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6 hours ago, anyrandomnik said:

Lines 12, 13 I missed '0' simbol.
$defeat_hours    {0} hours
$defeat_seconds    {0} seconds
This doesn`t affect the functionality.

Also intrested in your patch but i don't want to change it in my current game, i'll start a new one soon anyways. Some questions:

Includes your fixed version everything necessary or do i need the original and your patch?

I see the exported settings are overwritten with your fixed version,  can i use my own old or would that cause troubel due to changes in the MCM?

Did you already patch your fixed version because there already are zeros in those lines now?


Thanks for improving this mod and keeping it avaivable for non-russian speakers. :smile:

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Noticed some problems i had with default Defeat too, i worked around that by using DA as "man in the middle". For example, sometimes Defeat takes too long to recognize that i'm defeated and i die, or i the mean time my agressor dies and it resurrects him, after sex scene he has full health again. Unfortunatly DA doesn't recognize your patched version. :frown:


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On 17/2/2018 at 4:31 PM, anyrandomnik said:

The surrender key selects 1 aggressor, which must start a dialogue. The dialogue will start immediately when this aggressor withdraw from action and come to player. Frequent issues:  The aggressor went too far and Skyrim make him uncontrolled by scripts. The land or the NPCs made the player unpathable.
If it seems that the mod hung, Press '0' 'Log all data' and send me a Log.
I have 90 enabled animations. The sex-scene starts in 1 second after the dialogue. The first (consensual)(after dialogue) animation is always twosome. (as in the original)

It is reasonable to test my version with more then 128 enabled human and 128 creature animations. I need a save made while SLscene.




Here is the log. There's the typical load of errors from mods testing if other mods are present and stuff like that, but from my knowledge on how these things work, I think the relevant part is this one:


[02/18/2018 - 08:57:34PM] Player state = AssaultMode Enough=False Time=1.000000 IsSurrender=TRUE
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:34PM] PlayerAnimationType = 1 TheNext=[lvlpredatorscript < (000FA2D4)>] AddOne=None NumRapes=0
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:34PM] Aggressors[0]=[lvlpredatorscript < (000FA2D4)>]wolf FacRank=2 SL=False Collateral=False
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:34PM] Effect Weakenings Time=4 Vic=[Actor < (00000014)>] Agg=None Data=60
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:37PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Elis) -- TRUE -- HIT
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:53PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:53PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Elis) -- TRUE -- HIT
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:53PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Elis] SetActor([Actor < (00000014)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias004 on quest SexLabThread00 (08061EEF)>]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(wolf) -- TRUE -- MISS
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[wolf] SetActor([lvlpredatorscript < (000FA2D4)>]) - [sslActorAlias <alias ActorAlias003 on quest SexLabThread00 (08061EEF)>]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0]  - CreatureRef: [Race <WolfRace (0001320A)>]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - BretonRaceF.WolfRaceC
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Elis]  - Strip: [False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, True]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[wolf]  - Waited [1] cycles for MarkerRef[[ObjectReference < (FF0008A4)>]]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - PickByRaceKey(Canines)
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:54PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[wolf]  - Scales[1.000000/ DISABLED] BaseEnjoyment[4]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:55PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Elis]  - Equipment: [[SPELL < (1308A00B)>], [SPELL < (00012FCD)>]]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:55PM] SEXLAB - ActorAlias[Elis]  - Scales[0.950000/ DISABLED] Voice[FemaleYoungEager (Ysolda)] Expression[Angry] BaseEnjoyment[2]
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:56PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStart
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:58PM] SEXLAB - Thread[0] Event Hook - StageStart
[02/18/2018 - 08:57:58PM] Found 1 arousedActors



It takes almost 20 seconds to start the animation proper from the moment the character surrendered. She gets on her knees, says the typical "I submit" lines... And then she stands up and waits there in idle pose for all that time (in the original mod I remember she'd stay kneeling).

I would believe that the number of animations that I've got or my modlist is an issue, creating too much papyrus processing, but the thing is that this extra waiting time only happens when surrendering. If enemies defeat me, she gets into bleedout pose and the scene is starting even before the bleedout animation is done, so I don't think that this is something related to conflicts between mods.


