spock, (if that is his real name), was just pandering to the long lost bobbly hat beardy men of the past. We have more diverse representatives these days wearing everything but the bobbly hat. This is a sure sign of the correctness in the scientific arts employed by such persons.

I remember the ice-age thing being a thing back in the 70's. Not that climate change was a big deal back then. There was another scare story about population out-stripping the food supply and causing doom and gloom.



3 hours ago, spoonsinger said:

This is a sure sign of the correctness in the scientific arts employed by such persons.

Or a sign of science making it up as they go along. :cool:


Scientists are like lawyers - they say what you pay them to say.


Follow the money.

Green taxes - the money leaves your pocket.

Carbon Trading - Goes from not existing to a multi-billion dollar industry without doing anything to alter the amount of CO2.




Fun Facts

Scientists think they have discovered the mystery behind why 85,000 earthquakes hit Antarctica in 2020.

Experts believe they were all caused by a previously dormant underwater volcano called "Orca Seamount" which has awakened.

The volcano is found deep under the sea near King George Island and some of the quakes were felt by scientists working there in research stations.

The event was the strongest earthquake activity ever recorded in Antarctica.

BBC [Emphasis in the original]

Funny how that didn't cause the ice sheets to break.


The colossal West Antarctic ice sheet hides what appears to be the largest volcanic region on the planet, according to the results of a study carried out by researchers at the University of Edinburgh (UK) and reported in the journal Geological Society.

Experts have discovered as many as 91 volcanoes under Antarctic ice, the largest of which is as high as Switzerland’s Eiger volcano, rising 3,970 meters above sea level.


But don't worry that wont affect the ice sheet.

Edited by Grey Cloud
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You can tell this is going to be bullshit by the title. Nowhere does Plato describe Atlantis as a continent. Shoddy from Penn Museum. SQ is atrocious.


Right from the off he makes disingenuous statements. "Solon took a trip to the Nile Delta . . .". Solon, one of the seven sages of Greece and after writing the first Athenian constitution travelled abroad for c. 10 years visiting among other places, the temple of Neith at Sais in the Delta.


This guy's thesis is that the story is a metaphor for the fairly recent Persian war. His starting point is that Atlantis is described as a monarchy. Being a monarchy does not of itself disqualify it from also being a democracy, e.g. the UK nor is there is any mention of the Athenians in the story being  democratic.

The Athenians and their allies defeated the Persians but this just meant the Persians stayed away from Greece, whereas Atlantis sank beneath the waves and the Athenian army was destroyed by earthquake on its way home. No mention of this last point.


A similar case has been made for the story being a metaphor for the Peloponnesian War with Athens being Atlantis and Sparta being the Athenians.  ?


I've yet to find a scholar who attempts to explain why the Atlantis story is in these two books. The story has no obvious relationship to the actual content of Timaeus or Critias. In fact scholars seldom bother to give the context of what the two books are about, when they are set and who the persons involved are.



There's a nice map at 1:30. Note the shallower water off the coasts. That is roughly the sea level during the ice age. (500-600 feet lower than present)



Edited by Grey Cloud
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