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Conspiracy Theory

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Let it fly... :P


And let's see how fast we can shut this thread down. I will say that our 'obstacles" are politics and religion. So the 'challenge' if you will is to say what you want in as 'roundabout' a manner as you can. Game on. :grin:


I'll start- 9/11 may have been a conspiracy all along. How else would you explain that emails were sent out before the eve of the attack warning people to stay away.

-Add to that people's account of escaping the towers and reporting explosions- not from above where the planes hit, but below them in the tower's substructures.

-Add to that there had been a rather large new insurance policy paid for months before the attack on the entire site.

-Add to that there had been an interview with the one of the heads of security for the towers just weeks prior asking specifically how the towers would hold up to say.... an attack from the air from planes loaded with fuel- which strangely enough, the interviewee replied "It could withstand such an attack".

Edited by KoolHndLuke
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26 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Let it fly... :P


And let's see how fast we can shut this thread down. I will say that our 'obstacles" are politics and religion. So the 'challenge' if you will is to say what you want in as 'roundabout' a manner as you can. Game on. :grin:


I'll start- 9/11 may have been a conspiracy all along. How else would you explain that emails were sent out before the eve of the attack warning people to stay away.

-Add to that people's account of escaping the towers and reporting explosions- not from above where the planes hit, but below them in the tower's substructures.

-Add to that there had been a rather large new insurance policy paid for months before the attack on the entire site.

-Add to that there had been an interview with the one of the heads of security for the towers just weeks prior asking specifically how the towers would hold up to say.... an attack from the air from planes loaded with fuel- which strangely enough, the interviewee replied "It could withstand such an attack".

I'm still recovering from a fucking mental breakdown I had earlier from the bullshit I had to deal with. All I can say is have fun. I'm going to bed. Hopefully, the depression will be gone before I have to go to work tomorrow.

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> OK, Mr. Kool, let's try it. there is a conspiracy theory in our country that the doctors who are working in governmental hospitals and clinics purposely put their patients on long lists of waiting with three purposes:

- making them giving them up so they will not be overwhelmed with work for a low salary (for who will wait more then six month to get specific health check)

- wanting to get rid of fake patients and hypochondriacs

- and making them going to their private practices which 80% of people cannot afford. But many will loan the money for they want to get cured.

Edited by Evaloves4
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38 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Let it fly... :P


And let's see how fast we can shut this thread down. I will say that our 'obstacles" are politics and religion. So the 'challenge' if you will is to say what you want in as 'roundabout' a manner as you can. Game on. :grin:


I'll start- 9/11 may have been a conspiracy all along. How else would you explain that emails were sent out before the eve of the attack warning people to stay away.

-Add to that people's account of escaping the towers and reporting explosions- not from above where the planes hit, but below them in the tower's substructures.

-Add to that there had been a rather large new insurance policy paid for months before the attack on the entire site.

-Add to that there had been an interview with the one of the heads of security for the towers just weeks prior asking specifically how the towers would hold up to say.... an attack from the air from planes loaded with fuel- which strangely enough, the interviewee replied "It could withstand such an attack".

Conspiracy is just another word for clandestine organized crime. The 9/11 attack was a conspiracy in the strictest sense of the word regardless of who actually carried it out.

The conspiracy charge is a fairly common one that groups are regularly convicted of every year. A crime ring that plans to break into a warehouse to steal tires to re-sell elsewhere is guilty of conspiracy. 

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9 minutes ago, deadjester226 said:

I'm still recovering from a fucking mental breakdown I had earlier from the bullshit I had to deal with. All I can say is have fun. I'm going to bed. Hopefully, the depression will be gone before I have to go to work tomorrow.

You'll be fine. So long as you don't take anything on the net too seriously- which you shouldn't. :classic_tongue:


8 minutes ago, Evaloves4 said:

> OK, Mr. Kool, let's try it. there is a conspiracy theory in our country that the doctors who are working in governmental hospitals and clinics purposely put their patients on long lists of waiting with three purposes:

- making them giving them up so they will not be overwhelmed with work for a low salary (for who will wait more then six month to get specific health check)

- wanting to get rid of fake patients and hypochondriacs

- and sending them to their private practices which 80% of people cannot afford.

Mmm... health care is certainly no laughing matter. Health Care reform is something that I think a lot of countries are trying to work on- or at least I hope they are.

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14 minutes ago, FauxFurry said:

A crime ring that plans to break into a warehouse to steal tires to re-sell elsewhere is guilty of conspiracy. 

True. But no one is going to waste their time figuring out how a couple of idiots plan to rob a liquor store because it has no real impact. Might even be entertaining. :classic_biggrin:

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17 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

True. But no one is going to waste their time figuring out how a couple of idiots plan to rob a liquor store because it has no real impact. Might even be entertaining. :classic_biggrin:

Tell that to law enforcement and the people who serve on the grand juries who indict people such as that.