Also, this happens AFTER dialogue. In this example it was a wolf, but with human enemies is the same, and it happens even if they're close all the time.

I should mention that I never get multiple enemies to "take turns". In this case it was a single enemy, but whenever there are more than one, they all get calmed, wait until the animation finishes, and even if I get the warning about an enemy witnessing the scene and willing to join, after she's raped by just one, she gets up and enemies automatically aggro on her, there's no waiting time in which she'd cover herself or anything like that.

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On 2/16/2018 at 12:26 AM, woop111 said:

So, i have a problem with Sexlab Defeat. No matte what option i choose under NPC vs NPC for how the gender determines who will engage who, it doesnt seem to make any different. I'm getting tons of situations where the Dragon decides to fuck a dude or a troll going for the dude even when there are female victims knocked down.


Sometimes the creature or NPC doing the assault would pick the female victim, but I want it to be that male victims would just be left alone whilst they are knocked down. 



Any one knows how to solve this?

I have the same problem as well. Im playing around with load order to test if something is wrong there.


It must be a specific problem cause not many people seem to have it in which case there would be more reports if it was.

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1 hour ago, shunter said:

I seem to be having an issue I've never had before. Defeat isn't recognizing creatures for some reason. I checked its MCM for "list of enabled"/"list of disabled" creatures and none of the creatures show up. Therefore, I can't surrender to creatures. What gives?

Forget to enable creature sex in the Sexlab MCM Menu?

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On ‎02‎/‎08‎/‎2013 at 3:57 PM, crusher said:

wow, this looks really cool. Finally, shift key has a use in combat.


... not sure this has been suggested, but has anyone tried to use followers to try and 'rescue' pc from a rape? In other words, as the assailants queue up to rape, have the follower attack the last npc in the rape queue and work their way down to the npc raping the pc. Happened the other day, not sure why, but follower started fighting off the waiting rapist, was rather dramatic having follower work their way down to the bandit raping the pc.


Just come back after a while away... but iirc that's normal depending on your setup.  In the options concerning what happens when the PC is down, this can be done.  If you have 'all down', the followers go down when the PC does, no is rescue done.  If not, they fight on and can rescue you.




Which brings up my question which is the flipside of that, was half waiting for a new version to see if ever got more reliable.  If the follower goes down, does the rape animation of them start while the PC is up.  Currently, it sometimes happens IF the PC is hidden (full stealth), otherwise the mobs just target the PC.  It had been talked about way back, that engine allowing.... it could be done that the mobs that take the follower down start the rape.  Also remember might be related when you see the message of 'Sally (whatever follower name) moves towards Sally' and the animation doesn't start because of an issue with character selection.... can't sex yourself.  Or can't start sex animations as mobs not availible (in combat with PC).


Was hoping it was fixed or a work around as always wanted to use my 'bad thief' method of making my poor follower 'distract' the giants say... why I go for the loot lols.  Ever been worked out?  Hoping as Defeat is in a way probably the main framework I build my Skyrim game around :).

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38 minutes ago, tontoman said:

Just come back after a while away... but iirc that's normal depending on your setup.  In the options concerning what happens when the PC is down, this can be done.  If you have 'all down', the followers go down when the PC does, no is rescue done.  If not, they fight on and can rescue you.




Which brings up my question which is the flipside of that, was half waiting for a new version to see if ever got more reliable.  If the follower goes down, does the rape animation of them start while the PC is up.  Currently, it sometimes happens IF the PC is hidden (full stealth), otherwise the mobs just target the PC.  It had been talked about way back, that engine allowing.... it could be done that the mobs that take the follower down start the rape.  Also remember might be related when you see the message of 'Sally (whatever follower name) moves towards Sally' and the animation doesn't start because of an issue with character selection.... can't sex yourself.  Or can't start sex animations as mobs not availible (in combat with PC).


Was hoping it was fixed or a work around as always wanted to use my 'bad thief' method of making my poor follower 'distract' the giants say... why I go for the loot lols.  Ever been worked out?  Hoping as Defeat is in a way probably the main framework I build my Skyrim game around :).


Answering a post from over four and a half years ago makes you a wee bit late to the party :classic_rolleyes:.


Now for your questions.


New version?  Nope, not happening.  Author just recently stated that it's over.


