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Thanks Funny, you too. I have hard time triggering it anymore even when trying to lose on purpose so i gues its not a big deal. Maybe it was problem with defeat trying to play wrong anim on wrong timer but it was def cutting the animation in half. You would thought that reducing the number of mods and starting new game is a good way to make skyrim more reliable.

But so far my game is more unstable then ever. Makes it kinda hard to determinate if mod is buggy or whole game gone to shit.

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NPC-NPC involving follower faction seems to be working now with 5.3.1 but I might not have configured it properly.  Even after sliding both "chance on hit" (default 30%) and "chance of sexual assault" (default 100%) to 100%, the rape scene does not always trigger.


How I tested:

1. set up 2 generic NPC of opposing factions.  One is a generic essential follower while the opposing NPC is significantly stronger to ensure defeat.

2. place both NPC inside a cell

3. trigger Defeat by entering the cell and watching the fight scene and aftermath.


Most of the time the attacker just stood there after beating the follower NPC into bleed out.  The rape scene, i.e. chance on hit, appears to be 30% but I cannot say for certain.  It is definitely not 100%.


Regardless after-assault seems to be working as I am now able to enter dialogue with the follower NPC while in 5.2 the conversation was lost after defeat.

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Goubo, just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work.  I'm sure it must wear on you a little to work your ass off on this mod only to see a million questions posted to the thread and not much in the way of thank-you's (That's not to say anybody's ungrateful, I'm sure everybody is).

Thanks, these messages are always appreciated :)



I manged to test some more, you were right, the options on the Player as Aggressor related to tied victim, as in morality, witness do affect the K dialogue, which is confusing considering K is basically surrender and I figured it should have to do with Player as Victim options.


Anyhow disabling Witness seems to stop dialogue about other ppl nearby, completely... and Morality turned off seems to no longer cause npcs to refuse. So far npcs still seem to refuse when i ask for money, it could be related to the Relationship option. I dunno all these seem to interact strangely and they're not consistent in what effects they produce at least related to K initiated dialogue.


You say witness is cheked in a 1000 unit radius, but i'm positive it was just me and 1 follower in Breezehome yet she still refused claiming there's ppl around. I had just her following me.


I also ticked every "female first" option in the animation page, but if I as a male ask a female follower to do me, again it's K dialogue, she's in the male position, any chance to be able to switch it to cowgirl stuff? Ofc if i ask her to let me do her, it's alright. 


Yeah I know it's confusing to use the surrender hotkey and have the options for it in player as aggressor menu but I did not have a lot of choices to include it the way I wanted, I like the parallele dialogue tree I created it dosen't mess with the rest of the dialogues and I thought the surrender key could be used out of combat for this.

If you see it as a prostitute/propose it makes sense it uses the surrender key no? I could maybe seperate all the options though.


Asking for money yes I made the success random if they have a low confidence.


Alone in breezehome but still register a witness? definitely not intended.


For misplaced NPC in sex scenes I see why, censensual sex is something else and the animation options dosen't work for them, I'll add a category for it.


But for the most part it's a wip feature, I've actually ioncluded it very fast.

Thanks btw, those are the feedbacks I wanted. :)



I can hardly express myself well, I do not speak English well.



With Death Alternative (I know you know this), when your HP reaches zero, you enter in bleedout mode, which gives you a few seconds for recover (very useful in very powerfull attacks), Only this part it is that I find useful, the consequences for being defeated (the many quest option NO), but I like the consequences for being defeated of Sexlab defeat. Sexlab Defea has bleedout mode, but only appears when it will happen a rape scene, my question was if exists a mod that only adds bleedout mode and be compatible with Sexlab defeat.



Ha, I see, well I already tried to include that kind of mechanic but if we put aside the fact that it will create more imcompatibilities with other mods that register bleedout, I just can't use this event to register any aggressors properly with the method I use because when the player enters the bleedout aggressors instantly get out of combat (against the player anyway) and my detection quest dosen't have the time to grab them for the scene, I would have to change a lot for this to work and it would be quite papyrus stressing and dirty code-wise.


