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Beta - Sex Assault (Brutal Rapers 2)

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Not sure if this was a known issue (bearing in mind I know that this is not an official release) - 


Just wanted to mention that during one of my playthroughs, one of the 2 on 1 (Player) animations were not playing, the actors just stood there naked on top of each other.


I haven't been able to replicate the results to find out exactly which animation it was unfortunately. 

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There is a known issue with current version of Sexout NG, some of the new 3-way animations which this mod uses are misaligned. Sometimes they work better than other times, you can try using the positioning mod to fix them.


Your issue where there is no animation and they just stand there won't be fixed by positioning, though it might be a related issue

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This may have already been said but currently with this mod no one will rape my companions outside of combat, I primarily use Cass. I have also noticed that this mod does not work at all with the Willow companion mod. I understand that this mod is in development but considering how Willow is probably without a doubt the most popular companion that isn't vanilla is there any chance that she can be integrated into the mod?

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 I haven't seen any indication that companions won't be raped

outside of combat. Both Willow and Cass were raped minutes

apart from each other with Random rapes enabled. For some

reason, however, my character has been getting utterly ignored

since I took on Willow, as near as I can tell.  She walks around

naked, masturbates in front of a group of dogs and nothing, they

go after Cass and Willow.

 When it comes to mods, user experience may vary...

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I dont run willow, but I know for a fact that most NPCs and companions are effected by random rape however it dosnt instantly activate all the time iv noticed, so people having issues may just need to spend some time exploring and playing around to give the mod some time to load up (I assume) the scripts.


Coincidentally cass has a cute little tummy at the moment from a random randy drive by bighorner encounter yay for mod effect overlaps! :P

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 I've had times when I cranked the random rape setting for my character to 100% in a very

crowded location and absolutely nothing happens, and the console shows no stalking

activity either. Entering a new cell doesn't fix it, fast travel does sometimes. That's when it's time

to exit the game and restart, or do a clean save. When it works you have trouble walking

10 feet without getting raped at that sort of setting. Stuff just gets corrupted in Sexout

sometimes, and mods often don't work well together, but it may take a bit to notice how.

 The only mod I use consistently is Positioning, and I've taken to having only one other

Sexout mod enabled at a time for more reliability. Hey, It's free! so you take what you can

get and say 'thank you' whenever possible :)

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Since Jalil hasn't been able to come online for over a month, I am attaching a version of the plugin with all the showstopper bug fixes I have specified previously in this thread. There are no other changes, just about 5 line alterations to fix code to work as originally intended.


I am not the creator or maintainer of this mod. There are no content changes or additions and I have no intention to make any, so please don't aim requests at me.


Requires SCR


Fixes are as follows:

- CTD issue from combat rape

- Stalkers becoming permanently disabled issue

- Brahmin (no animations in sexout) disabled

- Caps are now stealable

- MCM settings work as intended (though combat and stalker rates may not be as expected)



Jalil: Apologies if I appear to be stealing your mod, it is not my intention


[ Outdated attachement removed, see post #258 on page 13 for a newer version which includes all above fixes, prideslayer additions below and more ]

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I know that BrutalRapers and Sex Assault are not compatible, but is it possible to combine them and deactivating a feature in one mod which is active in the other?


Per example, random rape rates work somehow strange for me with Sex Assault. It doesn't matter how I set it, I always have a line of stalkers waiting and can't even walk. But somehow sleep rape doesn't work that well in Brutal Rapers for me. So could I activate both mods, leave combat and stalker rape active from BrutalRapers, and sleep rape from Sex Assault? Could this work?


I'm using the last modified version from Odessa for Sex Assault and from BrutalRapers the one from emo877.

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@Dielos: Not with this mod. There is an abandoned alpha mod called 'Sexout Yield' that was intended to allow you to surrender, but it doesn't work very well. SCR has an option for cum based faction resets but that only works for creatures and I believe is a WIP feature. There is a mod I haven't used called 'Player Slave' which I think does something along these lines, but its an early WIP alpha. My mod 'Another Kick in the Head' allows for health or rape based knockouts, but that doesn't actually stop combat, it removes you from it (you wake up somewhere else). 'Sexout Sewer Slave' does a similar thing to mine as an optional start to the quest, but its not the mod's focus.


