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Beta - Sex Assault (Brutal Rapers 2)

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@saladboy21 and nightwolf

Did either of you have smart rape on as well? That prevents animals, insects and such from raping. Nevermind, played around a bit and sometimes creatures are coming up as banned even though they shouldn't be. I'll look into it.

Animals/Creatures will be fixed in next update, I didn't have a dummy npc in the SexAssaultBannedActor list like I knew I should have, and this was causing that list to not load sometimes and thus causing the check to fail and stall out the script.



If you know which actor originally had SexoutBegin/SexoutNGBegin CIOS'd on them you can CIOS the spells SexoutNGPause, SexoutNGResume and SexoutNGFinishNow on the same actor. They pause the sexout timer, resume the sexout timer and cause a sex act to terminate respectively. Be aware that SexoutLust also manages the Sexout timer and any time you mess with the timer, you may conflict with SexoutLust. Not that that is a bad thing, just something to tell users about.


Thanks Astymma, perhaps I'll look into once I finish getting things completely stable.

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You can tell if SexoutLust's arousal system is on & affecting standard time by checking if SexoutNG.bUseLust == 1

But I don't think sex duration really enters into it if you just cast the FinishNow spell to 'resist' rape while it happens. It's probably only Pause & Resume that are on the same territory with Lust there. Lust aborts arousal tracking for npc's if the SexoutNGTokenPause token is detected, default time is changed by anything else, or if there's no sex happening anymore (FinishNow). So there's not so much to worry about there. There's no real reason for this mod to affect player-set default time, and that should be avoided if it's not related to specific quest scenes - that was sort of the gist of the discussions we had about it in the old Lust thread, iirc.


: Only reason I'm currently putting options in for other mods (like Doc M for sofo) is because I don't currently have access to all the list, this is actually going to be changed however in the next build as I'm currently implementing SSR and SCR List, toys, and variables.



In the long run, I'd avoid adding scr/ssr variable checks if those are kept on actors that are pre-determined to have them; ie the SexoutSQVARZSomeActor quests. They limit you to those actors anyway and the system gets bulky real quick. Over time most of those will likely end up with nx alternatives. It's good to plan ahead for that in new mods instead of creating more work for yourself later on. ;) Adding in ssr/scr dependency is still useful for checking actors against the SLActorDataIsReserved list (ie: 'no initiative' list), rather than opting for the completely banned list in NG (unless I'm mistaken in how you do it temporarily). There may be a slight bug with some ssr/scr toys atm, but that'll be resolved soonish.

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Really all I need access to at the moment in SSR/SCR is the Strapons, ExposedCrotch list, DataIsReserved list, and the iWhoreMode variable. I could just as easily check for prostitute clothes with getEquipped instead of checking for iWhoreMode, but i'm not sure if thats 100% accurate for WorkingGirl/NCR plugins.


Basically I want RandomRapes to shut off while the player is working as a prostitute.

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@saladboy21 and nightwolf

Did either of you have smart rape on as well? That prevents animals, insects and such from raping. Nevermind, played around a bit and sometimes creatures are coming up as banned even though they shouldn't be. I'll look into it.

Animals/Creatures will be fixed in next update, I didn't have a dummy npc in the SexAssaultBannedActor list like I knew I should have, and this was causing that list to not load sometimes and thus causing the check to fail and stall out the script.



OK, glad to help you find the problem.


I do like how you have the whole thing laid out, I have to say, very good work.

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Really all I need access to at the moment in SSR/SCR is the Strapons, ExposedCrotch list, DataIsReserved list, and the iWhoreMode variable. I could just as easily check for prostitute clothes with getEquipped instead of checking for iWhoreMode, but i'm not sure if thats 100% accurate for WorkingGirl/NCR plugins.


Basically I want RandomRapes to shut off while the player is working as a prostitute.


If it's just the one variable, there's not much to worry about. I thought maybe you were thinking of adding in lust or preg variables too. If you plan to check the whoremode var in multiple scripts, you could always translate it to a quest var of your own to work with, and adjust that translation bit if it ever turns into nx.

The toys I talked about were vibrators, so you're fine there.


(I did pitch the idea to Loogie to check prostitute clothing as an alternative to the var, once upon a time, but he chose not to. And true enough, it's probably for the best. Clothing eval was always more about having options than having to use it where it's not really needed.)

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In the long run, I'd avoid adding scr/ssr variable checks if those are kept on actors that are pre-determined to have them; ie the SexoutSQVARZSomeActor quests. They limit you to those actors anyway and the system gets bulky real quick. Over time most of those will likely end up with nx alternatives. It's good to plan ahead for that in new mods instead of creating more work for yourself later on. ;) Adding in ssr/scr dependency is still useful for checking actors against the SLActorDataIsReserved list (ie: 'no initiative' list), rather than opting for the completely banned list in NG (unless I'm mistaken in how you do it temporarily). There may be a slight bug with some ssr/scr toys atm, but that'll be resolved soonish.


Yeah the SexoutSQVARZSomeActor was never going to work for more than the Companions and a few 3rd Party companions, it isn't the right way to do that now NX variables are available, which sound like they will work for any actor.