Thanks Funny, you too. I have hard time triggering it anymore even when trying to lose on purpose so i gues its not a big deal. Maybe it was problem with defeat trying to play wrong anim on wrong timer but it was def cutting the animation in half. You would thought that reducing the number of mods and starting new game is a good way to make skyrim more reliable.

But so far my game is more unstable then ever. Makes it kinda hard to determinate if mod is buggy or whole game gone to shit.

Well for starters did you get knocked out? Funny's animation will appear only in this case (for now, I'll probably add this for knocked out NPCs too later on)


Frankly I'm confident enough to say the mod should work way better than 5.2.2 did, but it's possible the exhausted animation isn't working right for some, I'll fix this and if I can't Funny will replace this animation by a new one? :P


NPC-NPC involving follower faction seems to be working now with 5.3.1 but I might not have configured it properly.  Even after sliding both "chance on hit" (default 30%) and "chance of sexual assault" (default 100%) to 100%, the rape scene does not always trigger.


How I tested:

1. set up 2 generic NPC of opposing factions.  One is a generic essential follower while the opposing NPC is significantly stronger to ensure defeat.

2. place both NPC inside a cell

3. trigger Defeat by entering the cell and watching the fight scene and aftermath.


Most of the time the attacker just stood there after beating the follower NPC into bleed out.  The rape scene, i.e. chance on hit, appears to be 30% but I cannot say for certain.  It is definitely not 100%.


Regardless after-assault seems to be working as I am now able to enter dialogue with the follower NPC while in 5.2 the conversation was lost after defeat.

Hm, checked the script, it's fine the right settings are used, maybe Disable Starting Teleport from SexLab?



Well I checked my animations that I gave Goubo and they're looped really well. Do you mean my unconscious animations? :(



Nah your animations are fine! thanks again.

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Yeah I know it's confusing to use the surrender hotkey and have the options for it in player as aggressor menu but I did not have a lot of choices to include it the way I wanted, I like the parallele dialogue tree I created it dosen't mess with the rest of the dialogues and I thought the surrender key could be used out of combat for this.

If you see it as a prostitute/propose it makes sense it uses the surrender key no? I could maybe seperate all the options though.


Asking for money yes I made the success random if they have a low confidence.


Alone in breezehome but still register a witness? definitely not intended.


For misplaced NPC in sex scenes I see why, censensual sex is something else and the animation options dosen't work for them, I'll add a category for it.


But for the most part it's a wip feature, I've actually ioncluded it very fast.

Thanks btw, those are the feedbacks I wanted. :)


You're welcome and good job on the whole thing. This mod was among the first ones to pop up on LL and it's still being updated today, admirable dedication there Goubo. I won't complain if you'll keep expanding it :ph34r:

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Thanks for the update Guobo AND better as usual.


Can you possibly tell me what I'm doing wrong when it comes to followers assualting NPC that are down on their own under "aggressive followers" checked.  I have four followers and at random, when one assualts and NPC and the others watch one of those followers become unresponsive to be after.  When trying to talk to them I on;y get "........" 


Are they sexually frustrated and made at me because they didn't partake in the victory desert?

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Ok found a new thing that refuses to work for me. Any sort of player grab. In previous versions if i remmber right you pressed the binded defeat action button and player character tries to choke enemy down into sumbission. Holding the button would choke him to death and holding shift was insta rape. In new version holding button does nothing. Taping it once make my character grunt and enemy says the sual "i yield" or "i submit" only that he doesn't. No animation follows. Sometimes after few seconds he goes to the ground, sometimes he continues to walk around as normal. Stealth with no weapon drawn also does nothing. If enemy is already in bleedout state then pressing action button opens ingame menu and all options work as intended from there.


TL;DR  - Cant grab anyone.

