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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016

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Had problems updating from 1.39b to 1.54, too.

Updating according to OP's instructions (cleanup .39, save, remove other plugins, install .54, load; create scene, save) left me with two MCM entries and unable to save correctly.


Papyrus says:



[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] error: Failed to write stack frame 1 in stack 45872727 to save
[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] error: Failed to write stack 45872727 to save game
[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] error: Unable to write stacks to save game
[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] Errors occurred while saving the Papyrus save game data



resulting in failure to create the <save name>.skse file, subsequently displaying the message "this save file is corrupted" on load.


(See attached files for full logs and before-after saves: attachicon.giflogs.7z attachicon.gifsaves.7z )



I was able to circumvent this by making a "clean" save (loading and saving the game while no version was installed). This unfortunately reset all options and stats, but at least it seems to work now.


This looks like a good call, I'll give it a shot when I get a chance to sit down and play. Resetting stats sucks, but seems a small price to pay for getting it to actually work and be playable.

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Is it every single giant you encounter? Have you tried others?


I only ask because I ran into a somewhat similar issue in the past, where a specific group of draugr didn't work properly and just stood there like statues while the animation went along. I only found out later that it was because in the Skyrim code they weren't actually classified as draugr so the animations didn't work properly.


So I'd try going to a different giant camp and giving that a shot. It might just be something weird like that.


ok went to all giants I could find, and even spawned one from the console, all creatures animation works just fine, for some reason the giant stands there while the animation plays on my character.\


I not sure whats happening, going to run FNIS again but can anybody help me with this?

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Had a similar problem a couple of times but with ALL creatures. this is how it was fixed for me.

  • Remove the curent FNIS and install the previous version
  • Run FNIS for user with the previous version
  • Remove the previos version and install the latest
  • Run FNIS for users again

Dont ask why that works...No idea.  :s

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I managed to get 1.54 working on my save after doing a clean save with no SL mods loaded and to my surprise I got to keep my experience stats. I recommend this method to anyone who has problems with corrupted saves. Just make sure to wait until your MCM menu is updated with the new SL before saving. You might have to check it a few times if you don't get a message. You should also clean your save of all unused scripts before updating.

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Ok, bug.  The animation menu shows the toggle check boxes checked, but no animation names.  It looks like the right amount, but there're not there and when I try to intiate sex, I get a message that I've blacklisted all consensual animations, and I haven't toggled any of the animations.  My game is running fine so far, but that does kinda limit things a bit with some mods.

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Just out of curiosity, is there any chance of there being an update soon for sexlab to be compatible with Devious Devices again? I use a lot of DD and a lot of sexlab addons, but sexlab doesn't currently support Devious devices so DD won't register any animations. After I get grabbed and someone has their way with me, My character stands there with everything just going on around her with no controls whatsoever.


DD reports that there is an error finding the animations as it won't register any because of the incompatibility, and Estrus Chaurus won't work because that won't register the Dwemer and tentacle animations for the same reason - I'm pulling my hair out here :(


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated lol

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I'm just trying to come up with some other stuff to fix/add to warrant a 1.55 release.

Any chance of revisiting the frog-legs appearance when a dominant actor is in a squatting position? The legs are pinched down to almost no thickness just below the hips   :s  It looks really weird and is cause to fast-forward off of those animations when I get one of them.


If my description of the "frog-legs" issue isn't clear I'd be glad to post a screenie illustrating what I'm talking about.


As always, thanks for your awesome work! :heart:

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Just out of curiosity, is there any chance of there being an update soon for sexlab to be compatible with Devious Devices again? I use a lot of DD and a lot of sexlab addons, but sexlab doesn't currently support Devious devices so DD won't register any animations. After I get grabbed and someone has their way with me, My character stands there with everything just going on around her with no controls whatsoever.


DD reports that there is an error finding the animations as it won't register any because of the incompatibility, and Estrus Chaurus won't work because that won't register the Dwemer and tentacle animations for the same reason - I'm pulling my hair out here :(


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated lol


Isn't this backwards? Shouldn't this request be going to the author(s) of DD?


Sexlab has been hugely upgraded, and it is mostly, if not entirely, up to the plugins (such as DD) to update themselves to suit the new, greatly-improved animation framework (Sexlab). Many of the plugins have already done so.


Forgive me if I have misunderstood the issue or the process here... I'm not a modder, just a mod user, but I can and do read these forums.

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anyone else has issues runing skyrim with skse 1.7 alpha?

No problems here at all using SKSE 1.70 and Skyrim latest version as updated by Steam. :cool:


I updated to SKSE 1.70 alpha about a month ago because one of the other mods I was using (Radiant Prostitution Tweaked) required it. A major advantage of 1.70 is that the Sheeson memory patch is already incorporated into it, so we don't need the whole "Give firstborn to Sheeson" ini file entry and hacked SKSE binary file that were required with previous versions of SKSE. So when Sexlab was updated to also require SKSE 1.70, I was already there. :shy:


I have not had the first CTD, ILS or freeze from using SKSE 1.70. It has been 100% stable, reliable and functional (MCM, SkyUI, all mods, etc.) for me. So I would respectfully suggest that if you are having issues using SKSE 1.70, they are being caused by some mod (or an outdated version of Skyrim?) being incompatible with it, and not the fault of SKSE 1.70 per se.