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Yeah the SexoutSQVARZSomeActor was never going to work for more than the Companions and a few 3rd Party companions, it isn't the right way to do that now NX variables are available, which sound like they will work for any actor.


So let me ask, should I or shouldn't I use SexoutSQVARZplayer.iWhoreMode? or should I wait for the NX version and just tell users to disable random rapes for now while prostituting?


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At the moment, it's what there is, so go ahead using it. Just don't use it all over your scripts, but translate it to something else you work with in your mainquestscript or something.


set myownvar to SexoutSQVARZplayer.iWhoreMode


& use "myquest.myownvar" wherever you'd use SexoutSQVARZplayer.iWhoreMode otherwise. If it's nxified, that's the only line that'd need changing to "set myownvar to playerref.GetEVFl 'tobedetermined' " & you'd be all set. This is just about planning ahead so that you spare yourself unnecessary work when/if that gets changed.

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**Update June 9, 2013** New Beta Build Up

-Recommend updating on a clean save this time around, a lot has changed within the scripts/plugin

-Major Change: Now Requires SSR or SCR

-Creature/Animal Combat Rape fixed

-Smart Rape/Stalk for animals now uses the Exposed Crotch list, you may now use Clothing_Eval to add armors that smart rape will recognize

-Smart Rape/Stalk will no longer cause the player to freeze in place due to being naked with a creature/animal abuser.

-Toys are now able to be used by female abusers if turned on in the MCM menu

-Removed Doc Mitchell toggle, SexAssault now checks the DataIsReserved list in SSR/SCR

-Random Rapes will stop while the player is a prostitute now

-General cleanup of debug code, less spam in console when debug mode enabled.


Updated downloads in OP

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it isn't the right way to do that now NX variables are available, which sound like they will work for any actor.

Here's the problem I have with this: There's no way to check NX variables in dialogue conditions so switching to NX variables only is just shooting yourself in the foot in the long run.
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it isn't the right way to do that now NX variables are available, which sound like they will work for any actor.

Here's the problem I have with this: There's no way to check NX variables in dialogue conditions so switching to NX variables only is just shooting yourself in the foot in the long run.


Well from what I believe Prideslayer is working on that, so hopefully by the time I actually get around to changing over in a couple of months time it will be sorted one way or the other. I'm mainly planning to use it to store counts like how pregnant an actor is, there will still be tokens or Effect Spells that could be checked as to which stage P0-P7.

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Wanted to get some opinions here. I'm going to work on a resist/break free option and I'm debating on doing it like original BR did with a popup menu at the beginning of the assault or using a key binding that the player can hit during the rape to attempt to break away. (similiar to the pull out option provided by SexoutLust)


My thought on the Key method would be that by pressing a button you'll be presented with a pop up menu with the various options to struggle and break free. This method of course would rely more on the physical strengths of your character, though I could see putting in a mental version too sort of like your out smarting your abuser, and of course a luck version with a random chance of breaking free not based on any stats.


The only issue I see with the Key method is that it could cause conflicts with other mods such as the Tryouts if you hit the key during those scenes cause I can't think up a way to restrict the Key to only rapes caused by SexAssault, though perhaps another modder might know how I can do that (hint, hint, poke, poke :) )


I'll of course put in an option to make the whole thing passive as well (ie no pop up menu) for those who like their immersion, though I'm not sure how i'd implement several options that way. I figure the key method is probably best as its not forced on a player, you can sit through the abuse or struggle your way out.


Now another thing I want opinions on, Smart Rape (which is for combat rape) I'm thinking of instead of using a health percentage I'll have it be based on over all condition. Basically instead of say being at 50% health only, you'll also have to be wounded a bit, perhaps even disarmed first. Sort of like each wounded limp gives a 10-20% chance of being raped, the more wounded you are, the more likely you are to be raped, lose your weapon and the chance goes up further... Just an idea, let me know any thoughts.


And for those wanting a blackout option, I'm toying with the idea of a toggle to allow it, though I wont move the character that gets blacked out, that could cause to many issues with collision. I could however workout a way that you black out a few seconds, long enough for your stalker to walk away.

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Hey does Spore Plants work for anyone else?


I keep getting a CTD every time rape happens with one. I'm using the latest SSR version of the mod.



Here's my load order:


T6M Equipment Replacer NV.esm
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Zombie Serenade.esp
Total active plugins: 13
Total plugins: 14
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Struggle button would probably be best.  Honestly it would get more dramatic for thsoe with pregnancy when/if Hal get ejaculation at the end of sex/at orgasm rather then the beginning....right now pulling out and struggling only does so much that way (I think, not messed with it)


Losing your weapon is pretty rare, isn't it?

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I would personally prefer something that avoids buttons, but that's largely because I have a lot mods like Project Nevada that add new button-based features. I pretty much have the entire left half of my keyboard doing things already. I have a feeling using the button idea would be an overall better concept, though.

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I should elaborate on that Smart Rape I guess. What I meant was that each thing would add to the percentage chance, not that being disarmed was going to be a huge factor in and of itself.