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I am still trying to figure out why animation don´t appear in SL Defeat using the tag system. After resetting animation registry and registrating every non SL Animation (ZaZ, EC+, SLAL Animations) i checked Defeat and they were all there in the default settings (Aggessive was the only tag)


After configurating some animations under SL Animations they were all gone. I could find out, that the Defeat Tag systems seems to use only the animations which


1) have the keyword, of course

2) are enabled under SL Animations


Will say, if i deactivate every agressive animation under SL Animation, and keep them all activate under SL Aggressive Animation, which i usually have to prevent for example mods like Lovers Comfort oder Radiant Prostitution from using those animations, Sexlab Defeat will found nothing anymore. Atm i have all of those activated, so SL Defeat are able to use them. Was this intended to be used this way?


One more thing i could notice is that the Creature Tag Field is empty. If i do a Mouseclick on it, i got an instant CTD. SL Creature animations are registrated and activated. Also SL Defeat uses them, no problem. Only a click on the empty field, no matter if it is under NPC or PC or whatever, results in a CTD. :)

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Could we have details about the price of the characters into prostitution ? Cause i don't understand how it works (about characters who can't be sold, just foced into prostitution)

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I have installed FB Animations (from here: http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2702-funnybiznesss-anubs-slal-pack/)but I dont see those idles after the scene.

No I need anything more?


If you look in the tab "Player as Victm" you'll see defeat options like "Wound" "Stun"  underneath them you'll see a slider set to 0% by default but only under these defeat conditions will it trigger... It will not trigger if you're defeated through a bleedout scenario 

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NPC-NPC involving follower faction seems to be working now with 5.3.1 but I might not have configured it properly.  Even after sliding both "chance on hit" (default 30%) and "chance of sexual assault" (default 100%) to 100%, the rape scene does not always trigger.


How I tested:

1. set up 2 generic NPC of opposing factions.  One is a generic essential follower while the opposing NPC is significantly stronger to ensure defeat.

2. place both NPC inside a cell

3. trigger Defeat by entering the cell and watching the fight scene and aftermath.


Most of the time the attacker just stood there after beating the follower NPC into bleed out.  The rape scene, i.e. chance on hit, appears to be 30% but I cannot say for certain.  It is definitely not 100%.


Regardless after-assault seems to be working as I am now able to enter dialogue with the follower NPC while in 5.2 the conversation was lost after defeat.

Hm, checked the script, it's fine the right settings are used, maybe Disable Starting Teleport from SexLab?



I think I figured out what happened.  The generic follower NPC I created to test has not been recruited so its PlayerFollowerRank is 0.  I slide the NPC (not follower) chance on hit from default 30% to 100% and the rape scene appears to happen 100%.  So an unrecruited follower uses the NPC settings in NPC-NPC instead of Follower.  Does this make sense?



BTW, the Health slider in the NPC-NPC tab for both NPC and Follower defaults at 30% but the explanation texts for both sliders say default is 20%.  

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Hey. I noticed that necro'ing creatures didn't have its own tag filter, and will play any creature animation even though the creature is dead. 


Will there be a separate filter for Creature Necro in the future? I'm asking especially because Funny added some necro animations where the PC is the assaulter.

I also did some digging, and in the source for the necro, the tags should default to the normal CreatureTagPagg, according to this code:
If Victim.HasKeyWordString("ActorTypeNPC")
		String AnimationSet
		Anims = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, McmConfig.NecroTagPagg, McmConfig.NecroSupressTagPagg, McmConfig.NecroRequireAllTagPagg)
		AnimationSet = "NecroPagg"
		If (Anims.length == 0)
			AnimationSet = "RapePagg"
		TheRape = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.RapeTagPagg, SupressTags = McmConfig.RapeSupressTagPagg, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.RapeRequireAllTagPagg, FemaleFirst = AnimationSet)
		TheRape = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.CreatureTagPagg, SupressTags = McmConfig.CreatureSupressTagPagg, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.CreatureRequireAllTagPagg)

But when I set CreatureTagPagg to Necro only, it still plays other animations that don't include the Necro tag.