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8 minutes ago, FauxFurry said:

Tell that to law enforcement and the people who serve on the grand juries who indict people such as that.

Been there. Done that. You cut a deal. :classic_wink: Kind of what we do every day if you think about it. 


Edited by KoolHndLuke
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3 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

You'll be fine. So long as you don't take anything on the net too seriously- which you shouldn't. :classic_tongue:


Mmm... health care is certainly no laughing matter. Health Care reform is something that I think a lot of countries are trying to work on- or at least I hope they are.

> Our health care is screwed for decades. Thank heavens we can afford private doctors and clinics. Of course, with a help from our family. That's why we have a family doctor and pediatrist. Mikey was born in Slovenia, in private birth clinic. it cost a fortune but the service was excellent. Precious was born in Spain, also in private clinic.

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I am happy this is back on?. I wonder. What kinds of cracked up bullshit people can come up with when it comes to Government Cheese? I figure cheese is the least political thing I can think of yet with "an agenda" anything is possible.

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2 hours ago, Evaloves4 said:

> Government cheese? is this another American joke I do not understand or you are serious? :classic_smile:

At the risk of Censorship or points whatever, Eva, Government cheese was really a program by the USDA (united states department of agriculture) where they would milk cows for testing rates, flows, quality, etc. and they used the milk to make cheese. This cheese was pretty durn good, and was distributed through a USDA food program for folks who were poor. Pre Food-Stamp days. Anyway this was done through the USDA to advance the Science of animal Husbandry. The USDA included all the Farm type of foods grown to be examined, tested, etc.  They gave out Dried beans, canned corn, cheese, canned beef, pork & chicken, other vegetables as well.

Actually it was better food than one can get at the store today, if you don't mind the source.

The USDA is funded by the taxpayers so they could not sell this excess food they spent way too much to grow so they gave it away.


Edited by Sir Bron
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Speaking of Cows, how about the Cow Fart Conspiracy, Methane.  :smirk:            :cow:...


As a side note I'm joking, Global Warming is real.

Edited by Sir Bron
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7 minutes ago, Sir Bron said:

At the risk of Censorship or points whatever, Eva, Government cheese was really a program by the USDA (united states department of agriculture) where they would milk cows for testing rates, flows, quality, etc. and they used the milk to make cheese. This cheese was pretty durn good, and was distributed through a USDA food program for folks who were poor. Pre Food-Stamp days. Anyway this was done through the USDA to advance the Science of animal Husbandry. The USDA included all the Farm type of foods grown to be examined, tested, etc.  They gave out Dried beans, canned corn, cheese, canned beef, pork & chicken, other vegetables as well.

Actually it was better food than one can get at the store today, if you don't mind the source.

The USDA is funded by the taxpayers so they could not sell this excess food they spent way too much to grow so they gave it away.


> Thanks for explanation. :classic_smile:

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> if you google Croatians (modern) conspiracies in Croatian (hrvatske urote or zavjere) you will only get one from history, Zrinsko-frankopanska urota, from 17th century. it looks like Croats were highly moral people, politically correct and never forged any conspiracy against anyone. Sure. of course.

Fun Lol Sticker by EmojiFace Squinting Sticker by Emoji

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Vor 7 Stunden sagte KoolHndLuke:

Lass es fliegen... :P


Und mal sehen, wie schnell wir diesen Thread schließen können. Ich werde sagen, dass unsere „Hindernisse“ Politik und Religion sind. Die „Herausforderung“, wenn Sie so wollen, besteht also darin, so „umständlich“ wie möglich zu sagen, was Sie wollen. :grin:


Ich fange an – 9/11 war vielleicht die ganze Zeit eine Verschwörung. Wie sonst würden Sie erklären, dass vor dem Vorabend des Angriffs E-Mails verschickt wurden, in denen die Leute gewarnt wurden, sich fernzuhalten.

- Fügen Sie dazu den Bericht der Leute hinzu, wie sie aus den Türmen geflohen sind und Explosionen gemeldet haben - nicht von oben, wo die Flugzeuge einschlugen, sondern unter ihnen in den Unterkonstruktionen des Turms.

- Hinzu kam, dass für Monate vor dem Angriff auf das gesamte Gelände eine ziemlich große neue Versicherungspolice bezahlt worden war.

- Hinzu kam, dass es nur wenige Wochen zuvor ein Interview mit einem der Sicherheitschefs der Türme gegeben hatte, in dem speziell gefragt wurde, wie die Türme einer Aussage standhalten würden ... einem Angriff aus der Luft von mit Treibstoff beladenen Flugzeugen - was seltsamerweise genug, antwortete der Befragte "Es könnte einem solchen Angriff standhalten".


