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OUTDATED - SexLab Defeat v2.0 - 07/05/2013

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To those with the blank menu:

You need to make a clean save. Unfortunately apparently in Skyrim (at least with MCM) this is somewhat harder than in Oblivion. Once you've deactivated the mod you'll see that the menu item in MCM is still there. Now you need to play till it disappears (somewhere for a different mod I read someting like 5 minutes real time). There is no message, just play a bit and check if the menu is still there. As soon as it disappears, save and then activate the mod. Now it should work (at least that's how it did for me).



On a different note, there is a bug I came across: When trying the combat rape my charater upon pressing "E" seems to smack them a last one. If that kills the target, your character kneels down as if to initiate the action and then you are stuck as the rape does not initiate (accompanied by a "target is dead" message).


Happened a couple of times.


Left click should get your pc back up

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If some people is still having the Sub menu problem, well...try this:

1. Unistall the mod (nothing left on the game folder but the sexlab and others)

2. Load the game (say yes on the missing files)

3. You'll see that the defeat menu is still on McM, don't worry, keep playing, save and load (wait a bit for the menu to disapear and save again) (optional, erase the saves, all of them, and make new ones). Quit Skyrim.

4. Install the mod and load a save, once on the game, do a quicksave(f5) and do a rape attempt, the options should appear now, do the rape (lol sounds weird to say it) once is over, quickload (f9) and the McM message of a new menu registered should now display and work.

Note. The quicksave/load is optional, once you make your first rape attemp the menu will load, this is just to avoid hatred (if you did on friendly npc´s), if was a bandit...well...is up to you.

This is how i fixed it, hope it work for you guys aswell (=w=)b

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My fix for the menu went as follows:


  1. Uninstalled via mcm menu
  2. Saved game.
  3. Deleted mod and all files
  4. Load game, waited about a minute (to be sure all initializing scripts run, probably overkill).
  5. Save new game slot.
  6. Exited to desktop
  7. Repeated steps 4, 5 and 6
  8. Installed new version
  9. Loaded game, and this time I saw the MCM menu update notice.

I then had all the menus.


I was doing all of the above with the exception of step 7 over and over and wasn't getting the menus. Adding another save cycle seemed to get them for me.




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It works flawlessly for me :-)

But I have a request (it might not be possible)

Is it possible to make a chance system?

For example if you set the health percentage at 100 and chance at 20 there is always a 20%


Or set the health at 10 percentage and chance at 100, than it would happen every time you get to 10%... than you would be able to customize it totally :-)

I would love to have this option :-)

Thanks for the nice work so far :-)

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Possible bug report. The current version, atleast for me, has a problem regarding how follower weapons are handled during rape. It seems having the setting follower as victim's weapon to unequip still sets it so that the attacker strips their weapons unto the ground. I am not sure if this effect is reversed or such if I set it to strip instead of unequip. I found this out the first time when after barely surviving a run-in with a large number of heavily armed hostiles that my follower was raped ruthlessly multiple times during that ordeal. she dropped her priceless artifact weapon at first time she got raped, and has been lost amidst the rubble, and squallor of dead bodies.

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I am dying during the rape scenes. The npc raping my character dies, then I die too, I still have health so what is happening. Is this a compatibility issue with ace or asis or what is happening.

Do u have skyre? If so maybe the bleeding damage killed you

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I'm also having a problem dying at the end of a rape scene (my player being the one being raped). I still had healthy when getting raped, and when the scene is over I had the same amount of health, but then suddenly... bam... I die out of nowhere. In my case the NPC that raped me doesn't die, it's just me.

I don't have Skyre or Asis or any of the other mods mentioned. I also tried removing the debuf and the stamina loss you'd get after getting raped.

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I -am- using realistic ragdolls :o I believe it's required for a mod, or mods, can't remember which... That sounds very bad though D: I wouldn't want to get rid of that mod in order to have this one working D: That said this only happens when I'm being raped :/ Also in one of my several attempts, my character even managed to get up on her feet, and she was actually standing, and then suddenly died o.o I really don't think it's something to do with Realistic Ragdolls.

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Actually it is especially if ragdoll is active in sexlab mcm menu try turning ragdoll off in your mcm and see if it still kill npc after sex. if this fixes it then ragdoll and force is not compatible with sexlab.


btw this only happens on rough terrain. if an npc keeps falling this will cause the explicit damage and kill the npc afterwards like stairs , rocks etc..


i think some users in techhelp forum even mentions that sexlab and ragdoll and force where not compatible due to this and switch ragdoll after sex fixes it.

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What sounds strange though is that I have been using SexLab and most of the plugins along with Ragdolls for the longest time, and the only problem I've ever had is this, when -I'm- getting raped through SL Defeat.