I also noticed that when I shift-Click on the "Creature - Require all tags" button in the MCM, it only displays animations for non-creature animations only. Maybe SexLab doesn't recognize creature animations when looking for compatible tags?


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hi goubo, thanks for responding to my suggestion so quickly.


i have a bug report for 5.3.1: the new function that causes followers to be excluded when the aggressor can't reach them for 20 seconds is being called incorrectly on "satisfied" attackers, which causes followers to be excluded even when they're not inaccessible.  so when multiple scenes are going on at once with large numbers of aggressors, or with the extra turns slider at a high value, each follower gets one or maybe two animations and all the rest get called on the player.  setting the satisfied value to 0 seconds fixes the issue, which is why i think the bug is related to that.

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Hey. I noticed that necro'ing creatures didn't have its own tag filter, and will play any creature animation even though the creature is dead. 


Will there be a separate filter for Creature Necro in the future? I'm asking especially because Funny added some necro animations where the PC is the assaulter.

I also did some digging, and in the source for the necro, the tags should default to the normal CreatureTagPagg, according to this code:
If Victim.HasKeyWordString("ActorTypeNPC")
		String AnimationSet
		Anims = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, McmConfig.NecroTagPagg, McmConfig.NecroSupressTagPagg, McmConfig.NecroRequireAllTagPagg)
		AnimationSet = "NecroPagg"
		If (Anims.length == 0)
			AnimationSet = "RapePagg"
		TheRape = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.RapeTagPagg, SupressTags = McmConfig.RapeSupressTagPagg, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.RapeRequireAllTagPagg, FemaleFirst = AnimationSet)
		TheRape = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.CreatureTagPagg, SupressTags = McmConfig.CreatureSupressTagPagg, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.CreatureRequireAllTagPagg)

But when I set CreatureTagPagg to Necro only, it still plays other animations that don't include the Necro tag.


I also noticed that when I shift-Click on the "Creature - Require all tags" button in the MCM, it only displays animations for non-creature animations only. Maybe SexLab doesn't recognize creature animations when looking for compatible tags?



Actually, looking at the code, it seems like there are two separate issues here. For the necrophilia function code, you didn't have a line that set the Anims for necro'ing creatures based off of the creature tag filter in the PC Aggressor section of the Animations. I have the code might work here, but I could be wrong because I can't compile it at the moment because I can't find the required psc from SKYUI, and i haven't messed too much with SL scripting tongue.png.

Function Necrophilia(Actor Victim, Actor Aggressor)
;	SendAnimationEvent(Victim, "GetUpBegin")
;	SendAnimationEvent(Victim, "DefeatWounded02Exit")
;	Wait(2.0)
;	SendAnimationEvent(Victim, "IdleForceDefaultState")