If follower down, whether the rape of the follower starts right away or later depends on settings in the MCM menu.  The "All Down" settings means combat has to end with one side victorious and one side with all it's surviving members knocked down.


Those "forced on you" followers are usually such a pain that I have done a sneak the "follower" into mobs and then stay hidden while she's raped then kill the rapist and hide until she revives is taken down and raped again until there are no more mobs left then sneak her into the next set of mobs.  It sucks that Defeat often lets them take her down but fails to start a sex act, usually for the mob that took her down because I consider "failure to rape" to be a crime worthy of being shot.



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1 hour ago, WaxenFigure said:


Answering a post from over four and a half years ago makes you a wee bit late to the party :classic_rolleyes:.


Now for your questions.


New version?  Nope, not happening.  Author just recently stated that it's over.


If follower down, whether the rape of the follower starts right away or later depends on settings in the MCM menu.  The "All Down" settings means combat has to end with one side victorious and one side with all it's surviving members knocked down.


Those "forced on you" followers are usually such a pain that I have done a sneak the "follower" into mobs and then stay hidden while she's raped then kill the rapist and hide until she revives is taken down and raped again until there are no more mobs left then sneak her into the next set of mobs.  It sucks that Defeat often lets them take her down but fails to start a sex act, usually for the mob that took her down because I consider "failure to rape" to be a crime worthy of being shot.



Lol what da fu...  Don't know how that happened....  I guess that google search dropped me in the middle of the thread and I didn't notice.  Oh well sorry all for necro heh.

Thanks for the info.   It's been a ton of pages since I've looked at it and the last time there was a new version being worked on, if slowly, and didn't want to try and read all that way back heh.  


Yeah it's a pity that turning OFF All Down doesn't work as well with the follower going down, as it does with the PC (those always seem to trigger even with combat going on).  I used to use the evil 'wait here' command aimed into in the middle of the mobs to start the 'distraction', then raid all the chests :).  Worked really well with FillHerUp when for the next day she looks preggers and complains constantly about what you did.  hehehe.


Ah well, if Goubo still around, thanks for the mod.  Got the most fun out of it.

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8 hours ago, WaxenFigure said:



New version?  Nope, not happening.  Author just recently stated that it's over.




Thanks for the info.  I'd missed that


You've been around a long time and done it all, I think, so have you any views on our Russian friend's efforts at updating/adding fixes to Goubo's last version?


I downloaded it, and am happy I can repack that for my own MO installation but, although, admirably, a lot of ppl seem happy with it, have you any thoughts?   I'm disinclined to put stuff in any game until I hear from the wise old heads - you do come from Hrothgar, don't you? ;)

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6 hours ago, donkeywho said:



Thanks for the info.  I'd missed that


You've been around a long time and done it all, I think, so have you any views on our Russian friend's efforts at updating/adding fixes to Goubo's last version?


I downloaded it, and am happy I can repack that for my own MO installation but, although, admirably, a lot of ppl seem happy with it, have you any thoughts?   I'm disinclined to put stuff in any game until I hear from the wise old heads - you do come from Hrothgar, don't you? ;)


If it works better then use it.  IMO, the best version of this mod I ever used was one of the beta versions (Defeat V5B3.3) since it didn't break as often and I was always hearing about some action happening out in the wild.  After that version sex on defeat happened less often and killing a lot more often.

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7 hours ago, WaxenFigure said:

IMO, the best version of this mod I ever used was one of the beta versions (Defeat V5B3.3

heh i still have that one on my third harddrive Defeat V5b3.3fixed

also the old 4.1 with the jail cell/place your trap door here, :classic_tongue:

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9 hours ago, WaxenFigure said:


If it works better then use it.  IMO, the best version of this mod I ever used was one of the beta versions (Defeat V5B3.3) since it didn't break as often and I was always hearing about some action happening out in the wild.  After that version sex on defeat happened less often and killing a lot more often.



I never throw away anything, and V5.0b3.3 fixed is still lurking there in my inactive MO modlist



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10 hours ago, WaxenFigure said:


If it works better then use it.  IMO, the best version of this mod I ever used was one of the beta versions (Defeat V5B3.3) since it didn't break as often and I was always hearing about some action happening out in the wild.  After that version sex on defeat happened less often and killing a lot more often.