I tried adding a feature to a personal version of this mod that gave you significant damage resistance for 10 seconds after combat rape so you could run away, but again its hardly satisfactory because you could exploit it to fight instead. You could try combining that with a script that blocked you from equipping weapons, wouldn't be difficult if you feel like trying some modding. It would still feel a bit magical since you'd be shrugging off bullets though. If there is a way to make you temporarily 'invisible' that might work well, but I'm not sure that there is. Temporary faction resets are the obvious way.. but Yield and SCR use that and its buggy/unideal for some reason.


Its not the easiest feature to do well (as you can probably guess from above ;))

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@Dielos: Not with this mod. There is an abandoned alpha mod called 'Sexout Yield' that was intended to allow you to surrender, but it doesn't work very well. SCR has an option for cum based faction resets but that only works for creatures and I believe is a WIP feature. There is a mod I haven't used called 'Player Slave' which I think does something along these lines, but its an early WIP alpha. My mod 'Another Kick in the Head' allows for health or rape based knockouts, but that doesn't actually stop combat, it removes you from it (you wake up somewhere else). 'Sexout Sewer Slave' does a similar thing to mine as an optional start to the quest, but its not the mod's focus.


I tried adding a feature to a personal version of this mod that gave you significant damage resistance for 10 seconds after combat rape so you could run away, but again its hardly satisfactory because you could exploit it to fight instead. You could try combining that with a script that blocked you from equipping weapons, wouldn't be difficult if you feel like trying some modding. It would still feel a bit magical since you'd be shrugging off bullets though. If there is a way to make you temporarily 'invisible' that might work well, but I'm not sure that there is. Temporary faction resets are the obvious way.. but Yield and SCR use that and its buggy/unideal for some reason.


Its not the easiest feature to do well (as you can probably guess from above ;))


There are several ways i have played with to keep myself alive during combat rape.


1.) if it is one enemy attacking you can set in sexout the duration of how long the player and raper are knockout, also in sexout you can set the player to always reequip armor and weapons


2.) the other mod i play with is an energy shield mod, it adds shields to player and also some enemies, usually depends on how low health is for combat rape since the shield does block dmg, although combat rape can bypass that as long as health is low enough, the shield will recharge during the rape and allow you live since they have to dmg the shield to do dmg, but the enemy's shield will do the same during that time

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Thank you both!


Odessa, I forgot about the Yield! mod. I even have it installed and active, but I seldom use it due to it's bugs. I actually coded myself a similar mod some time before, but instead of a key, if you had your weapons holstered, the enemy would approach you with weapons raised and engage in conversation (robbing and other consequences). As soon as you unholstered your weapon, they would start combat again, which usually ended bad for you, as they where already pointing their guns at you. If they engaged in conversation, all group would make demands and then let you go until you covered some distance. I abandoned it due to my low coding skills. It was full of bugs, which were similar to Yield!. Enemies would stop combat and go into a neutral faction, and it worked quite well, except they often bugged out and started momentarily combat again from time to time (plus other bugs introduced plainly by me...). I can see if I find the file, and if someone with better skills want's to take a look, maybe they can make it work.


I tried your mod "Another Kick in the Head", and although I love the idea and how it works, I had to deactivate it because I'm playing TTW, and it would always teleport me to Nevada. I tried modifying your mod to deactivate heroes, and instead find a nearby cell, locate a spot free of objects and no nearby enemies, and then drop the player as left for dead or abandoned, but I failed, again, miserably. I couldn't find any way to find a suitable random nearby cell or a spot free of objects. The enemy issue I should have ben able to solve it.




Paladuin, those are interesting things. I will sure try it. At the moment I just try to run like crazy, but only works well in melee combat. I might try the Yield! mod, as maybe it gives me some precious seconds.

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