;	Victim.RemoveAllItems(NecroChest, abRemoveQuestItems = True) 
;	Victim.Resurrect()
;	Float i = 3.0
;	While (!Victim.Is3DLoaded() && (i > 0.0))
;		Wait(0.2)
;		i -= 0.2
;	EndWhile
;	Victim.RemoveAllItems(abRemoveQuestItems = True) 
;	NecroChest.RemoveAllItems(Victim, abRemoveQuestItems = True) ;abKeepOwnership
;	Victim.AllowPCDialogue(False)
	Strip(Victim, Aggressor)
	Victim.ForceActorValue("Health", 1)
;	Victim.SetUnconscious()
	sslBaseAnimation[] Anims
	sslThreadModel TheRape
	If Victim.HasKeyWordString("ActorTypeNPC")
		String AnimationSet
		Anims = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, McmConfig.NecroTagPagg, McmConfig.NecroSupressTagPagg, McmConfig.NecroRequireAllTagPagg)
		AnimationSet = "NecroPagg"
		If (Anims.length == 0)
			AnimationSet = "RapePagg"
		TheRape = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.RapeTagPagg, SupressTags = McmConfig.RapeSupressTagPagg, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.RapeRequireAllTagPagg, FemaleFirst = AnimationSet)
		Anims = SexLab.GetCreatureAnimationsByTags(2, McmConfig.CreatureTagPagg, McmConfig.CreatureSupressTagPagg, McmConfig.CreatureRequireAllTagPagg)
		TheRape = RessConfig.SexLabScene(Victim, Aggressor, CustomAnimations = Anims, Tags = McmConfig.CreatureTagPagg, SupressTags = McmConfig.CreatureSupressTagPagg, TagsRequireAll = McmConfig.CreatureRequireAllTagPagg)
	sslBaseVoice ToVoice = SexLab.GetVoice(Victim)
	TheRape.SetVoice(Victim, ToVoice, True)
	RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd_DefeatNecro", "EndNecro")
	sslThreadController Thread = TheRape.StartThread()
	If !Thread
		DefeatConfig.Log("Error: Player/Companion aggressor Necro - Animation did not start")
;		Victim.SetUnconscious(False)
		Victim.ForceActorValue("Health", 0)
		Float i = 2.0
		While (!Victim.IsDead() && (i > 0.0))
			i -= 0.5

The second issue is with the function used to get the applicable animations to show up in the MCM menu. It doesn't account for creature animations. Because sexlab separates looking for creature animations and looking for non-creature animations, the function used in Defeat only is for PC/NPC on NPC animations.

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Hello. I'm not sure if this has been covered already, but I really don't have time to go through 460 pages to try to find it.


Basically, I am having an issue with my follower in this mod. When I tell him to rape a bandit I have forced into submission, he will gladly do so. But only by himself. If I choose the "rape with player" option, the bandit will stand up, the follower will do a single, brief twitch, then my PC will also do a brief twitch, then they just stand there. No rape happens. I am free to continue moving around, doing whatever, I never lose control of controls such as happens during a sex scene, but the subdued victim just stands there, staring blankly into the distance. I tried with NPC vs NPC both turned off and on, but it never works. I have had this same problem in both versions of Defeat I have tried, 5.2.2 and 5.3.1.


I suppose I should mention that my follower is a "custom" follower, but he is very, very basic. He uses a default sandbox AI, and a vanilla voice type. His fighting style, armor, weapons, etc., everything on him is from vanilla settings, so he's an extremely basic follower. I'm not sure why he wouldn't be working, especially considering the solo rape works perfectly fine. Also, he works fine in multi-person sex scenes if I use a mod such as MatchMaker, so I know he definitely works in those situations. The scenes just aren't triggering properly from the "Rape with Player" option in the Defeat pop-up box (upon Shift + Action key [default G] on a target).


Any help would be appreciated.


*Below, unrelated to my personal issue*

hi goubo, thanks for responding to my suggestion so quickly.


i have a bug report for 5.3.1: the new function that causes followers to be excluded when the aggressor can't reach them for 20 seconds is being called incorrectly on "satisfied" attackers, which causes followers to be excluded even when they're not inaccessible.  so when multiple scenes are going on at once with large numbers of aggressors, or with the extra turns slider at a high value, each follower gets one or maybe two animations and all the rest get called on the player.  setting the satisfied value to 0 seconds fixes the issue, which is why i think the bug is related to that.


I'm not sure if this is related at all, but do you have the SexLab option "Disable teleport to target" enabled? I think in the mod notes it was suggested to disable this option, as it interferes with the defeat scripts.