I'll try toggling the ragdoll ending option off and see what happens, and after that I'll try turning God mode on during the Sex scene and see what happens when the scene is over and I disable God mode. My suspicion is that after the Sex is concluded and I'm standing up, with health, and I disable God mode (TGM) I will die immediately <_< We'll see, I'll report in a bit.




Disabled Ragdoll ending = Death.

Turned on God-mode (Console TGM) mid-sex scene = Death.

Tried upping the Health percentage a lot higher, so to get raped after only a few hits and still have a ton of health left = Death.


Another funny fact: If there are 2 NPCs ready to rape me, meaning one bandit is done raping, and another one is lined up, the second bandit will also get to rape me no problem. Once the last of the NPCs in line to rape me is done, I die.



Another thing I found, and this is probably the funniest... the first time around lol:

Click on SL Defeat's clean up button, and I die instantly upon closing all the menus.



Okay so, I tried the following steps to see if I could fix the issue:


-Turned on God mode through the TIM command instead of TGM

-Clicked the Clean up button, didn't die

-Waited for quite a while, nothing happened

-Had to get into combat for the script to tell me it was done doing the cleaning up

-Just after the mod is done cleaning up, you can get raped and after the NPCs are done, everything is normal, you don't die, but...

-The SL Defeat menu in the MCM area is blank, all of the options are as if the mod was not installed.

-Saving and reloading that save fixes the blank SL Defeat menus but...

-Problem reappears as if I hadn't done any steps

Extra weird bonus oddity that I just found: When your health reaches 0 by something or someone that is not an NPC that is allowed to rape you, you are basically immortal; Your health will reach 0, but the game keeps lowering the meter beyond 0, but you -can- die when an NPC that can rape you -rapes you-, and then they are done with you


All in all, something is either very wrong with this version of SL Defeat, or... this is the weirdest mod incompatibility I've ever seen. That said, I can't even think which mod would be clashing with Defeat so hard and as to produce any of this.



Am I the only one having this much of a big issue with the mod? Can anyone give it a try? Basically:


-Get yourself killed by a monster, or an NPC that is not allowed to rape you, say, a female NPC if you have Female NPC Rape disabled. You shouldn't be able to die (In my game I tried a pack of wolves).


FINAL EDIT: Scratch all of that. The problem was Sanguine's Debauchery :/


I did some more tests, and as it turns out... having started a new game and having SD enabled and installed but haven't yet started it "officially", was causing all the issues. As soon as I forced Sanguine's Debauchery to "Begin", I was once again mortal.

Thank God not many people got to read all of my reports lol, and that I kept trying to find what the heck was up D:


Cheers! <___<


Bottom line:

-If you're having immortality issues, and die as soon as the SL Defeat's sex scene ends, and if you happen to also have Sanguine's debauchery, try either fully starting the mod (i.e. Click "Begin" or do Sam's quest) or disable it, and see if the problems are still there.

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The problem is that you are already dead, gameplay-wise. From my experience this is a common problem with mods that delay your death to finish whatever it is the mod is doing, Sanguine's Debauchery had the same issue, if I remember correctly.


It basically goes like this: At one point of your playthrough you should have died (this happens mostly with Damage over time effects like poison or the bleeding from getting hit with axes) when sexlab defeat kicked in. For some reason, the script that delays your death until the rape is finished didn't get removed when the rape was finished, meaning that Skyrim says "you is dead now k" and sexlab defeat responds with "nu uh, not now". Normally the effect that you can't die should have been removed when the rape was over, but it wasn't, so you got the problem that the only thing that keeps your char alive is the death-delay script, which gets normally removed when the interaction from sexlab defeat is finished. That explains why you die every time you get raped and also why you can't die any other way.


This issue gets saved with your save game. That's what the author of SD suggests doing (taken from here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15191-sanguines-debauchery/ )


I Uninstalled your mod and I died!
It means that while the mod was installed your character died and the mod prevented it. This mod toggles God mode on when before EndDeferredKill is preformed. BUT scripting can get saved with the character and it will overide later versions of a mod preventing an update from functioning. So. If this happens. Before you uninstall type "TIM" in console to Toggle Immortal Mode on. and keep it on during the uninstall process. When you have finished turn it off by typing "TIM" in console again.




Edit: Too late. -__-

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What sounds strange though is that I have been using SexLab and most of the plugins along with Ragdolls for the longest time, and the only problem I've ever had is this, when -I'm- getting raped through SL Defeat.


I'll try toggling the ragdoll ending option off and see what happens, and after that I'll try turning God mode on during the Sex scene and see what happens when the scene is over and I disable God mode. My suspicion is that after the Sex is concluded and I'm standing up, with health, and I disable God mode (TGM) I will die immediately <_< We'll see, I'll report in a bit.