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Hello all first want to say love this mod very good job and work on making this mod endorse 1000% lol. Everything is working fine except for one issue I don't think its this mod. The anime between the PC and NPC works just fine but when they do a act they are distance from each other. They are close to each other so its not much of a distance but my PC is humping the air lol just not lined up like they should be . I am using everything needed and ran FNIS. I am using TOD body mod for the females not sure if its that i don't think it is, but if anyone could help me why this is happening i would be very grateful and thanks in advance

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Ashal, quick question:


Did you add any kind of Thread() setup commands to override MCM settings and disable victim redressing after the end?  I seem to recall in previous versions (1.3x) there was no such thing, so was curious if you added it in one of the more recent updates.


Like, for instance, to force it to skip playing the Undressing animation, you would use:


So was curious if there was something like:


If not, then perhaps that is something you could add in 1.55, since you did kind of pose the question of what to fix/add to warrant an update! :P


Thanks in advance!

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Bugs of the new version i encountered so far:



- When TFC is activated while the " sex act" finishes, the right mouse button and left mouse button doesn't work anymore.. (fix: restart game)


This isn't new- Sexlab has done this at least since version 1.39b.


First, Prevention: Disable Automatic Free Camera in MCM and just manually toggle it using the hotkey (default is NumPad 3). This almost completely eliminates frozen controls at the end.


Second, Remedy: When Sexlab does disable your controls at the end of an animation, open the console (tilde key ~ on U.S. keyboards) and enter


...which is the short form of EnablePlayerControls. Close the console and - voilà! Full control restored, and much easier/faster than restarting the game.




Ty :D Use free camerea via Hotkey (numbad 3) works fine :)

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Had problems updating from 1.39b to 1.54, too.

Updating according to OP's instructions (cleanup .39, save, remove other plugins, install .54, load; create scene, save) left me with two MCM entries and unable to save correctly.


Papyrus says:



[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] error: Failed to write stack frame 1 in stack 45872727 to save
[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] error: Failed to write stack 45872727 to save game
[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] error: Unable to write stacks to save game
[05/01/2014 - 02:56:10PM] Errors occurred while saving the Papyrus save game data



resulting in failure to create the <save name>.skse file, subsequently displaying the message "this save file is corrupted" on load.


(See attached files for full logs and before-after saves: attachicon.giflogs.7z attachicon.gifsaves.7z )



I was able to circumvent this by making a "clean" save (loading and saving the game while no version was installed). This unfortunately reset all options and stats, but at least it seems to work now.


This looks like a good call, I'll give it a shot when I get a chance to sit down and play. Resetting stats sucks, but seems a small price to pay for getting it to actually work and be playable.



Different..... I've always just Disabled the Old Version , run FNIS, then Enabled the New version, run FNIS. Stuff like Voices and textures (Sperm replacer) May/Will need to be re-enabled. It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a "Clean Save" or not. HAHahaaa Stats?...... I Fucked and Sucked my way to the TOP, I can do it again. Trimers and Strippings are a bit of a Hassle, but I can Moan and Groan about it with Lydia sitting on my Face.

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Even using a 'clean save', I still wasn't able to update. I went back to a working save, turned off all my SexLab mods, waited until the MCM updated fully, did a new save, used the save cleaning tool to be sure, then I updated to v1.53. Went through the whole install process, saved the game in a new slot, tried to load it...corrupted save. It's still not saving the .skse file along with the .ess file when I try to save the game.


So I dunno what to do next.


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Concerning creature animations, again, there has been an issue with the sex type tags and SexLab Aroused. For the mod to show any changes to the arousal effect, it requires the animations to have the "oral", "vaginal" or "anal" tags, which apparently aren't present on them.


Is there any reason for this, or could it be fixed?

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Ashal, quick question:


Did you add any kind of Thread() setup commands to override MCM settings and disable victim redressing after the end?  I seem to recall in previous versions (1.3x) there was no such thing, so was curious if you added it in one of the more recent updates.


Like, for instance, to force it to skip playing the Undressing animation, you would use:


So was curious if there was something like:


If not, then perhaps that is something you could add in 1.55, since you did kind of pose the question of what to fix/add to warrant an update! :P


Thanks in advance!


I've detailed the main addition I'm adding for the API with 1.55 in the development thread, http://www.loverslab.com/topic/18708-sexlab-framework-development/?p=767978 but sure, I can add a DisableUnstrip aswell. 


Concerning creature animations, again, there has been an issue with the sex type tags and SexLab Aroused. For the mod to show any changes to the arousal effect, it requires the animations to have the "oral", "vaginal" or "anal" tags, which apparently aren't present on them.


Is there any reason for this, or could it be fixed?


Only real reason there isn't any on them is because I keep forgetting to add them, I've told myself I'd add them next update pretty much since 1.30.

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