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I am still trying to figure out why animation don´t appear in SL Defeat using the tag system. After resetting animation registry and registrating every non SL Animation (ZaZ, EC+, SLAL Animations) i checked Defeat and they were all there in the default settings (Aggessive was the only tag)


After configurating some animations under SL Animations they were all gone. I could find out, that the Defeat Tag systems seems to use only the animations which


1) have the keyword, of course

2) are enabled under SL Animations


Will say, if i deactivate every agressive animation under SL Animation, and keep them all activate under SL Aggressive Animation, which i usually have to prevent for example mods like Lovers Comfort oder Radiant Prostitution from using those animations, Sexlab Defeat will found nothing anymore. Atm i have all of those activated, so SL Defeat are able to use them. Was this intended to be used this way?


One more thing i could notice is that the Creature Tag Field is empty. If i do a Mouseclick on it, i got an instant CTD. SL Creature animations are registrated and activated. Also SL Defeat uses them, no problem. Only a click on the empty field, no matter if it is under NPC or PC or whatever, results in a CTD. :)

Yes indeed it takes the main animation set, maybe I could add an option to tell it to check for aggressive animations only? hm I don't know yet how to achieve this though.


Will check for those CTD, I think I know why.


Ok found a new thing that refuses to work for me. Any sort of player grab. In previous versions if i remmber right you pressed the binded defeat action button and player character tries to choke enemy down into sumbission. Holding the button would choke him to death and holding shift was insta rape. In new version holding button does nothing. Taping it once make my character grunt and enemy says the sual "i yield" or "i submit" only that he doesn't. No animation follows. Sometimes after few seconds he goes to the ground, sometimes he continues to walk around as normal. Stealth with no weapon drawn also does nothing. If enemy is already in bleedout state then pressing action button opens ingame menu and all options work as intended from there.


TL;DR  - Cant grab anyone.

Sheathe your weapon.


I have installed FB Animations (from here: http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2702-funnybiznesss-anubs-slal-pack/)but I dont see those idles after the scene.

No I need anything more?

Unconscious idles? only on knockout.


Could we have details about the price of the characters into prostitution ? Cause i don't understand how it works (about characters who can't be sold, just foced into prostitution)

Well check description, it's based on the level. The npcs that can't be sold are either unique or just not ina  faction that can be sold.



Hey. I noticed that necro'ing creatures didn't have its own tag filter, and will play any creature animation even though the creature is dead. 


Will there be a separate filter for Creature Necro in the future? I'm asking especially because Funny added some necro animations where the PC is the assaulter.

I also did some digging, and in the source for the necro, the tags should default to the normal CreatureTagPagg, according to this code:

But when I set CreatureTagPagg to Necro only, it still plays other animations that don't include the Necro tag.


I also noticed that when I shift-Click on the "Creature - Require all tags" button in the MCM, it only displays animations for non-creature animations only. Maybe SexLab doesn't recognize creature animations when looking for compatible tags?



Are you sure you have the right creature animation with necro tag on them?


Your last question - that's because I use the same function to open a list of animation, a human one, which is an oversight.




Actually, looking at the code, it seems like there are two separate issues here. For the necrophilia function code, you didn't have a line that set the Anims for necro'ing creatures based off of the creature tag filter in the PC Aggressor section of the Animations. I have the code might work here, but I could be wrong because I can't compile it at the moment because I can't find the required psc from SKYUI, and i haven't messed too much with SL scripting tongue.png.


The second issue is with the function used to get the applicable animations to show up in the MCM menu. It doesn't account for creature animations. Because sexlab separates looking for creature animations and looking for non-creature animations, the function used in Defeat only is for PC/NPC on NPC animations.


Stop touching my scripts I feel violated. :D


And no, the script has no mistakes, if the array of Anims that is passed to SexLabScene function is none the function will try to find animations with the specified tags.


I will make some tests with this.


hi goubo, thanks for responding to my suggestion so quickly.


i have a bug report for 5.3.1: the new function that causes followers to be excluded when the aggressor can't reach them for 20 seconds is being called incorrectly on "satisfied" attackers, which causes followers to be excluded even when they're not inaccessible.  so when multiple scenes are going on at once with large numbers of aggressors, or with the extra turns slider at a high value, each follower gets one or maybe two animations and all the rest get called on the player.  setting the satisfied value to 0 seconds fixes the issue, which is why i think the bug is related to that.