Disabled Ragdoll ending = Death.

Turned on God-mode (Console TGM) mid-sex scene = Death.

Tried upping the Health percentage a lot higher, so to get raped after only a few hits and still have a ton of health left = Death.


Another funny fact: If there are 2 NPCs ready to rape me, meaning one bandit is done raping, and another one is lined up, the second bandit will also get to rape me no problem. Once the last of the NPCs in line to rape me is done, I die.



Another thing I found, and this is probably the funniest... the first time around lol:

Click on SL Defeat's clean up button, and I die instantly upon closing all the menus.



Okay so, I tried the following steps to see if I could fix the issue:


-Turned on God mode through the TIM command instead of TGM

-Clicked the Clean up button, didn't die

-Waited for quite a while, nothing happened

-Had to get into combat for the script to tell me it was done doing the cleaning up

-Just after the mod is done cleaning up, you can get raped and after the NPCs are done, everything is normal, you don't die, but...

-The SL Defeat menu in the MCM area is blank, all of the options are as if the mod was not installed.

-Saving and reloading that save fixes the blank SL Defeat menus but...

-Problem reappears as if I hadn't done any steps

Extra weird bonus oddity that I just found: When your health reaches 0 by something or someone that is not an NPC that is allowed to rape you, you are basically immortal; Your health will reach 0, but the game keeps lowering the meter beyond 0, but you -can- die when an NPC that can rape you -rapes you-, and then they are done with you


All in all, something is either very wrong with this version of SL Defeat, or... this is the weirdest mod incompatibility I've ever seen. That said, I can't even think which mod would be clashing with Defeat so hard and as to produce any of this.



Am I the only one having this much of a big issue with the mod? Can anyone give it a try? Basically:


-Get yourself killed by a monster, or an NPC that is not allowed to rape you, say, a female NPC if you have Female NPC Rape disabled. You shouldn't be able to die (In my game I tried a pack of wolves).


FINAL EDIT: Scratch all of that. The problem was Sanguine's Debauchery :/


I did some more tests, and as it turns out... having started a new game and having SD enabled and installed but haven't yet started it "officially", was causing all the issues. As soon as I forced Sanguine's Debauchery to "Begin", I was once again mortal.

Thank God not many people got to read all of my reports lol, and that I kept trying to find what the heck was up D:


Cheers! <___<


Bottom line:

-If you're having immortality issues, and die as soon as the SL Defeat's sex scene ends, and if you happen to also have Sanguine's debauchery, try either fully starting the mod (i.e. Click "Begin" or do Sam's quest) or disable it, and see if the problems are still there.




Actually it is simpler than that. The immortlity bug was something that caused many problmems for me in Sexis so I did cover it as extensive as I could in the respective thread.


As I remember the solution is ...


Just open theconsole, select your player, and type "resurrect"..You are no longer immortal !


Try it in a save that you normally die after sex and tell me if it works.


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Oh okay :) I'll give that a try!


Yeah the thing that took me to try something with SD was knowing about the Immortality bug... weird thing though is that the only thing I did to fix my problem was "Begin" SD.


Anyway, it was quite a trip lol Kept me entertained for a solid hour if not more.

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Not sure if someone already said this, but for all of you with the dieing problem.


After my char gets raped I get a debuff that reduces my health with 100 maybe if you have less then 100health left it could result in death

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@Niraham: That wasn't my problem, I tried it extensively, but thanks either way!


@azmodan22: Nope, typing resurrect on my player didn't cut it; the command went through, but I was still immortal and would only die upon a successful rape (me being the one getting raped). Literally the only thing that helped me was to force Sanguine's Debauchery to start. So, somehow SD was clashing big time with SL Defeat. It's either a natural clash with SD and this version of Defeat, or just... something went wrong with those 2 mods in my game in particular. Perhaps because I had it all in my original game and I started over? Mods sort of forced themselves to restart and perhaps they got screwed here or there in the process... God knows. 


Fixed now though :D

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Mh, as Niraham said there's probably a problem from the debuff too, I really need to fix those spells once and for all.


For the mod, I need to find a good way to add any npc in the system (Like Serana and other incompatible followers), I don't want to add a spell to the player, the system as it is now in the next version will search for followers around and fill them in 5 references alias so you can add for example Serana in an empty one, or maybe I can find a way around and make her automatically detected. (Would be better)


Is there other followers who aren't detected?

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Just bumping my previous post since it got easily lost under the important but reiterated posts a page back. Can anyone verify to me if the followers stripping their weapons instead of unequipping despite specifying it on the mcm menu unique only to my case?


I did read your message, will take a look.

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