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Beta - Sex Assault (Brutal Rapers 2)

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Sorry guys and gals that I haven't been updating/responding. I've been in and out the hospital for weeks with my sister and her cancer treatments and have had zero time to work on this at all. I promise I'll be getting back to it soon, just bear with me, things should return to normal for me soon. The timing of my release for the alpha version of this mod was just bad timing on my part.


@Odessa, thank you for the extensive code testing/debugging while I've been away, and thanks for answering the questions in the thread.


Sorry to hear that bud.  As a cancer survivor myself I can sort of understand what she's going through.


Give her our best, and take all the time you need. We can wait.



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Sorry guys and gals that I haven't been updating/responding. I've been in and out the hospital for weeks with my sister and her cancer treatments and have had zero time to work on this at all. I promise I'll be getting back to it soon, just bear with me, things should return to normal for me soon. The timing of my release for the alpha version of this mod was just bad timing on my part.


@Odessa, thank you for the extensive code testing/debugging while I've been away, and thanks for answering the questions in the thread.


Hope it all goes well.


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@Jalil Best of luck


My team wasn't getting raped for some reason so I gave them the companion token from Sexual innuendo. Works fine now.

Now getting into any crowded area at night is problematic but that's another issue I guess.

Actually the problem is more about not being able to prevent the rape. At some point a member of my crew got screwed so I killed the bastard in the act but it didn't stop the animation. I think a simple solution would be to apply the same script for smart rape prevention to companions so if they see it it's not going to happen. Probably making it so if any member of your crew see it they ain't going to get any but then you'd need the option for your whole team to get banged, like if you get into the NCR CF your team aggro all the mobs and you can't prevent it with sight because they are in group.


Edit: Just found a solution: a hotkey to tell any would be rapist to "fuck off" to make them stop stalking (and stalking only).

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@ Jalil


For whatever the wishes of someone on the internet is worth, hope things turn out okay


I also spotted another bug:


Disabling factions in the MCM is broken, SexAssaultRRQuest checks the value of iLegion for all factions; so disabling Legion stops all factions whilst the other faction controls do nothing

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Hi ppl

Sometimes the random rapes just stop. I make a new game, works fine a couple of times, but after a while it just stops.


p,s : can't seem to put combat rape to work too. Tried with the tokens and add faction command from sexual innuendo but nothing. Only my PC gets raped.

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@ SquallPT (and anyone else with the issue)


Since the mod author, Jalil may not be able to check this thread frequently I will answer with a list of bugs/workarounds. I am not the author, all credit goes to Jalil and this is entirely unofficial support (apologies to Jalil if you would rather I didn't make posts like this, I will of course remove this if you would like)


Known Bugs and Workarounds


- MCM control to enable feral ghoul is reversed for stalking but not combat (MCM On = No stalkers, Yes Combat, MCM Off = Yes Stalker, No Combat)


- MCM controls to disable factions are broken: The Legion option applies to all listed factions.


- Theft: Only a small number of alcohols and chems are currently stealable. Caps will never be stolen.



MCM control for Stalk rates is reversed: 1% = 99%, 20% = 80%, 99% = 1%,  - HOWEVER: 0% still means 0% (turns it off). I think there is also a kink meaning the check is made very frequently so even low frequency will trigger it a lot.


If you enter a restricted cell stalkers are disabled and are NEVER reenabled. If you get the "Sexual Assault: RR - B4.1" Debug Message in the dev console while in cells it previously worked, you have hit this bug. To fix either reload the mod with a clean save or check FOMM for the Mod Index of SexAssault, then open the dev console and type:


ResetQuest XX000ADE


Where XX is the Mod Index of Sex Assault.


Bear in mind that there is a cool down after a stalker begins stalking before they may stalk again regardless of whether or not they succeeded and there is a timer after which a stalker gives up- if sex duration is long this will likely occur during sex. With smart stalk enabled humans will only stalk during certain hours. All of these things are intended mod functionality, not bugs.



- I believe Cass, Veronica and Boone are the only companions currently supported. Adding tokens, changing faction etc via the console will not change this


- Creature support may not work.


- CTDs may sometimes occur in certain areas, if entering a particular area repeatedly causes crashes, set Combat Rape to 0% while you are in that area (small section of wasteland)- it can be reset when you leave




Remember that Jalil has stated in the OP that this mod is still in alpha/beta stage and has been uploaded to give people a chance to test it, and he suggests not using it with a save you intend to keep. Although I personally believe this mod is quite safe and reliable if you bear in mind above points. I have been using it a lot to test features in my 'Another Kick in the Head' and 'Wear and Tear' mods, hence why I checked a few things about the code. I think its a great mod and the current bugs should not discourage from testing it, and I'm sure all the issues will be fixed in time.