Sure about that? Wierd it shouldn't happen the check for satisfied state is present, iI had that kind of behavior with Disable teleport to target enabled though. As ittybits mentionned.


Hello. I'm not sure if this has been covered already, but I really don't have time to go through 460 pages to try to find it.


Basically, I am having an issue with my follower in this mod. When I tell him to rape a bandit I have forced into submission, he will gladly do so. But only by himself. If I choose the "rape with player" option, the bandit will stand up, the follower will do a single, brief twitch, then my PC will also do a brief twitch, then they just stand there. No rape happens. I am free to continue moving around, doing whatever, I never lose control of controls such as happens during a sex scene, but the subdued victim just stands there, staring blankly into the distance. I tried with NPC vs NPC both turned off and on, but it never works. I have had this same problem in both versions of Defeat I have tried, 5.2.2 and 5.3.1.


I suppose I should mention that my follower is a "custom" follower, but he is very, very basic. He uses a default sandbox AI, and a vanilla voice type. His fighting style, armor, weapons, etc., everything on him is from vanilla settings, so he's an extremely basic follower. I'm not sure why he wouldn't be working, especially considering the solo rape works perfectly fine. Also, he works fine in multi-person sex scenes if I use a mod such as MatchMaker, so I know he definitely works in those situations. The scenes just aren't triggering properly from the "Rape with Player" option in the Defeat pop-up box (upon Shift + Action key [default G] on a target).


Any help would be appreciated.

Will check if this works and why sometimes it dosen't.

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Ok found a new thing that refuses to work for me. Any sort of player grab. In previous versions if i remmber right you pressed the binded defeat action button and player character tries to choke enemy down into sumbission. Holding the button would choke him to death and holding shift was insta rape. In new version holding button does nothing. Taping it once make my character grunt and enemy says the sual "i yield" or "i submit" only that he doesn't. No animation follows. Sometimes after few seconds he goes to the ground, sometimes he continues to walk around as normal. Stealth with no weapon drawn also does nothing. If enemy is already in bleedout state then pressing action button opens ingame menu and all options work as intended from there.


TL;DR  - Cant grab anyone.

Sheathe your weapon.



Ok seems like the new system is more complicated then i suspected and i missed the help button in the mcm. After reading it it all became clear. Seems like now you can play somekind a thug character with it. Good thing i have just that kind of thing planned for one of new playthroughs. Sorry for misunderstanding Goubo.


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Love the new animation settings in the MCM, however

- the tool tips are not 100% clear; something like "this setting is used if the aggressor is male", "is used if the aggressor is female" etc. would be nice

- I would like it better if we have a list with required tags (e.g. "aggressive"), a list with optional tags (animation must have at least one of them, e.g. either "FemDom" or "Cowgirl") and a list with suppressed tags.

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So I wanted to try the BU mod with this, as I've never used BU before. I saw on the latest that the support was removed due to dependency... however can that dependent version still be uploaded so I could try it? Does anyone have a copy still?




I agree with this. I was late to the party but I would also like the dependent version! BU seems pretty neat!


Also, has anyone figured out how to make it so females don't screw males in the ass and perform correct animations like cowgirl and femdom? There are so many "female first" options, do I check them all? Because when I had them all checked my females keep screwing dudes in the ass. Is it set up so that if I have all the boxed checked that there are some double negatives going on or something in the script?

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for some reason the struggling animation wont just show up instead  theyre just standing in in T form 

same as the covering animation i have already run fnis il try to reinstall it on my MO

"T" animation is almost always a failure to have a clean FNIS run, you have to remember that in FNIS Warnings are actually fatal errors that result in "T" animations except for the one warning about FNIS being run from the wrong directory.

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