Ich schreibe das jetzt mal bewusst in Deutsch und "werfe" es nicht in den Übersetzer


All das was Du schreibst kenne ich auch - nur hat es bei mir nicht die "Alarm-Glocken" schrillen lassen.


Dafür aber eine Doku die bei uns im Haputkanal der öffentlich rechtlichen Medien ließ


das Thema "Asbest" in den zwillingstürmen zum Thema hatte.


Asbest ist ein Baustoff der zum Beispiel bei Stahl- und Beton-Konstruktionen im Bereich VORBEUGENDE Bandschutz zum Einsatzz kommt.

Oft wird er "aufgespritzt" - mit Zement als Bindemittel.


Nun - das hält nicht ewig - mit der Zeit lösen sich Asbest-Fasern und schweben als Mikro-Partikel in der Gebäude-Luft.

Über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen einer Lunge mit Asbest-Fasern muss ich ja nix sagen.


Also wird zum einen Asbest dafür heute nicht mehr verwendet und ältere Gebäude werden zu wahsinnig hohen Kosten davon "befreit" - sprich saniert.


Wir haben in meiner Heimatstadt Berlin selbst mehrere solcher Extrem-Bauten - einer davon ist das Hochhaus in Berlin-Steglitz - bekannt unter den Namen "Steglitzer Kreisel".

Da ich aus beruflichen Gründen viele Jahre Mitglieder der Kammer für Bau-Ing. war ... man tauscht sich da auch mit Kollegen aus ...


Die erwähnte Doku zeigte an Hand von Video-Aufnahmen es eines NewYorker Bau.-Ing der für solche Sanierungen zuständig war - wie bröckelig der "Spritz-Asbest" in den Türmen mittlerweile war.


Nun - die riesige graue Wolke vom Einsturz kennt ja nun wohl jeder - auch die Tatsache das viele Menschen - allen voran Feuerwehr-Leute wegen Lungen-Ödemen gestorben sind.


Hat der Betreiber einen "explosiven" Abriss seines extrem sanierungsbedürftigen Gebäudes gemacht um so zig Mrd an US-Dollar "einzusparen"?

Selbst wenn - dann geht das nur wenn man von den Anschlagsplänen weiss ... und um ganz sicher zu gehen noch etwas nach den Einschlag der Flugzeuge "nachhilft"?


Nur bei so viel nötiger krimineller Energie ... würden solche Menschen auch Atomschläge auf Zivilisten anordnen...

...upps - das hatte man ja im Sommer 1945 - tzzz



Auch wenn man das alles als ziemlich abgedrehte Fantasie abtut...

...mir persönlich hat immer etwas anderes an der ganzen offiziellen Story gestört:

"Wie können absolute Fluganfänger - die gerade eben mal so ihre Prüfung für eine ein-motorige Sportmaschine geschafft haben ... einen hoch modernen Verkehrsflieger in ein Hochhaus..."


Also zum einem Hintergrund ... ich habe 3 Jahre als Mechaniker beim Militör auf einem Flugplatz gerabeitet ... "Kabienen"-Training im Copit gehörten regelmässig dazu - nicht nur während meiner Ausbildung.

Und ich habe 2,5 Jahre lang die Flugausbildung juger Piloten beobachten können und auch die Probleme die alte erfahrene Piloten hatten - wenn sie den Typ des Fluggerätes gewechselt haben.


Nein - damals gab es bei uns keine Flug-Simulatoren ... und der ersetzt auch letztlich keinen Real-Flug.

Aber ein "Simulator" auf einem PC ist nicht einmal das?



Wenn diese Jungs aus Saudi-Arabien tatsächlich diese Maschinen gesteuert haben - wer hat ihnen das Fliegen einer mehrstrahligen im Verhältnis zu einer Sport-Maschine riesigen Verkehrsmaschine BEIGEBRACHT ... das geht NUR durch Profi-Personal das selbst Ausbilder für solche Maschinen ist!


Das bedarf monatelange intensiven Unterricht...

...oder die diversen TV-Dokus über die langjährige Flugausbildung von angehenden Piloten der Verkehrs-Fliegerei erzählen totalen Unsinn!


Ja - für mich passt da einiges nicht zusammen ... aber ich habe letztlich auch nur Spekulationen wie es abgelaufen sein könnte.

Aber die offizielle Story ... hier an diesem Punkt für mich löchrig wie das Netz eines Hochsee-Fischers!

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1 hour ago, Sir Bron said:

Global Warming is real.

Climate change is real - always has been.

AGW not so much. Cui bono.




Flat Earth is still my favourite. What possible reason would anyone have for lying about the shape of the Earth?  Cui bono.

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