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Cool, thanks for the info, Odessa. Didn't know the stalk rate was reversed :D And the Combat Rape rate works the same way ?


No only stalk rate. 0% turns combat off



Jalil: I think you forgot to check the combat rape chance in your script, so anything over 0% = 100%; but I could be misunderstanding your code

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@dongding: certain locations in the game restrict functionality, presumably to avoid breaking scripting and the game




@ Jalil:


I have discovered how to fix the CTD issue; Exchange one poorly documented script extender function for another


In SexAssaultCombatRapeScript;


DebugPrint "Sexual Assault: CR - B2.1"
    ; ***** Odessa Edit *****
    ;set rActiveCell to rVictim.GetParentCell;
    set rActor to GetFirstRef 200 1 ;GetFirstRefInCell rActiveCell 200 0;
    ; ***** End *****


Using GetFirstRef 200 1 instead of GetFirstRefInCell stops the CTDs. The issue may be in the FOSE code and nothing to do with yours, Or else GetParentCell might be giving odd results in exteriors. GetFirstRef always uses the current cell so is equivalent in this context.


Also, your 'if' check to disable lesbians in CR is broken

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  • 2 weeks later...

Creature/Animal Smart versions

Creature or Animals will not attempt to stalk or combat rape while Smart Stalk/Rape options are on unless their victim is wearing crotchless clothes.


 this mod can detect wether wearing crotchless or not?

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Creature/Animal Smart versions

Creature or Animals will not attempt to stalk or combat rape while Smart Stalk/Rape options are on unless their victim is wearing crotchless clothes.


 this mod can detect wether wearing crotchless or not?

If the outfits are in the SCR formlist for Exposed Crotch clothing, outfits not in the list can be added by Clothing Evaluation.

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What's the difference between SCR and SSR?

Is it wise to have them both checked at the same time?


If I recall correctly, SSR is for people with weaker computers, as it's less script heavy. It's ok to use both at the same time as well.



SSR is what SCR should have been and is now required for Tryouts and a couple other mods.  Eventually everything extra in SCR will be spun off into pregnancy or a separate mod and SCR will be what SSR is now.

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What's the difference between SCR and SSR?

Is it wise to have them both checked at the same time?


If I recall correctly, SSR is for people with weaker computers, as it's less script heavy. It's ok to use both at the same time as well.



SSR is what SCR should have been and is now required for Tryouts and a couple other mods.  Eventually everything extra in SCR will be spun off into pregnancy or a separate mod and SCR will be what SSR is now.



Okie dokie, thanks for clearing it up. In my opinion, this question should be included in the Sexout FAQ.

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Since "Brutal Rapers 1" is now obsolete, I tried implementing this mod; but, for some reason, I'm not quite able to use it.  It's installed, but, since I can't do anything with it in MCM, it may as well not be there, at all.  If I hover/non-click on it, I just get a big, blank screen.


I've tried moving it all over my load order, as well as moving MCM all over my load order.  I added SSR to SCR (even though I'd only been using SCR theretofore) so that I could swap in the SSR version of the program to see if it would work any better, then moved that all over my load order.  Nothing I do makes the program actually display its options in MCM.  I don't know what the secret might be to get the options to show up for me as they have for everyone else here, but, I'd appreciate knowing what it might be.


This is my latest load order, for what it's worth:


Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
Neck-id Slaves.esp
AllCompanionsEssential 2.0.esp
LFox Bottle That Water.esp
Distant Gunfire Sound Fix V2.1 - Machienzo.esp
ED-E avoids traps.esp
Grunt perk fix - DM LR GRA.esp
unusable shovel fix.esp
AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

Total active plugins: 84
Total plugins: 87

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Ok... thanks.  It's been a long time since I used this stuff.


The last time I played FONV, there was no SSR, and I haven't even been sure what it is/why it's there/how different versions of plugins function with either option/why to choose one over the other.   Since some plugins don't even work with SSR (although, apparently, that will change in the future), I don't even understand why it's even there, at all.  So, I renamed them in my own storage folder to tell them apart.  I forgot that I needed to un-rename it when I put it in.


Incidentally, if you could throw me a link to the thread that explains all of my questions about SSR and why SSR options are even there when SSR doesn't even appear to be fully implemented, yet, I'd very much appreciate it.  I find this new stuff very confusing.

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As I understand it, SSR is a from-the-ground-up rewrite of SCR because it was felt that had become bloated with unnecessary features. Eventually the extra features of SCR will all be included/spun off into other mods and SCR will stop being maintained/supported.


Right now only load SSR or SCR if you have plugins that require them, and if you need both thats not a problem, load order: (NG, SSR, SCR, ...)


I'm not sure where there is an official thread explaining this.. I'd be interested to read it too.

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