Basically with Smart Rape on, I want to set it up so you are at 0% chance of being raped, regardless of the MCM setting. From there each little thing adds on to it. Crippled limp could for example add 15% chance, disarmed another 15%, knockdown say 10%, below the health threshhold another 15% and so on. So for example you could start combat at full health and uninjured with a 0% chance of being raped, take a grenade to the head and suddenly you have a crippled arm, leg and 50% health and your at 45% chance of being raped, oops torso just crippled, another 15% added for 60% chance and so on.



I would personally prefer something that avoids buttons, but that's largely because I have a lot mods like Project Nevada that add new button-based features. I pretty much have the entire left half of my keyboard doing things already. I have a feeling using the button idea would be an overall better concept, though.

Yeah, i use oHud and project nevada too, so I know what you mean on the extra buttons. I believe my current build which uses X for player initiated rapes conflicts with project NV's stealth toggle.

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I can meet you half-way on a hotkey. Whenever the player's raped through whichever mod, hitting the SOLust hotkey to pull out does nothing, so technically people that have both mods only need one key shared between the two instead of two separate ones. It's something at least.

Making sure that the sex you're looking to interrupt is just SA's own... that's probably something for a start notification spell. You make it last forever, dispel itself when it detects sex is no longer happening, and check for it with IsSpellTarget when the key is pressed to make sure it applies.

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A popup menu before the rape commences would be fine, IMO.


If my character is strong and in good health, it seems silly she ends up undressed on the ground, and ~then~ has to break free.


I very much like your thoughts on smart-rape.


Another idea I had.... I don't know if this is possible.... was to remove the rapist from his/her faction temporarily. At least NCR and other "good" aligned factions, so that the PC can kill or wound the assailant without alienating the entire faction.

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The faction idea has been suggested before, but there's no real way to do it perfectly. First someone would need to assemble a list of "good" factions. Then you have to remember the NCR isn't really "good" just "not as bad". Then you have to actually have a way to remove all the factions and then re-add the NPC back in (and at the same rank as while I don't think the vanilla game ever messes with ranks mods can use it).

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As far as factions go, the idea that one is good and one is evil in a game like New Vegas is purely a moral ideal of the player. I don't foresee adding an option to remove them just because the mechanics as Zippy mentioned would be overly excessive, but simply because who am I (or anyone) to dictate who qualifies as good or evil in this game setting. The NCR while pawned off as the "good guys" are more like the thin grey line between good and evil. They do a lot of good deeds, but typically they only do them because the gain is to their advantage and not simply because its the right thing to do.


If you don't want to worry about the need for revenge against a particular faction, just toggle them off in the Compatibility tab.


Edit (I just know this will somehow derail the thread :) )

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Yea sharing a key with Lust actually makes sense. I would have the two keys be the same key as the "push to end sex key" basically.


The question I guess is less "who is good" then "who is going to have an issue with a member raping someone." You can be pretty evil and still draw that line. The NCR, with it's fairly large number of female soliders, might take issue with that, as might the Kings and Boomers, though I don't regard either NCR or Boomers as good, and Kings are good more in theory then practice (The King does strike me as someone unlikely to cotton to one of his men raping a woman in the street, given how Kings are supposed to behave).  That said, if it is too difficult to do with the system, it is too difficult to do with the system. I don't see it as major enough.

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A popup menu before the rape commences would be fine, IMO.


If my character is strong and in good health, it seems silly she ends up undressed on the ground, and ~then~ has to break free.


I very much like your thoughts on smart-rape.


Another idea I had.... I don't know if this is possible.... was to remove the rapist from his/her faction temporarily. At least NCR and other "good" aligned factions, so that the PC can kill or wound the assailant without alienating the entire faction.


This makes the most sense to me. If your character is a super tough badass fighting some weak thug with a pipe, you should beable to prevent the attack from happening rather than getting raped and then fighting them off. The options could be:


[Punch them in the crotch]: Your Strength vs Their Endurance

[step to the side and trip them]: Your Agility vs Their Agility

[Poke them in the eye]: Your Perception vs Their Agility

[Cover your eyes with you hands]:Luck maybe?

[Give up]: An option to just get attacked for those of us with masochist characters



edit: broken limbs and head damage and health could also play a huge factor in any of the choices you pick




Also, maybe each attacker could be approaching you differently. For example:


Popup: *Steve is about to club you in the head with a pipe so he can rape you*

        Option 1: Dodge the attack [Agility check]

        Option 2: Punch Steve in the dick [strength Check -20% success chance] (because punching him doesn't mean he wont still attack you)

        Option 3: Smile and wave at Steve [Charisma Check - 40% success chance] (because this is silly, but hey, it might throw him off)


The best option for not getting raped would be the agility route for this specific type of attack, but the other options are there for people who don't have high enough agility but maybe they have other qualities that would be better used. There could be other types of attacks too like "Steve holds a gun to you and tells you to bend over" or "Steve grabs you from behind" etc etc all with different options based on how the potential rapist approaches you.

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