Does that work with the late(ish) sexlab etc.?  I usually updated as the mods update to follow framework mods like that.  I'm probably behind at least one Sexlab update as I haven't touched my setup in ages (if it aint broke, don't fix it).


Hmm, yeah trying to remember why I updated.  I don't use the whole capture bandits thing of the newer versions, can't remember if I updated due to needing to (sexlab updates), or some of the enhanced animation/defeat settings. But now you mention it, I miss those funny rapes in the middle of big NPC battles.  It was madness lol.

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13 hours ago, tontoman said:

Does that work with the late(ish) sexlab etc.?  I usually updated as the mods update to follow framework mods like that.  I'm probably behind at least one Sexlab update as I haven't touched my setup in ages (if it aint broke, don't fix it).


Hmm, yeah trying to remember why I updated.  I don't use the whole capture bandits thing of the newer versions, can't remember if I updated due to needing to (sexlab updates), or some of the enhanced animation/defeat settings. But now you mention it, I miss those funny rapes in the middle of big NPC battles.  It was madness lol.


I haven't used that version for a while so I can't say how well it works now but I suspect it'll still work fairly well but I think it was before the ability to edit the tags was added so it may include animations you don't want.

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On 28/01/2018 at 1:11 PM, anyrandomnik said:

Original defeat ignores this option and always uses 60 sec.

SexLab searches valid animations by script. That is where the issue is. The sexlab.dll already exist. So why


My defeat fixed allows following combinations of actors.

 F≝female; M≝male; C≝creature; H≝F∨M.

Player-victim: {HH, HHH, HHHH, FMMMM, HC, CC, HCC, HHC, CCC} .

Follower-victim: {HH, HC, HHH, HHC, HCC}

And my version properly validates and plays the animations with the different creature races.


PS There are an issue with MNC. This mod doesn't clear the race keys while installation (necessary if update). Of course the incorrect race keys will affect the searching of the valid creature animations.



From what I am reading here, your version would not support FCCC or FCCCC? (available for draugr, falmer, skeevers and chaurus atm)


Have been looking forever for an update or version that can actually handle multiple creature types at once without screwing up the animations (e.g. chaurus and falmer, or even forsworn and hagraven etc). Your version seems to fix that, but at the cost of any animation with more than 2 creature types. Ah, decisions decisions...


Wouldn't suppose you'd consider adding FCCC + FCCCC support would you?


Regardless, thank you for ahring your work with us. It's exciting to have an updated version at last.

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On ‎23‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 11:07 AM, WaxenFigure said:


I haven't used that version for a while so I can't say how well it works now but I suspect it'll still work fairly well but I think it was before the ability to edit the tags was added so it may include animations you don't want.

Yeah, it might also not include the multi character encounters, at least for certain genders.  I remember WAY back asking for a F/M gender disable option in animations so F/FF+ encounters could use the F/MM+ animations as there were no multi fem ones.

Well, if I ever bite the bullet and try going back, will post how it works out heh.

@Harken, just in case... did you try the jump key.  Always a quick thing to try to break out of certain animations.  I often have to do it to break out of the handcuff animation after carriage travelling.

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 1:13 AM, MayDayCray said:

I have this really frustrating problem where eventually my character won't die or get raped.. she just kneels in the bleed out position forever until I either reload a previous save or try to kill her via console, which results in her standing back up with full vitals. 


Essential is set to off in Defeat's MCM with the only way to knock me down is to wound me between 5% and 20% health with a 50% chance of getting raped. it only seems to work if I increase my chances to an extreme high. If I happen to resist the assault and knock my assailant off of me, my PC gets stuck with the floor struggling animation until my would-be rapist decides to kill me.. er, tries to kill me anyway.


Does anyone else have these problems? If so.. any fix?

Are you using Death Alternative as well?

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13 minutes ago, MayDayCray said:

I had to uninstall that year ago.. too problematic

Hmmm, ok I was going to suggest using the utility options in DA to regain control, have you tried all the clean up options in Defeat, also do you use ZAZ, sometimes that can be used to restore control as well, or console commands to regain control (enableplayercontrols ), that's a shitty work around I know but just shooting out ideas

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